• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 2,775 Views, 49 Comments

Sombra's Redemption - Orion97

It's easy to simply paint someone as a villain isn't it? Sometimes those deemed darkest of all are those with noble souls.

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Before The Storm

My name...my name Is Sombra, Lucien Azure Sombra. I was born into nobility, not the high nobility like the nephew of kings or family friends of the queen but nobility nonetheless. Eventually I discovered something...something I was not meant to discover, it was a blessing...but also a terrible curse...I did what I knew I had to do, even if I might be the only one whom ever understands...I just wished that history would be fair to me...it seldom is...

I was like a normal foal in my childhood. I was no longer a foolish young one that was at risk to hurt myself if left alone but I was young, happy, so full of energy and life...I miss those times more than anything...I was very intelligent for my age but I wasn't lonely or buried within books. I had friends. I loved to run, explore, try new things with magic and build snow forts. I was still a foal after all. I had all I could have asked for, friends, family, joy, and a bright future...I repeat...had.

It was early one winter. School had just let out and my friends and I ran out the school doors and met in the nearby park we had always went to after school. My friends included Serenity, a friendly and curious young unicorn mare. There was also Thunder Clap, my bold pegasus friend that loved to play soldier and was always coming up with plans during our play battles and was a marvel at strategy games and was my equal in terms of intelligence. Finally there was Midnight Hope, the bat pony. Bat ponies during the time were uncommon in the empire but there were enough that simply being one didn't entitle odd stares or being ostracized which was good for his sake. Midnight was very kind, and would risk his life for a complete stranger, he was very loyal to his friends. He was very trusting, and always looked for the good in the hearts of all, but above all he was known for forgiveness.

Anyhow where was I...oh yes, so as I said we went to the park to discuss our plans for the day.

"So guess what guys, a few days ago I heard about these cool ruins just outside of the city, and I'm thinking we should explore it!" My old friend Thunder Clap said cheerfully...I wish he never heard of those damned ruins in the first place...

"Are you sure Thunder? I love to explore but those ruins could be unstable, and not to mention the weather is getting worse outside the city." Serenity told him while Midnight and I sat and listened carefully.

"Come on...I thought you guys liked a little adventure"

"Yes but surely you've heard of how somepony went exploring outside the city during winter and he was never found!" Serenity said, she seemed quite concerned about it, if only we listened to her and stayed in the city.

"He was old and went out in the middle of winter when it was known there would probably be a blizzard." Thunder Clap responded to her

Finally Midnight decided to intervene. "What if...we go now, and if the weather turns worse we head back home right away."

"That actually sounds like a really good idea, well if that's the case let's go right now!" Thunder Clap almost shouted, he had been so eager to explore the ruins and though I wasn't as vocal about it I was every bit excited about it as he was.

"We should tell our parents first, otherwise they might get upset if we just left" Midnight suggested

With that we all nodded in agreement and ran to get permission from each of our parents, each of which said it was okay, after all 4 young foals wanting to go exploring was never anything new, although we may have left that part out...

Within minutes we had regrouped at the park, each of us having packed a small bag with some items, things such as rope, food, water, etc.

While it was still bright out we made our way from the park to the edge of the city, 4 little foals going on an adventure...and us getting more than we bargained for in the end. Thunder Clap led the way to where he said the ruins would be. Once he was satisfied we were set in the right direction away from the city we began walking in that direction. While it tended to be chilly up in the Crystal Empire that day was cloudy but it was still warm out, we saw no danger in out little expedition to the ruins but after over half an hour of walking we began to doubt if we had went in the right direction.

"Thunder, are you sure it's this way?" I asked, I had once gotten lost within the city itself and it almost ended with me sleeping in an alley.

"Don't worry! I'm sure it's just a little farther" he almost shouted, we had gradually formed a line of foals following the other and the winds were slowly picking up, gradually making it harder for us to hear one another.

"I think we should go home!" Serenity shouted up to him from the back of the line, with Midnight and I in the middle.

"After we find these ruins!" Serenity sighed and continued walking along, he was a good pony but could be so stubborn Serenity always told me, while I saw this as true I also saw it respectable in a way, when he set his mind to something he did it.

In another ten minutes we finally found the ruins, and with good time too, the weather had quickly taken a turn for the worse and visibility became poor, so seeing the ruins was good luck for us...at the time.

"I told you we'd find it!" Thunder Clap smiled, we began to gallop to the ruins as soon as he did. The entrance looked all but collapsed save for a small opening in the corner of what was once a fairly large doorway. We crept in one by one and slowly looked around, Thunder Clap wasted no time in getting a fire set up from some old logs he found stacked by what I could only assume was an ancient house. Midnight looked around our new campsite to make sure it was safe, he also set up a cooking pot and laid out four sleeping bags.

"Midnight, what are you doing? We aren't staying here through the night." Thunder Clap asked. Midnight simply pointed out the way we came from, it could be seen that the storm outside was starting to turn violent and it was making it darker outside and it looked like the storm wouldn't go away soon.

Whether we liked it or not, we were going to have to spend the night in the ruins or try to brave the weather outside, after a short debate on whether he should take our chances we decided that our parents would probably rather see us a day late than not at all so we quickly settled in to relax, we laid within our sleeping bags that Midnight had kindly brought while Thunder Clap started up a fire. Once he was done with that conversations about something other than the ruins began to flow. It was a while since we had time together like this as friends and despite being trapped there for the night, it was very nice.

I would trade anything to have them back, to have my joy and innocence back...I wish we had never found those ruins and above all I wish I had never found that accursed book!

Author's Note:

I wanted to try something different than the main story I'm currently working on and I had always felt that Sombra and the others had been treated unfairly, especially Sombra himself. No one asked anything, they just assumed the dark scary figure was evil and never gave him a chance. So this, is Sombra's story. I'm also going to break each Villain's story into a few chapters and I'll be sure to make it quite clear when it moves from one villain to the next.

I apologize for not being specific on the kinds of ponies Sombra's friends were so I went back and made sure to edit for clarification, though it should have little impact on the story itself.

(Also on one little note, I do not own the cover art and I'm having a little difficulty finding the origin, though I wish i could draw that well.)