• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 6,335 Views, 243 Comments

How We Met - Rated Ponystar

A story of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's relationship from their first meeting to their end

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How We Hurt

How We Met

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfic

By The Rated Ponystar

Chapter 7: How We Hurt

Edited by: Fernin and Souldin

Disclaimer: I do not own MLP. Now read my minions.


To say it had been an interesting day would be an understatement. Not only had Rainbow Dash won the Best Young Fliers Competition and get a chance to hang out with the Wonderbolts for an entire day, but she also performed one of the most amazing and fantastic tricks ever: the legendary Sonic Rainboom. When Fluttershy saw the stunning explosion of color, she cheered so loud the entire stadium had to have heard her.

The sight of the marvelous wonder brought nostalgic memories of the day Fluttershy got her cutie mark and landed on the earth for the first time. Fluttershy was so happy for her best friend; how could she not be when Rainbow Dash, the hero of the day, flew over the astounded audience.

When they arrived home, news of the competition had already reached Ponyville as everypony begged for answers as well as hoping to see Rainbow Dash. After explaining the situation, the disappointed crowd soon dispersed while the rest of her friends headed back to their respective homes. All but Fluttershy who decided to wait at Dash’s cloud house for when she returned. After all, she had been supporting the victorious mare for weeks with her moral support. It only seemed right to give Rainbow Dash her own personal congratulations. Hours had passed as Fluttershy wasted her time counting clouds, imaging them shaped like cute little animals, 'till the sun began to set in the distance.

“The champ is here!” shouted a loud familiar voice above Fluttershy’s head. Looking up with a knowing smile, the waiting mare she saw her cyan friend, golden crown still perched on her head, fly down with the biggest smirk the yellow pegasus had ever seen. Slowing her descent, the young champion touched base with her cloudy front yard and poised; her wings fully spread and her head held high.

“Welcome back. Oh, Rainbow Dash, I’m so proud of you,” Fluttershy rushed forward, immediately hugging her best friend. Rainbow returned the gesture.

“Thanks Fluttershy. I really can’t believe I managed to do it! My second Sonic Rainboom! I sure showed everypony today, huh?” Dash grinned as she took off the golden winged crown and looked at it with pride. “Winner of the Annual Best Young Fliers Competition. Me! I can’t still believe it. I thought I was going to just make myself look like a foal in front of everypony.”

“I knew you could do it,” said Fluttershy, “and it was a good thing you saved Rarity and the Wonderbolts too.”

“Yeah, maybe I should be thankful Rarity got all big headed and flew too close to the sun.“ Dash chuckled, but the stern look from Fluttershy quickly changed her tune. “I was kidding! No competition is bigger than a friend. I know that.”

Fluttershy nodded in approval. The idea that they nearly lost one of their friends today brought a shiver down Fluttershy's spine. “I can’t believe we almost lost Rarity... I would have... She could have...”

Sensing her discomfort, Rainbow Dash gently rubbed her snout against Fluttershy’s neck. With her friend's comforting touch against her fur, the nervous pegasus began to feel more at ease. “Relax, it’s all over. Besides, I wasn’t going to let what almost happened before happen again.”

Tilting her head, Fluttershy asked, “Again? You mean... like how I almost fell when we were kids?” Her question didn’t receive an answer right away. Rainbow’s shimmering eyes dulled for a moment, her gaze drifting towards the sinking sunset. Fluttershy gave her friend a comforting smile before she hugged her. “Rainbow, it was an accident and a long time ago. I don’t hate you for what happened.”

Rainbow Dash lowered her head slightly to nose Fluttershy’s silken pink mane. “ “I-I... I know...It’s just sometimes I think about what would have happened if... if something did happen to you. Back then I almost imagined you all crunched up in a ball... motionless...”

Rubbing the cyan pony’s back reassuringly, Fluttershy whispered, “But I’m right here with you. Nothing bad happened.”

Shrugging free from her friend’s embrace, Rainbow Dash turned away. A moment of silence wedged between them before Rainbow Dash slowly turned back, her eyes spearing Fluttershy with a serious glance. “Fluttershy, do you know what my greatest fear is?” Fluttershy shook her head. “I’m afraid that... one day I won’t be fast enough to save somepony when they need me. I’m one of the fastest pegasi in Equestria. Hay, maybe the fastest in the world! But if something was to happen where I wasn’t fast enough to save you, or Rarity, or Twilight, or anypony... I... I never would be able to live with myself.”

“Oh, Rainbow...” said Fluttershy, looking at her friend with sympathy. “Nothing bad will happen to us. I promise.”

“Not really something you can promise, Shy. After all, crazy things happen...” said Rainbow with a sad smile.

Realizing that the conversation was taking a rather negative turn, Fluttershy decided to change the subject. “So what were the Wonderbolts like? If you don’t mind me asking...”

This lit up Rainbow Dash’s face in a heartbeat. “Oh, you wouldn’t believe how awesome they are! I never thought anypony could be cooler than cool, but those guys are like... like... super cool!”

The pair sat down comfortably on the soft, fluffy clouds as the jubilant pegasus began to tell the Fluttershy all about her time with her heroes. Rainbow Dash explained and bragged her awesome day while Fluttershy sat silently with her head over her folded hooves; her ears listening to every word with a dreamy smile as nostalgic feelings emerged. Even though she was no longer the squeaky filly from before, Dash’s voice still held the same warm and comfortable tune that soothed Fluttershy. Occasionally, Fluttershy let herself get a glimpse of that wild, colorful mane. It was like staring into a sea that held all the colors of the world, flowing in the breeze as if it was enchanted.

“... So Spitfire told me that, if I’m lucky, I might get an approval to join a Wonderbolts audition sometime in the future! Can you believe it!” Rainbow Dash finished which caught Fluttershy’s attention. Rainbow Dash gave a unusual small girly scream as she began to blab about how awesome it would be to finally be a Wonderbolt.

Unbeknownst to her, Fluttershy felt differently. She shifted nervously as the terrible realization dawned on her. It took the shy pegasus several seconds to work up the courage to give voice to her epiphany. “Being a Wonderbolt means... traveling around the world and performing right?”

“Yeah! Not just Equestria! Draconia, Grydon, Zetswana, and all the other nations out there that allow the Wonderbolts to perform! Traveling around the world nearly all year with the bonus of seeing so many new lands?! It’s my dream come true!” shouted Rainbow with joy. Fluttershy, however, felt her heart sink.

“H-how long... would you be on... t-t-tour?” Fluttershy stuttered, pawing the cloud nervously.

Rainbow shrugged. “Pretty much all year. Like eight to ten months or so,”

The world suddenly seemed to stop. Rainbow Dash gone for a year? No, not just a year. Every year she would be gone, only returning home for a short time before vanishing again. Fluttershy knew that she should be supportive of Rainbow Dash’s dream, but a part of her dared to wish it never happen. She had only just reconnected with her oldest friend and now Dash was going to be gone soon?

Ever since they reunited, the two pegasi had always been together. Even when they weren’t hanging out, they always saw each other on the streets, or in the clouds, and greeted the other with a wave. Now the Wonderbolts were threatening to ruin it. But what right did Fluttershy have to hold back her best friend? Dash had loyally supported the yellow pegasus in her own dreams since they met, so why was this any different?

“You okay, Fluttershy? You looked zoned out,” asked Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy snapped out of her inner turmoil, and managed to nod. Rainbow shrugged before heading to her door—pausing a moment to look back at her blushing friend. “You want to stay for the night? I mean I’m still pumped up to party so I don’t mind having a late night sleepover.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “I’m sorry, I need to head home and see how Angel is doing. I’m a bit worried about him.”

“Suit yourself. See you tomorrow,” Dash waved goodbye before she headed inside. Her heart filled with doubt, Fluttershy muttered a farewell of her own before heading out.


“There they are! It’s the Wonderbolts!”

A thousand screaming fans cheered in droves as the greatest flying team in the world stood tall and proud, making their way out of the stadium where the red carpet lay out for them. The near-endless flashing lights of photography lit up the night sky like fireworks exploding for a celebration. The eager fans reached out their hooves with photographs and posters; some were even just reaching out their bare hooves to simply touch one of them.

Surrounded by their hulking bodyguards, every Wonderbolt was there: Spitfire, Soarin’, Fleetfoot, Wildfire, and, of course, their most famous and talented member….

“Rainbow Dash! Over here!” shouted a photographer. His camera worked into overtime as the lens captured any part of the leading mare it could be pointed to; from the flashy rainbow mane to the sexy flank that thousands of stallions drooled over. Rainbow Dash just smiled and waved, basking in the glory that had come with being the Co-Captain of the Wonderbolts.

Meanwhile, a certain yellow pelted pony was pushing through the crowd, muttering apologizes as she passed. Like the rest, Fluttershy was here to see the Wonderbolts, but she had also come to meet a certain friend she hadn’t seen in years. With one last push, Fluttershy managed to reach the front of the side, but she misplaced her hoofing and rolled onto the red carpet.

“Hey! You’re not supposed be here!” exclaimed a muscled white pegasus in a black suit. Fluttershy cowered in fear as he towered over her. Some of the fans noticed this and even tried to attempt the same thing, but the squad of bodyguards saw that it didn’t happen.

“Chill, Brocky. She’s just a fan.” Rainbow Dash pushed aside her bodyguard and looked at the pegasus with a slick smile. “You know, mostly its guys that fall down in front of me, but I don’t mind the mares once and awhile. Especially cute ones like you.”

Getting up, Fluttershy looked at her old friend with pleading eyes. “Rainbow Dash, don’t you recognize me? It’s Fluttershy! We lived in Ponyville together!”

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow and rubbed her chin. “Ponyville… Ponyville… rings a bell…”

“You know? Me? Twilight and the others? Elements of Harmony? Please try to remember!” urged Fluttershy.

Her pleading turn to horror as Rainbow Dash shook her head and shrugged. “Sorry, kid. Doesn’t ring any bells. Maybe you got the wrong pony, but here…” Rainbow Dash whistled and Brock pulled out a signed photo, stuffing it in Fluttershy’s mouth. “See ya later.”

Spitting out the photo, Fluttershy tried to shout, but Brocky had seized her by the tail and mane, throwing her back into the crowd. After a harsh landing, Fluttershy looked up to see numerous blue specks fly into the sky and disappear in the distance. With their idols gone, the roaring crowd soon settled and dispersed, leaving the heartbroken pegasus all by herself. Fluttershy uttered Rainbow Dash's name over and over again, with each whisper slowly getting louder. Pounding on the fluffy white cloud below her, Fluttershy sat all alone in the darkness.


The morning rooster’s crow signaled the start of the new dawn as Fluttershy slowly opened her misty eyes; images of her nightmare still lingering. She forced herself out of bed, her pink mane all ragged, before dragging her hooves downstairs. When she arrived in her living room, Fluttershy nearly jumped as her door knocked. “Mail Service!”

Calming herself, Fluttershy opened her door revealing a cross-eyed grey pegasus with a blond mane searching through the mailbag strung across her chest. “Morning, Fluttershy! How goes the morning!”

The sleepless pegasus gave a loud yawn. “Not a good start, Derpy.”

Derpy Hooves smiled sympathetically while one of her eyes glanced in the direction of the roof. “I know how that feels. Some days I forget which way to wake up in the morning and I slam my face into a wall. Thankfully, I don’t suffer from nose bleeds anymore when it does happen!”

Receiving several letters, Fluttershy thanked Derpy who gave a quick farewell before zooming into the air... after hitting a tree branch by accident. With her mail in her mouth, Fluttershy headed back inside where she spat the letters out onto the dining table and started sorting them out. “Bill... bill... a letter from mom and dad, how nice... an advertisement, I should read it I mean it would be sort of rude not to. Hm? What’s this?”

A bright blue and yellow envelope stood out from the other ordinary ones, catching her interest. Flipping it to the front, Fluttershy’s mouth dropped. A golden lightning bolt with wings was sealed on the front of the letter, a symbol that was only associated with one organization: the Wonderbolts. She looked at the address and nearly collapsed. The addresses was Rainbow Dash’s.

Realizing that Derpy made a mistake, Fluttershy felt every part of her body sweat as she looked at the letter like it was an execution notice. It was Rainbow Dash’s so it had to be given to her. Yet, what if this was the letter that would take Dash away from Ponyville? Before Fluttershy knew what she was doing, her hooves were already tearing the envelope open and taking out the letter.

With shaking hooves, she read it as fast as she could:

Dear Rainbow Dash,

Congratulations, due to your impressive performance at the Best Young Fliers Competition (As well as saving our hides) we have decided to offer you a chance to audition for a position in our team this year. As we mentioned to you yesterday, every three years we offer an audition to pegasi who we feel are talented and gutsy enough to join.

You will compete against dozens of other pegasi for a chance to earn a position on our team. Normally, we don’t offer this opportunity to a pegasus so young, but due to your actions as of yesterday, we’ve decided to give you this one chance to try out early.

The auction is tomorrow at 10AM at the stadium in Cloudsdale where the competition took place. If you cannot join the auction, or you feel you are not ready, we understand and we hope to see you in future tryouts. Either way, we have our eye on you and we hope either to see you tomorrow or hear more from you soon.

Signed, Spitfire (Captain of the Wonderbolts)P.S. The team says thanks again

A hurricane of emotions stirred inside of Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash had a chance to finally join the Wonderbolts, and at such an early age too! The sight of the cyan pegasus soaring into the air with joy made Fluttershy just as excited. But then her mind turned back to her horrible dream.

What if came true? Would Dash just forget all about her and where she came from as she grew more famous? Fluttershy stared at the simple flimsy letter. It would be so easy to just tear it apart and hide the pieces. She could burn it, bury it, even flush it down her toilet. But what kind of friend would Fluttershy be if she did that?! No, she had to go get the cyan pegasus and tell her the good news.

With her resolve set, Fluttershy dropped the letter back on the table and made her way towards her door. When she opened it, she jumped back upon seeing Rainbow Dash with her hoof raised in mid-knock. “Uh? Hello?”

Fluttershy gulped, her eyes quickly glancing to the blue and yellow envelope sitting back on the dining table in plain sight. “R-Rainbow Dash?! What are you doing here?”

“Just came by to say hi. I passed by Derpy and she said you were looking a bit out of it,” Rainbow Dash leaned forward and asked, “Are you okay?”

“Um, yes... I mean well...“ Fluttershy quickly hid her face behind her pink mane. What was she going to do now? Tell Rainbow Dash the letter or not?

“Are you sure? You were zoning out yesterday and now you look like you haven’t slept all night,” pointed out Rainbow Dash

Fluttershy shook her head and closed her eyes. Despite what she wanted it was important for her friend to know about the letter and her opportunity to join the Wonderbolts. Just as she was about to open her mouth, Rainbow Dash quickly put up a hoof to silence the mare. “Okay, I see what the problem is.”

“Y-you d-do?”

“Yeah, I’ve been so busy with the competition and the celebrating that I haven’t hung out with you in a long time. So what do you say you and me hang out tomorrow when I don’t have my weather duties?” suggested Rainbow Dash

Fluttershy froze. The idea of a whole day with Rainbow Dash was making her heart beat like crazy. She was so happy it almost make her want to fly into the air and scream for joy. Then she remembered the auditions tomorrow. If she told Rainbow Dash about them, then no doubt the plans would be abandoned so Dash could rush off to live her dream.

Fluttershy’s desire and her need to do good for her friend kept clashing in her head like two armies. It was driving her crazy. She wanted to do the right thing... she had to do the right thing. She slowly opened her mouth and said, “I would love to, Rainbow Dash.”

“Great, see you at 10AM sharp.” Dash gave her friend a grin before she flew away.

Waving goodbye, Fluttershy slowly closed the door. The breath she held was let out as she pressed her back against the door before sliding down. It was just one auction. The letter clearly stated that Dash was all but welcomed to join the Wonderbolts. What was another three years? Rainbow could practice in the meantime and get even better. Right?

With her mind set, Fluttershy decided to put the mail away later as her animals needed caring right now. But in her heart Fluttershy knew what she was doing was wrong... she just hoped she wouldn’t end up regretting it.


The next morning, Fluttershy forgot all about the letter and focused on getting ready for her day with Rainbow Dash. When Rainbow Dash arrived at 10 AM—on time for once—the two of them simply lost themselves in the fun. Each picked a different activity to do in order to even out the time spent together. For Dash, the two of them raced around Ponyville, play a few ball games, and even did a few childish games such as hide and seek. While Fluttershy wasn’t the best out of all these activities, her choices managed to suit her own skills. Needless to say, the cyan pony wasn’t all too enthusiastic about feeding ducks at the pond, capturing butterflies, and going fabric shopping. Still, she respected Fluttershy’s wishes and kept herself from whining… mostly.

While both pegasi did their best to enjoy the opposites choices, they also made sure to do a few things they both loved. The best by far was lounging on the soft grass of a sunny field as the warm rays heated their soft tummies. It was all more satisfying when Rainbow Dash brought back ice cream cones and they ate the frozen treat while watching clouds float by in silence.

After finishing her ice cream, Rainbow Dash yawned as she stretched her forehooves out as Fluttershy giggled. “Do you want to take a nap?”

“Yeah, that sounds nice…” Dash muttered. Laying her head down, she quickly feel into a deep sleep.

Fluttershy stared at the cute sleeping face and felt her heart skip a beat. Heat rose to her cheeks as Fluttrshy scooted closer to Dash, lost in thought. Confusing thoughts swirled in Fluttershy’s mind as she tried to find the words that described what she was feeling. It was like a combination of feeling both ‘wonderful’ and ‘frightened’.

Raising her hoof, Fluttershy inched her towards the rainbow-mane that stood out from the rest of the world. It reminded her of the mane of Princess Celestia, regal and flowing in the wind like a sea of colorful fire. Fluttershy desired nothing more at the moment then to touch that multi-colored mane and brush it all day long.

A snort from the cyan pegasus, stopped Fluttershy whose face turned red as she retreated her hoof. ‘Wha… what was that?!’ Another yawn from Rainbow Dash alerted Fluttershy as she turned around and faked a smile. “Did you sleep well?”

“Like a baby.” Rainbow Dash answered as she jumped up to all four hooves. “Oh man, what a day. I haven’t had so much fun in a long time! Remind me to hang out with you more often next time I get days off, Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy blushed as she got up, her mind still lingering on her previous actions. “It wasn’t that exciting...”

“Well, yeah… I think I could have gone the rest of my life not learning about how many different fabrics there are from one salespony. It was like Rarity, but with the eggheadedness of Twilight,”said Dash with a roll of her eyes.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel bored,” apologized Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash just shook her head in amusement. “Same old, Fluttershy. I had fun, alright? Even if some of it I didn’t really agree with. Say, why don’t we head back to your place for a drink? I’m parched.”

Nodding in agreement, the two pegasi flew off back towards Fluttershy’s cottage.


When they arrived, Rainbow Dash immediately asked to use the bathroom which Fluttershy pointed to, letting the desperate mare obey her body’s needs. Fluttershy made her way into the kitchen where she said hello to a couple of her mice families and took out her tea set. As she prepared the beverage, Fluttershy heard a flushing sound followed by a relaxed sigh of pleasure from her washroom. Rainbow Dash’s hooves could be heard heading towards the dining room when she stopped and yelled, “Hey, you left your mail out in the open.”

“Can you put it away please?” asked Fluttershy. She flew up to one of her cupboards and took out a tea cup... before it shattered into pieces on the floor. Rainbow Dash was looking at her mail…. The same mail that she forgot to put away yesterday.

With great haste, Fluttershy flew into the dining room only to freeze as she saw her worst fears come true. A stupefied Rainbow Dash was right there by the table, reading the fancy golden letter that had been originally addressed to her and signed by Spitfire. Neither of the pegasi moved as a pair of widening magenta eyes continued to read the letter that spoke of her wildest dreams.

Minutes passed when finally, after what seemed like forever, a shaken Rainbow Dash slowly turned her head to a Fluttershy. “You... you knew about this?”

Fluttershy tried to come up with a response, but only a tiny squeak managed to escape her mouth. Rainbow’s eyes no longer held the twinkle of passion or excitement, but shock and betrayal.

“Dash... I....” Fluttershy tried to speak, but Rainbow Dash stomped towards her. Fluttershy squirmed as her weak legs gave in and she dropped to the floor, cowering below her raging friend.

“Did. You. Know. About. This.” Dash asked again, each word spoken in vile hate.

Fluttershy tried to think of something to say. Anything that could explain her actions. In the end, all she could do was nod. Rainbow Dash stared at her with disbelief and Fluttershy couldn’t blame her. “Why....Why didn’t you tell me? You could have told me and I could have been there. It was my shot, Fluttershy. It was my shot at my dreams! Why didn’t you tell me?!”

Fluttershy eyes started to fill with tears. “I... I just... I’m sorry...”

“Sorry?! You're sorry?!” Rainbow Dash levitated over the pegasus like a raging god of the sky. Fluttershy pressed her face against the floor. “How could you do this to me!? You knew it was my dream to be a Wonderbolt and I could have just possibly gotten it right now! Now I have to wait another three years before I can try again! I can’t believe you did this! You of all ponies! My best friend!”

Each screeching accusation slowly suffocated Fluttrershy's heart, making her feel like the scum of the earth. Fluttershy felt something wet splash onto her muzzle, jolting her out of her self-hating world. More dropletsof water landed, making her looked up to a shock. Above her stood Rainbow Dash who stared at her with teary eyes filled with hot, angry tears. If there was any more proof that Fluttershy had made the worst mistake in her life, it was right before her. She started to rise, a hoof coming up automatically to wipe the tears away from her friend’s face.

“Don’t touch me!” shouted Rainbow Dash as she pushed away the hoof and flew back. “Don’t even look at me you... you... backstabber!”

“Dash, wait! I can explain!” Fluttershy pleaded, but the Rainbow Dash shook her head.

“No! Don’t bother! I don’t need to hear anything from you! I use to think you were a friend, but I was wrong! I hate you!” Rainbow Dash flew out of a nearby window, breaking through the class without a care.

Fluttershy screamed out her name as well as endless apologies, but to no avail. With her best friend--now former friend-- gone Fluttershy slowly fell to her flank and wailed.

‘What have I done..?’


End of chapter.

Is this the end of Fluttershy and Dash’s relationship? Will Derpy ever learn to fly straight? And what is it with fangirls making yaoi fanfiction of Boromir from LOTR and Eddard Stark from Game of Thrones every five seconds?

Tune in next time.

Rated out!

(Plays Metalingus by Alter Bridge)