• Published 9th Nov 2013
  • 14,667 Views, 969 Comments

Painted Mirror - Lord of Turtles

A solitary man trapped in a strange place for reasons he does not yet understand.

  • ...

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Never Find Your Bones

Twilight dropped to the ground on her knees. Breathing heavily, she asked “Can we take a break please?”

Raj tossed a salty look at her over his shoulder, then said “Sure.”

She let out a sigh of relief and lowered the cloud of objects floating in the air to the ground. “Thank you.”

“It's fine. Water?” He held a bottle out to her.

“Yes please.” Raj tossed it to her. She snagged it in her horngrip and started gulping it down.

Raj watched her and shook his head “Never gonna get used to that.”

Twilight popped off the mouth of the bottle and let out a distinctly un-ladylike burp. She wiped a hoof across her mouth and said “Used to what?”

“That.” he pointed at the glowing bottle “That weird, floaty stuff. That's still freaky to me.”

She glanced at it and shrugged “It's just magic.”

Raj stared at her blankly for a long moment before replying “Right, just plain old, everyday magic. Nothing weird there.”

“Well, there isn't!” she replied, sounding indignant. “There's nothing unnatural about it. Everypony uses magic in some way Rajrishi, even if they don't realize it. Humans do too, I'm sure of it.”

He stared back at her with a concentrated scowl. “I don't know enough to argue that.”

“Well, if you did, then you would know there is no arguing such a fundamentally true fact. Everything channels manna in some way. It's completely normal.”

“You and I have a very different definition of what 'normal' is Twilight.” he said mildly.

She gave him a wry look and said “Alright, well, what is normal? Walk me through what a normal day is for Rajrishi. Go ahead.”

Raj lowered his head, face going blank in thought. After a few moments of consideration he sighed and slid to a sit against a tree. “I haven't had a normal day in almost six months.”

Twilight leaned forward, suddenly curious and summoned her pad and quill from her saddlebag “Is that how long you've been here in Equestria?”

“Yeah. Just five days shy of half a year by my measure.”

“Wow, that's, that's a lot of time.” she replied as her quill danced across the page.

“You're telling me.” He idly flicked at a pebble on the ground. “How much did Applejack tell you?”

“Not a lot. She wanted to preserve your privacy. Just that you are trying to get back to your family.”

“Is that all?”

“Pretty much.”

“Well, she was telling you the truth. I've been trying to get back home ever since I came to Equestria.”

Twilight nodded “Okay, and have you made any progress?”

“Up until recently, no.” an unwilling smile crept onto his face “I... I think I found my way home.”

“That's great news Rajrishi! I'm happy for you.” She smiled “Is that where we're going now? Will I be able to see where you come from?”

“Not... not exactly. I don't think it works like that, or maybe it does, I really have no idea.”

She tilted her head “What?”

He rubbed the back of his head and shrugged “It's, well, it's difficult to explain. I think it would be better if I show you. You might understand it better than me.”

She licked her teeth in thought. Twilight clearly had more to ask, but relented. “Alright, I suppose that will work.”

Raj stood up. “Good. C'mon, we need to keep going if we want to make it there by dark.”

“How much further is it to this... place?”

Raj ran his hand over one of his trail markers “Far.”

* * *

The rest of the trip passed in reasonable silence, save the occasional thoughtful hum or mumbled question from Twilight. Raj kept moving, driving a rough pace that left the unicorn breathless.

They didn't make it there before dark. Not even close. It was long after the sun had retired and the stars had come out for the evening that the glow of the new Arch came into view.

Raj smiled and jabbed the butt of his staff into the ground “Well, there it is Twilight.”

Twilight limped up to him and wheezed “Where's what?”

He pointed “That. C'mon, I'll show you.” He broke into a run towards it. Twilight groaned and followed after.

As he got closer, he felt a strong grin tug at his lips, the hope he'd found the previous visit returning in a giddy swell. A bounce entered his step as he started sweeping a patch of ground clear for the glowing baggage Twilight was schlepping in.

The purple unicorn lowered the goods onto the patch while staring at the glowing tree, a curious look on her face. “Rajrishi, what is that?”

“The Arch, another one at least. It took me a month and a half of searching, but I finally found another one.”

“Another one?” She questioned.

“Yeah, there was one of these back at my old camp, but it got destroyed by a chupacabra. Since then I've been looking for another one.”

“Are these trees important to you? Are they of some sort of cultural significance or...” she trailed off, leaving the question hanging.

He shook his head “No, no, nothing like that. They're important to me. I think that they can take me home.”

“But... it's a tree.” she pointed out, not comprehending.

Raj hesitated, unsure what to tell her. After a few seconds tossed aside caution and told her “Twilight, I came here, to Equestria, through one of these trees almost six months ago.”

Twilight's eyebrow slowly crept up her forehead. “Oookay.” She took a step forward “Rajrishi, are you feeling okay? Have you had enough water today? Or maybe you ate some unknown plant matter and its having an adverse effect on-”

“What? No, I'm not crazy. Shutup. Just look.” He said back, exasperated “I'm not crazy, okay. The archway back at my camp, the same kind as this tree,” he pointed at the curving plant “brought me to Equestria. I don't know how and I don't know why, but as far as I know this tree is the only way I can get back home.”

Twilight absorbed that and clearly had some choice things to say about it, but her better nature kept her quiet. Instead she just gave him a level look while her quill scratched across the surface of her notebook.

“I'm not crazy.” he reiterated.

“Right. Okay, so this glowing, arched tree is able to transport you home. Let's assume I believe that, what next? What are you going to do, what's your plan?”

“Simple. I'm going to wait near it until it activates and then I'll go through it and back home.”

Twilight Sparkle was silent for a good minute before she flatly said “That is an awful plan.”

“Nobody asked you.” he sneered.

Twilight opened her mouth to say something back but bit it off when she heard the whisper of something sliding down a tree off to their side. Raj picked it up as well and turned to the sound, his hands falling onto his axes.

The biggest damn snake Raj had ever seen slithered out of the brush, easily forty feet long and thicker than his waist. Its scales were pure white, white enough he was inwardly upset he hadn't noticed the thing earlier, save a patch of black on the back of its wide hood in the shape of a splayed hand. Instead of a short snout, it had a flatter, more humanoid face that was devoid of expression. Its eyes were a brilliant green and wholly ophidian, with four more on each side that trailed up along the rim of its wide and opened hood. All ten of them stared at Raj intently as it reared up to head height and coiled most of its bulk underneath itself.

As unsettling as Raj found the creature, it was infinitely more-so when it gave a slight bow and said in a clear, though slightly british, female voice “Greetings to my erstwhile kin.”


It laughed, the expression made menacing by the hooked fangs lining its upper jaw, and said “My presence is understandably surprising, I'm sure. Know that I mean no harm, I come simply to visit my new neighbor and offer congratulations on such a fine catch.”

“Um, catch?”

“Indeed, it has been many moons since I've seen a pony this deep in the wood, and in such fine condition.” It tilted its head towards Twilight and smiled lightly.

Ever since the snake had slithered out of the bush, Twilight hadn't moved a muscle. She stood stock still, not even her ears flicking or laying back as she kept her eyes locked on the snake-creature before her. With the attention drawn to her, she quietly stammered out “N-n-naga... it's a naga.”


She took shelter behind Raj, but her eyes never left the snake in front of her. She pleaded with him “Rajrishi, we have to go. We have to go right now.”

The naga laughed again, heartily this time. “It seems my presence has spoiled your quarry brother. A pity, she was so at ease, so relaxed. Now her heartbeat thunders through her hooves like a herd of buffalo. You have my apologies.”

“What are you talking about?” he asked at the creature uncoiled and slithered in a lazy circle around him, maintaining her distance from the pair.

“Whatever trick or spell you laid on her to lure her this deep into the woods seems to have broken. A shame too, I hate to play spoiler to a hunt so fine it captured a grown unicorn. Dirt ponies are easy to catch, as long as your fast and get them alone. They taste plain but the meat with keep you going for days. Pegasi, however, are utterly delicious, but snatching them from the sky can be problematic.”

“And Unicorns?” Raj asked as he shielded Twilight behind him.

“I don't know, I've never had the... pleasure.” Her tongue whipped at the air and all of her eyes narrowed on Twilight's shivering form.

“Well, keep dreaming.”

“Oh, ho ho, want her all for yourself, do you?” She laughed, slithering a bit closer. “I don't blame you. If I had such a prize I would be loath to share as well. It is tempting though...”

Twilight let out a fearful whine and pressed herself against the back of his legs. Raj sneered at the snake and threatened “Don't even think about it.”

“Perish the thought!” scoffed the Naga “To steal a rightfully won feast from kin is an abomination. You insult me brother.”

Raj sneered “Don't remember being related to any snakes.”

The Naga cocked her head and slithered within arms reach, close enough for Raj to smell the ozone tang of her breath. She smiled “And I don't recall being related to any brown soft things either, but you have the right hands and I can smell Briarus' ire in your blood. That is proof enough.”

Raj looked down at his black stained hands. “I have no idea what you're talking about.”

“Then we have much to discuss still, but there will be time for that. I have tarried here too long and kept you from your fairly won repast. Partake and leave the offal under a tree, if you would please. I will find it once notes of rot have entered the meat. I find that it tenderizes Equine flesh most wonderfully.”

The Naga turned and started to slither away. Raj let out a breath and looked down at Twilight. She stared up at him fearfully, her eyes dilated wide enough for a finger to fit in her pupil. He shook his head at her and whispered “Don't worry Twilight, nobody is going to eat you.”

A rasping chuckle came from the huge snake and it turned so half of its eyes could watch Raj “Still you maintain the illusion? There's playing with prey brother, and then there's just cruelty.”

“I'm not playing. I didn't bring her here to hurt her.”

“Why then?” she asked.

“None of your business.”

“Foolishness.” she spat.


She pulled her bulk underneath herself, coiling like a spring. “Well, if you do not claim her then perhaps I shall-”

His ax was out in flash, reflecting the faint light of the Arch. “Don't even think about it scaly. You lay even one coil on her and I will turn you into a pair of boots and a matching jacket. Understand?”

The Naga hissed and recoiled, eyes narrowing “I came to appeal to you as kin and neighbors and you meet me with threats!”

“Yeah, I do. Get over it.” He rested his free hand on the other holstered ax “Now me and Twilight are leaving. Don't follow us and don't be here when I get back.”

The Naga writhed and flicked her tongue at the air, but said nothing more. Raj took a few backward steps away, Twilight pressing herself against his leg urgently. Once a bit of distance was made between them Raj turned about and started back into the forest.

Twilight tugged at his pants and looked up at him urgently. “Rajrishi you have no idea how close that was.”

“Later Twilight. Talk about it later.”

“That was a Naga, a Naga! I thought they were all extinct, they should be extinct. I need to write a letter, notify the Royal Guard and-”

She was cut off by the Naga shouting after them “No worries my friend, I'll prepare your new home for you while you are away. Clear the brush, bring water, I'll even be rid of this unsightly tree you seemed so put off by!”

Raj stopped dead and slowly turned. With restrained malice, he asked “What?”

“This Arch, this glowing tree,” she gestured with her nose “Quite unsightly, isn't it? A fine place to warm oneself during the cold months sure, but there are better places. Maybe I should be rid of it while you are away? Poison its core and tear up its roots? It would be a nicer clearing without it, I think.”

Raj grit his teeth together “Don't you dare you disgusting beast.”

“So insulting, so demanding! I have half a mind to crush your torso in your sleep, but I am a mannered creature.” She bowed her head, feigning humility “You may have one demand of me, brother. I will leave your unicorn be, or I will leave this tree be, but I cannot do both. I simply cannot.” She smirked, showing fangs.

Twilight whispered at his side “Please, just leave Rajrishi. It's not worth it, it's not worth it.” She glanced at the writhing beast, limned in pale light, and shivered with fear.

He growled at the snake “You don't know what you're doing.”

She chuckled “I most certainly do. Now then, your answer?”

Raj adjusted his grip on his ax, clenching tight enough to make his cuticles bleed. “Twilight?”

“Please, please just go Rajrishi, let's just leave.” pleaded Twilight.

“Stay here, protect yourself. Run if you have to.” He slid the other Apple Ax from its sling.

He then broke into a wild charge, screaming rage all the while.

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