• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 6,336 Views, 243 Comments

How We Met - Rated Ponystar

A story of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's relationship from their first meeting to their end

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How We Reunited

How We Met
A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfic
By The Rated Ponystar
Chapter 5: How We Reunited
Edited by: Fernin
Disclaimer: I do not own MLP. Blah Blah Blah.


This was it. Flutteshy was sixteen, the adult age of ponies. She had finished her last year of school and even managed to get her veterinarian license early. While she was happy to finally be leaving Cloudsdale, her teachers were sad to see her go. They often told Fluttershy how she was one of the most kind and prodigious students they ever had and wished her the best of luck. Her parents were also proud of her. They’re baby girl had finally grown up and was ready to live her own life.

As a gift, her parents offered to buy her a home in whatever town she wanted to live in. Fluttershy wanted someplace quiet with lots of animals: a place out in the open country, where she could live out in solitude and take care of animals for the rest of her days. After some searching, Fluttershy found the perfect place. A little town called Ponyville.

Fluttershy was so overcome with excitement that she had to arrive at her new home as soon as possible. After tearful goodbyes and promises to visit, Fluttershy left Cloudsdale with a smile on her face. Hours later she landed a few miles distant from the town. From where she stood, the pegasus could see tons of ponies in Ponyville all going about their business, unaware that they were going to have a new neighbor.

Seeing so many neighbors brought a chill to the shy pegasus’ enthusiasm somewhat. She still didn’t like interacting with strangers that much, but Fluttershy knew that she would have to interact with the residents eventually. Just not now. Thrilled with the prospect of seeing her new wooden house, Fluttershy trotted merry across the path that lead to her new home.

Much to Fluttershy’s delight, some of the birds and a few furry animals such as bunnies and squirrels crossed her path as she traveled. Whenever an animal would look at her with curiosity, Fluttershy responded with sweet words and heartfelt smiles. After winning their trust, the happy animals followed her with their own skipping and prancing, won over by the pony’s kind aura. Fluttershy giggled at the sight of her band of followers. It reminded her of that story with the piper and the mice.

As she got closer to her destination, Fluttershy looked to her left where her eyes gazed towards the thick, wild forest on the outskirts of her new home. Just looking at it gave the timid pegasus a shiver down her spine. Fluttershy could swear she could feel the danger coming from the forest. It made her want to run away and hide under a rock. The pegasus made a mental note to never enter that forest.

Finally, she saw her home…her half-finished looking home to be exact. Confused, Fluttershy slowly approached the half-made house, wondering why it wasn’t finished. The workers, mostly earth ponies with a few pegasi and unicorns, were still nailing and hammering the woodwork together as if they had just barely started.

“Um… excuse me?” said Fluttershy. Her soft voice failed to get any of the workers attention over the raucous sounds of construction work. “Please… if I can get somepony’s… attention…”

“Hey!” a gruff voice shouted.

Fluttershy leaped into the air and squeaked. Turning around she saw a brown coated, blond manned earth pony dressed in overalls and wearing a hardhat walk up to her. His tall muscled figure made Fluttershy cringe as she felt the stallion’s height tower over her. “This is a job site. What’s a mare like you doing here?”

“Um… I… I-I’m Flu-u-uttershy… and… I’ll b-b-be go-oing now… sor-rry… “ stuttered Fluttershy. She attempted to flee, but the stallion caught her by the tail.

“Hold up! Fluttershy? Aren’t you the owner of this house? Uh, well house in development really,” asked the stallion to which Fluttershy slowly nodded. The stallion slapped his hoof into his face. “Ah, great. Listen, this is embarrassing, but one of my pegasus workers accidently crashed into the construction last week just as we were halfway finished. So were kind of behind schedule.”

“Oh, it’s okay. Um, how long will it take to finish?” asked Fluttershy. It shouldn’t take that long. Maybe a few hours or a day?

The stallion looked at the construction and rubbed his forehead. “If I had to guess, I’d say a week at least.”

“A week? But… but I don’t have anywhere else to go!” Fluttershy gulped. "Where am I going to stay for a whole week?!"

“Sorry, kid. I wish I could help ya. You got enough bits to stay in an inn?”

Fluttershy nodded. Depending on the prices she could stay in a room for a few days. Maybe if she pleaded her case the owners could help her somehow. It was worth giving a shot.

“Don’t worry, Ponyville’s a nice place. Well, my cousin tells me at least,” the stallion commented.

Fluttershy thanked him and made her way towards town, her hooves shaking. The stallion shook his head. It was a shame for such a young cute mare to have to wait for her home to be finished. All because that klutzy worker of his ruined another job. He had to get rid of that cross-eyeing pegasus. Maybe his cousin in the mail delivery business could have better use for her.

A loud crash followed by shouts of surprise and anger made him cringe.

“Oops! My bad!”

Shaking his head, the stallion turned around and said, “Hey! Derpy? We need to talk…”


The town was filled with more ponies then Fluttershy thought there would be. In fact, it seemed to be a busy market day if the long lines at the stands showed anything. A few of the residents looked at her with curious eyes, but soon went back to their business. Okay, just calm down. It’s okay. Just find an inn and you’ll be fine.

“Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie!” shouted a pink earth pony right into Fluttershy's ears. Fluttershy gasped and fell onto her back as the strange pink pony that came out of nowhere suddenly got into her face and jabbered, “Hey! I’ve never seen you before! Which means you must be new, unless I’m getting old and missed somepony that I don’t know in Ponyville. But that’s silly because I’m fifteen and I know everypony in Ponyville. Do you know why? I’m Pinkie Pie and I’m the pony whose job is to make everypony smile! So I want to know who are you and I need to ask if you like vanilla or chocolate?!”

Fluttershy tried to say something, but the earth pony’s chattered so fast that she barely caught any of it except for her name and the last question. “Um… why?”

“Because silly! I need to know what sort of cake you like! I like all kinds of cake! Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, orange, ice cream, pineapple-do you like pineapple, cause you look like the kind that does-grape, sugar, coffee-I’m not allowed to have it anymore for some reason-coconut, oatmeal, and many more! So which do you want?”

Fluttershy slowly looked around her to see if anypony was paying attention to them, but much to her shock they were ignoring her. Why? Was this something that happened normally around here? Pinkie Pie continued to stare at her wild and crazed looking eyes. Fluttershy wanted to get away from this strange pony and hide. She just needed to distract her somehow. Without thinking, Fluttershy pointed to up the sky and said, “Um… look! Um, the sky is filled with giant flying… flower headed… monkeys riding… rocket powered roller skates.”

“Where?!” Pinkie Pie’s head snapped up, eagerly searching for the giant flower headed monkeys riding rocket powered roller skates. Although she was in disbelief that it worked, Fluttershy quickly got up and fled.

Pinkie Pie continued to look up at the sky for a while before she started asking if anypony had seen the giant flower headed monkeys riding rocket powered roller skates. They only just stared at her.


Fluttershy galloped as fast as she could though the surprised crowds. She really felt guilt for deceiving that strange pony, but her nerves had failed her. When she looked behind for any sign of Pinkie, Fluttershy tripped over a basket full of apples. Fluttershy yelped, tumbling to the ground before sliding to a complete stop with apples scattered around her.

“Mah apples!” Fluttershy opened her eyes and saw an orange coated earth pony with blond hair and a cowpony hat on top of her head. The earth pony was glaring at her which made Fluttershy gulp as the cowpony growled. “Ya’ll should watch where ya goin’! Ah need to sell these apples and if they get ruined it hurts mah business.”

“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” Fluttershy whimpered as she put her hooves over her head. The farmer’s expression softened before she nudged the scared pegasus.

Fluttershy slowly look the smiling earth pony and began to relax when she saw that her anger was gone. “Hey, ah’m sorry. It’s just ain’t been a good business day and it was wrong of me to take it on ya. Ah’m sorry.”

She extended her hoof and Fluttershy grabbed it. Back on her hooves, Fluttershy smiled and bowed. “Thank you. Sorry for your apples, again.”

“Ain’t no big deal, sugarcube. Name’s Applejack, from Sweet Apple Acers. Who might ya be, now?” inquired Applejack as she started picking up her apples.

“Oh, I’m… Fluttershy."

No sooner had the words left Fluttershy’s mouth, Pinkie's head popped out of a basket of apples. Fluttershy and Applejack jumped back and gasped at the sight of the grinning pony. “Fluttershy! That’s your name?! Great! Now I know what to write on the banner for your party!”

Fluttershy yelped again and was soon speeding off in the distance becoming nothing more than a tiny yellow speck.

“Pinkie Pie? Do ya know who that was?” asked Applejack.

“Well, duh. She just said her name, Applejack. It’s Fluttershy and she’s new!” Pinkie Pie jumped out of the basket and started hopping along in Fluttersh’s wake. Applejack just looked inside her basket and then at the fading mysterious pony.

How was that even possible? Applejack shook her head. Maybe it was best not to think about it.


Fluttershy was going to have a panic attack. She had to get away from that crazy stalker. What should she do? Find the police? No, she had always been so intimidated by them that she could barely speak. Try to use The Stare? It might work, but she had no control over it. Pray and wish that she could disappear? Unless she developed magical powers in the next five seconds, it wasn’t likely.

There was only one thing Fluttershy could do: hide.

She looked around for a safe place to conceal herself, her hooves clopping on the ground impatiently. Her eyes spotted an exquisite and glamorous blue store with dresses held by mannequins. Seeing no other place to hide, Fluttershy flew inside and closed the door with a loud slam. Catching her breath, Fluttershy slid to the floor with her back against the wall as she sighed in relief.

“Um, can I help you?” asked somepony in front of her. Looking up, Fluttershy saw that it was a white coated unicorn with a purple curled mane.

“Sorry, I… I was just…” Fluttershy lips were then silenced when the unicorn put her hoof up.

“Don’t talk, darling, I know why you’re here and what you need! Lucky, I, Rarity, am the finest dress maker in all of Ponyville! Come with me!” The unicorn, Rarity, took Fluttershy by the hoof and dragged her to a small display stage with mirrors all around her.

“Wait… I…”

“Hold on, darling. Just need to look for it,” said Rarity as she went through her many colorful designs.

Fluttershy attempted to get off, but Rarity pushed her back onto the stage. “Please, I’m not here for a dress…”

“Well, of course my dear. Nobody comes into Rarity’s shop for just any dress. So what’s the occasion?” asked Rarity.

Fluttershy didn’t know what to say. All she wanted was just to come to her new house and now all this craziness had happened to her. First the crazy earth pony, then she made a mess with somepony's apples, and now this unicorn thought she was here for a special dress for an occasion. “… it’s not like I’m here for a wedding.”

Rarity only heard the last word and gave a girly shriek. “Oh my gosh! A wedding?! You’re getting married?! At your age?! Oh my stars! Why didn’t you say so?!” Before Fluttershy could protest, Rarity clamped her hooves to Fluttershy’ cheeks, her blue beaming eyes staring into her own pair. “You must be as old as me, maybe a teensiest bit older, and already you found your special somepony?! My word, he must quite the stallion. I bet he was an old childhood friend that fell for you as you were growing up and he’s finally proposed to you! Oh, so romantic!”

Her face turning blue, Fluttershy only managed to muttered, “I’m not... marrying any.... stallion.”

“Oh?” Rarity’s eyebrows raised up, but she still smiled. “I see. Don’t worry, my dear. Marrying a mare is perfectly fine. True love knows no bounds after all.”

Breaking out of Rarity's grip, Fluttershy backed away from the stage and eyed the door. “No, I’m not getting married at all.”

“Not getting married? Then…why are you here?” asked Rarity, scratching her head.

Relieved that she was finally listening, Fluttershy explained, “I was trying to hide. This pink pony kept following me and I just wanted to get away.”

“Ah, Pinkie Pie,” Rarity smirked. “This always happens. Don’t worry… um… what’s your name?”


“Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie just likes being friendly. She’s a nice mare, but she goes a bit too far sometimes. Chances are she’s making a party for you right now." Rarity got off the stage and walked towards the frightened pegasus. “I’m sorry for bothering you so much. I just moved out of my parents’ house a few months ago and opened this shop. I’m a bit… edger to get a start on my career.”

“It’s okay. I understand. I just moved out of my parents’ place in Cloudsdale too,” said Fluttershy.

“Really? What’s your profession?” Rarity looked at Fluttershy’s Cutie Mark. “Butterfly catching?”

“Oh, I take care of animals. I had a home, but it’s still under construction so I don’t have a place to live for a while,” said Fluttershy, pawing the floor.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I would offer you a place to sleep, but the guest room hasn’t been furnished yet,” said Rarity.

“It’s okay. Thank you for the offer anyway, Miss. Rarity.” Fluttershy smiled and bowed. At least she made friends with one nice pony.

“Please, call me Rarity. As a gift, please take any of the dresses you see before you.” Rarity waved her hoof around the many dresses displayed around the shop.

Fluttershy shook her head. “Oh, you don’t have to do that.”

“Nonsense, dear,” Rarity assured her with a wave of a hoof. “Think of it as a welcoming gift. After all, it is your first day here in Ponyville.”

‘And what a day it has been…’ Fluttershy thought as she looked around the shop. If Rarity was going to be insistent about this, she might as well be the good mare and take one. Her eyes stopped at a long fancy white dress with rainbow colored buttons and rainbow colored scarves around the waist.

Fluttershy smiled as she stared at the dress, reminding her of a friend she had so long ago. Rarity noticed this and asked, “Does this dress suit you darling?”

“Oh, well. I guess. It reminds me of an old friend of mine,” said Fluttershy as she touched the soft dress. “I met her in Summer Flight Camp and she was the best friend I ever had. It was thanks to her that I learned to fly and even get my cutie mark. She always stood up for me and made those horrible days enjoyable.”

“She sounds like a truly loyal friend,” said Rarity.

“Yes, she was. Too bad I haven’t seen her since camp ended.” Fluttershy sighed. “I wonder where she is now? Maybe she’s joined the Wonderbolts already. It was always her dream to join them.”

“Sounds like she’d get along well with our newest weather patrol leader. That pegasus is always practicing her ludicrous stunts so she can prove to the Wonderbolts how good she is. Well, I’ll go get a bag for you, dear,” Rarity said, walking over to a set of cabinets.

When the cabinet opened, a barrage of confetti popped out from inside, showering the room with colorful scraps of paper. Rarity and Fluttershy leaped back in fright as Pinkie Pie, wearing a party hat rolled out of the cabinet. “Surprise!”

Fluttershy was about to flee when she stopped mid-step and realized the futility of it. Accepting her fate, Fluttershy turned around as Pinkie Pie bounced towards her and handed her an invitation. She looked at it and tilted her head in bewilderment. “Um, what's this?”

“That’s your invitation for the ‘Welcome Fluttershy to Ponyville’ party that’s going on in half an hour! And what kind of welcoming party would it be if we didn’t have the pony we were welcoming with us?! See you at Sugarcube Corner!” shouted Pinkie, bouncing out of an open window.

“I swear, she’s going to drive us all crazy one day…” muttered Rarity. Turning to her newest friend, she asked, “Something wrong, Fluttershy?”

“Oh, it’s just… well I’m not used to being the center of attention… I don’t really want to go, but… it would be rude of me not to…” said Fluttershy, hiding behind her mane.

Rarity smiled and gave her new friend a comforting pat on the head. “It would be best to go. Pinkie Pie may be a bit… strange, but she does throw some delightful parties. Besides, she puts a lot of effort into them and it wouldn’t be nice to not let her see the fruits of her labor. Am I right?”

Fluttershy had to admit, Rarity had a point. Pinkie Pie may have been eccentric, but she was only trying to be nice. Besides, nopony, except her parents, had ever thrown her a party before. With her mind made up, the two exited the boutique and made their way to Sugarcube Corner.


Fluttershy never expected so many ponies to be there just for her welcoming party. After a few nervous hellos, the pegasus was quickly surrounded by ponies who wanted to know everything about her. Thankfully, Rarity was there to help keep her from getting overwhelmed. She managed to answer a few questions, mostly involving pets when they found out she loved to take care of animals, and she slowly managed to calm down and enjoy the party around her.

“Seems like ya’ll enjoyin’ yourselves,” drawled a friendly voice. Fluttershy turned around and saw Applejack tipping her wide-brimmed hat in greeting.

“Oh yes, it’s a nice party. I just wish it was a bit more… quiet,” admitted Fluttershy, wincing at the loud music being played.

Applejack chuckled. “Well, ah ain’t ever heard of a quiet party before. Especially, when Pinkie Pie is involved."

Fluttershy nodded as she closed her eyes, taking the sounds around her. It was a unique feeling to hear so many voices talking at once. The loudest of course was Pinkie Pie, who was greeting another guest at the entrance. “Hey! You made it! Didn’t think you were going show up!"

“And let a party go on without me?! Hay no!” a cocky mare’s voice shouted.

Fluttershy’s eyes widen. That voice… it couldn’t be.

Was it her?! Was it really her?! Fluttershy quickly started to move past crowds and bumped past ponies, edger to see the new arrival. Looking up, she saw familiar rainbow colored mane that stood out against the crowd and her heart soared.

“So who is this newcomer anyway?” asked Rainbow Dash, looking around.

“Oh she’s a pegasus! Her name is…”

“Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy shouted with teary eyes of joy.

Turning around, Rainbow Dash’s mouth dropped at who she saw. “F-Fluttershy?! Is that… you?”

Rainbow Dash’s answer was a flying tackle that sent both mares to the floor. Fluttershy buried her face into the chest of her oldest friend, tears dripping down her face. “It’s you! It’s really you!”

Rainbow Dash quickly got out of her stupor and hugged her fillyhood friend. “I can’t believe it… you’re actually here.”

“I missed you so much,” whispered Fluttershy. She still couldn’t believe it. Out of all the towns in Equestria she picked the one where her best friend lived. Fluttershy had always hoped that the promise she made with Rainbow Dash on the last day they saw each other would come true. And now it had.

Rarity stepped forward and cleared her voice. “I take it you two know each other?”

Rainbow Dash grinned as she lifted Fluttershy and herself into the air, grabbing everypony’s attention. “Everypony! Meet Fluttershy! This girl here saved my life when we were kids by staring down a bear all by herself!” Gasps and astonished exclamations filled the air causing Fluttershy to blushed. Rainbow Dash held her hoof high into the air. "She’s one of my oldest friends so treat her with the same respect as you would treat me! If I find out anybody doing anything wrong to her, I’ll kick you into the skies! Got it!” Rainbow Dash warned. Everypony nodded in agreement before the happy chatter of celebrating ponies filled the air once more.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash floated down to the ground. Pinkie Pie zipped over, grinning from ear to ear. “Oh my gosh! I didn’t know you two were old friends! This is great! Now we have two things to celebrate tonight! I’m going to get my super large party poppers for this!”

Pinkie dashed off as Rainbow shook her head in amazement. “That Pinkie Pie. She’s so random. Anyway, I can’t believe you’re here, Fluttershy. I was beginning to think I might never see you again.”

“Me too. I never forgot about you though, Rainbow Dash,” said Fluttershy. Indeed, she didn’t. She even made efforts to head into Cloudsdale on her own to look for the cyan-coated mare, but she had never gotten far.

“You still helping animals and all that?” asked Rainbow Dash as she guided both of them towards the punch bowl.

Fluttershy accepted a cup from her friend and took a sip. “Oh yes. I can’t wait to get started. What about you? You in the Wonderbolts yet?”

“Naw, you gotta be eighteen to join so I’ve got at least two years 'till I can start to try out. Even then that’s only if they got any positions open. So I’m hanging around here. There’s a lot of space to fly and practice my stunts, plus the folks seem to like seeing my special moves. Guess they know talent when they see it.” Rainbow Dash flapped her wings proudly. “I should totally come over your place tomorrow and show you my stuff.”

Fluttershy’s ears drooped. “Oh, well... I don’t have a home yet. My house is still in construction."

Rainbow Dash nearly spat out her drink. “What?! No way am I letting you sleep without a roof over your head. You’re sleeping with me tonight and every night 'till you get you house fixed up.”

“Really? I don’t want to intrude,” said Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash grinned and punched her friend lightly in the arm. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve got space and besides, I’d never abandoned a friend. Especially one of my oldest ones who I haven’t seen in such a long time, so quit worrying.”

Fluttershy rubbed her arm and nodded, "Okay. Sorry."

Rainbow Dash shook her head. Some things never changed…

End of Chapter

Still don't know if this is going romantic or not. But I'll make a decision in the next chapter.

Rated out.

(Plays Metalingus by Alter Bridge)