• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 2,776 Views, 49 Comments

Sombra's Redemption - Orion97

It's easy to simply paint someone as a villain isn't it? Sometimes those deemed darkest of all are those with noble souls.

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A Normal Day for the Not-So Normal

After the incident in the ruins outside the city, the next several years passed rather uneventfully. I locked the tome within a chest in the attic, I tried to practice some of the spells within but nearly died doing so on a couple of them. With the book locked away and fading from memory slowly, things might just get better and surprisingly...they did.

Over the next several years I was happy and saw some of the best times of my life. I became very talented with magic, becoming well known even among the city's best, my name even passed through Canterlot far to the south, though I had never went there myself.

Thunder Clap trained rigorously to become one of the fastest pegasi around, he dreamed of becoming a Thunderbolt. The Thunderbolts were a highly trained and expert group of pegasi, it was a more militant branch of the Wonderbolts and even harder to get into.

Midnight Hope found his calling to be recon or a scout for the Crystal Guard, he was very good for the position and trained as hard as Thunder Clap did for his position, it looked like they might reach their goals soon as well.

Serenity had trouble figuring out what she wanted to be at first but eventually settled on working to become an ambassador, going to foreign lands and uniting all with peace and understanding. She was always kind and could convince someone of almost anything, I'd bet my hoof she could get a griffin to cry if she wanted to.

We were all in our teens and both eager to join the adult world and a little nervous at the same time, and of course there was the awkwardness that followed in no doubt every teenager's life.

It was cold outside that day, even for our standards. It wasn't freezing but it was enough to encourage most ponies to stay inside unless they had important business. My friends and I had all been so busy working toward our future professions that we hadn't even seen each other for a few weeks, and we used to spend virtually everyday together as foals, thankfully that never deteriorated our friendship. Since most programs and nonessential businesses had closed down for the day I figured that it would be the perfect chance to invite my friends over and talk for a while, my own parents were away on a business trip for the next several days in Canterlot and it would be nice and quiet inside.

I had been studying an old magic book on long distance telekinesis when I heard a knock on the door, I opened it and in walked Thunder Clap, Serenity, and Midnight all at once. "Hey Sombra! It's been a while, it's good to see you!" Thunder Clap said with a big grin on his face.

Midnight Hope and Serenity both walked in as well and we exchanged greetings. As soon as everyone was inside Sombra closed the door and they found a couch and a couple seats around a table in his family's living room. We had all almost always been on good terms but Serenity especially seemed happy to see me, when I walked into a room she'd glance at me from time to time and smiled a little more when I talked to her than when someone else would, which always struck me as a little odd.

"Hey Sombra, which would you say is better...a pair of wings...or a horn?" Thunder Clap immediately started off with debate as old as ponies themselves.

"Oh not this again, If I had a bit for every time you-" Serenity began before Thunder Clap interrupted, grinning like a foal that managed to steal a cookie out of the cookie jar.

"Shhhh, we're doing this anyway." Thunder Clap would not rest until we all talked about it...again, thankfully he had many redeeming qualities other than bringing up the same debates over and over again until they were decided up to his standards.

"He must charm all the mares..." Serenity whispered to me, making sure Thunder Clap wouldn't notice, unfortunately I struggled to contain the laughter that was ready to break loose.

"Hmmm, I think I'd stick with wings, but I would like to know what life was like with a horn." Midnight said to the group, his eyes staring half to the ceiling surely trying to picture himself with a horn no doubt.

"I don't know, sure it would be interesting but I don't think I could go a day without these..." Thunder said slowly as he unfurled his wings, examining each one carefully. I have to admit, his wings were very impressive, they seemed almost as if they were crafted painstakingly by an expert artisan, his wings were well toned and powerful, yet not bulging or over-muscular and he could practically fly circles around most other pegasi.

"I admit it, those are some pretty amazing wings...why haven't you tried to join the Thunderbolts yet? I've seen pegasi with smaller wings get in."

"Well at least he managed to get him off the wings versus horn debate." I whispered to Serenity whom silently nodded in response to me while the Thunder Clap and Midnight carried on with their conversation.

"I want to but I've just been nervous...throughout all of training I'll be alone and if I get nervous I won't fly as well and if I fail I'll be humiliated." Thunder Clap said timidly, tucking his wings in as he scratched at the floor with his hoof.

"I'll go through training with you then!" Midnight shouted happily. A brief silence followed as well all stared at him in surprise, it was well known that he feared their training and had talked about trying to avoid it like the plague in the past.

Thunder Clap looked at Midnight and a gentle smile formed, "I'd love to have you with me buddy, but I thought you were terrified of the training." He said as he gave Midnight a gentle hug.

"I am...but I know it would be a lot better if both of us were in it, and I know I wanted to do recon for the Crystal Guard but the Thunderbolts have something similar don't they?" Midnight asked as Thunder Clap released the hug.

He thought carefully for a few long moments before responding. "Well there is the Night Falcon unit but it's exclusive and hard to get into, even for the Thunderbolts themselves, the they take their job very seriously and scout when no other unit would dare too and are renown for their bravery. If you can make it that would be incredible, but I'm worried about you getting hurt. They are exposed to more danger than the main branch of the Thunderbolts. I know there's actually a sign up in a few weeks." Thunder Clap explained to Midnight, whom seemed to be very heavily thinking about this news, he figured there would be something similar to his original goal but he hadn't anticipated it to be that difficult.

Midnight closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. "I'll do it, certainly an interesting challenge, isn't it?"

"Well then, I'd like to say good luck to both of you, I hope you'll be safe." Serenity added, reminding me of a mother telling her children when they wanted to play outside in the dark to be careful. Now that I thought about it she would make a great mother one day, she was certainly intelligent and caring enough.

"Likewise, I'd rather have a friend than come back in one piece than know a dead hero." I told them, I had known them since I was very young and I'd hate to lose any one of them.

"We'll keep that in mind, hope your futures go well too...hey Sombra, that old book we found a long time ago, what if there was something in it to give a pony wings, like you guys? You could use it to give Serenity and yourself wings! Imagine if we could all go flying together!" Thunder Clap said excitedly, before I could utter a word however, Serenity was right in front of him.

"Last time Sombra used that book he nearly died...or did you forget that already??" She hissed at him, speaking just above a whisper, I barely heard her myself. Serenity looked ready to punch him for even bringing up the book again, she was happy I saved Midnight but never wanted me to use it again.

Thunder Clap backed up a few paces when she spoke to him, despite being very kind and thoughtful, she could be outright terrifying if she wanted to be, small wonder I went out of my way to never piss her off. "I'm...sorry, it's just something that would be nice..." he shrunk away from her and kept quiet.

After she was done scolding him Serenity turned around to walk past me. "Serenity, that was a little harsh...and it would be interesting, I should be okay with a spell like that." I chose my words cautiously, not wanting to upset her as well, unfortunately It didn't work.

"Harsh!? I seem to be the only that cares if you drop dead casting some damn spell! I must love an idiot!" Serenity shouted at me, a couple tears barely visible at the edges of her bright sapphire eyes. She walked into a nearby bathroom and slammed the door shut, the sound of a fan followed right behind.

"I didn't know it had struck a nerve...and did she really say she..." I stuttered, surprised that what I said made her that upset, and surprised at what she said back to me.

"Sombra, she's always cared for you, and ever since what you did for me, she's respected you more and taken more notice of what you do, I think she does love you. You and Thunderclap talking about using that book again probably scared her, you were unconscious at the time but we were all terrified you died, we yelled at each other and fought. Serenity cried, I was so scared we lost you that I was frozen in place, Thunder Clap blamed himself for not being there to help prevent what happened in the first place. You should talk to Serenity, reassure her, not much gets to her but apparently that did."

After carefully listening to every detail he said I realized I had no idea how much it really bothered everyone. Even now, Midnight seemed more withdrawn after what just happened, Thunder Clap had sat quietly on the couch and was trying to explain he did care about what happened in the ruins, that he just thought it would be great to fly all of his best friends. Serenity was still in the bathroom as well.

"I'm going to check on her, make sure she's okay." Midnight nodded slightly in response.

I walked next to the door and knocked, I could just make out the sound of water over the fan. "Serenity? Are you okay? I'm sorry if I upset you..."

"Just...g-give me a minute...okay..." Serenity told me, sniffling every few moments. As she asked I patiently waited by the door for a few moments until the fan finally turned off just before the door opened and Serenity walked out. Her eyes were red and still teary and it looked like she tried to hide it the best she could.

"Serenity, are you feeling alright?" I was concerned that I had really hurt her, and without even meaning to as well.

In an instant she had her forelegs around my beck and pulled me into a hug, I felt a few warm tears fall on me as

she dug her head into my shoulder.

She pulled her head back to talk to me after a particularly long hug. "Now I am...and I'm sorry I yelled at you, and Thunder Clap as well, I remember what it was like in those old ruins and...I got absolutely terrified."

"You said you loved me as well...do you?" Serenity looked at me as though I had asked her to marry me or help hide a body before shaking her head and responding with a small laugh.

"Of course I do you big moron, and they say I can be oblivious." She couldn't help but burst out laughing, though initially strange it did seem to ease the tension and I laughed with her, realizing that I was pretty oblivious to have not quite known., Then I also noticed Thunder Clap and Midnight were still in the living room all but staring at us.

"So are ya gonna kiss him now or what?" Thunder Clap shouted down to Serenity and I, his words were quickly followed my a loud smack to the back of the head courtesy of Midnight.

"OW! Dick! What was that for?" Thunder Clap yelled at Midnight, whom was sitting behind him grinning guiltily.

"Don't act like you didn't deserve that one, for one you ruined the moment. Two, I enjoyed doing that."

"Then let me smack you!"

"I'd like to see you try and catch me!"

Within moments my two, supposedly "mature" friends were running around the room and fighting like children

I laughed for a few moments before turning back to Serenity. "Were you planning on kissing me earlier?" I asked with a big smile, though that was more due to the hilarious scene of Thunder Clap and Midnight trying to fight like anything more than foals, ultimately failing spectacularly.

"Maybe...but it's more fun to mess with you now isn't it..." Serenity winked at me as she walked up to Thunder Clap and Midnight, levitating them both in the air as they attempted to throw punches at each other.

"Stop fighting or I'll make you two kiss!" Serenity threatened them, they paused for a minute to think about it but kept trying to attack each other anyway. Now I just had to see where this would go, it was bound to be entertaining.

Serenity began to make them drift closer while trying to restrict their limbs, Thunder Clap and Midnight now struggling to turn their heads away from each other. Just as they were a few inches apart Serenity broke out laughing and they fell clumsily to the ground, where Serenity was already laying, laughing until a tear rolled down her cheek and she had to catch her breath as well.

That would have been the end of it but it seemed the universe had a sense of humor, just as they stood up and regained their balance they accidentally kissed each other.

"AAAAHHHH that did not just happen!! Ehhhhh..." Thunder Clap desperately tried to recover from his embarrassment, even if it only made things worse on his part.

Midnight took the joke and ran with it however. "Aww I thought I was pretty to you Thundie..." and he winked at Thunder whom recoiled in fear.

"But seriously this never happened, got it?" Midnight dropped his smile and told us as if it was national importance.

"What would you do about it?" Serenity grinned at him.

"I would...ahm, oh shut up!" Midnight tried to respond, he knew he could try and threaten me but wouldn't dare to threaten Serenity, especially after she proved capable of kicking his flank without breaking a sweat only a couple months ago.

Not long after their humiliating "moment" Thunder Clap and Midnight Hope settled down on the couches opposite of each other in the living room while Serenity and I found two seats closer to each other and we just talked and discussed things all throughout the afternoon, most of it ended up revolving around the Thunderbolts sign-up coming up in a few weeks. Little did I know what this would eventually lead to, as fate seems determined to surprise me at every turn...for better or worse...

Author's Note:

I was busy with school and had a tidbit of a writer's block but fear not! Coming back full force, expect to see another chapter next weekend or sooner, and maybe a one-shot on either the character of your choice! (except Zecora...just, she is a nightmare to write for) Hope you enjoyed this one, and if anyone was unclear they are all in their late teens or young adults, as in like 18 to 19, Midnight being the youngest, then Thunder Clap, Sombra, then Serenity. They have all completed their education and are adults and have already or will soon move out and find homes of their own. I also made this one a little less tense than the others but don't worry, the best is yet to come and it's going to be awesome.

(Broken record here but...proof-readers? I can generally proofread myself but those tiny grammar mistakes are what make me hesitant to make a submission to EQD)