• Published 9th Nov 2013
  • 14,674 Views, 969 Comments

Painted Mirror - Lord of Turtles

A solitary man trapped in a strange place for reasons he does not yet understand.

  • ...

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Hey, it's been a while.

Raj looked out beyond the rail. Down past the retreating arch of the castle's platform, and onto Canterlot itself. Each street shimmered with light, outlining the sweeping circular thoroughfares in expanding rings of luminescence. A long and dark line marked the alpine river, snaking along the edge of the central city and marking the barrier to the outer quarter. Out there, only the occasional lamp marked the streets. Much of the city was gloomed in darkness, the ponies within either sleeping or preparing to. Faint tunes from the band in the courtyard wafted up to him along with the low din of the crowd filtering into the castle.

His gaze shifted up to the clear sky as he pulled in a deep breath, the air crisp from the elevation. Wisps of purple lit the horizon to the west, the last fading bits of day. It was pretty, the whole day leading up to the party had been beautiful, a testament to the weatherpony craft. It made it a bit less special knowing that money had changed between hooves to make such a nice day happen. A bit less fair it seemed.

“Captain?” Raj turned to see Sweetie Drops in her fine gown standing in the doorway. “The Princess has somepony she wants to introduce you to.”

“Which Princess?”

“Does that really matter?”

It did, but it wasn't worth the trouble saying so. Instead he just started following the former spy back down to the party.

As they stepped down the immaculate staircase he asked, “When was the last security check-in?”

“Ten minutes. No problems. Every team is fully accounted for and following security protocols,” she answered back crisply.

“And we're following the checks on the guests?”

“We are, for what that's worth. Speaking of which.” She reached up and pulled a brooch from her dress. She tossed it to the side and looked at Raj as he slid off a bracelet and slid it along the floor. They nodded to each other and moved to retrieve their cast off clothing.

It was still early enough the evening that ponies were filtering their way up the main entrance. Celestia herself was quite obvious from a distance, being the largest creature in the room by half of a pony. He drew close and gave an obedient bow. “Princess.”

“Captain,” she said back curtly and looked after the ponies that had just passed. “Any problems?”

“No, and you can stop asking. You'll know when they show up.”

“When? That's rather pessimistic Captain.”

“Realistic. I was against this from the start.” He folded his arms. “There's a war on. Yet you and everyone important decide to play dress-up. It's ridiculous, we should have canceled this party.”

The Princess gave him a sideways look. “The Grand Galloping Gala has happened every year for the last eleven-hundred and twenty-eight years. It went on during the Rakshasa war, the Unicornian Invasion, and countless other conflicts. Canceling it now would terrify ponies and cause a panic. It is important to project confidence in a time of unrest such as this.”

“More important than not giving the enemy a big juicy target like this?” Raj gestured to the tide of rich nobles trickling into the castle. “Every single important pony in the whole country is under one roof when we're in conflict with a shapeshifting enemy that is highly specialized in disguise and infiltration. It's a great idea, the best.”

“You're caution is admirable Captain, but do not fear. We have driven out no less than ten changeling cells in the last few weeks. The determination protocol you have put in place has all but eliminated their capacity to infiltrate positions of power.”

“As far as we can tell.” Raj muttered.

She smiled faintly, projecting the air of a woman completely in control of her surroundings. “We are in talks with the southern and eastern hives. Their queens despise Chrysalis as much as anyone, and with their aid rooting out all infiltration will be a simple matter. All we must do is remain vigilant in the face of this aggression and wait for a compromise. Diplomacy will halt this conflict before it starts.”

Raj got a flash of a limp form, black and white and covered in ash. He shook it away and said, “Anyway, I'm told there's someone you want me to meet?”

“Prince Shining Armor and his wife, Princess Cadance.” She said it in a tone that suggested he should recognize the names. “I believe they went to find Twilight. Now, if you'll excuse me.” She tilted her head at a pair of approaching ponies.

Raj walked off, leaving the Princess to her socializing. He cast a brief glare at her back as he went, noting the sweet smile on her face and bowed head. Supplicative, diplomatic, it was almost hard to remember such a kind face turning so stony when she was crushing him beneath her expressed power. Like an ocean, crushing him down. His very blood pooling low in his body, like he was in a rocket breaking atmosphere. If she could somehow be both, he wondered what else she could be.

He shook that thought his head. One enemy at a time, changelings now, then alicorns later.

“You should trust the Princess Raj. She knows what she's doing,” Sweetie Drops said from his side. “This isn't the first time she's had to deal with something like this.”

“Go do a random check of the perimeter guards. Double verification, your choice of what they toss.” the mare hesitated, nodded, and then trotted off.

He looked at the expanding crowd and let out a sigh. Hundreds of ponies here, from all over the country in one place.

Absolutely brilliant.

“Raj!” He heard his name and turned to see a squat figure waddling his way. Spike was dressed to the nines, complete with a tailed tuxedo and an over-sized top-hat. He looked at Raj and dug his thumb-claws into his cummerbund. “What do you think? Stylish?”

He mustered a smile. “You look ridiculous. Like the unholy spawn of a penguin and an asphyxiating lizard.”

Spike blew him off. “Eh, you wouldn't know style if it bit you on the butt.”

Raj looked down at his uniform. “You know Rarity designed this for me, right? What do you think she'd have to say if she heard you saying that?”

Spike somehow went pale, “I, um, uh, I was just joking y'know? Palling around, having fun? Please don't tell her I said that.” he rambled off quickly.

Raj laughed, “It's cool, I'm just being a jerk. You still have my thing?”

Spike looked at him blandly. “Raj, of course I do. I can't even carry that thing normally, where would I have even put it?”

“Fair point.” He paused. “Wait, where's Twilight? She's with someone I'm supposed to meet.”

“Shining Armor? Yeah, they're over by the uh... statue.” He pointed at what appeared to be an ice sculpture of the Elements of Harmony, complete with their regalia necklaces. A cornucopia of chilled fruits and vegetable lay at their sculpted hooves.

Raj stared at the thing with a bemused look on his face. He said to the little dragon, “Thanks, try the guacamole.” and went on over.

Twilight Sparkle was wearing a glittery gown, straight from carousel boutique and chatting animatedly with a pair of ponies. Raj waited politely before she noticed him and turned. “Raj! I'm so glad you're here, I have somepony I'd love you to meet.” She gestured a leg at the pair.

A brawny stallion stood in front of him, coat as white as snow with an elegantly messy blue mane. He was wearing a military outfit, a Royal Guard officer, high rank and with a lot of honor bars. He looked up at him with bright eyes and bowed. “Captain Rajrishi, Captain Shining Armor, of the Celestial Royal Guard.” the stallion extended a hoof. Raj shook it. “And this is my wife, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.”

“Please Shiny, just Cadance to any friend of Twilight's.” a thin, pink Alicorn in an long, pink and periwinkle gown chimed from his side. “Princess Cadance. A pleasure Captain.” She extended a polished hoof.

Remembering the primer on manners he'd been given, he bowed and planted a chaste kiss on it. He looked up at her and was a little surprised to see a sad look on her face. It was only there an instant, but he was sure he saw it. Regardless, he stood up and said “Charmed, both of you.”

The royal couple smiled. “Twilight told me all about you. You've had quite the adventures since coming to Equestria.”

“Adventures are a word, yes.” He replied, injecting a little joviality into his tone.

“I'd love to hear about them, if you have the time.” Cadance asked.

“Not tonight. I'm working.” Raj responded, looking up at the patrolling squad on the balcony overhead.

“Oh yes, Shining told me that you were security chief for the Gala.

“Actually, I was hoping to have a conversation with you two. In private, if possible.” Raj said, keeping himself level.

Shining Armor blinked. “Certainly Captain.” He looked around for a second and gestured to a door leading to the outside. Raj went forward and opened the door for them both. They stepped out onto the square patch of covered garden, lit with shimmering lanterns. Shining Armor turned and looked at the tall human, “Well Captain Rajrishi?”

“First off, I need you two to do something for me. You, take off your jacket and toss it,” He said pointed at Shining Armor, “you peel off a sock and do the same.”

The royal couple looked at him in confusion for a second, but complied. Once they were partially disrobed, he said “Alright, now we can talk.”

“What was that about?” Cadance asked. “We had to do the same thing when we arrived.”

“It's the best way we have to do a spot check on whether someone is a changeling or not. While changelings can assume any form, clothing included, their disguises are limited to just their bodies, they can't make material and then cast it off.” Raj explained. “Whenever our security teams meet each other, we throw a bit of clothing off, even if we were only apart a few minutes.”

Shining Armor nodded. “Smart system. But couldn't a changeling just put on a piece of clothing after transforming and then throw it?”

Raj shrugged. “It's a far from perfect system, but it's the best thing we've been able to work out for dealing with the doppelganger issue. We're testing every guest on their way into the Gala, and very few have been cooperative.” He rolled his eyes. “It seems most of these folks are more concerned about their carefully cultivated outfits than threats to national security.”

“Hmm,” Shining Armor grumbled. “that's not good.”

“Seems to be a theme for this whole ordeal. It's been four weeks since... Ponyville was attacked and we've done nothing but increase patrols. Nobody is taking this seriously enough.”

“I heard that we caught quite a few cells.” Shining asked.

“Not enough. The team that was in Ponyville had been there for weeks, who knows how many there are in deep cover spread across the country.”

Shining cocked his head. “You think it's that bad?”

Raj looked back through the glass of the door, back into the party. “We're up against an army of shapeshifting monsters with unknown numbers, unknown intelligence, and unknown goals. The only thing we do know about them is where their Hive is, and we're not even putting together a plan to attack it. Hell, we're not even really keeping an eye on it, just a single airship doing a flyby every day or so.” Raj shook his head.

“A flyby?” Cadance questioned. “Would that just tell whether the Hive is still there?”

Raj looked surprised. “That is literally exactly what I said.”


Shining Armor shook his head. “The Princess is probably wary of the Queen's throne. That thing's properties have kept anypony from attacking the western hive for decades. With that active, any attack is doomed to failure.”

“That artifact has exactly a two mile radius. A properly arced blast from the Break of Day's cannons at good elevation can clear that easy. We should have been shelling that disgusting hole for weeks now.” Raj felt his anger start to rise and tamped it down. Getting mad wouldn't help anything. “Anyway, that's not what I'm here to talk to you about. You two are the only ones that know Chrysalis even a little bit. I've read the reports from the wedding incident, all of them, but I wanted to talk to you two personally. Is there anything you can tell me about Queen Chrysalis, anything at all?”

The couple looked at each other for a moment before Cadance spoke up. “There isn't much to tell. She ambushed me a few weeks before the wedding and stuffed me in the caverns under Canterlot. Then she went to work on Shiny.”

“It only took her a day or two to put me under her thrall.” Shining Armor said, a slight edge in his tone. “I remember thinking something was off about Cadance, but then the Queen's venom and mind-control took hold and I was... not myself.” He looked down. “Honestly, the time leading up to the wedding is a bit of a blur. Even with magic therapy, I've only been able to recover bits and pieces.”

“And what are those bits and pieces?” Raj asked. “Please, anything you can tell me.”

Shining Armor furrowed his brow for a moment and winced. He lifted a hoof and rubbed his head. “I'm sorry, I can't do it, not right now. Her magic is too strong, even after all this time.”

Cadance wrapped a wing around her husband, “It's okay Shiny, you'll get there.” She looked back to Raj. “I spent some time with her. She would come down into the caverns and taunt me on occasion, as well as leave me food.”

“I was wondering about that. Is there a reason she didn't just put you in a cocoon? Seems a lot easier than locking you up under the city.” Raj asked.

“You know, I was never able to figure that out.”

“So she's an idiot then?” Raj asked.

“Oh, no no no, very much not.” Cadance shook her head. “Chrysalis is a planner, a genius when it comes to strategy. If she didn't put me in a cocoon, I assume it was for a good reason. That's one thing I was able to figure out. Chrysalis will take all the time in the world planning, scheming, and scouting until she has all the information she needs before she acts.”

Shining Armor nodded. “After the battle, we did some digging and found out that she had plants in the city months in advance, some had been there for years. The sheer amount of logistical planning and execution that went into it is insane, almost admirable, in a way.”

Raj nodded, “So, figure out her plan and don't play to it. Easy.” He sighed. “Now if only we knew the first thing about her plan, we could get started.”

Cadance smiled. “If half of what Twilight has told me about you is true Captain Rajrishi, I'm sure you'll have this licked in no time. After all, you've barely been here a year, there's no way her plan takes you into account.”

“One can hope.” Raj said back morosely. The royal couple laughed and stepped back into the hall. Raj didn't, he stayed on the balcony and looked out on the city for a while yet.

* * *

Hours later, the party was in full swing. All the guest's were having a grand time, befitting the event's name.

All except one.

“How long?” Raj asked, hiding his irritation.

The guard stallion said, “Fifteen minutes sir. Normally we wouldn't have worried about such a small gap of time, but you left instructions to-”

Prince Blueblood cut him off. “You should have told us ten minutes ago.” He gave the pony a withering glare before turning back to his captain, “What do you want to do?”

“Pull a squad together to find them. Once they're found, full check and dress down. No chances.” He jerked his head at the stallion in front of him. “Take this one with you.”

“Sir.” his lieutenant nodded and trotted off, the tardy soldier in tow.

Raj looked at his intelligence officer, “Go do a spot check of the patrolling squads.”

Sweetie Drops said, “I just did one a few minutes ago. No problems.”

“Do it again.” Raj ordered.

She raised her eyebrow, “Captain, you're being unreasonable. Not to smoke out my colleagues, but I count at least six S.M.I.L.E agents in the crowd tonight, they have this handled. We can stick to the scheduled checks.”

“This is the first snag of the night Sweetie Drops. Now isn't the time to be cavalier. So go do it.” He said firmly.

Sweetie drops shrugged and let out a sigh, “Understood Captain. What are you going to do?”

“I'm gonna go update our big guns.”

The main hall was even more resplendent than it was before. The bunting lining the walls was now chased with subtle lights serving as an accent to the thousand or so candles that illuminated the central chandelier, a huge ringed construction that consisted of hundreds of faceted glass teardrops, each one scintillating with the flickering fire light.

That soft light shined down on hundreds of fancily dressed ponies, reclining at tables or dancing on a wide floor to lively music. Clusters of them gathered at the long tables of food or around the doors to the gardens and balconies.

Raj recognized a few of them. A clique of laughing aristocrats clustered around Sir Fancy Pants, the pony in question living up to his name in his exquisite velvet trousers. Marshall Coltumbus sat against a wall, whinging away to a circle of uniformed ponies about how wasteful it was that the Break of Day had been deployed to fly the diplomats to the eastern hives. Dwarfing both their crowds however were the hordes of fans that were hounding the Wonderbolts every movement. They were even excited to see Silver Lining, though she wasn't quite up to walking yet.

Beyond all of them were the six Elements themselves, each one dressed in a Carousel Boutique exclusive. They saw him approach and Applejack threw him a wave, “Howdy Raj. Yer looking snazzy.”

“New uniform, kinda digging it.” He looked down at the gleaming silver buttons on his cuffs. “How're you all taking the party?”

Pinkie popped up, her cheeks distended with something sweet and delicious. She tried to say something, failed, and then swallowed down the mouthful of treat, a visible lump the size of a cantaloupe retreating down her throat. “The cherry cordials are super tasty!”

“I'll have to give them a check.” Raj said back. “How's everyone doing? Having a good time?”

“A wonderful evening darling!” Rarity said, a faint blush to her cheeks. She spoke with a slight slur, a subtle lengthening of her syllables that was only noticeable because of how much he'd heard her talk. “This décor is simply marvelous, I could stare at it for hours.” She looked up at the lit bunting, her eyes going somewhat glassy. Raj saw a few empty glasses on the table near her and a half-full one in her hoof.

A few drinks were nothing to be concerned over, especially after what had happened to her. Rarity had been something of a recluse since the infiltration a few weeks ago, either out of fear of being attacked again or sadness over the fact that her cat had never turned up. Regardless, seeing her out of the house gladdened him quite a bit.

“I'm having a mighty fine time, thought AB is gonna be sore at me for a while since I couldn't bring her.” Applejack drawled.

“Yeah, Scoots was pretty hurt when I told her she couldn't come. She only stuck around for twenty minutes after I was done practicing.” Rainbow said, somehow managing to make that sound like something of a brag.

“Better than the alternative.” As frustrated as he was with the fact that the gala was happening at all, at least the Princesses had listened to his suggestions for security, the foremost one being banning all children from the event. Putting the cream of Equestria's aristocracy in danger was one thing, but endangering kids was a no sell.

“Feels like a bit of a waste though. Each of us had a plus one, but Fluttershy's the only one that used it.” Twilight said with a bit of a grimace. “On Discord of all ponies.”

Raj looked at the shy pegasus. “Discord is here? I never would have guessed, nothing is ridiculous or weird.”

“I know!” Fluttershy said, somewhat missing the jab. “He disappeared almost as soon as we got here. I have no idea where he ran off to.”

“Great, so now if something bizarre or horrifying happens, there are two things that could be causing it.”

Fluttershy giggled, “I don't think he'd cause trouble tonight. He promised to be on his best behavior tonight.”

“No offense meant darling, but I'm fairly certain that Discord's best behavior is on par with everypony else's worst.” Rarity slurred before she sipped from another glass she acquired from somewhere.

Raj smiled, enjoying the company of the six mares. “Hey, actually, I didn't just come here for a social call.” He glanced around, checking to see if anyone was in hearing distance. “We had an incident, nothing major yet, but the first of the night. I just need to do a check on you six. You still have your things?”

Twilight nodded and lifted up a fold in her dress, showing the looping crown of the element of magic. The others revealed their own hidden elements, Fluttershy's tucked in her frills and, Pinkie's in her mane, and the rest of them secreted away somewhere in their dresses. As each one came out, he saw them shimmer with their intrinsic magic, verifying that none of them had been replaced. Rainbow tucked hers back and put on a devious grin. “If those shapeshifting freaks show up, we'll be ready.”

Applejack nodded. “Second we get eyes on the queen's mangy hide, we'll beam her into next week.”

“That's what I like to hear. Hopefully we won't need it though.”

“Captain.” Raj turned to see his princess, draped in a pitch black gown filled with twinkling sequins. “We should talk.”

* * *

“All we've had is a missing squad, fifteen minutes late on a patrol. I sent a team to check and give them a dressing down.” Raj reported. “That's the only snag we've had tonight.”

“So far.” Luna said sharply as she looked up at the thrones.

“That's more pessimistic than your sister.” Raj said, sounding surprised.

The princess gave him a pensive look for a second before saying, “Mine sister and I agree on much, but we do not have an accord on some matters. The management of this conflict is one of them.”

“First I'm hearing of it.”

“Do thou publicize every disagreement and quarrel with your family?”

“Point.” Raj looked down into the interior balcony, onto the hundreds of laughing and dancing party guests. “She still thinks this can be won with soft power. That if we form an alliance with the other hives then Chrysalis and her brood will have to back off.”

“I know. It may yet work.” Luna said.

“But it doesn't really deal with the problem. We still have a huge swarm of bug monsters led by an insane queen that has a personal grudge against the country. And then there's whatever concessions or treatments that need to be made with the hives she works with. Odds are we'll just end up in a very similar situation years down the road.”

“Quite true as well.”

“So is Celestia-”

“Princess Celestia.”

“So is Princess Celestia just being short-sighted or does she not realize all that?”

Luna paused, thinking. “Neither Captain. Neither. Likely she thinks that, when a situation like this one rears its head, she will be able to deal with it again in a similar manner. That's what stateship is, dealing with problems or, failing that, delaying them until you are in a better position to.”

“We're in a position now. We could wipe out her and her hive before they become a threat again.” Raj said, clenching a fist.

“You advocate slaughter?”

“I advocate security.”

“Yes, one is generally quite secure when no others are left.” She looked up at the moon and the ghostly lit mountain looming over them.

Raj followed her gaze and shrugged. “Doesn't matter. After tonight, I don't think there will be any choice in what to do.”

“Explain.” Luna ordered.

Raj put his hands in his pockets. “I'm willing to bet that some of the guests down there are changelings. I'd put money on it. I'm going to expose them in front of everyone present.”

“How do you propose to do that?” Luna asked. “Your garment test? Everyone passed that on their way in.”

“We have a better one. The garment test is a red herring. We have to remove something from their physical bodies. A hair, bit of fur, something surface level. Once removed, if it vanishes, it's a changeling.” Raj explained. “We kept it secret so Chrysalis wouldn't come up with a way around it.”

“So a more probing version of the standard examination. Interesting. Does it work?”

“Every test we managed to do worked. Later tonight we'll call for a security check, do the deeper test on every guest and corral them together. When we unmask them, in front of the loved ones they've been fooling for days or even weeks, the opinion of the noble ponies will change. They'll be clamoring for action against the hive.” He said, hiding a smirk.

“So you will use Celestia's social obligations against her to force your desires. Put her in the position whereupon doing what you want is her best and only course of action. A fine plan Captain. You should be proud. It will never work however.” She said simply, as if there were no room to brook argument.

Raj frowned. “It's your turn to explain.”

She obliged. “Quite simply Captain, your plan will not work because it requires outsmarting her, and I have difficulty bringing to mind a creature that can outsmart my sister.”

Rajrishi stared at her a second and chuckled, “I don't... I'm not sure about all that. You make it sound like she's infallible.”

“Thou does not know Captain. The Trueborn children of the Faustmare were born not at the same time. They were willed into being by our mother at times of great need, for creating being such as us is no small feat, even for a Titan. I was the last, created to be a warrior, and to that purpose I am most apt. It is why I was able to match my sister's might despite the fact that she is much older than I.” She paused, looking bashful for a moment before continuing. “Mine sister though, was the first, made to be a scholar and negotiator, built to serve as an intermediary between the Faustmare and ponykind. She is elder to me by millennia, she possesses more intellect and knowledge than most can fathom.” She ruffled her wings. “When I say that I have faith in her instincts and capabilities, I mean it.”

Her speech was meant to reassure him about Celestia's plan, but it almost did the opposite. Raj had never really thought about what he had done since coming to Equestria. Nothing that had happened in the last year or so had weakened Celestia's position or even Equestria in a meaningful way. The Everfree Forest was now better explored, thanks to his shared knowledge. A dangerous clan of marauding Diamond Dogs had been routed from her lands, a cure to a dangerous and foul disease was now well in stock, diplomatic ties to the Dragonlands had opened up, and an old nemesis had been defeated, bringing in a vast fortune in the process. Not even the war had cost her anything yet, and was on track to be concluded with hardly any blood shed on her side.

He realized that the only pony in the whole world that had benefited from his presence, was Princess Celestia.

He would have shared this revelation with the Luna, had some movement not caught his eyes. Rajrishi looked aside, down the exterior balcony. A squad of five guardsponies patrolled along the yard, the one in front wearing a crested helmet. Rajrishi squinted his eyes, scrutinizing. “That's curious.”

“What's wrong?” Luna asked, looking around for the source of his consternation.

“They're not supposed to be there.” He scowled. “Princess, you'll have to excuse me for a moment.”

He vaulted the banister, feeling a brief thrill of fear as he stared down the ten meters of fall ahead of him. He ate the impact solidly and stood up straight, heading for the soldiers. They saw him coming and moved into formation. “Lieutenant Crunch. Identity check.”

“Sir.” The pony gave a salute. He grabbed a badge off the front of his uniform and tossed it to the side. Raj did the same thing along with the four other guards. Now confirmed, the lieutenant asked, “What's the problem Captain? Did we have another incident?”

“Take off your helmet.” Raj ordered.

“Sir?” The lieutenant asked.

Raj lifted his head a bit and said again. “Take off your helmet.”

The guard complied and slid off the crested armor. He looked up at the human in confusion. Raj stepped closer and reached down, running a hand through the stallions brown mane. The soldier looked up at him in surprise at the unwelcome contact and the other four shifted nervously. “Um... sir, what's going on here?”

Raj didn't answer. He ran his hand along the soldier's smooth hair for a second, squeezed his fingers together, and drew them out sharply. The stallion recoiled and looked up in even more confusion. Raj stared at his hands, seeing a few fine, brown hairs woven between his fingers. In a flicker of green they vanished into nothing. Raj nodded, “Yup.” He then clenched his now empty hand and drove his fist into the confused stallion's face.

The pony's jaw collapsed against the force and he was driven to the ground headfirst, thudding into the lawn hard enough to bounce. He lay still for a moment before his form was wrapped in a sheet of burning green light and then there was a changeling there, looking small in the suit of ill-fitting plate, its face chitin cracked open and leaking green.

The other four stared in numb shock for a second. One of them stepped forward and stammered, “S-sir, we had no-”

Raj cut him off. “Your squad is supposed to be on the other side of the castle, not here. Get on the ground, all of you. Now.”

They complied, dropping to their knees. Raj approached and slid out an ax. The instant he got within reach the one closest to the front lunged, mouth wide and form flickering with green. He flashed the blade up and cleaved into the thing's chest. It let out a sputtering gasp and he hurled it over his head, letting it splat onto the yard.

The last two came at the same moment, one high and one low, their forms melting back into slavering, chitinous beasts. Raj backed up, wary of the agony their venom caused. A lance of purple light sailed in and drove through one of them, piercing through its chest. It collapsed onto the other, knocking it to the ground. Up on the balcony, Luna blew smoke off of her horn and charged another spell.

The last changeling struggled to pull itself from the weight on top of it, hissing and sputtering. Raj stepped close and knelt. He put his hands on the sides of the creature's head and forced it to meet his gaze. It paused for a second, blue eyes somehow going wider. Raj stared at it and said, “You never should have come here.”

There was then a squeal of fear and a hollow crack as he brought his hands together.

* * *

Barely a minute later, Captain Rajrishi strode into the central ballroom, hands still covered in green slime and flecked with shards of shattered carapace. He yelled out “Code black! Security breach! I repeat, code black!”

The guests that heard him looked around in confusion at the surprising declaration but the security forces knew exactly what that meant. In a flash they sprang into action, moving to their pre-planned locations and began calmly, but firmly, herding the guests into tight clusters. Princess Celestia caught his gaze and started moving his way, but Luna landed next to her and drew her attention.

While his security forces were distracted Raj went over to the gathered Elements of Harmony and Spike. They had listened to him and stayed together, never letting each other out of their sight. Fluttershy looked up at him and asked, “Rajrishi, what's going on?”

“Schedule moved up, we had a breach. Security team was replaced. Twilight,” the purple unicorn looked up at him, “pluck 'em.”

Twilight nodded and focused her magic, reaching out with her telekinesis into dozens of points of control. Raj tracked them as best he could, hand wrapped tight around one of his hidden axes. Brief shouts of pain and alarm rose up among the security and they looked around in confusion, each one seeing a single hair lift off of their manes or tails, wrapped in a faint glow. Twilight focused, nodded, and said, “None of them burned away, the security team is clear.”

Raj let out a long breath. The infiltration hadn't reached the security team in the palace itself. Small wonder that. He approached the bunched groups of fancily dressed ponies and put his hands on his hips. “Alright everyone, quiet down please. This will all be taken care of shortly.”

“Captain, what is the meaning of this?” Fancy Pants shouted from his position near the front of his cluster. “Have we done something wrong?”

Raj approached, but still spoke loud enough for all the assembled ponies to hear him. “No, no you haven't sir. There has been a security incident and we are taking precautions. I can't be certain of any of your identities.”

“We were checked when we came in!” The well-to-do stallion protested.

“That system is not perfect. As a new countermeasure we'll be removing a single hair from your manes and tails to-”

Fancy Pants was engulfed in a column of green and he lunged, now a shining black monster in nice clothing. Running on instinct, Raj snapped out a hand and hooked the creature squarely in the mouth, shattering its jaw plate and snapping its head to the side. He felt a sear of pain as the creature's fangs tore into the back of his hand, leaving a thin limn of green in the wound.

Before he could even curse at that, flares of light ignited among the attendees. Shouts of pain and alarm rose up among them as the creatures started lashing out at the packed civilians. They, understandably, began to panic and push at the guardsponies keeping them next to the monsters.

“Spike! Hammer!” Raj shouted out as he rushed into the nearest grouping. The little dragon drew in a breath and belched out a column of leaping flame. The fire coalesced into a shape, forming the enormous form of Gate Maker, the hammer Raj had plundered from Jolly Roger's vault. He caught it on the fly and strode forward, lifting it up high and bringing it down on the back of a changeling in a very nice ball-gown that was preoccupied with biting an older pegasus mare's face. Raj pulled the pony up and ushered her towards the center of the ballroom where the guardsponies were gathering everyone who hadn't changed shape.

A pair of the things sprang at him, hissing and spitting. Before he could sweep the hammer into them, a trio of glowing darts flashed in out of nowhere and sank into the joints in their carapace. The things dropped like stones, dead in an instant. The thin, two ended blades slid out of them and flew back to hover over the shoulder of their wield. Lieutenant Blueblood stepped to his side and asked, “Are you alright sir?”

“Fine.” Raj said back sharply, flexing his injured hand. “Go clear out the other groups and get everyone in a central location, they'll still need to be checked.”

Blueblood looked around the bedlam in the ballroom, “You think some of them are still undercover?”

“It's what I would do.” Raj shot back.

The stallion nodded and moved to follow orders, his lift-blades lancing out and killing changelings with exacting precision. The Guard were keeping things contained in their little bubbles of chaos, striking with spells from the edges and stepping aside to let panicked guests reach the relative safety of the ballroom's center. Overhead, pegasi guards were spotting targets and extracting the injured in daring swoops. Somehow, over the bedlam, Shining Armor was bellowing orders and directing the soldiers even as he was fighting himself. As Raj watches, he saw the Captain take a solid belt to the face and not lose a step in his commands.

Further back in the room, Celestia and Luna were facing off against a dozen strong pack of changelings and performing admirably. As he watched one of the charging beasts was annihilated in a solid column of blazing sunlight and another were cast aside by twin arcs of solid nothingness.

Seeing that things were well in hand, Raj made his way over to the circled Elements. They watched warily as he approached until Twilight sent a faint mote of magic floating his way that evaporated as it neared him. “Good, it's you. Raj, what's going on?”

“All the changelings uncloaked at once and started going crazy. If I had to guess, close to a third of them were disguised.”

“That's more than we estimated.”

“A lot more. How are you seven?”

“We're fine.” Rainbow said from her protective posture over Fluttershy. “None of them were near us.”

“Good, keep it that way. Anyone gets within ten meters, clobber them. You're the only option we have that can take down Chrysalis when she shows up.” A sudden glare came from the side of the ballroom and another changeling was eradicated. “Okay, the only option I like.”

“Don't worry darling, we'll use our weird magic jewelry to laser the evil queen into submission... or something like that.” Rarity slurred, the suddenly drastic situation doing nothing to sober her up.

“What she said.” Applejack affirmed.

Raj nodded and turned his attention back to the fight. The crowd in the center of the room was getting larger by the second. And with the crowd pockets shrinking the guards were attacking into the groups of changelings more liberally. The rest of them were trying to keep the guests contained and calm, a task rapidly proving to be impossible, as several of the guests had suffered serious injuries or had the jarring fact that their loved one was a hideous bug monster in disguise thrust upon them. None were taking it very well.

The why of it was escaping him. Why they uncloaked and attacked as they did, right then. Clearly they were all sent a message, likely through the changeling hive mind, to act, but to what end. There was no chance of executing a coup in that situation, there were too many guards and both princesses to worry about. Attacking then wouldn't even buy them time, the examination procedures would have taken longer than this fight.

But it drew all of his attention to right here. To this room and nowhere else.

Raj swore and spun. “Twilight, teleport to the town square and lock it down. Now!”

Twilight sputtered, “What? But-”

“There's no time! Just-” he was interrupted by a force, a faint ripple in the air that he felt all over and left a greasy, uncomfortable feeling in its wake. The rest of the ponies felt it as well and let out sounds of discomfort. Somewhere in the rear of his mind, he realized that the burning pain in his hand had abated into a warm numbness.

Raj shook his head, lucidity coming back quickly. He looked around to see the room darker, the only illumination coming from the hundreds of candles in the chandelier. It was still enough for him to see the glow melt off of Blueblood's lift-blades and clatter to the ground. The pegasi over head grunted in exertion, their armor suddenly too heavy to fly in.

“Oh shit.” Raj muttered as he heft his hammer, the weight of it significantly more than it was a second ago. Hisses and snarls came from the wings as the changelings fell back and consolidated themselves, only their hateful eyes visible in the darkness. Fearful sounds came from the clutch of nobleponies, the terrifyingly stressful situation suddenly made much, much worse.

Twilight strained at her horn, grunting with the exertion. “Raj, I can't teleport! I can't do anything.”

“And I can't... hnng fly so good.” Rainbow said from overhead, fighting for every wingbeat.

“Because both of those use magic, and magic doesn't work in Canterlot anymore. At least anything that isn't changeling magic won't work.” Raj explained.

Twilight gasped, “She moved her throne? Can she even do that?”

“It seems so. Stay behind me, all of you. On three we're going for the door. Applejack, help Rarity.” Raj ordered, his hammer held low.

“What about all the scared rich-ponies?” Pinkie asked as she pointed her hoof at the mob. “We have to help them too.”

“The Guard will take care of them. I'm taking care of you. Now let's go!” Raj hissed.

Right then the window exploded, showering broken glass down on them. Raj shouted, “Oh God damn it!” and shielded himself. When next he looked, a tide of black carapace was flooding through the gap.

The first one landed and immediately had its head smashed into the ground. An instant later three more moved to replace it. Raj cursed as he fell back, his seven charges moving with him as they backed into the crowd of nobles. On the other side of the room Luna and Celestia were crushing carapace with their over-sized hooves, but were similarly being pushed back into the middle of the dimly lit ballroom.

Raj looked around, assessing the situation. Ten minutes ago this place was filled with happily dancing and chatting aristocrats, now it was a dim chamber filled with scared, hurt ponies surrounded by glowing-eyed bug monsters. And magic had taken a holiday, leaving the vast majority of them defenseless.

“This could be going better.” Raj muttered to himself, eyes flicking back and forth at the wall of bug-monsters barely ten feet away.

Pinkie gasped. “Rajy! Don't you know to never say-”

Another window exploded, showering them yet again in broken glass. Raj shielded himself, swearing venomously under his breath, and looked up at what had entered the room.

Queen Chrysalis was tall, at least as tall as Princess Celestia, but possessed of none of the personal gravity. She was spindly, looking almost stretched out and disproportionate, like she was designed poorly. And sitting there at the base of her chitinous neck was the alicorn amulet, standing out against her black carapace. She smiled, showing all of her needle-sharp teeth. “Hello ponies! Sorry to crash, but my invitation was lost in the mail.”

“Chrysalis.” Celestia said, fitting more contempt in those syllables than Raj thought was possible. “How dare you assault us so brazenly. This was a peaceful function!”

“And now it is not.” Chrysalis said simply with a faint chuckle. The changelings flanking her hissed with laughter, somehow finding the joke funny.

Luna stepped forward, glowering. “It was thine throne, was it not? That is what has silenced our magic?”

“It is! Very clever Luna, got it on the first try. I figured since I'll be living here from now on, I should start moving my things in.” She chuckled again, calling up another round of laughs from her minions. “Now then, I believe it's-” the rest of her sentence turned into a pained grunt as she was hit squarely in the amulet by three-hundred pounds of steel hammer hurled at her like a spear.

Chrysalis went flying back, ragdolling across the dance floor and sliding to a halt against a pillar. The reaction among the changelings was mixed. Some immediately rushed to her aid, others started his and spitting at the crowd, and a few others immediately bolted, fleeing with manic desperation out the way they came.

“Come on!” Raj shouted and pulled his axes, rushing for the door. Changelings surged for them, but in much less numbers. Guardsponies kicked and bit, giving as good as they got as the guests shouted in fear. Raj smashed his shoulder against the door and felt it give, but halt against something on the other side. It had been barred.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight shrieked. Raj cast a look back to see the solar princess vanish under a tide of black chitin. A few of the monsters were flung from the pile as she kept fighting, but she was overrun all the same.

Twilight ran for her mentor, tears streaking from her eyes, out of the safety of the guard's line. Raj moved to grab her but was beat to the punch by Princess Luna, who scooped her up and glided over the melee, still able to fly adeptly despite the loss of her magic somehow. She deposited the bawling pony next to her friends and turned her backside towards the doors and canted a leg up. Raj got the idea and threw his weight against the door as well.

The portal swung open with a terrible clatter, the braked wagon placed as a barricade scattering away. They all rushed out into the courtyard, past the small squad of dead changelings from a few minutes ago. Raj kept his head on a swivel, scanning around for more attackers. Behind him, Blueblood and Sweetie Drops were ushering the guests, moving them along and away from the danger as the remaining Guardponies took up vanguard positions at the rear.

He did a headcount, making sure all seven were accounted for. “Alright, good, you all stay here. I have to go.”

“Where're you goin' sugarcube?” Applejack asked as she tore her dress off, the bulky clothing only getting in the way of anything she'd have to do. Rarity was still so drunk she didn't even chastise her for it.

“The city square, that's where the throne is, I'd be money on it. We need to destroy it. Without magic, we don't stand a chance.”

“I'm coming too!” Rainbow rasped. “The Wonderbolts were in there and they got hurt too, I can't let that go.”

“You can barely fly Rainbow. No this is just going to be me and Luna. The rest of you stay here and hunker down until-”

Fluttershy started screaming.

Pinkie Pie looked at what she was staring at and also started screaming.

Rarity followed their gaze and cocked her head. “Well... that's odd.”

The mountain was moving.

Not gliding along like in the Shattered Lands, more it was wiggling, shifting ever so slightly at a constant rate. It was also pitch black, despite the bright moon in the sky. It was then that Raj realized that the other two figured out in seconds.

From the peak to the basin Canterlot was built on, the mountain was covered in Changelings.

They flowed down the slopes like ink, shifting and roiling in their clusters. Their wings were a constant buzz, a low droning din he hadn't even realized he was hearing.

“By the Faustmare.” Luna swore, staring up in amazement. “There... there must be a million of them.”

“But how?” Twilight asked, her tears gone in the sudden surge of fear. “Chrysalis doesn't have these numbers. Nowhere near this many in her hive.”

“The other hives, the eastern and southern hives. She took them. She's controlling them.” Raj said, his voice empty.

“B-but, the other queens hate Chrysalis. Even I know that?” Rainbow asked.

Raj shook his head. “Doesn't matter, because she has the Alicorn Amulet. It enhances native magic. The magic unique to whatever sort of creature puts it on.”

Twilight's eyes went wide. “And... she's a changeling queen. By the sun, why didn't we figure it out sooner.” Twilight shivered, fear shaking her voice. “Her natural magic is the changeling hive mind, she's controlling all of them with the amulet!”

Luna whispered, “Just as Crom did, during the Forming Wars.”

They lost another second uselessly staring at the impossible number of seething monsters before a great bang came from behind them. While they were talking, the Guard had barred the doors to the castle with the same cart and it seemed the changelings were trying to batter it down again. Ponies pushed and held the door while the guests milled about fearfully. Blueblood looked at his Captain and asked, “Orders sir?”

Raj spared one more glance at the horde already spilling into the city and said, “Get everypony you can to the train station and get them out of here. Canterlot is lost.”

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