• Published 9th Nov 2013
  • 14,664 Views, 969 Comments

Painted Mirror - Lord of Turtles

A solitary man trapped in a strange place for reasons he does not yet understand.

  • ...

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Making Progress

Rajrishi trudged through the Everfree once more, battling the terrain with a small, purple pony carrying and even smaller but just as purple dragon. They cleared Talltrees and skirted the Bramble Thicket, moving at a good pace despite the wet, muddy ground. Only once did they encounter a beast of the Everfree, a single Timberwolf that he was able to easily dispatch. Twilight launched into a lecture, an explanation for how his magic resistance kept the wolves from re-constructing themselves, a phenomenon he had never witnessed, but was assured they do.

The speech was long enough they reached their destination before it was done, the new Arch, deep in the Everfree.

Twilight nodded when she saw it and did one last scan of the area for enormous snakes. Finding none, she trotted up to it, Spike hot on her hooves, horn already sparking with scanning spells and her assistant transcribing her words onto a scroll as her magic told her more and more about the glowing tree.

Raj leaned on his staff, the faintest hint of a hopeful smile on his face.

* * *

I am learning.

For the first time since coming to Equestria, I am honestly learning about where I am.

What I have gleaned thus far is... surprising.

* * *

“Rajrishi Singh Oberoi. Good, good,” Twilight smiled “you're writing is getting much more legible, but your symbols need work.”

Raj grumbled and ran the simple drill again “I can't really draw Twilight. I was an engineer, not an artist. I can't just crank out cute little pictures like everyone else can.”

Twilight cocked her head and took on her scholarly tone “Raj, symbology is an important part of Equestria script. Most ponies in literature and history are represented with a drawing of their Cutie Mark. Being able to identify and write them is necessary for literacy.”

“Little symbols that express identity? Oh, we have those back on Earth too. We called them 'names', and we would write them out to refer to someone on paper. I know, a crazy concept. I don't know how we managed for so long.”

Twilight glowered “Rajrishi, two-thirds of all ponies have to write with their mouths, no exactly an elegant method of writing. Replacing uncommon, hard to write words with depictions of a cutie mark was easier. I mean, look at my mark. Just a six pointed star with some dots. Much easier than mouth-writing 'Twilight Sparkle'. Same with Pinkie Pie, just draw a single balloon. Or Fluttershy, or Rarity, or-”

“I get it, stop lecturing, god.” He looked back down at his paper, once again trying to draw the line of Cutie Marks.

* * *

Ever since I first came here, I thought there was a connection between my world and this one.

Small things, similarities that would be so unlikely to exist it would be reasonable to say they were impossible. Animals, trees, all so much like what I know back home. At first, I chalked what I saw up to magic, assuming that there was some inscrutable rule or effect that I didn't know the nature of, similar to how I can speak with ponies. I didn't think I would ever understand it. I know better now.

I no longer think that there is a connection to Earth here.

Now I know there is one.

* * *

“I believe that I can definitively say that I do not understand this tree.”

“That's not particularly encouraging.”

Twilight gestured to the reams of parchment showing charts, diagrams, and text that he couldn't begin to understand with his meager grasp of Equestrian written language. Nonetheless, he picked one up and nodded sagely at it, giving an impression of comprehension. “What's so weird about it?”

“That's just it, there's nothing there. No lingering spell, no built up energy. There isn't even anything there that would explain why it glows. Whatever magic that sustains this thing is completely beyond my ability to detect, much less the kind of potency it would take to transport somepony through space.” she smacked a hoof against the table “It is incredibly frustrating.”

Raj stared at her for a moment “I can only imagine Twilight.”

She winced “Sorry about that Raj, I... I forgot.”

“It's fine, forget about it. So the Arch is worthless then? I wasted four months waiting near one?”

“I won't say that just yet. There's still a few things I can look into. I'm going to contact a professional Arborist in Whinnypeg and send him some of those samples from the dead one. Professor Greenleaf is brilliant Rajrishi, if he can't identify this tree and tell me about it, I don't think anypony can. And even if he can't, I'll drag some more sensitive equipment into the Everfree to scan the still standing Arch. If there is a secret to be pulled from those trees, I will find it.” She poked her nose into her book. “Now, if we could figure out the exact day you arrived, we might be onto something.”

“I came here exactly one-hundred and eighty-two days ago.” He snapped off instantly.

Twilight cocked an eyebrow “You sure?”

“It was something of a hobby of mine.”

She nodded and smiled, scribbling in her notes “Great, I'll look up to see if any events coincide with that date and maybe we can draw a connection. Progress Rajrishi.” she tapped her hoof against the table.

“Progress.” He said back, smiling. “Thank you Twilight. Whatever I can do to help it along, I'll do it.”

Twilight rolled her eyes away “Well, there's another angle I've been thinking about actually.” her horn burned and a dusty star chart flew off a shelf “Tell me, how well you know your planet's astronomy.”

* * *

Whinnypeg, Stalliongrad, Manehattan, Shang-Hoof, dozens others. All similar to Earth places, but ponified. It's like they ripped off our ideas. Or we ripped off theirs, I'm willing to accept that possibility.

It's not just the cities. We share ideas and concepts, different names but the same premise. Equestria is a free-market system under a dual-monarchy. They have princesses and barons and lords, titles that are strikingly similar to old Earth ones. Hell, the mere fact that I get their humor and they get mine shows just how similar we are culturally and socially.

Our worlds inspire one another, taking the parts we seem to like from the other as we go along. Most of the differences are just facts of biology, and magic obviously. I told Twilight all this, but she already has a million things to look into about me, the fact that some of our words sound the same isn't very high on her list. But I know that my way home lies in this connection, I just have to find it.

But I can't do that from the Everfree.

* * *

“You lived here?” asked Spike, inspecting the ruined campsite.

“Yeah, for about five months.” He popped the trunk of his wrecked car.

“It's kind of a dump.” he kicked the ashy firepit.

“You bet it is.”

The camp had not fared well in the week he'd been gone. What remained of the padding in his seats had been shredded by whatever creature fled at their approach, leaving the whole cab covered in moldy, urine-soaked padding. Surprisingly enough, his fish-trap was entirely untouched.

He fished around in his trunk, gathering the possessions he forgot when he left the first time. Spike hopped up on the bumper, peering into the trunk. “Oh wow, what's this stuff?”

“Junk mostly, it kept me alive though.”

“What's that?” he asked, pointing with a claw.

“My old coat,” he lifted the article up “got torn up by a chupacabra.”

“What's that?”

“Tire iron. It's used for changing wheels on the car.”

“What's that?”

“Tire, it's what you change with a tire iron.”

“What's that?”

“Jumper cables.”

“Is that like jumprope?”

“No, not at all.” Raj shrugged.

“Okay, hey, oh eww, what's that?”

Raj cocked his head “Looks like a raccoon that got stuck in here and died. Let's... let's leave that be.” He slammed the trunk.

“So is that it then? No more reason to come here?”

“Not quite. Twilight wanted some samples from the dead Arch, once I do that I never have to see this place again.” he snapped his fingers and shook his head “Holy- almost forgot!” He stooped into the front seat, rummaging in the car's console “Please let it still be here.”

“What're you-” Spike craned his neck to see.

“Ah-ha! Perfect, just where I left it.” Grinning wide, Raj fished something from his folding ashtray.

“What, what is it?” Raj lowered his hand, palm open. In it, sat a small, dusty ring made of gold.

“A ring? Why do you- ohhhh,” realization dawned on his face “I didn't, wow, nopony told you were even...” he trailed off when he saw Raj leaning against the frame of the car, eyes closed. He pointed away “I'm, uh, I'm gonna go get those samples. Back in a minute?”

“Thank you Spike.” he replied, clutching the ring to his chest.

“No problem. And, um, don't worry about it dude. You'll see her again. I'm sure of it.”

“T-thank you Spike.”

* * *

I'm in Ponyville now, searching for answers.

My time spent in the forest was a waste, I'm starting to accept that. The Arch was never going to just open, it was childish to even hope it would. I've been passive, hoping that my problem would resolve itself and I would happen to be nearby when it did.

Fighting monsters and scratching for survival. Idiotic. Months and months, for absolutely nothing.

I have to make up for lost time. I need to know how I was brought here, understand the phenomenon and make it happen again. There's so much about Equestria I am ignorant of, and I can't afford that ignorance any longer.

I am going to get home even if I have to build my own space-shuttle.

* * *

Raj hacked one of the Apple Axes down, splitting a log in one blow. He set the halves on a steadily growing pile and snagged another log to be chopped.

“Rajrishi.” he heard Twilight yell his name from the house, her top half leaning out the split door.

He sheathed his ax and strolled over, moving with little haste. “What's up Twilight?”

“Why are you chopping wood? I told Spike to do that.”

Raj turned back to the chopping log and shrugged “Well, I guess he conned me into doing it. Good for the sneaky little jerk.”

Twilight giggled “Never mind that, come inside. There's somepony I want you to meet.” Raj pushed the door open, stooping to avoid striking his head. Twilight walked backwards in front of him, excitement plain on her features “You remember when I had you describe your planet's constellations to me?”

“Yeah, and I realized I know much less about astronomy than I thought. What about it?”

“Well, I wasn't able to find anything, but I brought in somepony who might! She's the best source on all celestial bodies, if she can't find something in the night sky, then it probably isn't there.”

Raj smiled “That's great Twilight. She's here?”

“Yes, she is but, um, she's a little... different. She's very, very old fashioned. Just bear with her and be as polite as you can and you should be fine though. Also, don't make her mad. She might lock you in a dungeon or something”

“O...kay?” he responded, suddenly hesitant, but ended up shrugging “Screw it. Where is she?”

“The main room, give me a sec. I'll announce you.” Twilight zipped away. After a few seconds he heard Twilight yell “Okay, come in!”

Raj walked into the main room, his posture straight and hands at his sides. At the table in the center of the room stood a very different looking pony. She stood a head taller than Twilight, her entire body a dusky blue. He barely noticed that however, so much of his attention drawn to her endlessly flowing, twinkling mane and tail. As he came in, she turned her half-lidded eyes his way and Raj got the distinct impression he was being judged and found wanting.

Twilight gestured a hoof his way “Princess Luna, let me introduce my friend, Rajrishi Singh Oberoi, the creature I've been telling you about.”

They stood in silence for a few moments before Raj remembered himself and smiled weakly “Oh, right. It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am.” he unfolded his hands and gave a courteous cross bow.

She started to nod back, but then her eyes shot open and she took an audible gasp. Her wings sprung from her sides and she shouted, loud enough to rattle the glass in the windows “SPAWN OF BRIARUS! BEGONE FROM THIS PLACE BEAST!

Before Raj could even fully process what she said her horn lit with shadows and what felt like a medicine ball fired out of a cannon hit him in the pelvis, launching him backwards and out the back door hard enough to blow it off the hinges.

Author's Note:

I have cracked 1,000 views! Go team Venture!

Now for my next goal, 1,000 comments! It's gonna happen!

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