• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 2,775 Views, 49 Comments

Sombra's Redemption - Orion97

It's easy to simply paint someone as a villain isn't it? Sometimes those deemed darkest of all are those with noble souls.

  • ...

A Warm Sunset

Ever Since the first incident with the black magic, I had encountered terrifying nightmares in my sleep. Initially these nightmares were few and far between but when I used the dark powers again they increased in both frequency and intensity, rather than a couple times every month or two they began to occur weekly. After I brought life back into Thunder Clap the nightmares came about every third night and usually left me shaking in fear, horror gripping my mind. Every bloody scene and tragedy becoming more vivid than the last. More than once I turned to Serenity to confirm whether the terror was real or in my mind...more than once I saw things that weren't supposed to be there, things that could cause the bravest of hearts to falter. Things were fine for now, but there's not telling how long that would last...

A day or two after I revived Thunder Clap he was released from the hospital, Midnight was released as well shortly thereafter. The doctors took care of him and told him to keep off his hooves as much as possible, and if flying was necessary take extreme caution when landing. It wasn't long before Thunder Clap and Midnight were able to complete the final test for Thunderbolts. It was a handful of simple flights. One was reach a certain point in as little time as possible, one was to fly long distance carrying a heavy bag and the final test was to fly into the eye of a pegasi-created hurricane and stay there for five minutes.

Midnight did very well, but Thunder Clap passed with flying colors, he broke the record on all 3 flights. With this and his "miraculous recovery" from the hospital he gained a near legendary status among his peers, Midnight was a hero in the eyes of the other trainees if nothing else. They all saw what he did for Thunder Clap and felt safe in trusting him.

Serenity and I watched the flights and saw for ourselves how well Thunder Clap flew, he was always good but now he seemed...enhanced somehow, as if he had a renewed vitality and had been holding back before. Soon I started to get a clear idea why... I must have done more than just revive him, the magic must have stayed in him somewhat, making him stronger. I was worried but for now at least it didn't seem to be hurting him in any way, regardless I'd keep an eye on him to make sure the black magic didn't have any more hidden effects on my pegasus friend.

After all was said and done our small group stopped by a nice restaurant in Storm-point for diner. It was fun and interesting, the food was amazing and the whole time was memorable. Though I later found myself a little lower on cash than I hoped to be... it was to celebrate Thunder Clap and Midnight's graduation into the Thunderbolts.

As we departed the restaurant Thunder Clap brought up something that it looked like he'd been waiting to say for a while, "Hey um if you guys don't mind I'd like to visit Ice Mist, I told her I would after I got out of the hospital I would visit."

"No problem, have fun with your date!" I told him

"Hope it goes well!" Midnight spoke up as Thunder Clap was already turning to leave.

"Just remember, we're leaving at the end of this week to head back home, you might want to at least give her your address before then as well." Serenity added.

Thunder Clap smiled as he walked off to find where Ice Mist lived. "Will do! and thanks for the advice."

As the he left we continued on back to the hotel, maybe we could find something else to do here before we went back to the Crystal Empire as well.

After getting lost more times than he would like to admit, Thunder Clap finally managed to finally found Ice Mist's house. The front of the house had a fresh, comfortable and inviting feel. Broad cloud steps led up to the front porch. Thunder Clap followed the steps up to the front door and gave a quick knock, as he did he realized he had actually begun to sweat a little, ever since that bad date he had years ago he was always a little nervous about first impressions.

A few silent moments passed and just as he began to think maybe Ice Mist wasn't home he heard noise from inside. Someone was inside talking to herself and could be heard running to the door. The door flew open and Ice Mist stood in front of him wearing a beautiful dress and a tall, vibrant crimson flower in her grasp.

"You're here! It's so nice to see you! She said eagerly as she gave him a warm hug. She chuckled and backed away a little as a blush began to form on her face, and being a blue pegasus it was obvious to anyone watching. "Sorry, I'm usually not this nervous on a first date, it's just I'm sorry about what I did and you're really cute and I didn't want to ruin it, Oh! I wasn't supposed to tell you that! Ugh, sorry, I'm usually not this bad it's just...ummm, right! Here this is for you, sorry about my rambling." Ice Mist spoke nervously, stumbling on some of her words as she passed the flower to Thunder Clap. Her cheeks were starting to match the color of the flower she gave him when Thunder Clap finally spoke.

"Anyone ever tell you you look adorable when you blush?" Thunder Clap smiled.

"You're too kind." She smiled back. "You look pretty handsome if I might say..." she returned his compliment when she finally got a good look at him, from her perspective it looked like he had been working out.

"Thank you, so is there anywhere specific you wanted to have that date at?"

"Well...I was thinking maybe we could go to the edge of the town this evening and stargaze or something, unless you want to do something else..." She shuffled her hooves nervously as Thunder Clap thought of a response.

"I'd like that, though we have a while before it's evening, it's still the afternoon, maybe we could go get a bite to eat, maybe look at the sights then go to where you planned, by then it should be starting to get dark enough to see stars."

"That sounds fantastic! We should go to this one restaurant that just opened up, I think it's called New Horizons. Then we could go see that museum about dragons."

"Alrighty, didn't know there was a dragon museum, kind of odd since dragons are real." Thunder Clap said.

"Yeah but most ponies don't know much about dragons, the owner herself is actually a dragon! I talked with her once, she said that as she traveled she came to realize how many ponies knew almost nothing about dragons so she decided to open up a museum, thinking that maybe dragons and ponies could come to understand each other a little more. It's a little different from most museums and it's been a while since I went there." Ice Mist explained in detail about the museum, she seemed pretty enthusiastic about it.

"Sounds great! Let's go, lead the way, Ice Mist."

Soon afterwards both Thunder Clap and Ice Mist were entering the New Horizons restaurant, the building itself had fascinating architecture and just looking around quickly proved to be addicting for most that entered. Surprisingly, inside the restaurant was all but empty with a few couples and small groups scattered around. When they were guided to their own seats Ice Mist asked the waiter why there weren't many others there.

"I believe it is because of the bug that's going around, so many ponies are sick today, even some of our staff called in sick. It should pass in a day or two." The waiter said in a calm, professional tone. After taking their orders he promptly left towards the kitchen.

Thunder Clap looked to Ice Mist with a slightly confused expression. "So um...not to sound stupid but what exactly is a "bug" again?"

"Basically it's like a cold or something that goes around and most people get it but only lasts for about a day then it just goes away."

"Oh that's weird, I've never actually heard of it before. I've lived in the Crystal Empire most of my life and there was never one where I lived that I can remember." Thunder Clap said as he looked at the ceiling, at first it almost looked like it wasn't even there and just opened up to the sky. Whoever the artist was did an impressive job to say the least.

"I think it's because the weather teams there are really well run and it's easier there, the weather can be more tricky here so people get sick a little more often."

"Ah, okay. So...what do you like to do in your spare time?"

"Well I'm usually creating art, making music, hanging out with friends and chatting with cute boys at dinner." Ice Mist flashed a grin to Thunder Clap. "You?"

"I like to create interesting things, learn new skills, whether it's drawing, learning archery or how to cook. Above all I love to fly, just the freedom, being able to soar anywhere, and I've never felt more capable in my life." Thunder Clap told proudly.

"Wow." Ice Mist said with an fairly impressed look on her face. "Sounds like you keep busy."

"All that and talking to cute mares at dinner" Thunder Clap smiled warmly.

As their conversation carried on the waiter finally returned with their meals. Ice Mist got a salad and a couple sandwiches while Thunder Clap got a monster of plate, loaded with a little bit of everything, from potatoes to corn and bread and more. Her eyes seemed to grow as large as her plate when she saw simply how much food he'd ordered.

"Damn! That looks like it could almost feed a whole family, and you're in fantastic shape." Ice mist commented, scanning over the huge plate, somewhere behind it was her date.

Thunder Clap laughed. "Ever since I got out of the hospital I've felt like I could eat more than a dragon, I actually had something to eat not too long ago with my friends."

"Are you sure you can finish that?" Ice Mist looked at him with a mix of suspicion and genuine curiosity.

Sure enough Thunder Clap managed to eat the entire plate, not a single crumb remained when he was finished. Ice Mist finished her meal as well but sat back in her chair wearing a dumbstruck look on her face. She hardly believed he was serious but it seems he was telling the truth.

After the waiter took their plates Thunder Clap paid for his meal and tried to pay for Ice Mist as well but she insisted on paying for it herself.

After departing the restaurant they headed for the dragon museum which thankfully wasn't too far away.

"So you said you talked to the owner of the museum before, what was her name?" Thunder Clap asked while on their walk to said museum.

"Her name is Runa Tonitrui, though she usually just goes by Rune." Ice Mist said.

"Cool name, can't wait to meet her."

"Oh you'll like her, she's really friendly and approachable, she's still pretty young for a dragon so she's not too big either, though she's about twice as tall as most ponies and still walks on her back legs." She informed him.

"She does sound interesting, the museum as well. How much farther until we get there?"

"We're already here." Ice Mist said, resisting the urge to laugh a little at how oblivious he was. They were mere feet from the entrance and a large sign was right in front of them saying "Welcome to the Storm-Point Dragon Museum!".

"Oh. Can't believe I didn't see that sooner." Thunder Clap said in a slightly surprised tone.

Before Ice Mist could respond a lively white and blue dragon walked out of the museum to greet them, Ice Mist instantly recognized her as Rune.

"Hello and welcome to my museum! Hey Ice Mist! I saw you here a week ago, said something about maybe bring a-" Rune spoke before being cut off by Ice Mist.

"Rune! Nice to see you, this is my date Thunder Clap. Thunder Clap, Rune. Rune, Thunder Clap." Ice Mist said, gesturing between the two of them while they said hello to one another.

"Hey, so I'm not busy today, how would you two like if I showed you on a personal tour of the museum?" Rune said excitedly.

"That sounds great!" Thunder Clap spoke up.

"Fantastic! Please follow me inside so we can begin." Rune chimed as she threw her arms apart and walked into the museum.

"Wow, I hope I'm that cheery, not to mention beautiful, if I make it to be that old." Ice Mist whispered to Thunder Clap as they walked in.

"She does look nice." Thunder Clap said nodding to himself.

"Well let's not keep her waiting." Ice Mist said as she led the young stallion inside.

Rune eagerly began to show them around, she showed them everything from exhibits about dragon biology and society to common dragon hobbies and behaviors.

"Now there are some notable differences between dragon and pony behaviors." Rune said pointing to an exhibit featuring multiple dragons in an array of poses. "While few dragons actually have a hoard or engage in stereotypical behaviors many dragons do feel a mild urge to gather valued possessions and keep them in a secure area. A lot of dragons also feel somewhat territorial which translates to most being protective over personal property and frown upon trespassing and vandalism even more so than ponies."

Rune explained before continuing on to more exhibits.

"This exhibit tells about dragon biology and mating habits." Rune gestured to the exhibit, on the left there was a model of a dragon skeleton and on the right was a large model of a male and female dragon flying in circle together. "Let's start with biology, first thing worth mentioning is most dragon sub-species like me possess a single pair of wings and four legs, although some varieties have no wings, or only have two legs. And yes though I use them more like arms these are technically legs." Rune said showing her arms to Thunder Clap and Ice Mist. "Also, dragons can live for thousands of years, are resistant to disease and have excellent senses of sight, hearing and smell compared to most other species. There is no definitive age limit for dragons though of course the older the dragon the more rare they are.

"Wow, wish I could be a dragon, getting wrinkles and gray hair isn't very appealing for most ponies." Ice Mist said with a hint of jealousy.

"Dragons age differently than ponies, in the perspective of most dragons I'm barely an adult and I'm a hundred and fifty years old! Though I could easily live into the thousands of years I would be about nineteen if I was a pony." Rune said before stopping to think to herself for a moment.

"If you're really serious about wanting to be a dragon there are permanent transformation spells out there, they are difficult and the spell takes time but it has a very high success rate. Those that seek it out usually say they feel like a dragon trapped in a pony's body. Most versions of the spell turn the pony into a dragon that bears very strong similarity to their own physiology and appearance, though sometimes features are different, most of the time very little is changed but in some cases they could look very different. A few spells do turn the pony into a dragon with the physical features and colors of the pony's choice but most that do these are specialists." Rune told in an informative tone, hoping to be helpful if Ice Mist did truly desire to turn herself into a dragon.

"Huh...well I appreciate the information, I'm not sure about permanent transformation though. I'll ask you more if I ever change my mind." Ice Mist said after a moment of careful consideration, Thunder Clap himself seemed to be trying to picture himself as a dragon as well based on the ponderous expression he wore.

"Glad I could help! Now the other part of the exhibit details mating habits, most dragons are actually very similar to ponies on this topic but due to our longevity we naturally tend to aim for long-term relationships more than almost any other species, though that's not to say dragons don't date similar to ponies sometimes. Also worth noting that dragons are known for their loyalty and that extends to relationships, unfaithfulness is exceptionally rare among dragons." Rune continued by telling more interesting facts and details about both parts of the exhibits. After a several minutes she concluded. "Any questions?" After being met with silence she guided her guests through the rest of the exhibits, both ponies learning a great deal about dragons, their culture, lifestyles and general information.

"Well it was great having you guys but I'm afraid the tour is over, come back at a later date and you might find some new additions! I'm always adding to and working on my somewhat modest museum." Rune said cheerfully.

"It was great visiting, I learned a lot actually." Thunder Clap told her as they prepared to depart.

"Glad to hear! Hope you enjoyed it too." Rune replied gleefully.

"It was nice seeing you again, It was a great experience." Ice Mist said.

"I'm happy you two liked it, and you too Ice Mist, it was nice meeting you Thunder Clap."

As the trio finished their goodbyes Ice Mist and Thunder Clap departed. Ice Mist took the lead once more and led her colt-friend over to a quiet edge of the town, where one could sit near the edge of the clouds and get a breath-taking view of the sunset.

Just as they reached their destination night was already descending and the sun was heading towards it's rest below the edge of the horizon. Ice Mist sat down on a patch of cloud and got comfortable while Thunder Clap laid down and stretched out on a spot beside her. "I had a lot of fun today...and I got to know you more." Ice Mist spoke quietly to the stallion beside her.

"I did too, you're a lovely mare to spend time with."

"You're sweet. What did I do to deserve you, especially after I accidentally hit you with lightning no less."

"What can I say, you take my breath away." Thunder Clap smiled.

Ice Mist burst out laughing as soon as he spoke, she went on until she finally managed to catch her breath. At first Thunder Clap was confused until he finally caught the joke, then he began laughing just as hard as she was. When they were done Ice Mist was the first to speak.

"That was absolutely terrible and you know it!" she said with another chuckle escaping her mouth.

"I didn't even realize it until after I said that, and it was pretty funny."

"Yeah I'll admit that, hey look! The sun's setting. Wow....I never quite realized just how beautiful it was from up here..." Ice Mist whispered as she rested her head beside Thunder Clap's neck.

"I'm glad I could watch it with you, Ice Mist."

"It's amazing having you here with me, you're like a giant teddy bear." She chuckled as she wrapped a leg around him and scooted closer.

Relatively few words passed between them as the sun hid beyond the edge of their view and the moon claimed it's place in the starry night sky. As it grew darker both ponies realized they would have to go home eventually. They both stood up and began to think of the best way to say goodbye.

"Well as much as I hate it, we both have to head home at some point, this was a wonderful date though, we'll have to do this again sometime." Thunder Clap told her with a warm smiled on his face as Ice Mist did the best she could to hide her excitement.

"It was great seeing you Ice Mist, mind if I come around the same time, one week from now? We could -" Ice Mist silenced him as she nervously seized her chance and kissed him. She quickly ended it and wrapped herself around him, it felt like her heart was about to beat out of her chest as she waited for Thunder Clap's reaction. She heard nothing but welcomed the pleasant surprise when he returned her hug.

"You talk too much" She laughed quietly.

"There are worse ways to be told to shut up. That was fun." He chuckled to himself

Ice Mist smiled as she ended the hug and backed up a step or two

"So I'll see you next week?" He asked quietly

"You bet, I'll be waiting." She poked him playfully

After a few calm moments and friendly words the two pegasi parted ways. Ice Mist back to her home and Thunder Clap back to the hotel room where Sombra, Midnight and Serenity would no doubt be waiting, that or asleep. He made a mental note to be extra careful as he entered. Both Ice Mist and Thunder Clap both slept the best they had in weeks after their day together.

When Thunder Clap opened the door to the hotel room he saw his friends were asleep as he had expected, he crawled into the last empty bed and looked around the room as he began to drift off to sleep.

Midnight had actually made a fort out of the cloud mattress and pillows, swaddling himself with the blankets inside it. It almost goes without saying that he was still in touch with his inner-child. Serenity slept peacefully while Sombra turned occasionally, mumbling to himself from time to time. He didn't seem to be having nightmares tonight at least, mumbling and shifting around was something he actually had a habit of doing. Thunder Clap drifted off into sleep within moments, comfortably wrapped in bed, though sleeping dangerously close to the edge of it.

Thunder Clap's dreams slowly drifted on to another lovely date with a certain lovely blue mare he hoped to see again.

Author's Note:

This chapter is a bit more of a sweeter side story but trust me, it's like the calm before the storm and the next few chapters are going to be interesting. Also from now on I'm going to strive for more consistent updates and longer chapters. One more note, do you guys think this story needs a Romance tag? There will be a bit more of it in the story but it's not the primary focus.

Anyways, hope you guys liked this chapter, as always feel free to comment, praise or criticize it, both are welcome and let me know if I'm doing well or if I can improve it.