• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 2,775 Views, 49 Comments

Sombra's Redemption - Orion97

It's easy to simply paint someone as a villain isn't it? Sometimes those deemed darkest of all are those with noble souls.

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During the battle everything was so loud...the air itself seemed to shudder from the screams and noises of battle, afterwards there was the sound of celebration that carried on for quite some time. Then all was silent, so deathly silent. We won but as the survivors began finding their friends, the ones that didn't make it, the cheerful air became grim as the soldiers mourned their brothers and sisters in arms. I was happy to have been able to save however many that I did with the help of my friends but I still feel like there was just a little more I could do, a plan that would have prevented needless deaths. To add to this, the dark mare's words still left me shaken...I had to know what she meant.

"Ahhhh.....AHHHHH...owwwww....ugh..." Rune moaned as the medic drew an arrowhead from between her scales. I was watched from inside the tent as guards began to clean up the aftermath of the battle outside. Midnight Hope remained by Runa so she wouldn't feel alone, meanwhile Thunderclap and Serenity were discussing something with the generals in a nearby tent, about what it was I had no clue.

"Come on, Rune, you'll be alright, we just need to pull out a few more arrowheads. But then we'll need to clean the wounds...I'll get a towel for you to bite down on..." Midnight grimly said as Runa moaned loudly in pain. While Midnight searched for said towel the medic was drawing out the last of the arrowheads. I put my hooves in my ears as I saw Midnight bring her the towel and the medic pull out a bottle of something as well as a small box of matches. I had no real medical experience but even i knew that this tent wasn't going to be quiet for long.

"AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHH....UGHHHHHHHH." The cries of pain hit me like a shockwave, Rune had a lot of wounds and some of them were deep, I could hardly imagine how bad it must hurt. Midnight shuffled uncomfortably as he tried in vain to ease her torment, though thankfully it didn't seem to last long.

"Ohhh....owwwww....." She moaned quietly as the pain grew dull. Midnight was by her side to comfort her as she recovered from the painful treatment.

A few moments later another medic rushed in. "You, next to the dragon, could you help me? I need help carrying wounded." He gestured to Midnight, Midnight nodded and left with the medic after glancing back to make sure Rune was okay.

As soon as he was gone I walked over to see how Rune was doing for myself. I looked over to the medic taking care of her while he was reorganizing equipment. "How is she?"

"Oh she'll be fine, she took one hell of a beating up but dragons are legendary for their resilience, no permanent damage but please urge her to avoid strenuous activity for about a week or so. Unfortunately she can't leave just yet, still a few wounds to treat but it shouldn't be long, you can talk to her first if you'd like." The medic smiled as he began looking for the tools he'd need to continue her treatment.

As I looked back to Rune her eyes opened lazily and a small grin appeared. "You owe me one." She chuckled softly.

"I think the whole city owes you one." I smiled back at her.

"Hm, that's nice. I'd be happy with just dinner, maybe someone nice to share it with." Rune mused aloud.

"Funny...I think I heard Midnight say he'd like to go on a date with you." I smiled, it'll be interesting when Midnight finds out I thought mischievously.

"Did he now? Well maybe I'll ask him out on one soon... careful what you wish for Midnight..." She sang before grinning again.

"Well, I should go find Thunder Clap and Serenity, or at least do something useful." I suggested before Rune spoke up

"Wait a moment, I may not be an expert on romance but I can tell when a girl has a crush on someone. I think Serenity really likes you, she might be afraid to mention it. Anyway you should ask her out on a date sometime as well." She encouraged me.

I couldn't help but blush a little. "Well I've always sort of liked her but I'm not sure how she feels about me, we've known each other for a long time and I'm not sure how I'd even bring it up and-" I started to ramble before Rune sighed and interrupted me.

"Oh just ask her out, it's not like you're proposing to her tonight. You ask her or I'll tell her about your little crush." Rune smiled mischievously.

"Fine, fine I will, get some rest, Rune." I told her dismissively. We said our goodbyes and I left the tent to seek my friends or be of use.

Immediately outside I was confronted with a general pointing her hoof straight at my chest with a look that could boil water. "What the hell was that!? You were not officially authorized to even be here nor are you a member of the guard! If you had miscast that spell it could have killed half the garrison! You're lucky I don't have you thrown into the nearest dungeon! Who do you think you-" The general was mercifully cut off as another general stepped in.

"I would like to apologize for General Dusk. My name is General Crimson Spark. You see there were plans that were intended for use until you did what you did. Though my colleagues maybe loathe to admit it, the day would have still been lost and what you and your friends did saved all of our lives. We are in your debt." The general bowed lightly. "Though it is true you acted without proper authority I sincerely doubt that anyone will hold that against you in light of what happened." He smiled knowingly before General Dusk stepped back in, even more frustrated than before.

"How can you humiliate me like that and contradict what I say!?" She all but shouted at him.

"Because despite what you said was all true this was hardly a normal situation, protocol or not, this stallion and his allies saved not only the city but our lives. We are alive to debate this because of their actions." General Crimson Spark calmly told her. After he finished she was visibly less angry but still somewhat angry nonetheless.

"I-I must apologize..." She said reluctantly. "He is correct. You acted without authority but you aided us tremendously and saved many, if not all of our lives and for that I personally thank you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have casualties to account for..." General Dusk spoke soberly before turning away to head to her duties.

"She was ready to tear my head off, why was she so upset?" I asked, a little confused about the situation.

"You have to understand that she found out only moments ago, a niece of hers went missing and a cousin whom she was close to was critically injured, we aren't sure if she'll make it, we're hoping but you understand how much stress she's under in addition to the stress of leadership." He spoke with his head held lower and voice at just above a whisper.

"I...I'm so sorry for her, I hope her niece is found and her cousin makes it." I said, a little heartbroken for General Dusk.

"If you find, or even hear of a young filly named Autumn Melody, don't hesitate to tell me or the other generals. Her mane is warm colors, like autumn leaves and she has a light brown coat."

"I'll keep an eye out, farewell, General Crimson Spark."

"You as well, I didn't catch your name, what was it?" He asked.

"Lucien Azure Sombra. I prefer just Sombra though." I told him.

"Sombra, it was a pleasure meeting you." General Crimson Spark smiled and walked away.

After our conversation ended I paced down the streets seeking Thunder Clap and Serenity, as I called out their names I heard a rush of wind and found Thunder Clap hovering in front of me, wielding a spear that looked like it had seen heavy use and armor that looked like it had seen every conflict since the word conflict was invented. All this combined with a wide grin and a bloody nose.

"You look like hell." I laughed as he settled onto the ground.

"Coming from you! You look like you didn't sleep for a week then saw a ghost." Thunder Clap smirked as he pointed the blunt end of the spear at me.

"What happened to that equipment? Get in a fight with a boulder?"

"Yeah, he kept making fun of me, but no the one general, the one that I saw ready to tear your head off, has me patrolling around and taking out stragglers, they sure put up a fight. I've taken out like 23 of them, remember that even after what you did there were still a ton of them. I gotta go, me and Serenity are having a contest and I think she's catching up." He said eagerly before bolting away.

"Not sure how I could help...but there's something I want to know..." I whispered to myself.

I found my way over to where the bulk of the fighting occurred after I cast the spell, the snow and soil had been torn up tremendously and discarded equipment was everywhere, still in the process of being gathered. I looked to the direction the army had come from, a mass of imprints in the snow led well into the distance. I debated with myself whether or not to follow it but the snow very slowly began to fall again, if I waited too long they trail would be covered and I'd sacrifice my best chance to get to the source of this. I had to follow.

One hoof in front of the other I followed the trail for what must have been miles, when I looked back behind me the Crystal Empire it looked like a flawless gem had tumbled from the sky to kiss the land, a bright gleam escaping to my eyes between the growing snowfall until it was finally out of sight.

Soon enough in front of me I saw mountains, the tracks leading straight to them, but something didn't seem right...I felt a strange sense of deja vu.

Meanwhile at the ancient ruins

The dusty halls of the ancient ruin in the mountains once sat silent and dormant, like a forgotten mausoleum, but no longer. The undead remnants of ones who'd be long forgotten now stalked the passages. Among them was a dark mare that had just returned from the battle of the Crystal Empire. She was not like the rest, she was the queen bee, and the others her workers.

Immediately upon returning she advanced upon the ancient steps of the central temple reluctantly. Her master did not like to be kept waiting. Upon reaching the apex of the temple she drew a deep breath and spoke.

"Master." She knelt to her master's rule. "The attack was a failure. The army was decimated, only I returned." She said grimly.

Suddenly a spirit in front of her flashed to life to reveal the deep crimson and black image of her master, his voice echoed fear and dominance to any living being nearby, but she had long since become accustomed to it, but no less comfortable.

"And just how did you fail such an easy feat!? Tell me, Alsia, what could possibly be powerful enough to defeat the army I gave you!?" The malevolent spirit hissed at her, though this was one of the rare times he had actually used her name rather than something like servant or pawn.

"Master, the young one named Sombra was there. He and a dragon as well, he cast a powerful and ancient spell that decimated the army. What remained advanced on and did significant damage to the garrison. I believe he is in possession of the dark tome." She said carefully.

"Hmmm, fascinating...and if he's been using it...goooood." The deep voice said ponderously. "I want this Sombra you speak of, my tome and anyone that has been greatly exposed to it's magic, any others are expendable. Dismissed." He ordered her before fading into smoke.

"Yes, master." Alsia bowed and walked back down the steps and down the hall to her personal chamber. She may serve a dark master but she still had mortal needs unlike the others, that included eating and sleeping. As she silently walked the hall a small shriek broke the silence, to her knowledge she was alone, not even the skeletons wandered near her chamber, but this didn't sound like a mouse, it sounded like a child.

Alsia began to investigate the odd noise in search of the source. She discovered a crevice in the stone that led to a small cave just big enough to hold a small bear. Within cowered a young filly, shaking right to the bones in fear. Her eyes widened and tears raced down her cheeks, falling and darkening her dusty brown coat. She scrambled as far against the wall as she could as if a wolf was trying to reach her.

Quickly, Alsia withdrew her head and looked about to be sure she was alone before facing the filly again, making doubly sure the shadows around her had dissipated. "Listen to me, little one, it isn't safe here, come with me, I'll hide you." She reached further in but was met with a swift and painful kick to the jaw. She did her best to hide the pain but it seemed ridiculous that one so small could kick so hard. Much harder and it could have dislocated something.

"Ah...listen, little one, tell me your name. I'm not going to hurt you but it really isn't safe here. I promise no harm will come to you." Alsia once again gently offered a hoof, careful not to scare her.

"My...my n-name is Autumn...Autumn Song. There was this big battle and I wanted to help...so, so after I followed lots of tracks to her, I followed the creepy skeletons inside. I wanted to be brave like my mommy, but I'm scared...I'm so scared, please help me! I want to go home!" The young filly said, getting louder as she spoke, she was right on the verge of panic.

"Shhhh. Quiet, I'll try to help you but I need you to keep it down. Autumn Song, that's a beautiful name. Now follow me, quickly, we can't linger." Alsia whispered, looking back out to make sure they were alone again.

"Yes ma'am..." Autumn said nervously as she crept out of her little cave.

"Keep close, it's not far." Alsia said, glancing nervously down the hall until they reached her chamber. She eased open the door to her own small residence. It possessed a number of small luxuries but nothing extravagant or impressive, a comfortably large stone room that contained food, sheets, and a number of similar items..

"We're here, these are my chambers. It is safe for you here but you must not be loud and you need to remain in here for now. Eat what you need and take a few sheets from the bed." Alsia told her softly.

Autumn followed her instructions, making a bundle in the corner of a few blankets and sheets scavenged from the bed and plucked an apple from the nearest bowl, getting comfortable as she eagerly tore into the apple.

"What's your name and what are you doing here too? Are you like a spy or something, trying to help people?" As soon as she spoke Alsia felt her throat tighten up in guilt.

"Um...sort of. My name is Alsia, I'm trying to figure out what's going on here too." She said, feeling as if ice had gripped her heart.

"Alsia...that's a really pretty name, and it's really scary here, how do you know the monsters won't be around here?"

"Um, I've watched them, I saw they're never around her so I gathered some things and set up in here, it was quite lucky." Alsia offered, which thankfully satisfied the filly since she nodded and went back to her apple.

"Thank you for trying to help me, Alsia, you're really nice." Autumn smiled. It was so simple and happy it almost burned, it felt like ages since she had seen a filly smile.

"So, Autumn, tell me about you and your family..." Alsia asked in a gentle voice, she might be a monster to most of the Crystal Empire now but that didn't mean she was heartless.

Not far away...

I paused as I approached the mountains, the spires of earth now looming even greater as distance between us shrank. Several hundred yards in front of me lay a disturbingly familiar sight.

My legs all but refused to go any further as distant memories flooded back.

"No, it can't be...this can't be right...not here again..." I whispered in disbelief as I caught sight of something I had not seen since I was small.

Author's Note:

So, what are everyone's thoughts on Alsia? Not to mention her master. If you see any mistakes or feel that a section was written poorly please let me know, constructive criticism is appreciated.