• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 6,335 Views, 243 Comments

How We Met - Rated Ponystar

A story of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's relationship from their first meeting to their end

  • ...

How We Break

How We Met

By The Rated Ponystar

Chapter 12: How We Break

Edited by: Fernin and Souldin


Fluttershy returned to the picnic just as her scheming friends ordered, arriving to find that lunch was nearly over. Everypony was engaged in small talk while their pets slept. Fluttershy kept herself out of the conversations, nervously waiting for her friends to enact whatever plan they had. While she was grateful for their assistance, she couldn’t help but worry. Especially since Pinkie Pie had the tendency to go over the top. Fluttershy shook her head. Maybe their plan might work? I mean, Pinkie is good at planning stuff and Rarity will be there to make sure she doesn’t go too far. I should have more faith in my friends.

“Hey, Fluttershy,” asked Twilight, “have you seen Rarity or Pinkie? They haven’t come back for nearly an hour.”

“Oh! Um… well…” Before Fluttershy could come up with a good excuse, she spotted Rarity and Pinkie Pie returning.

“I'm dreadfully sorry, girls, but I'm afraid that Pinkie and I are going to have to depart just a teensy bit early,” said Rarity. “Something's come up at the shop and Pinkie and I simply must deal with it right away.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “That’s strange. Normally, ya never ask Pinkie for help with yer frilly fashion nonsense.”

Rarity placed her hoof over her heart and gasped. “Why, Applejack. How could you possibly imagine that I would ever turn down a dear friend's offer of assistance?”

“Because the last time Pinkie 'helped' you, you ended up chasing her around town with a crazed look in your eyes and a pair of scissors in your mouth. Took ten ponies just to hold you down,” pointed out Rainbow Dash.

Wiping sudden beads of sweat off her brow, Rarity managed, with some effort, to banish the memory of that terrible... incident. “Yes well, it would be most ungenerous of me not to allow Pinkie Pie a second chance, don't you think? Anyway, must go now, toodle-oo!”

As the unlikely pair hurried away, Pinkie turned to give Fluttershy a knowing wink—and then they were gone. Soon, the rest of Fluttershy’s friends were packed up and ready to go. Fluttershy went to say goodbye to Rainbow Dash but the other flier had already left with Applejack, talking excitedly about this year’s cider season. She was about to leave herself when Twilight asked, “Hey, everything okay? Normally, you’re very energetic on the play dates, but today you were zoning out a lot.”

“O-oh, I’m fine. I just have a lot on—on my mind,” answered Fluttershy. Avoiding the unicorn's gaze, she picked up Angel with her tail and placed him on her back. “I’ve got to go now, talk to you later.”

“Fluttershy, wait!” cried out Twilight.

Fluttershy was already long gone. Spreading her wings, she left her worried friend on the ground as she made her way back home. A knock on the head forced her to turn turned around to a glaring Angel. “Oh I know I said I was going to tell Rainbow Dash, Angel. But Rarity and Pinkie said they would help me…”

Angel rolled his eyes and laid his head against the back of her neck, waving her on with one dismissive paw. With a sigh, Fluttershy continued on her way. Hopefully tomorrow she would finally be able to confess her feelings.


Dawn came the next day and Fluttershy was already feeling nervous. It was like the butterflies on her flank had found their way into her stomach. She proceeded to do her morning chores with her mind wandering. Bird seed hissed into the feeder. What kind of plan do Pinkie and Rarity have? Knowing Pinkie, it will probably be party-related... but what about Rarity? Maybe a fancy get together? Or maybe it will be both?

An insistent and none too gentle poking by Angel finally snapped Fluttershy out of cringe-inducing visions of being forced to profess her love for Rainbow Dash while decked out in a glittering ruby-encrusted dress and pushing a trolley of heart-shaped cakes and pastries. She looked down and realized that she'd put chicken feed in the impatient bunny's feeding bowl. "Oh! I'm sorry, Angel Bunny, I—”


"Eeep!" The next thing Fluttershy knew, she was peering out from under her couch.

Angel shook his head. He went behind the couch and kicked the scared pegasus out into the open. Fluttershy went to her door and opened it, but found nopony to greet. She was about to head back inside when she saw a note taped to her door. Picking it up, she read it:

Pinkie Pie’s Secret Scavenger Hunt Extravaganza!

Come to the centre of town at 5PM sharp to play!

Winners will receive a big prize!

Losers will also get a prize, just not a big!

Because everypony loves prizes!

Especially a surprize!

See you there!


Following the note’s orders, Fluttershy arrived in town at the time requested. Pony after pony trotted past, but Pinkie Pie was nowhere to be seen. Where is she?

“Hey, Fluttershy!” Looking up in the air, Fluttershy spotted Rainbow Dash coming in for a landing. Rainbow spat out the paper she'd been carrying in her mouth and grinned at her friend. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, I’m waiting for Pinkie Pie. She invited me to play this, um, this game,” said Fluttershy.

“You too?” Rainbow Dash spread the paper on the ground, revealing it to be the same sort of note Fluttershy had received. “I was about to head over to AJ’s to see if she wanted to hang out when I saw this on my front door. So I guess we're both in this scavenger hunt, huh?”

“Y-yeah…” muttered Fluttershy, pawing the ground.

The two mares sat down, waiting in awkward silence for Pinkie Pie to appear. Fluttershy bit her lip nervously. Was this part of the plan? Was this the plan?

What am I supposed to do? Confess here? Is that the plan? Oh, what was my speech again? Fluttershy's thoughts swirled furiously. She stole a glance at Rainbow Dash and opened her mouth to speak. The other pegasus yawned, looking bored. Fluttershy shut her mouth again and started to tremble. No! I... I can't do it!

Rainbow Dash turned to see Fluttershy shaking like a leaf in a stiff gale. “You okay, 'Shy?”

“Y-yes, just a bit ch-chilly f-from the wind,” muttered Fluttershy. Soft, warm feathers wrapped around her shoulder. "Eep!"

“There? Better?” asked Rainbow Dash, scooting closer.

“Y-yes,” said Fluttershy, closing her eyes. She could feel Dash’s wing brushing against her pelt, like being under a big wool blanket, a feeling she wanted to last forever.

“Hey, Fluttershy! Hey, Rainbow Dash!” barked an enthusiastic voice.

Fluttershy opened her eyes to see Derpy Hooves floating in front of them. “Derpy? Are you here for the scavenger hunt too?”

“Nope, just here to deliver this,” said Derpy, passing a note to Rainbow Dash. “See you later!”

The walleyed mailmare took off just as Dash opened the paper and read it out loud. “Congrats, you two are now a team! Go hunt for the best prize you've ever seen! Be brave and bold, my friends most dear. Now find a gypsy your fortune to hear!”

“I guess this means you’re my teammate,” said Fluttershy.

“Guess so.” Rainbow Dash tossed the note away and smiled. “That means there must be other teams looking for clues, just like us! We’ll I don’t know what this prize is, but if this is a contest then I’m going to win it all! Right, partner?”

“Um, right.”

“Great! You look down there; I’ll take the skies!” said Rainbow Dash before taking off.

Fluttershy followed Dash’s orders and trotted around town square. She tried to ask some ponies if they had seen a gypsy, but they didn’t hear her. Halfway around the square, she spotted a white pelted unicorn wearing a sparkling purple cloak. In front of the cloaked unicorn was a wooden stand with a crystal ball and strange cards. Fluttershy walked over and greeted the mysterious pony. “Um, excuse me?”

“Yes, Darling?” asked the gypsy, who peaked out of her cloak and gave a wink.

“R-rarity?” asked Fluttershy. “Wha-what are you…”

Rarity quickly shushed her and covered her face with the cloak just as Rainbow Dash landed. “Alright, you found her. Now let’s get our fortune told.”

“Ah, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy!” the gypsy said in a Cabayo accent. “I have been waiting for you.”

“You know our names?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“But of course! The great Mysteralda knows all!” said the gypsy, waving her hoof dramatically.

“Cool. I’ve always wanted to have my fortune told! What does my future hold?! Do I get to be famous?! Will I get to join the Wonderbolts?! Will the Coltcago Cubs win the World Series this year?!” shouted Rainbow Dash, inching closer to Mysteralda’s face with each question until the unicorn was pushed back.

“Please, Darling, personal space. And I can already tell you that last one is a ‘no.’ You don’t have to be psychic to see that…” muttered Mysteralda. She took out a deck of cards and shuffled them with her magic. “The cards will tell you of your futures, my dears. Shall we take a look?”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Alright, but me first.”

Mysteralda flipped the first card over, revealing it to be a skeleton wrapped in black cloth and wielding a scythe. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash gasped while the latter started to turn pale. “Th-the death card! Y-you mean I-I’m going to d-die?!”

“Oh, no. That’s just a simple misunderstanding. It means you’re going to have a change in your life. A positive one in fact,” reassured Mysteralda which made the pegasi sigh in relief.

The next card turned out to be a mare and stallion kissing with a large red heart behind them. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash blushed and Mysteralda clapped her hooves. “Ah, that is the Lovers! This means your love life will take a turn!”

“M-my love life?” Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her neck and muttered, “D-does it say who it’s gonna be? Is it somepony I know?”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. Rainbow Dash has never been interested in romance before. Why the sudden change? Does… does she like somepony?

“I will need to see into my crystal ball for this one, Darling.” Mysteralda grabbed her ball. It began to glow softly under her magic. Waving her hooves above, Rainbow Dash and the fortune-teller peered into it together. “I see… you… and somepony… you are under the stars… in each other’s’ hooves. I can see the cutie mark of your one true love!”

“What is it?! What’s it look like?!” begged Rainbow Dash.

“It’s… it’s… three butter—”

“Hey!” a voice shouted, making all three mares jump. They turned around and saw a policepony walking towards them, his moustache twitching irritably. “Miss, do you have a permit to perform in the public square?”

“Uh, well… I…” stammered Mysteralda. A pair of cuffs clicked over her front hooves.

“That’s what I thought. Come with me, missy,” said the officer, dragging a kicking Mysteralda away.

“Unhoof me you ruffian! This is a violation of civil rights! I say!” shouted Mysteralda, no longer hiding her accent. She quickly turned towards the pegasi and shouted, “Your next clue is under the desk! Hurry and go!”

Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and some of the townsfolk continued to watch the fortune-teller as she was dragged away, screaming all the while about ‘lawsuits’ and ‘police brutality’. Fluttershy stomped her hoof but quickly hid her frustration as Dash turned to her and asked, “Didn’t that gypsy sound like Rarity for a second?”

“Uh, no?” lied Fluttershy.

“Huh. Well, now I’ll never know what she was going to say. All I heard was ‘three.’ Maybe she means…” Rainbow’s cheeks started to turn red. Shaking her head, she went around the stand and retrieved the next clue and read it. “Good job! You found the second clue! But now it’s time to eat, you two. At Chez Horte ask for special nine. You’ll find a clue—and tastes divine’.” A grin stretched across Rainbow Dash’s muzzle. “We get a free meal? Sweet. Best scavenger hunt ever!”

Fluttershy felt her blush return at the thought of Rainbow Dash and her having dinner together. It was almost like a date. In fact…Realization dawned. The pieces of her friends’ scheme were starting to come together. What better way to confess than at a fancy restaurant? “I know where that it is, Rainbow Dash. Follow me!”

“Gotcha,” said Rainbow Dash as she watched Fluttershy skip ahead. “Wow, you seem to be very into this, Fluttershy. You must be excited to win, too.”

Oh, you have no idea, Rainbow Dash, thought Fluttershy as she led her crush forward.


Unsurprisingly when the pegasus ponies arrived at the restaurant, they learned they were on the reserve list and a waiter guided them to one of the outside tables. After lighting the candles and pouring them some water, he asked for their order. Both girls ordered special number nine and chatted a bit while they waited.

Hidden near some bushes, Pinkie Pie watched the two through a pair of binoculars. She was soon joined by an unhappy Rarity, now cloak-less and slightly worse for wear after her run-in with Ponyville’s Finest. Pinkie continued to keep her eyes on the targets. “You’re late.”

“Sorry… But you would not believe what I’ve been through, Pinkie! I can’t believe those hooligans, treating a refined lady like myself like some sort of common… common criminal! It took me forever to pay bail, and now I have to go to court next week to plead my case. Oh, the sacrifices one makes for one’s friends,” moaned Rarity. She narrowed her eyes for a better view. “But enough about moi. How’s it playing out?”

“It’s super-duper-looper! They just ordered the special and now they’re jabbering away like a couple of lovebirds. Oh, I can’t wait to see Dashie’s reaction when Fluttershy confesses!” squealed Pinkie Pie.

“I must say. I’m still surprised you managed to get them a reservation. It’s a very long waitlist from what I hear,” said Rarity.

“I know a guy,” said Pinkie, looking back into her binoculars. “Oh! Here comes the special!”

“What is the special anyway, dear?” asked Rarity.

“Rutabaga and mushroom salads! Dashie’s favorite!”

Rarity whipped her head around, eyes widening in alarm. “Doesn’t Fluttershy get sick when she eats mushrooms?”

Pinkie Pie cringed. “… Oopsie.”


“…and then Thunderlane smacked right into the middle of the windmill! You should have seen his face!” laughed Rainbow Dash, kicking her hooves in the air.

Fluttershy giggled, but quickly stopped when she noticed all the other customers staring at them. She realized that everypony besides them was dressed quite high class, almost like the ponies in Canterlot. She glanced down at herself and at Rainbow Dash. Without a dress or cravat between them, they stuck out like a sore hoof. Fluttershy began to droop, trying vainly to hide behind her mane. Oblivious to all this, Rainbow Dash simply continued even more loudly than before with another story.

Fluttershy bit her lip. So far the dinner had been going quite well. Dash was doing the talking and she was doing the listening like always. But this wasn’t the time to just sit around. This was her chance, her moment, finally, to give the speech she’d practiced so many times. Pinkie Pie and Rarity had given her this chance to say it; right here was the most romantic of moments. Fluttershy took a deep breath. “Um, Rainbow? There’s… there’s something important that I need to tell you.”

“Hold on a minute, ‘Shy. I want to tell you ab—”

“Please!” urged Fluttershy, managing to raise her voice above its normal timid murmur. “This is important.”

Rainbow Dash looked confused, but nodded. Fluttershy gulped down the last of her water, trying to fight down the feeling that her mouth was about to become a second Appleoosan desert. She cleared her throat, stared into the mystical magenta eyes she had dreamed about on so many nights, and prepared herself. Here we go…

“I have something to tell you, Rainbow Dash. It’s something I’ve wanted to ask for the longest of time and I’ve wanted to say this to you and you alone. Ever since I met you, I’ve always felt the two of us were closer than most. You’ve done so much for me and I’ve done so much for you, that I can’t think of another pony on this planet that I would want to ask this to. Please believe me that this comes from my heart.” Fluttershy started to feel her knees shake, but she couldn’t stop now. “Will you… will you…”

Say it! Just say it!

“…go to this year’s butterfly migration with me?!” yelled Fluttershy, faking a smile.

“Oh, come on!” cried out two voices in the distance, but nopony paid attention.

Rainbow Dash blinked her eyes. “Um… I guess?”

“T-that’s great… really… great…” muttered Fluttershy, hiding behind her mane again. Her one chance and she’d blown it. I really am a coward…

Neither Fluttershy nor Rainbow Dash said anything else. The awkward moment seemed to have driven all the fun out of the dinner. Their meals came and Fluttershy started eating, her mind focused only on her failure. A few minutes into the salad, she felt her stomach churning. She ignored it for a while. Of course she felt sick. She’d just made the biggest mistake of her life… but then her gut started cramping up. It was like a cactus was bouncing around inside her belly. She looked up and saw a worried Rainbow Dash. “You okay, ‘Shy? You don’t look so good.”

“I… I don’t…” moaned Fluttershy, holding her stomach. She looked at her plate and gasped. “M-mushrooms!”

Foul tasting bile started to rise up Fluttershy’s throat. She tried to hold it back, but it was a futile struggle. The waiter came forward, his face a picture of concern. “Ma’am? Is something wrong?”

Fluttershy opened her mouth to warn him, but it was too late.




Fluttershy rinsed the last of the vileness in her mouth, then stared into the mirror and sighed. She’d never been so embarrassed in all her life. The poor waiter had caused such a ruckus with his ruined suit that it had even attracted ponies outside of the restaurant. The owner had given them their next scavenger hunt clue and ordered them never to return again. At least he allowed me into his bathroom to clean up.

She heard the door open and turned around to find a worried Pinkie Pie and Rarity. Rarity placed her hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “You okay?”

Fluttershy wiped a hoof across her muzzle. “No.”

“If it helps, it was my mistake. I forgot you get sick when eating mushrooms,” said Pinkie with a sad smile.

“It’s okay,” muttered Fluttershy, dragging her hooves away from the sink. “Where’s Rainbow Dash?”

“She’s arguing with the manager about the ban. I think she’s trying to pin the whole thing on the chef,” answered Rarity.

Fluttershy sunk to the floor and covered her eyes with her hooves. “That only makes this even more embarrassing.”

“Oh, no no no, dear, it wasn’t that… okay yes, it was that embarrassing,” said Rarity. “But don’t worry! In a few days, maybe a week, this will all blow over.”

Fluttershy shook her head and started to pace around the bathroom. “I-it doesn’t matter. I ruined everything and I bet even Dash thinks I’m an embarrassment. I’m going to go home. Go home and never come outside again. No, not enough. I need to leave town. No, still not enough. I need to fake my death, change my name, and leave Equestria forever.”

“If we’re going to do that, can I plan your wake?” asked Pinkie Pie, earning a harsh glare from Rarity. “What? It was only a question.”

“Fluttershy, now is hardly the time to be overdramatic. You need to focus on confessing. Pinkie and I have one more trick up our sleeves which I am sure will win Rainbow Dash over. You just have to see it through to the end. You can’t stop now, darling, not when you’re so close!” Rarity took Fluttershy by the tail and dragged her outside despite the pegasus’ protests. When they were outside, Rarity gasped and closed the door behind Fluttershy, locking it.

Fluttershy banged on the door, but it wouldn’t budge. She was about to cry out when she heard somepony tapped her on the flank, making her shriek. Turning around, she saw Rainbow Dash looking at her with worry. “You okay? You feeling better?”

“Um, yes?” answered Fluttershy. “Um, sorry about… ruining dinner.”

“Are you kidding?!” yelled Rainbow Dash, making Fluttershy wince. “That was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen at a dinner table! And I’ve done grosser things during dinner myself when I was growing up.”

“Y-you’re not mad?” asked Fluttershy.

“Mad? Nah, that was hilarious! The way that guy kept screaming after you barfed on him. Man, that was great.” Rainbow Dash gave Fluttershy a wide grin before reaching for the note on her back. “Anyway, why don’t you read the next clue?”

Fluttershy nodded and read the note. “You’re nearly done now. To the park! Search within, and seek an old giant with brown, gnarly skin. He has the last note; read it quick and obey. Good luck! Hope you’ll find all the right things to say… ”

“’An old giant with brown, gnarly skin…’ She must mean a tree! But ugh, there are tons of those at the park. And I don’t have any idea what she means by the last part. Guess we’d better hurry up and get started!” Rainbow Dash spread her wings and jumped into the air without a second’s hesitation.

“Y-yeah, let’s get started…” Fluttershy nodded and followed her crush.

This is the last shot, Fluttershy. You have to make it count!


Fluttershy glanced around the trees. Where could the clue be? She and Dash had been searching for what felt like hours. Now they’d even resorted to splitting up to cover more ground. Surely this wasn’t part of Pinkie’s and Rarity’s plan.

Fluttershy had only just started when she heard somepony whisper her name. Trotting to a set of bushes, she saw Rarity and Pinkie Pie waiting for her. Pinkie nodded a greeting, grinning around the note in her mouth.

“This is your last chance, Fluttershy. But don’t worry; this will make you confess to Rainbow Dash. Just take this as well.” Rarity passed Fluttershy a small leather bag. “Don’t worry! This time you’re sure to tell her with no mistakes.”

Pinkie handed her the note and wished her luck before they darted back to their hiding space. Fluttershy took the note and the bag and made her way towards Rainbow Dash. She saw her looking into a birds nest before calling her down.

“Did you find it?” asked Rainbow.

“Yes, and it had this bag with it.” Fluttershy opened the bag, revealing a set of familiar seeds the two recognized.

Rainbow Dash picked one up and observed it. “Aren’t these the Seeds of Truth that Zecora used on Apple Bloom last month?”

Fluttershy looked at the note and read it. “Plant a seed and tell your deepest secret that none has ever known. When you have two flowers in bloom, your reward will be shown.” Fluttershy blushed as she pawed the ground. “I-I guess that means we need to tell each other’s big secret…”

Now Rainbow Dash was blushing. “R-really? W-why?”

“I-I don’t know,” answered Fluttershy, avoiding Dash’s gaze. “If… if you don’t want to d-do this…”

“N-no, I trust you and… well…” Dash sighed. “I-I’ve got something I have to get off my chest anyway.”

The two planted their seeds and nervously waited for the other to say something. Fluttershy found herself wanting to get it over with while at the same time longing to run away and hide under her bed covers. She was about to speak, but Dash broke the silence before she could work up the nerve. “I’ll go first.”

“O-oh! Okay,” whispered Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head and smiled, color rising to her cheeks. “You know, Fluttershy… this is kind of strange that I’m saying this… especially since I’ve only just realized what it all means.” She turned towards the stars above. “You’re going to think this strange… but I’ve got a crush on somepony.”

Fluttershy gasped and brought a hoof to her mouth. Her heart started thumping and her tail straightened. “Y-you do?”

“Yeah… somepony that I’ve been friends with for a long time,” mumbled Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy couldn’t believe it. All this time she had struggled to tell her feelings, and here Rainbow Dash had been doing the same? She had to make sure. “Who is he?”

“Well, it’s not a he…”

Fluttershy’s chances had just increased with those five words. Not a stallion, but a mare! “Do… do you hang out with her a lot?”

A laugh erupted from Dash’s mouth as she moved closer. “I hang out with her almost every day. We do lots of things together. Sure some of it I don’t exactly like, but she’s always fun nonetheless.”

Fluttershy could hear fireworks going off in her head. It was her. Rainbow was in love with her. Who else was there that hung out with Dash more and knew more about Dash then Fluttershy herself?

“Fluttershy...” whispered Rainbow Dash. She closed her eyes and smiled. “… I love…”

Fluttershy prepared to say yes as loud as she could. This was it. She was going to—

“… Applejack.”

Every dream Fluttershy had ever had shattered into cutting, painful shards. All was dead quiet to her ears. Her heart sank into an abyss of sorrow as her stomach started to turn worse than it had at dinner. She struggled to say something. Anything. “‘… Applejack?’”

“Yeah, I mean, we’re so much alike and we do a lot of things together. Plus, she’s really hot,” said Rainbow Dash, grinning. “I’ve felt this way for a long time. I really am glad to get this off my chest. So what do you think?”

Fluttershy licked her lips, trying to ignore the taste of the bile rising in her throat for the second time that day. “Well, I think…”

This isn’t fair! I love you, Rainbow Dash! Why can’t you see that?! What she got that I don’t have! How could you do this to me?! I hate you! I hate you! Why can’t I have you?! I’ve known you longer than her! Better than her! I’ve always been there for you! I’ve dreamed of having you by my side for the longest time and you thrown me away like this?! Why can’t you see that I love you?!

“…she’s really lucky to have you.”

Rainbow Dash wrapped her arms around Fluttershy and whispered, “Thanks, ‘Shy. You’re the best friend a pony can have.”

A small tear dripped down Fluttershy’s face as she muttered, “Anytime… Dash…”

Rainbow Dash broke away and pointed to the ground. A white flower was blooming. Fluttershy wanted nothing more than to take it and rip it apart. She stopped her glaring and realized that Dash was staring. “Well, what’s your deep secret?”

For a moment, Fluttershy wanted to just scream it to the world, but the words caught in her throat. She couldn’t do it. As much as she wanted to, she just couldn’t. She shifted her hooves, praying for help.

“Contest over! Contest over!” cried out Pinkie Pie, rushing from behind a tree. She stretched her smile as far as she could. “Sorry, girls, but somepony else won before you did.”

“Ah, man! All that work for nothing,” whined Dash, kicking at the ground in frustration.

“Sorry, Dashie. That’s how it goes,” said Pinkie.

“Well, at least it was fun. Anyway, I’ve got to head home. I’ve got to get up early to visit Cloudsdale to see which town is going to supply the factory with water this year. Hope it’s our turn,” said Rainbow Dash, taking to the skies. “See you girls later!”

Pinkie Pie waved goodbye until Dash was but a speck in the sky. She then turned to Fluttershy. The mare had practically disappeared behind the pink fortress of her bangs. Rarity arrived, tears in her eyes. “Oh, Fluttershy. I’m so sorry… I don’t know how you must be feeling…”

“Do you want us to do something? Give you a hug? Throw you a party?” asked Pinkie Pie, trying to see Fluttershy’s face.

Their broken hearted friend didn’t answer at first, but finally she lifted her head and gave them a smile. The girls were shocked. They were expecting tears and wailing. Maybe even shouting. But a smile?

“I’m fine, girls,” said Fluttershy, her smile still bright. “It’s… better this way. I mean Dash just sees me as a friend and better to know before I made a fool of myself, right? Me and Dash… it just wasn’t… meant to be…”

“But Fluttershy, aren’t you devastated?” asked Pinkie.

“A little… but I want Dash to be happy and if that’s with Applejack, then so be it,” said Fluttershy. She gave both her friends hugs. “Thanks for your help, girls. Sorry I wasted your time over nothing. I’m going to get going.”

Fluttershy took off for home before any of them could say anything. Rarity sighed. “Well… she looks alright. Perhaps she really is going to be okay?”

“Rarity…” said Pinkie Pie. She pointed to the Seed of Truth Fluttershy had planted. It hadn’t bloomed.