• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 6,335 Views, 243 Comments

How We Met - Rated Ponystar

A story of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's relationship from their first meeting to their end

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How We Healed

How We Met

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfic

By The Rated Ponystar

Chapter 9: How We Healed

Edited by: Fernin and Souldin

Disclaimer: I do not own MLP. Also, do you think if Hasbro can put money into Battlefield they can do something for My Little Pony?


Rarity shifted uneasily under the disbelieving gazes of her friends. Silence filled the library as Twilight tried to come up with some way to deny the other unicorn’s shocking revelation, but came up empty; while Pinkie’s usually poufy mane had dropped lower than a whipped dog. Rarity couldn’t blame them; after all she wouldn’t have believed it herself had Fluttershy not told her the truth.

Finally, Twilight said, “I… I can’t believe it. Fluttershy, of all ponies... How could she?”

“Believe me, Darling. I’m still trying to figure that out myself,” replied Rarity. “But none of that matters as much as helping those two make up. The question is how?”

No sooner had Rarity asked, Pinkie’s eyes lit as inspiration struck her. Now smiling again, she bounced in place and shouted, “Oh! I know what could make them both become friends again!”

Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes. “Let me guess? A party?”

“Actually, I was going to suggest therapy sessions that deal with relationships gone badly, but that idea is much better!” Pinkie then petted a confused Twilight on the head as one would a pet.

“How would thera—Never mind,” muttered Twilight, setting it aside as Pinkie just being Pinkie. “If we’re going to help Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash become friends again, we need to look at our fact first. Now, how did all this begin?”

Pinkie raised her hoof. “Well, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash first met at camp where Dashie accidently knocked poor little Fluttershy out of the clouds. And since she couldn’t fly that me—“

“Pinkie! I meant what happened with the letter! Not years ago!” The irritated mare interrupted her energetic friend, gritting her teeth as she did so.

“Ohhhh. Next time say it more clearly, silly,” said Pinkie.

Twilight struggled against the urge to send the annoying earth pony to another planet for her own sanity. Putting aside said urge as best she could, Twilight turned to Rarity, and asked, “Can you give us an exact thought on their emotional state?”

“Well, Fluttershy is absolutely guilt-ridden for what she’s done, but Rainbow Dash seems determined to never forgive her,” explained Rarity, her voice filled with worry.

“Looks like Rainbow Dash is going to be the hardest to deal with. At least things can’t get any worse,” said Twilight.

A loud gasp made the unicorns turn towards a shocked Pinkie Pie. With her shaken hoof pointed at Twilight, Pinkie Pie shouted, “You just said the forbidden words!”

“The what?” asked Twilight, tilting her head

Suddenly, Pinkie’s hooves were slapped against Twilight’s cheeks. With fearful eyes, the shivering earth pony shouted, “Those words! The last five words!”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “’Things can’t get any worse’? How is saying that bad?”

Pinkie released a grateful Twilight from her grip and answered, “Everypony knows that saying those words in that order just makes things worse—and we just said it twice! That means things are going to be twice as worse!”

Pinkie Pie started screaming in terror. She galloped around the library so fast that it would have given Rainbow Dash a run for her money. Twilight rubbed her throbbing head, shouting for quiet but her voice was drowned out by the screaming. Finally pushed to her brink, Twilight summoned a mattress out of thin air and placed the bed in front of the panicking mare. Pinkie ran right into the mattress and bounced off, sailing towards the kitchen still screaming.

Spike exited the kitchen with his claws pressed to his ears “What’s with all the yell—Gah!

The pink missile crashed into Spike, sending them back into the kitchen. The sounds of broken dishes and clashing pots made the unicorns wince. A second later, Pinkie bounced out of the room, no worse for wear. “Sorry, Spike. Got a little worked up, again.”

“…You don’t say? Ugh,” moaned Spike, buried underneath a pile of cookware.

Suddenly, the front door slammed open and Applejack galloped inside carrying a note. “Girls! Things have gotten worse!”

After ignoring an ‘I told you so’ glance from Pinkie Pie, Twilight urged the exhausted pony to continue. Gaining back her breath, Applejack shouted, “It’s Fluttershy! She’s run away into the Everfree Forest!”

The news made each of the ponies gasp. Rarity grabbed Applejack by the shoulder and stared into her eyes. “What are you talking about?! Where is she?!”

“Look at the letter…” muttered Applejack.

The three turned their eyes to the note. Twilight summoned it as Rarity and Pinkie crowded around, muttering disbelievingly at every guilt-ridden line. When they finished, none of them knew what to say.

Pinkie’s eyes started to water. “I…I didn’t even get a chance to throw a goodbye party…”

“How could she just leave like that?! Doesn’t she know how much we care about her?!” shouted Rarity, her lip quivering. “We have to get her back!”

“Agreed!” Twilight quickly turned to her friends. “We need to get as many ponies together and find Fluttershy before things get even wor—“

“Ahem?” coughed Pinkie, eyeing Twilight with a raised eyebrow.

“…Uh, get even… um… more terrible?” asked Twilight, holding her breath. Pinkie smile and nodded, much to her relief.

With her friends standing in attention, Twilight ordered, “Applejack, you and Pinkie start rounding up as many ponies as you can. Rarity, you go find Mayor Mare and get her support. I’m going to head over to Rainbow Dash’s and see if I can convince her to get the weather patrol to help out.”

“You sure Rainbow Dash is going to be in the mood to help out?” asked Rarity.

Twilight stomped her hoof so hard it knocked some of her books off their shelves. “This is no time for grudges! We all know how dangerous the Everfree Forest is! She’ll help us out! I know it!”

“Ah hope so, Sugarcube,” said Applejack.

Wishing each other good luck, the four ponies rushed out the library, determined to save their friend.

“Anypony gonna help me? Hello?” cried out Spike.


Fluttershy was staring to regret coming into the Everfree Forest. In fact, she could say that she really didn’t think her runaway plan through all the way. All she wanted was to get away and to let everypony just forget about her: about the coward who had taken her best friend’s dream and crushed it beneath her hooves. She’d had managed to run alright—into an early grave.

With the sun starting to set, the creepy forest was looking more and more dangerous. The twisted, bare trees seemed to overshadow Fluttershy like wooden giants. A single path became indistinct and branched repeatedly, leaving the lone pony stranded in an endless maze with dozens of trails each leading Celestia knows where. Every time she heard the cry of a strange creature, her entire body shivered. With every step she took, Fluttershy’s hooves shook so hard it felt like they could come off.

When another howl went up, Fluttershy tensed up and let out a small squeak. I don’t want to be here… I wanna go home… I wanna… oh please somepony…

Paranoid, Fluttershy started envisioning her untimely demise at the hands of beasts that lived in the darkness. The terror she felt deep in her heart kept her wings locked tighter than any rope. With another howl in the distance, Fluttershy cried out and started galloping forward. It didn’t matter the direction, or where she was going, she just wanted to leave.

Help me! Twilight! Angel! Rainbow Dash! Help!


Rainbow Dash tossed and turned in her bed, but no matter how hard she tried no position was good enough. It didn’t help that her conversation with Rarity and Applejack still lingered in the back of her mind. What did it matter anymore between her and Fluttershy? Their friendship was over… wasn’t it?

Eventually, Rainbow Dash managed to toss herself out of bed. She muffled a curse before viciously kicking her blankets off and stomping on them. After rubbing her eyes, Dash dragged her hooves towards the stair case. Halfway downstairs, her attention turned to a series of pictures nailed to her wall. Dash’s eyes lingered to one in particular: the one taken on the final day of Summer Flight Camp. Dash had decided to sneak up on Fluttershy and give her a tickle attack. Fluttershy had attempted to flee, but wasn’t fast enough. A small smile appeared on Dash’s lips as she pressed her hoof on the picture. Dash’s eyes then turned to the picture next to it: a photo of her at a Wonderbolts show. Immediately, Dash turned away and made her way downstairs, giving the pictures one last look.

A series of knocks on her front door awaked Dash from her daydreaming. When made her way to the nearby door and when she opened it, she was surprised to see Twilight. When Twilight saw Dash, she sat on her haunches in relief, sweating from brow to tail. Just as Rainbow was about yell about wanting privacy, she noticed a desperate look on Twilight’s face. Either it was from the spells she had to have used to get here, or something bad happened.

“Do you really need to keep your house so far up in the sky?” asked Twilight, catching her breath.

Dash rolled her eyes. “Well, it wouldn't be a cloud home if it wasn’t up in the clouds.”

“Arguments aside, Dash listen to me,” urged Twilight. “It’s about Fluttershy. She—”

“Ugh, not again…” muttered Rainbow, narrowing her eyes. “Listen! I told Rarity and Applejack that I don’t want to talk about her! She can just—“

“She ran away into the Everfree Forest!” shouted Twilight.

The world had suddenly come to a halt. Dash’s ears fell flat as her blood suddenly turned cold. “Wha… what are you talking about?”

Twilight levitated a note in front of Dash’s face. “Applejack went to go get her, and this note was on the front door… she’s gone Rainbow…”

Her hoof shaking, Dash took the note and read it. As she read over each word, every self-degrading sentence and promise to never return pierced her heart like a spear. Finally, she read the final two sentences. Small splashes of water stained the inky words, as Dash dropped the letter.

Without warning, she flew straight past a stunned Twilight. She tried to call Rainbow back, but her shouts were nothing but whispers in the wind. The only thing that Dash could hear was her own voice shouting for Fluttershy.


Fluttershy hadn’t thought things could get any worse, but now they had. It was night and she was still stuck in the scariest place in Equestria. She raised her head, but only saw dark clouds above. With a whimper, Fluttershy pressed onward, turning her head in a different direction with every step. “Just keep calm. Keep calm. Sure you’re in a big scary forest… w-w-with no idea where you are… N-n-not to m-ment-tion there i-is-s n-no moon a-a-and b-big scary m-monsters are-e ev-verywh—woah!”

Fluttershy’s suddenly found herself in front of a massive large cave, almost as big as her house. She peeked inside and tried to see if anything was inside, but it was too dark to tell. “Um, hello? Anyone here?”

When she heard no response, Fluttershy debated whether or not to enter the scary dark cave. A nearby howl later, quickly answer her question. The further she entered the cave, the worse she trembled from head to tail. Her eyes darted around, checking every shadowy corner just in case.

After a bit of trotting, Fluttershy decided she had gone far enough. She took off her saddlebags and lay down, her head resting on her front legs. Her sniffles echoed inside the cave’s walls as she began to question herself. What am I going to do? I don’t know where I am or where I’m going. Maybe I should have stayed back home…

But then she thought of Rainbow Dash and her pained, hate filled face. No, I can’t go home. I can’t just go back and see her again. Not after what I did.

A loud gurgle from her stomach reminded Fluttershy how hungry she was. As she grabbed an apple from her saddlebags, the pegasus tried to think of some the positives of living in the Everfree Forest. Well, I’m sure there are some animals that wouldn’t mind being my friends. All the ones without big scary teeth anyway…

Fluttershy’s thoughts turned to Angel and all the animals she left behind. It wasn’t right to just pack up and leave them alone, but they were better off without a mean pony like herself. They would be fine.

Oh, and I can be as loud as I want! I could even host my own parties! Granted, nopony can throw a party like Pinkie Pie… but… Fluttershy sighed, her head sinking even lower as she chewed on her apple.

What she would have given for a Pinkie Pie party now to cheer her up. All her friends gathered together with food, games, and music in the background. A big dance off would happen and everypony would laugh at Twilight’s attempts to show her moves. And it would all end with a dazzling air show from Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy shook her head. No! You can’t think about them! No matter how much you want to, you just… can’t…You can live without parties… or friends…

The half-eaten apple fell to the floor alongside a fresh puddle of water, right below Fluttershy’s teary face. She lowered her head against her forearms, letting out every regret she held in her heart.

Another growl made Fluttershy’s head snap up; that wasn’t her stomach. Slowly turning around, Fluttershy came face to face with a pair of yellow slit eyes. The monstrous growling got louder as the predatory glare inched closer. Fluttershy quickly jumped to her hooves, slowly retreating as her knees trembled. “Um, hi! I-I was j-just—I mean I-I thought th-this ca-cave was a-a-a-aba-abandon-ned and I-I’ll be go-oing now!”

An ear deafening roar nearly made Fluttershy jump out of her skin. The creature’s warm saliva splattered onto her face. Instincts kicking in, Fluttershy screamed and ran out of the cave. The sound of large stomping paws from behind only pushed her adrenaline further. As she passed the exit, Fluttershy cast a glance over her shoulder as she ran and saw what her pursuer: a manticore. But this wasn’t a baby manitcore like the one she had helped before; this was a full grown one, and from the look so fit, a starving one unwilling to let a meal like herself go.

As she pressed through the forest, dodging trees and broken stumps, Fluttershy could feel a growing burning sensation in her legs. Teeth gritting, she attempted to release her wings, but they were still scared shut. The manitcore, as if sensing the fatigue, started to pick up its pace, shortening the distance between them. Finally, Fluttershy could run no more and collapsed onto the grass, gasping for air.

The manticore started to circle it's trembling prey, licking its chops. Fluttershy felt her eyes tearing up as she saw the bone crushing teeth directed right at her. She curled up just as the manitcore pinned her down and raised its claws, ready to tear her face apart.

“Oh, no you don’t!” A familiar rainbow-colored streak crashed into the manitcore and knocked it off its paws.

Fluttershy stared at the figure that had rescued her, her mouth open in disbelief. “Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash quickly galloped over and helped the stunned Fluttershy onto her hunches. “You okay? Are you hurt?”

Before Fluttershy could say anything, the manicore had already recovered and was charging for them. Rainbow Dash spotted the assault and quickly pushed away Fluttershy before challenging the beast herself.

Naturally, Dash flew in circles around the beast. Every swipe from the claw or tails made Fluttershy squeak, but none of them were even close to hitting their target. After avoiding another tail swipe, Rainbow Dash waved her flank mockingly a few feet away from the creature’s yellow, staring eyes. “Nah nah nah! Kiss my butt! You can’t catch me you overgrown kitty cat!”

This manticore roared even louder, scattering birds from nearby trees. It charged onward, Rainbow Dash leading it closer to a large array of boulders nearby. Just as she stopped near it, Rainbow dramatically put her hoof over her forehead, and cried out, “Oh no! I’m trap! I’m doomed! Doomed I tell you!”

With a roar of triumph, the manticore leaped—only to watch its prey vanish upwards into the sky. Before it could change course, the giant beast smashed face-first into the unyielding rocks. Dash slapped her knee while holding her sides at the sight but quickly dived back down and kicked the back of its head, slamming it again into the stony surface.

Its forehead bleeding, the manitcore let out a roar that raised the fur on both ponies’ pelts. The enraged winged beast took to the skies; Rainbow gasped at this and flew higher into the sky.

Fluttershy watched as the two of them drifted further away, becoming nothing more than specks. Guilt began to eat away in Fluttershy heart. Rainbow Dash was risking her life while all she was doing was just standing here, cowering. Her wings began to loosen as Fluttershy spread them out and soared into the air.

She flew as fast as she could, the adrenaline building inside her. When she was close enough, she could see the manticore still chasing after Rainbow Dash, but Dash’s talent in the air was miles ahead of its own. As it flew, the manitcore managed to catch a glimpse of Fluttershy. A chill went down her spine as the monster stared at her for some time before diving straight at her


Great going, Dash! How could you have forgotten the two huge wings! Despite its mass, she had underestimated just how fast the manticore was in the air and flapped her wings faster. Dash decided to take a quick glance behind, but was surprised to see it was no longer chasing her. Instead, it was chasing Fluttershy.

“Oh horseapples!” Dash quickly reversed her direction and dived, her body poised like an arrow. The wind surged against her face as her rainbow streak colored the black sky.

With all her strength, Rainbow Dash crashed right into the back of the manticore. Fluttershy’s screams vibrated in Dash’s ringing ears as she held onto the dazed beast, dragging it downward. The two of them smashed into a tree, the branches breaking against their backs before landing back on the ground.

Every bone in Dash’s body ached, but she still managed to get to her hooves. To her right, she saw the manticore motionless, dead or knocked out; either way it was a relief. Its wings were pierced with half a dozen sticks which made Dash wince. He’s not going to be flying anytime soon.

Fluttershy landed next to Dash and started inspecting her. “Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!”

“A little sore, but nothing I can’t handle,” Rainbow Dash boasted, trying to keep her brave words from becoming a groan of pain.

With a heartfelt cry, Fluttershy dived into Dash’s dirty chest. Rainbow embraced her with a soft smile and stroked her pink mane. A long silence stood between them before Fluttershy raised her head, looked into Dash’s eyes, and whispered, “I-I was so s-scared! Thank Celestia, you’re all rig—Look out!”

In a split second, Dash was pushed to the ground as the awakened manticore rose up. Its scorpion tail lashed out, hitting Fluttershy in the shoulder. Rainbow Dash watched in horror as the manitcore’s tail rose, Fluttershy hanging from its barb with foam dripping from her mouth. With a simple flick, the manicore sent the wounded pegasus tumbling to the ground. Her limbs spread out like a discarded rag doll as blood dripped down her motionless body.

Fluttershy!” shouted Rainbow Dash, flying towards the bleeding pegasus. The manitcore charged as well, determined to finish Fluttershy off. Dash grabbed her off the ground just as the monster pounced. She reared her legs and kicked it in the head, dazing it enough for her to fly away.

“…. Rainbow…” moaned Fluttershy, her half lid eyes staring into Dash’s.

“Fluttershy! Just hold on! I’m gonna get you to a hospital!” shouted Rainbow Dash, blazing through the sky.

Weakly shaking her head, Fluttershy whispered, “The tail… it’s poisonous… I don’t have long…”

“No… No!” Rainbow Dash shook her head as she forced Fluttershy’s to look at her. “Listen to me! You’re not going to die! You hear me? I can save you!”

Slowly raising her hoof, Fluttershy gently touched Rainbow’s cheek. “Dash… I’m sorry… I’m so… sorry…”

Fluttershy’s hoof slowly went limp and her eyes closed. A teary-eyed Rainbow Dash tried to call her back, but she received no answer. She focused on the distant town miles away and prayed that she would make in time.


It was so warm. Fluttershy didn’t know where she was, but it felt so comfortable and peaceful. She felt like she had landed on the softest cloud in the world. So why was it so dark?

Fluttershy’s thoughts turned back to what she could remember. Images of the manitcore, Rainbow Dash, and the poisoned tail all came back to her. A fearful thought entered her mind: was she dead? In an attempt to move, she felt a familiar pain shoot through her shoulder. No, she was still alive.

Her ears caught the sound of hoofsteps right next to her. With some difficulty, Fluttershy managed to open her eyes to find somepony looking over here. Although her vision was blurry, the pegasus managed to recognize the pony as none other then Nurse Redheart.

“Fluttershy! Thank goodness,” said the relieved nurse. “How do you feel?”

“Thirsty…” choked Fluttershy. Nurse Redheart nodded and gave her a glass of water. After a few drinks, the blurry vision started to clear up much to Fluttershy’s relief. Slowly, she lifted herself to her hunches despite the pain in her bandaged shoulder. “How long was I out?”

“About nineteen hours. You’re a very luck mare. Had you arrived an hour later it would have been too late,” said Nurse Redheart. She started taking Fluttershy’s pulse, glancing at the clock above. “You’re lucky Rainbow Dash managed to bring you here in time.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “Where is she?! Where is Rainbow Dash?!”

“Calm down, Fluttershy,” urged Nurse Redheart. “She’s right behind you. Look.”

Fluttershy turned around and saw Rainbow Dash, sleeping on a chair. Nurse Redheart walked over towards the passed out visitor and smiled. “She kept insisting that she’d be with you at all times. Even your other friends couldn’t convince her to leave. She might be stubborn, but she sure as hay cares about you.”

Gently nudging Rainbow, Nurse Redheart whispered, “Dash. Wake up. She’s awake.”

Rainbow yawned, turning her eyes at Fluttershy. Fully awake, Rainbow launched herself at her friend, giving a hug so tight it made the still-wounded pegasus wince. “Fluttershy! You’re okay!”

“Easy, Dash! She’s still hurt!” shouted Nurse Redheart. Rainbow Dash quickly let go, but it didn’t stop the earth pony from scolding her. “Honestly, be more thoughtful next time!”

“Sorry…” mumbled Rainbow Dash, head drooping.

With a sigh, Nurse Redheart made her way towards the door. “I’m going to tell the doctor you’re awake, Fluttershy.”

Before she left, Nurse Redheart gave a sharp glare at Dash. “Rainbow Dash, I insist you head home soon. The deal was you could stay until she wakes up and we’ve broken a lot of rules for this. So hurry whatever business you have and go.”

After Nurse Redheart left, the room went silent. Neither of the two could look at each other, their eyes focused on the floor. Just as Fluttershy was about to say something, Rainbow Dash shouted, “What the hay were you thinking?!”

Fluttershy squeaked and tried to hide under the covers. Dash quickly stopped her and continued, “Don’t you know how scared I was?! When I heard you ran away, into the Everfree Forest no less, I never felt so scared in all my life! All I could think about was you, hurt and afraid, in one of the most dangerous places in world! And then you took that blow and… and… argh!”

Dash pounded the bed, gritting her teeth as she avoided Fluttershy’s gaze. Fluttershy sunk lower under her covers, holding back her tears. The two pegasi were silent again, the ticking of the clock echoing in the room. Although she tried, Fluttershy couldn’t find the right words. She just sat in silence, waiting for more yelling.

Instead, Rainbow whispered, “Don’t you know how worried I was? Holding, your body as you got weaker and weaker? All I could think about was… what if… what if I lost you?”

As she raised her head, Fluttershy gasped. Fresh, warm tears ran down Rainbow Dash’s cheek as she muttered, “I’d rather never fly again for the rest of my life then lose you.”

Fluttershy started to feel her own eyes getting misty. She hugged Rainbow Dash, who continued to sob on her good shoulder. The comforting pegasus slowly rubbed her hooves on Dash’s back, whispering, “I’m sorry. I’m okay… I’m okay…”

“I told you didn’t I? I told you … that I never wanted to lose anypony … And you almost made me lose you. You jerk....” Rainbow Dash slowly freed herself from Fluttershy’ grip and dried out her eyes.

A third round of silence fell as Fluttershy’s thoughts turned to the letter. Again, all of this was her fault. Again, she had made Dash cry. With a deep breath, Fluttershy decided to end this once and for all. “I was afraid…”

Fluttershy lowered her head. “When you said that you would have to leave when you became a Wonderbolt… I was afraid that you would forget about me and everypony here. I kept thinking that everything would change. You would be famous and live the good life, but I would never get the chance to see you again…”

Fluttershy turned away from the unreadable Rainbow Dash. “But it wasn’t right! I never should have hidden that letter from you. After everything you’ve done for me, all the times you supported me; I failed you in the end because I was afraid to let you go. I’m so sorry, Rainbow Dash. For everything…”

She closed her eyes, waiting for Dash to yell at her and declare their friendship over for good. Instead, she heard a small laugh. Rainbow Dash gently hit her on the head, and mumbled, “You really have been stupid lately, haven’t you?”

A serious glare reflected in Dash’s eyes that Fluttershy had never seen before. “Fluttershy, I would never, ever, forget about you and the others. Nothing in the world can ever keep me from doing that!”

“I know, but what if…”

“Forget about what if!” shouted Dash. “Being a Wonderbolt is the dream I’ve had ever since I was little, but what good is that dream if I don’t share it with the ponies I care about?”

Fluttershy felt her eyes getting misty as a smile appeared on her face. “Rainbow…”

With a grin of her own, Rainbow Dash said, “Fluttershy, you’re one of my best friends. I’d fight Nightmare Moon all over again for you, or any of the other girls. Even when I become a Wonderbolt and we start seeing less of each other, my loyalty will always belong to Ponyville. After all, it wouldn’t be the same without the most awesome pegasus around would it?”

The two pegasi giggled at the statement. Fluttershy blushed and asked, “So… does this mean you forgive me?”

“I… I won’t lie. I still am a bit angry at you. It stinks that I’m going to have to wait three more years…” muttered Dash. Fluttershy could feel her heart beginning to sink, but her worries soon disappeared as Dash gave her a warming smile. “But, I do believe you feel sorry for what you’ve done. So… yeah, I forgive you.”

With a joyful cry, Fluttershy leaped onto Rainbow Dash, giving her a bone-crushing embrace. The two old friends held onto each other for a long time, their hearts at peace with one another. After a while, Rainbow Dash broke it up and made her way towards the exit. “I better tell the others you’re okay. You’d better get some sleep.”

“Rainbow Dash,” called out Fluttershy, giving her a gentle smile. “Thank you…”

Dash rubbed the back of Fluttershy’s head before wishing her best friend sweet dreams. Fluttershy decided to take her advice and lay down on the pillow. Slowly drifting into her dreams...


Fluttershy continued to push through the crowd of hundreds, muttering apologizes as she went. Like the rest, Fluttershy was here to see the Wonderbolts, but she had also come to meet a certain friend she hadn’t seen in years. With one last push, she managed to reach the front of the side, but she misplaced her hoofing and rolled onto the red carpet.

“Hey! You’re not supposed be here!” exclaimed a muscled pegasus in a black suit. Fluttershy cowered in fear as he to wered over her like a giant to an ant. Some of the fans noticed this and even tried to attempt the same thing, but the squad of bodyguards saw that it didn’t happen.

Just as she was about to get thrown out, a voice cried out, “Fluttershy?!”

A ray of hope shone for Fluttershy as she saw Rainbow Dash come quickly to her rescue, ordering the bodyguard to stand down. With a helping hoof, Fluttershy found herself in the arms of her old friend who looked excited to see her. “Fluttershy! It is you! What are you doing here?”

“Oh, I was just in the area and I thought I could visit. Unless that’s a problem…” mumbled Fluttershy.

“Nonsense! Any friend of mine is always welcomed to hang out with me,” assured Rainbow Dash. She turned to the other Wonderbolts who were staring at them curiously. “Hey, gang! This is my old pal, Fluttershy.”

The famous team greeted her warmly before one of them, Soarin if Fluttershy remembered correctly, shouted, “Come on! Can we get something to eat now?”

Everypony except Fluttershy laughed at Soarin’s pleading. Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Always thinking with your stomach, Soarin.”

Fluttershy smiled, pleased that Dash was doing well and having fun with her teammates. “I guess I’ll be going now.”

“Wait!” Dash tugged on her tail, much to her embarrassment. “I haven’t seen you in a long time. Come with us and you can tell me how things are back home.”

“I-I don’t know…” said Fluttershy, pawing the red carpet.

“Come on, please?” begged Rainbow Dash, using the famous puppy eyes trick. Fluttershy quickly caved in and nodded.

“Alright! Let’s go have some fun! Remember guys! Keep it easy for her,” said Dash. With her best friend and the Wonderbolts by her side, a smiling Fluttershy flapped her wings and followed them into the night sky.

End of Chapter

“You think you know me…”

And yes I am still alive. Really enjoyed this chapter, but I have a feeling I’ll enjoy the next one a lot more. Only 4 chapters left to go.

Rated out

(Plays Metalingus by Alter Bridge)