• Published 9th Nov 2013
  • 14,674 Views, 969 Comments

Painted Mirror - Lord of Turtles

A solitary man trapped in a strange place for reasons he does not yet understand.

  • ...

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Clean Up Nice

Rarity huffed as she fed more material into her sewing machine, moving with exacting precision to avoid a misplaced stitch. She squinted at the bouncing needle, hoping it wouldn't be out of line like her last four attempts. After close to ten minutes of laser-focused work she reached the end of the hem and she let out a long sigh of relief and slid the cloth from the machine to inspect it, laughing a little bit at her eventual success. She studied the perfectly aligned stitch and froze.

“What? No, what is that?” She leaned in close to look at a spattering of dark moisture spots along the seam. With a small wince of horror, she realized that she was so focused, so absolutely intent on what she was doing, she hadn't even noticed the sweat dripping off her muzzle and onto the cloth as she fed it into the machine. She'd have to pop the seam, wash it, and try all over again.

That realization set her eye twitching unhealthily.

Just then, the bell above her door rang cheerfully and Applejack trotted in with a basket of bedsheets on her back. “Heya Rarity. Ah was hopin' you could do me a favor and mend these sheets for -Horseapples!” she cried out as she hit the deck, an airborne sewing machine sailing over her and into the yard.

“Applejack!” Rarity cried out at her friend and galloped over. “Oh my goodness, are you alright darling?”

“M' fine, just a mite surprised.” Applejack stood up and dusted herself off. “Not everyday ah gotta dodge flying machinery. You feelin' okay sugarcube?”

“Yes, er, no not really. I've just been so frustrated the last few days that any little thing can set me off. Water stains on satin and I'm throwing sewing machines. I'm sorry Applejack.” she lowered her head meekly.

Applejack sighed and shrugged off her load. “It's fine Rares, no harm no foul. Ah just need some sheets fixed up, if'n you can get to it.”

“But of course darling. No charge even, on account of the near assault.” She levitated the bundle off Applejack's back and started stitching with her telekinesis.

Applejack watched her work for a bit, hoping the familiar task would calm her down, before asking, “Now what's got you whipped up so hard yer tossin' things 'round? Customer make an order yer havin' trouble with?”

Rarity shook her head. “Far from. Business is a little slow right now actually. No, I'm upset about something far worse than a demanding order.” She pointed towards her window bench and a letter laying open on it. “One of my preferred clients sent me that a week ago. Oh, it's just awful!”

Applejack went over and smoothed the paper out and leaned in close the read the delicate writing. “Dear Miss Rarity, you are cordially invited to attend the Equestrian Air Navy Ball, celebrating one-thousand years of dedicated service defending the skies of Equestria and beyond.” Applejack knit her brow in confusion. “Well, heck Rares, this shindig sounds right up yer alley. Buncha fancy nobleponies all in one place. Why's it got you in such a state?”

“Read the bottom Applejack. There you'll find the source of my... mood.”

Applejack squinted, looking for what could be causing her friend such distress. “This invitation is your ticket for admission for you and one guest of your choosing?” Her ears went flat. “Wait, is that what's wrong?”

“Of course it is Applejack! My ticket is for me and a plus one and I don't have a one!” She cried out, tears swelling her eyes. In front of her, the needle missed a stitch.

Applejack sat back and gave her friend a disapproving look. “That's why yer tossin' stuff out onto yer lawn? Cause yah don't have a date to go with ya? Just go stag, being by yerself won't kill ya.”

Rarity sucked in an overblown gasp and pressed a hoof to her chest. “Applejack! Bite your tongue! I can't go to an event as prestigious as the Navy Ball without somepony to escort me. The scandal! I'm already going to be an outsider at the event having never served, if I'm the only single mare in attendance I'll be an outcast. Equina non grata! It would ruin me.” She lowered herself to the floor and added, “Besides, I've already RSVP'd that I would have somepony with me.”

“Well now why'd you go and do that before ya had a date sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“I had planned to find an appropriately dashing stallion to attend with me over this last week, but the sudden appearance of a nightmarish, mutating disease occupied much of my time.” She slumped her shoulders. “I've sent telegrams out to every eligible bachelor pony I could countenance inviting, but it's so last minute that nopony can manage it.”

Applejack walked close and put a comforting hoof on her friend's shoulder. “Well, Rarity, could you take somepony from town? Ah know that Thunderlane would leap at the chance to go with ya, same with Ace for sure. Cloudkicker'd be good for it too. She was in the Guard for a little bit, bet she'd be thrilled.”

Rarity shook her head. “No, no, that simply won't do. I can't invite just anypony. Thunderlane is not nearly refined enough to go to an event so grand and Ace would embarrass me with that garish mustache. I, Rarity the Unicorn, would need somepony with style, manners and wit to be a proper date for the evening. Anything less would simply be worse than not going at all.” She paused for a moment to fold up the last of the sheets before adding “And Cloudkicker is already attending, I checked.”

Applejack shrugged and patted her friend again. “Well horeseapples Rares, 'fraid ah don't have any more ideas. Seems yer up a creek alright.”

Rarity lowered her head towards the floor. “As am I. It seems I will have to snub my client's generosity. Perhaps if I wire them soon they'll be able to find somepony else to take my seats. Thank you for talking me down Applejack.”

A minute of companionable silence passed before they both heard “Hey, is this sewing machine here for anyone to take or is this a really weird robbery?”

“Raj?” Applejack asked to the air. “Rajrishi is that you?”

“Yeah, it's me.” he ducked in through the short door. “Hey Applejack. Is the boutique being robbed? Cause I think it's part of my job to do something about that.”

“Nah, nothing like that. Rarity just tossed the thing out there on account of some things she's got going on.”

“Oh, sorry to hear that. You okay Rarity?”

Rarity shook her doldrums off and put a warm smile back on. “Yes, yes, I'm fine. No worries darling, just a momentary snit. Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is elegant, chic, and magnifique. How may I help you?”

Raj reached into a pocket and held out a small scroll. “Work order from Princess Luna. She's commissioned a new uniform for the entire Lunar Guard and she wants Carousel Boutique to put it together.”

“Certainly darling.” she lifted the order out of his hand and examined it, bolts of cloth sliding out of their sockets as she read down the list.

“The whole Lunar Guard?” Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Ain't that just you?”

“Yes it is Applejack, very astute. Apparently walking around shirtless wearing ill-fitting pants isn't good enough for the Captain of the Lunar Guard, or at least that's what the Princess said when she came for my report this morning.” He held up his hands and rolled his eyes. “Crazy, right?”

Applejack chuckled a bit. “Didn't ya have yer hat and the little fringe thingies on yer coat? That weren't good enough?”

“I lost the hat in a river and the coat got covered in something smelly. So no, apparently not.”

“Something smelly? You mean when Pinkie wet herself on ya?” she asked with a slightly crinkled muzzle.

“Oh, she told you that. Surprising. That seemed like a keep-it-to-yourselfer to me but I don't judge.”

As the two talked, realization started to grow on Rarity's face before she quashed it. She stepped forward, eyes narrowed slightly and piped up. “Wait a moment Rajrishi, you're the Captain of the Lunar Guard, a new and prestigious military branch formed by Princess Luna herself.”

Raj looked down at her and blinked, “I... I am. That wasn't really a question, was it?”

She chuckled lightly and continued. “I was simply talking some things to myself Rajrishi dear. Tell me, what are you doing tomorrow evening?”

“I was going to write up some human stuff for Twilight but I can do that any time. Why you asking?”

Rarity smiled broadly and bounced her mane a few times. “Well my dear Rajrishi, the Equestrian Air Navy Ball is tomorrow evening in Canterlot. Every important military pony in Equestria will be there to celebrate their millennial founding day. I had managed to acquire a pair of tickets for myself but my escort has become unavailable unexpectedly. I'd be happy to bring you if you're interested.”

“Are you asking me on a date? I'm married you know.” Raj said with some reproach

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Yes, I am well aware of your wife Rajrishi. I intended the offer strictly as a platonic affair. You're likely to be a major topic of conversation even if you choose not to attend and I believed you wanted to capitalize on that. Rub elbows with the existing branches, see if you can drum up aid for your force as well as for your search for a way home. If I am wrong about that then you do not have to attend with me.”

“Huh.” Raj leaned back with his hands in his pockets. “That sounds pretty good actually. I think I could use the exposure, see if I can rationalize my position here. Problem is, I don't have anything to wear.” He gestured down at his shirtless and shoeless body. “Can you make Luna's designs before tomorrow?”

“Darling.” She said flatly, her work glasses floating onto her face. “Can't, is not in my vocabulary. I'll have it done by this evening.” She levitated up bolts of cloth, needles, thread, and the other tools of her craft.

“Awesome. Thanks Rarity.” Raj said with a grateful smile.

“You're quite welcome darling. Now run along, I have to create.” She pulled a sheaf of dark purple fabric from the spool and started measuring cuts.

Raj nodded his goodbye to Applejack and strode out. Applejack watched him go and looked back at her friend, “Y'know, you probably could have just asked him outright. He woulda said yes, yah didn't have to spin him like that.”

“I suppose I could have darling, but where would the fun be in that?” she chirped back, a coy smile on her face.

* * *

It was a small comfort, but a comfort nonetheless, that even after traveling trillions of miles women still took forever to get themselves ready.

Rarity had vanished into the restroom aboard their sleeper cabin as soon as the two had set foot on the train. Within moments he heard the churn of the sink, the whine of a hair-dryer, and the tell-tale sounds of a dozen or more other feminine beauty devices that had not abated for several hours. Canterlot was just a few turns distant when the door opened and the unicorn in question emerged.

The most notable thing was that her mane was up, the back pinned to her head to create volume with the rest done in a series of curls with a tiny, clipped in hat next to her horn. Raj noted that each curl was a different size and had been placed very deliberately, immediately informing him what had taken her so much time. She wore a sleeveless stormy-blue number that blew out at the hips with a frilly neck ruffle colored a dark orchid. Compared to her manestyle, Raj would have said it was almost plain until he saw that the fabric was texture-patterned with the shape of flower petals, an effect only visible when the light hit it just right.

She smiled and spun in place, letting him see the whole presentation. “Well darling?”

“Looking good Rares.” he complimented, thoroughly telling the truth.

Rarity giggled and covered her mouth with a surprisingly bare hoof. “Thank you dear. Thank goodness I had this dress made before that whole Froggy Flu business. It would have been unacceptable to re-hash anything to such a grande event." She eyed him up and down and hummed in approval. "And might I say you cut quite the dash yourself.”

Raj had not been idle in the intervening hours. His silver piped, purple coat had been ironed to perfection and his black dress pants were creased crisply enough to cut somebody. He'd polished his old boots until they shone like new and he made sure that all his buttons gleamed like stars. His rank bars sat in the precise center of his high collar with not even a millimeter's variance. He'd even tied his formal turban over and over again until he was certain it was the finest one he'd ever done. Smiling Raj ran his hands down his front and stood at ease. “I clean up nicely I think.”

“You certainly do.” She shuffled over to a bench and eased herself down onto it. “Now then, we should be getting there shortly. A carriage is scheduled to gather us straight away from the train and take us to the ball. I know that this is a strictly innocent engagement, but there will be a few things that will be expected. Upon arrival, help me out of the carriage and take my hoof as we enter. Get the door for me and keep your hooves, er, hands out of your pockets. Don't scratch, don't lean, don't-”

Raj held up a hand to interrupt. “Rarity, I know how to be a gentleman. You don't need to worry.”

She bit her lip a bit and blushed. “Of course, I forgot. I'm so used to stallions from Ponyville being... unrefined. It's a reflex at this point.”

“I get it. You'd be better off telling me some stuff about the event itself. Like, am I going to be expected to dance? Because I'm not great at that with my own species, much less yours.”

She laughed, “Dancing? In this dress? Goodness no.” She smiled wider. “Simply be polite, shake hooves, and try to remember names darling. I'm sure everything will be fine.”

And with that ominous statement, the brakes shrieked as the train slid up to the Canterlot platform.

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