• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 2,775 Views, 49 Comments

Sombra's Redemption - Orion97

It's easy to simply paint someone as a villain isn't it? Sometimes those deemed darkest of all are those with noble souls.

  • ...


The nightmares only got worse as time went on. Every night brought visions of death, chaos, darkness and a grim future for the empire. They felt increasingly real and terrifying. In the most recent dream I saw a an army approaching the The Crystal Empire, composed of skeletons, vampires and legions of undead. Their ranks were so wide it looked like an approaching swarm of locusts, ready to engulf anything in its way. Leading them appeared to be a large unicorn mare, shadows flowing and drifting around her like a cloud. Just before the dream ended she gazed in my direction and grinned menacingly. Rather disturbingly...that was the last nightmare I had before they all stopped abruptly, leaving me with an unsettling feeling that didn't even compare to what I had seen before...

"Hey, everyone, wake up...something's going on...look out the window." Serenity said with a hint of worry in her voice, rousing us from our sleep. Reluctantly I stood up and asked what we all had on our groggy minds at the moment.

"What is it? Can't we sleep a little more?" I said fighting back a yawn.

"There's guards directing a mass of ponies, they seem terrified and confused, I'm even seeing a couple griffins and a dragon or two. It must be bad if they're fleeing."

"What makes you think they're fleeing?" I asked with my brain still slowly turning on for the day. Midnight and Thunder Clap were just now standing up themselves.

"It can't be much else, with this many people flooding in...can't be anything but an evacuation or something." Serina said ponderously.

In an instant my mind snapped awake and it felt like a cold grip closed around my neck, the dream...I sincerely hoped I was wrong, but if I wasn't...

"Guys, I'm going downstairs, talk to one of the guards or something...pack up the stuff while I go, and fast." I said nervously as I backed away to the door. I spun around and took off down the stairs, leaving my friends with confused looks on their faces. I just hoped they listened to what I said.

I reached the street level in no time and it looked even worse down here. Ponies shuffled through the streets, some of them shaking like leaves in a storm. Guards wore grim expressions as they guided the scared ponies into refugee shelters adapted from large stores and public buildings, everywhere from the general store to the museum was filling up. Young pegasi fluttered around the crowd offering food and coats to the refugees.

I walked over to the nearest guard when there was a pause in the flow of people in the streets. "Excuse me, sir? What's going on, do you know?" I asked, praying for anything but what I feared. He responded to me without even taking his eyes off the crowds.

"Some scouts spotted a large army of some sort approaching the Crystal Empire. Civilians are evacuating to here. They expect the force to arrive within six hours." He spoke flatly

I would have sworn my heart skipped a beat as he spoke. It can't be true, no there must be some kind of misunderstanding. As much as I wanted to tell myself otherwise I knew what the truth was.

By the time I reached our hotel room again everyone had packed most of our things, mine included.

"What did they say?" Thunder Clap asked curiously.

"There's some kind of army approaching the Crystal Empire, they expect it to be there within six hours..." For a few painful moments the room was dead silent.

"I had a nightmare of an undead army approaching the city...and I'm certain that's what is approaching the Crystal Empire now. We have to get there right away." I said grimly.

"What help would we be? They're already evacuating and the guard will do what they can." Serenity told me with a suspicious look.

"We both know the guard will be overrun, and they won't stop at the Crystal Empire and lots of good ponies will die trying to stop it. I know I promised not to...but I have to break it again, with the black magic I might be able to defeat it without others getting hurt." I told her, expecting another reason for her to go against my plan.

Instead of an answer I only saw her biting her lip, trying to think of something to say. Thunder Clap and Midnight both shuffled awkwardly as they tried to think of something as well.

"I don't like it either but it's all we've got." I whispered just loud enough for them to hear.

"We understand, but also, what are we going to do with our luggage, if the city is about to be overrun it'll be pointless to bring it, we should leave it here." Thunder Clap stated.

In truth I hadn't thought that part through very well but he had a good point. I told them to stow the bags next to the beds, we still had the hotel room for almost a week.

After the luggage was next to the bed we all left the room as a group to head back, but not before I remembered to grab the dark tome from my pack. It didn't take long for us to reach the balloon area at the edge of the city

Once we arrived it was plain to see that all the balloons were bristling with refugees, it was equally likely that the trains were packed as well and it would take far too long to get back to the Crystal Empire at this rate. Thunder Clap and Midnight could simply fly there but Serenity and I wouldn't be able to make it, even if Thunder Clap and Midnight carried us they wouldn't be able to take us far enough.

As we stood for a few moments thinking about what to do Thunder Clap spoke up. "We could ask Rune to fly you guys there, she should be able to carry two ponies easy enough."

"Who's Rune?" We all seemed to ask at once.

"She's the owner of the museum Ice Mist and I went to, she's a dragon and if we could convince her to help that would solve our problem."

Though the rest of us weren't the most comfortable with the idea we had no better ones to offer, so we went with his plan. After navigating through the streets we found the museum he and Ice Mist had been to. It was filling up with refugees and the dragon in question could be seen at the front door trying to keep ponies organized with a couple of pegasi assistants aiding her.

Thunder Clap was elected to be the one to ask Rune since he was the only one of us that had actually met her.

"Hey Rune, May I ask a favor? I know you're busy but it's important." Thunder Clap asked with an uncertain note in his voice.

"Hey! Nice to see you, make it quick please, there's so many refugees to manage." She said calmly as she guided more ponies inside the museum which was temporarily being used as one of a number of shelters.

Thunder Clap politely gestured for Rune to come away from the crowd a little and lean down to hear him.

"I know I don't know you very well but we'd like to ask an important favor from you...you see all the people flooding in, they're evacuating from an impending attack on the Crystal Empire, they expect a dark army to reach it within six hours. Sombra may hold the key to being able to stop it and without him the Crystal Empire will probably be overrun. There is no way we'd be able to get there in time on our own so I am asking you to fly Sombra and Serenity there with us. We have no way to really repay you but we'd be in your debt." Thunder Clap whispered to her. She raised her head as she thought to herself, her expression becoming one of worry and concern.

"Wow...I...that sounds dire...of course I'll help you, don't worry about payment, I'd be a heartless dragon to say no, I just hope you're all sure of this. Wait here and make any preparations you need, I'll be right back out, I need to let my employees know I'm leaving." Rune said in a calm voice, though a hint of worry showed on her face. She turned around and slipped back into her museum, nimbly dodging the horde of ponies that now filled it.

"This is going to be dangerous...if something goes wrong we might not be around to talk about it tomorrow..." Serenity looked to me in fear, I noticed she was trembling as well, not much but it enough to show.

"I know...but we'll make it, and I'll tell you something, when we finish this and the Crystal Empire is safe I will take this book." I grinned, pulling out the dark tome. "And I will burn it to ashes, and we can all live long happy lives." I said confidently as I tucked the book away.

Serenity stopped trembling and she smiled before throwing her hooves around me. I smiled myself, picturing how things would be after this chaos was all done. After a few moments she let go and took a deep breath. Before she could say anything Rune walked back out and gave us a thumbs up. "All good to go. You guys ready?" She said eagerly as she knelt down and gestured for Serenity and I to get on her back.

We responded by climbing on, telling her "thank you" as we did. Without further delay Rune, Thunder Clap and Midnight all took off. I hate to admit it but...I was absolutely terrified out of my mind, if anyone could have seen my face my eyes would have probably looked as wide as dinner plates.

Most of the trip was fairly uneventful, though it was beautiful. Being a unicorn I never really got to see views like this much, and it was breathtaking after I relaxed from my fear of falling. It seemed like an endless sea of blue sky and clouds, I felt jealous that pegasi could come up for a view like this at almost any time they wanted to, but a lot of them probably felt the same about magic.

Occasionally I'd try to strike up a conversation but everyone seemed focused on flying, or in Serenity's case too distracted by the view to come up with more than one word responses.

I would have sworn we were in the air for ages, it was calm and peaceful but almost disturbingly quiet, not to mention cold. Just as I began to wonder how much longer the trip would be the Crystal Empire came into sight, the spire was easily the most structure of the entire city, shining like a perfect gem among a sea of other buildings, they may have been made of crystal as well but couldn't hold a candle to such a degree of architecture.

What came next made my heart plunge. In the distance we saw it, the dark army. A shiver crawled up my spine as I saw how truly massive it was. It was like a swarm of locusts approaching, and like locusts, once they departed there would be nothing left.

Everyone else seemed to tense up at the sight as well, and though no one was brave enough to say it, the situation looked hopeless.

We started to descend near the northern end of the city, the direction the army would also be coming from. We landed near one of the barricades the guard had set up. Hundreds and hundreds of guards milled about and prepared defenses, spears were sharpened and pits were dug, there was no laughter, no jokes being told. Everyone was grim and not a second was wasted on things that wouldn't help the defense.

Once we landed a guard approached us and told us it wasn't safe and that we should leave immediately, but past that we were largely ignored by all of them. Serenity and I disembarked from Rune and we all looked for an empty area to gather our thoughts, Thunder Clap and Midnight seemed as if they might need a rest as well. Before long we settled on an resting in an abandoned restaurant. The owners seemed to have evacuated and locked away everything that wasn't bolted to the floor, though a couple tables and knocked over chairs remained. It was probably ten minutes before anyone said anything, all of us shaken by the sight of the sheer vastness of the undead army only a few hours away.

Rune sat in the corner with a stare that looked like she had just witnessed a murder and whispered about how we'd barely put a dent in their ranks. Thunder Clap and Midnight both sat at the table either resting or holding their heads in their hooves. Serenity was glancing around as she whispered ideas to herself and thinking about why each one wouldn't work.

"No there's too many for that...no that wouldn't reach far enough...that could work, no there's not enough time to set that up...." She talked to herself before looking to me desperately.

"Please...please tell me you have a plan..." She begged.

"I might, but there's no guarantee that it will even work." I sighed. "I found a spell in the tome that could work but it takes a lot of focus to use and I haven't tried it before, it's supposed to to burn everything in a huge blast around me, supposedly there is a way to specify targets like undead but that would take weeks or months to learn, time that we don't have. Not to mention I have no idea how I'd even get close enough to take out enough of them...I don't know...I'll think of something...I hope." I sighed and laid my head on the table, scrambling for ideas.

"Would the spell hurt you too?" Serenity asked with concern.

"No but it'll hurt any other creature within the sphere."

"How long does it take to cast and how far will it reach?" She asked, probing for answers, perhaps to supplement her own ideas.

"Just a few moments but it needs great focus, and it should reach enough to take out most of the army if done right, if nothing else that will give the guards a fighting chance. The problem is that I wouldn't be able to get close enough to take out that many, if I just ran to the front and cast it, the spell would take out the guards like it would the undead." I explained as I rubbed my chin, brainstorming some way around the issue.

Midnight stood up from his seat with an idea ready. "I'll fly you to the center of the army, you can cast it from there and it'll take out the bulk of the army without harming the guards!" He said eagerly.

I responded with a stern look. "The blast would kill you, and I don't think we'd reach close enough to the center, they no doubt have archers, we'd be lucky to get past their front ranks." Midnight looked down dejectedly while Thunder Clap looked as if he had a better idea and spoke up.

"You know I'm one of the fastest pegasi there is, I could evade their archers, drop you from a low height and you cast it, getting away fast enough to avoid the blast and boom! Battle's won." He grinned confidently while I sighed and rejected this plan as well.

"I know how fast you are, the problem would still be even if you dropped me, what's stopping them from shooting me before the spell is cast? Even if you dropped me from high up the blast would either be too far up to affect the army or if I was close enough they'd shoot me first." Like Midnight his expression went from confident to grim in an instant and sat back down to think.

"I'll do it." Rune declared. We all looked to her in surprise.

"You don't have to do this, there's probably another way." Serenity told her.

"No, there isn't and everyone in here knows it, listen. I'm a dragon, I can last long enough to carry you securely to the center so you can cast the spell." She said looking towards me. "If anyone could survive that blast and their arrows it would be me. Trust me I can make this plan work." She said confidently.

We all sat quietly for a few moments, but we couldn't find any holes in the plan big enough to compromise it.

"It's by far the best plan we've got and I say we go for it. Unless anyone else has another idea." I gestured around the room but everyone kept silent. "All if favor of Rune's plan say aye!"

"Aye, I don't like it but it's all we've got." Serenity said with a sober look.

"Aye! Good luck you two, drinks are on me when this is over!" Thunder Clap cheered, his promise helping to lighten up the otherwise grim mood.

"Aye Sombra, I have faith in you two." Thunder Clap smiled.

"Aye, I'll get you there in one peace." Rune nodded.

"Great, now we still have a couple hours before the army gets close enough, if there's any way to strengthen the plan further we need to figure it out now."

Serenity pondered something for a moment before speaking. "I'll put a shield up in front of the guard barricades, it'll be big but I only need to hold it for a couple minutes. It should help hold back the blast if it goes too far and I can help protect the guards while they deal with the remnants of the army."

"Sounds good, be careful though, we aren't sure how smoothly this will all go. Thunder Clap, Midnight, you should go with her, I know you two can fight and will keep each other safe if something goes wrong. We'll carry out the plan when the army nears the city. If we go out too far the guards won't be able to take out the rest of the army before we get surrounded." I told each of them.

"You should all get a little rest, it won't be long before this place is a war-zone. I'll make sure everyone's awake in time." They nodded in agreement. After a few minutes of conversation and my friends sharing ideas they started to settle down for an uneasy rest. I kept watch and kept track of time, though I didn't know precisely how long till they were in range I knew it was a little over two hours. I settled in myself and found a comfortable spot, I read through the tome as they slept, making sure I would be fully prepared when we carried out the plan

Invasion force estimated time of arrival: 2 Hours, 13 Minutes

As we made our preparations the guard outside were making theirs as well. In such a short span of time they had all but transformed the once peaceful streets where merchants and artisans worked into a fortress. Spears that weren't being used were inserted into barricades as a further means of defense, strong earth ponies dug trenches and lined the bottoms with oil. These were only a few of their fortifications as well.

"General Silver Swipe, sir!" The lieutenant saluted as he walked into the command tent. Generals such as Silver Swipe were all leaning over a large map on the table discussing tactics and defenses, they had hardly paid attention to our arrival, apparently hundreds of able-bodied civilians had shown up eager to help protect their homes but most fled with the rest as soon as they saw how truly vast the army was. Only a few dozen had remained out of them but those that did were admitted unceremoniously into the guard and issued equipment, technically it wasn't allowed but if there was ever a day for an exception this would be it. There wasn't a chance they'd turn down those willing to help.

"At ease, lieutenant. What is it?" The old pegaus said gruffly.

"The Griffin Kingdom has agreed to send us reinforcements for Operation Supernova! It would increase our own numbers by 40%. They are expected to arrive in three hours." The lieutenant couldn't help but smile a little with the good news, griffins were renowned for their combat abilities after all.

The general however, was not happy, the others looked grim as they heard the news as well. General Silver Streak slammed his hoof onto the table in frustration. "We'll all be dead and overrun in three hours! We'll be lucky if the undead army gets here in more than two!" He barked.

"What about the dragons and minotaurs? Surely they can spare some forces?" General Crimson Spark asked.

"The dragons are far too distant, it's impressive they learned as fast as they did, they offered to send their best but by the time they got here the battle would have ended hours ago. The minotaurs did send weapons and supplies, but that's all, apparently they are having terrible issues with ursas and timberwolves. Damn it, why the hell didn't we know about this sooner!?" He asked to no one in particular.

The lieutenant answered "The snow storms sir, it cloaked their movements, it was fortunate our recon fliers saw them when they did."

"There must be someone or something leading them..." General Silver Streak whispered to himself. "Something or someone is leading this force, the dead don't rise on their own and aren't smart enough on their own to use snowstorms for cover. If we eliminate the leader they could scatter or fall apart, we don't even know for sure something is leading them but if there is we can't ignore the opportunity." He began to put together a plan.

Before long the generals dispatched a veteran strike team to scout the enemy army from a distance and look for any distinguishing leaders or commanding force. They flew just at the edge of the range of their archers and after several long minutes they managed to see a larger being at the front, it appeared to be a dark unicorn mare, shadows shifting about her like a dark mist and eyes that could strike fear into those that looked too long.

The members of the strike force approached just a little closer and drew their bows. After a moment of careful aim they released their arrows, their shots flew with deadly precision and looked like they would hit. That is until the mysterious being raised a magic shield, the arrows pinged harmlessly off of the bubble and the undead archers notched their own arrows and took aim at the pegasi.

Seeing that their efforts proved fruitless the strike force turned to fly away as a barrage of arrows landed around them. Just as they seemed to be out of range an arrow dug into the back leg of the pegasus in the back of the group, forcing him to the ground. His allies tried to help but were quickly deterred as another barrage of arrows was aimed at them, they hated to leave him behind but if they stayed it would mean their deaths as well.

Soon the undead army reached the wouned pegasus, still struggling to pull the arrow out when the dark mare stood over him, casting an ominous shadow upon the terrified soldier. "You...are going to send a message to your generals for me..." She commanded in a voice that sounded reminiscent of a snake hissing, her horn lighting up as she seized control of the unforunate stallion's mind.

Back in the command tent the survivors of the strike team reported their findings, as well as pleading and apologizing that they did not wish to leave their brother in arms behind. The generals understood that such things happen in war and didn't hold it against them, but they did begin to discuss other possible ways to dispatch the leader.

As they discussed plans however, the missing member of the strike team walked into the tent, but something seemed off about him...

"Reporting in, sir. I apologize for the delay. I have something for you, general." He said in a calm voice as if he was reading from a page.

"Well? What is it?" General Silver Streak questioned impatiently. Instead of a spoken response the soldier drew his sword and swung at the general, caught off guard he managed to cut deeply into the general's leg before the rest of the tent scrambled to disarm and restrain him.

"AHHHHHHHHH" The general howled in agony, the blade spilling deep red blood onto the ground as he struggled to stand up. General Crimson spark took his own sword and smacked the assassin in the back of the neck with the flat part of the blade, General Silver Streak's attacker collapsed to the floor noiselessly while the blade rattled onto the floor, drops of scarlet blood running along the base of the weapon.

Within moments the assassin was relieved of his armor and tied to a post on the far side of the tent. As soon as he woke he began to shiver in fear as if he was still in front of the dark mare that took control of his mind. "We're all going to die...we are ALL going to die..." the soldier had been a veteran in the guard for fifteen years and it rattled the nerves of everyone present to see someone they all knew for their unbreakable resolve fall apart like that. If nothing else he seemed to at least be in control of his own mind now, though his ability to fight in the upcoming battle would be doubtful.

As everyone gathered their thoughts on the matter the lieutenant that delivered the report or the griffin reinforcements asked with fear in his voice. "General...what are we going to do?"

Invasion force estimated time of arrival: 1 Hour, 20 Minutes

I had been practicing minor spells and listening to battle preparations outside for almost an hour, sleep tugged at me in the back of my mind as the rest of my friends caught some shut-eye. I never napped for more than an hour anyway and it was doubtful we wouldn't hear yelling when the undead army was closer. Even so I didn't want to risk it.

Thankfully after a few minutes Midnight offered to keep track of time while I had a brief rest. I thanked him and found a comfortable area by Serenity and did my best to fall asleep, but it never lasted longer than a moment or two. I was gripped with fear and when I tried to sleep it only shone through even worse as I started to dream. All I could do was wait as the minutes crawled by until either our victory...or our doom...

Invasion force estimated time of arrival: 10 Minutes

Midnight walked around the room waking each of us up, making sure we were ready, though no one slept particularly well the others seemed to have gotten some genuine rest at least.

Before the battle started we ran to visit the generals to inform them of our plan, something that we really should have done before but it was doubtful that it would make a huge impact, it just wouldn't be ideal if the guards were surprised when a giant shield appeared right in front of them.

They seemed somewhat dismissive of it and didn't pay a large degree of attention to us, the only thing that struck me as odd was an unarmed pony tied to the corner muttering to himself as if he saw a terrifying ghost. With so much already on my mind I really didn't want to know what happened with him.

After leaving the generals to their business we moved into position for our own plan, I stood ready next to Rune while Thunder Clap and Midnight Hope accompanied Serenity while she'd cast the shield. As soon as I gave the go ahead we'd set the plan into motion, putting all ours hopes on the line.

Invasion force estimated time of arrival: 1 Minute

"Go, go, go!" I shouted as I climbed onto Rune and she took off, the rest of my friends heading to the barricade. The guards gave us some confused looks but continued about their business, far too busy to do anything about it even if they wanted to.

"Here goes nothing..." She whispered before soaring forward like a bullet, hostile arrows rose up to meet her as she flew, most missed but a few skimmed along her scales, hurting but doing no real damage. Unfortunately the luck didn't last as an arrow soon imbedded itself in her shoulder, but she flew on despite it. As we flew closer to the center Rune began to fly in an upward spiral, gaining air until none of the arrows came close to her and hovered in the air directly above the center of the army.

Understanding what she was signalling me to do I prepared the spell, all I needed was to get close, and in a hurry, in only moments the army would reach the guards, unicorn archers stood ready on top of every building and behind the barricades. Serenity took notice of us and put up the shield, it took a lot of strength but she wouldn't have to hold it for long, though it concerned the guards for a few seconds they kept silent when they realized it would only aid them. The guards' expressions hardened as they could see the hollow faces of their enemy, hissing and screeching as they continued their dreadful march.

"Rune, when we fly down shield me until the spell is just about cast, then I want you to get as far away from me as you can, I know you'll probably be fine but there's no sense in taking chances." She nodded in agreement. A second later she began her descent, tucking her wings in as she dove straight down. Some looked up in awe and confusion at what they saw descending rapidly through the dark clouds in the sky.

As we neared the ground Rune pulled out of the dive and arched up, slinging me off her back while she flew away and drew the enemy's attention to her as I fell thirty feet to the ground. As she flew across the sea of undead multiple arrows found their way into her, one striking the edge of her right wing, two driving themselves into her leg and yet another went directly into her claw. As they shot poor Rune full of arrows I unleashed the spell, for a moment nothing happened, then in a heartbeat my vision filled with bright light and a great blaze of fire engulfed me and grew, it tore and ate its way through the undead as they burned to ash and crumbled. The field of fire spread several hundred feet around me and kept going, searing untold numbers of the army. Despite being a dragon even Rune was feeling the heat and it burned, she felt like she would cook in her own scales if the blast didn't stop expanding. As the blaze caught up with her tail and legs Rune flew over Serenity's shield and took cover behind a building, nursing her wounds as the blast slammed into the magic shield, almost breaking it.

Serenity struggled to reinforce it but she wouldn't last long, she was already sweating and getting dizzy from exertion. Within moments the blast stopped expanding and died down. I had fallen and lay in a heap of ashes, sore and in pain but otherwise unharmed. Most of the army was wiped out but my concern lay for the guard, I glanced over and saw Serenity's shield standing and collapse only after the blast died down. With the relief I laid my head down for a bit of well-earned rest with a smile on my face, but it was short lived.

Despite the blast a there were still enough undead left to to barely outnumber the guards and they were closing in on me fast. Their twisted expressions of rage and hate burning into my memory as they closed in with weapons drawn, armor rattling against exposed ribs and swords clutched in cold hooves. As they neared closer I felt something pinch me and I saw myself departing the ground, I looked up and saw Rune carrying me off towards the barricades, cringing in pain as yet another arrow tore into her arm. When we landed Rune crumbled to the ground and moaned in pain, as far as I could tell her injuries weren't fatal but the bleeding needed to be stopped. I healed her to the best of my abilities but the blast alone had nearly knocked me out and I was able to stop the bleeding, but only just that before falling to the ground in exhaustion, watching as the battle unfolded just before me.

Without delay the remnants of the army reformed and charged the defenses. The sounds of steel on steel rang through the air and screams accompanied undead wails as both forces tore into each other, the undead suffering far heavier losses from the guard's defenses but they pushed relentlessly and until they were destroyed. I wondered where my friends were or if they were okay until I saw them in the center of the field, a skeleton with a spear charged thunderclap before he caught hold of it, turned the weapon around and smashed the abomination with in. Serenity threw up shields in front of Midnight and Thunder Clap when it looked like they were about to be hit. Midnight wasn't as strong as Thunder Clap but still he fought bravely and very well, working in tandem with the other two.

The battle continued on a little while longer, the sounds of battle gradually becoming let violent and loud until the last member of the army of the undead was destroyed by a guard. Once it fell all was silent for a very long moment, everyone glancing around to see the aftermath of the battle, most of the guards still stood, many of them injured but alive.

All at once a deafening cheer shattered the silence. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO We did it! The battle is won!" Similar cries echoed the initial shout. "Holy shit...I can't believe it...we just....victory!!!" All the fear and terror that had filled them was broken in a flash, replaced by confidence and joy. A lot of good ponies died today and they would be mourned but for now they deserved this. I stood up and looked around for myself, Rune as well, no one payed attention to yet, still paying attention to their own cries of victory.

Just as it all seemed over a dark mare walked out of the alley next to us, clutching a spear. My spirits plummeted as she appeared. "You win your battle today, but I can take all the time I need, you shall join me one day, I can see it, we are more alike than you know..." She said ominously. As she did Rune charged her and found a spear driven deep into her shoulder, evoking a broken cry of pain. "Do not dare interrupt me, dragon. My dear Sombra...you have much to learn..." She said as she twisted the spear and dug it in slightly deeper. Rune howled louder in sheer agony and drew the attention of some of the cheering guards who rushed to our aid.

"Life is delicate, life is fleeting and all die eventually..." She whispered to me as she dispersed the clouds around her

I was shocked as my mind registered what I saw, without the shadows hiding every detail she was revealed to be one of the most beautiful mares I had ever seen, but that still didn't take away from the fact she just led an army trying to kill us all. "What do you want..." I asked in confusion.

"To save the ones I love...you will never forgive or understand me but I have my reasons, just like how she is still alive." The dark mare whispered as she gently removed the spear and disappeared into shadows right in front of me. Several guards ran through where she had been standing just a moment before, it looked like they were just about to reach her when she vanished.

"Are you two alright? What happened?" The guards asked in concern, a medic quickly got to work healing Rune's wounds as two other unicorns focused on lifting her back to the main area where the survivors were gathering. About 80% of the guard had survived thanks to the spell and the heavy fortifications that had been made. The other guards guided me with them to the main area but my thoughts were elsewhere. My mind raced trying to think about what she had said. It was always easier when things were simply black and white, gray, gray is where things got uneasy. As I wordlessly trotted cries continued to echo in the distance while it felt like a whole new battle raged in my mind.

"The day is ours!"

Author's Note:

Huh...so who is the true villain? Hmm, guess you'll just have to wait and see, won't spoil anything but there might be more to this shadow person than there seems to be on the cover. Questions, concerns? Feel free to message or comment, both are always welcome.
(Has not been proofread or edited yet though truth be told none of these chapters really have been.)

Finally! Got off my lazy ass and put out this chapter, I wasn't just sitting around though, I'm most of the way through on the next chapter for the Sound of a Heartbeat and the first chapters on 2 or 3 other stories, and no they won't slow down updates for this, that's just me being lazy, school or writer's block...or I got hit by a truck or something. Which excites you guys more, Gilda or Chrysalis's redemption, I'm personally excited with the ideas I have for Gilda's.

P.S. I changed the format just a little (Put space between the paragraphs) if you guys like it let me know and I'll run back and format the rest of the chapters like that, if not I'll keep it the way it was.