• Published 9th Nov 2013
  • 14,664 Views, 969 Comments

Painted Mirror - Lord of Turtles

A solitary man trapped in a strange place for reasons he does not yet understand.

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Interlude: Fear is Not Universal

Author's Note:

This indulgent little aside takes place during the time-lapse in the middle of Chasing History at 50 Knots. Enjoy.

Raj stood up and slid his aviator shades down his nose to admire his look in the mirror. He tilted his head and called out. “Alright Twilight, you win. The costume you gave me is much better.”

“I told you!” Her voice echoed from up in the loft. “Commander Easyglider always had a classic style.”

“I kinda remind myself of a character from Top Gun, but I'm still digging it.” He ruffed up the edge of the bomber jacket. “I think I'm going to keep this jacket after Nightmare Night, if that's alright.”

“I'm glad you like it.” She trotted down the steps. “I'm afraid I can't really say the same about the one you put together for me.”

Raj turned around and frowned. “What's wrong with Captain Amareica?”

She looked down at her stretched, blue and white suit. “Nothing really, I just don't get it I suppose.”

“What's to get? He's a character from a comic book, and a bunch of movies, and cartoons. He's kind of everywhere really, just all over the place back on earth. He's awesome.”

“What about this shield though?” she floated the circular disc in front of him and inspected it. “You made it sound like he fights a bunch of bad guys, but he uses a shield to fight? Wouldn't a sword be better, or one of those gun things you talked about?”

“Well, I mean, it's a special shield Twilight. He throws it and it bounces back to him.”

“Oh, so it's magic. That makes sense.” She nodded.

“Well, no. It's not a magic shield, it's just made of this super tough metal. He's just really good at figuring out angles and stuff I guess.” Raj explained

She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “That makes no sense. To make a thrown, spinning discus bounce back at him he's have to know the density of what it's hitting, the speed at which it's spinning and traveling, the angle of impact, and the distance he's throwing it."

“I don't know if it's as hard as all that.”

She wrapped the shield in a layer of telekinesis and spun it at the wall where it bounced gracelessly off the wood and clattered to the ground. “Hey look at that, now I'm defenseless and poorly dressed.”

“Hey, I didn't say it was realistic. I'm just telling you what he did.” He raised his hands defensively and laughed a bit. “Let's get going.” Twilight nodded and lowered her emblazoned cowl.

The pair moved out of the library and into the full festivity of Ponyville's Nightmare Night. Every street was lined with glowing jack-o-lanterns and leering scarecrows. Stretched taut lengths of web connected the street lamps that crawled with mild-mannered spiders. Windblown leaves crunched under his boots as he walked past small hordes of children, all of them dressed in costume and chanting the song that would summon more candy into their bags.

Raj took a deep inhale of the crisp, autumn air and let out a blissful sigh. “God I love Halloween.”

“That's what you call Nightmare Night on earth, right? It's a similar celebration?”

“Very similar. Costumes, candy, spooky stuff, the trappings are largely the same. It's... nice. Seeing something as familiar as this.” Raj stopped to look across the street at a pair of ponies bobbing for apples and failing miserably while their friends laughed and cheered them on. He smiled and looked down at her. “You don't have to wear that you know. You can put on one of Rarity's costumes when we get there.”

She shook her head. “Nope, we have a deal. You wear a costume from our culture, I wear one from yours. Anyway, now that I'm moving around in it, it's starting to grow on me. I feel, I don't know, heroic?” She lifted a leg and struck a pose, shield presented forward.

Just then, a grasping claw shot out from underneath a hay pile and grabbed at Twilight's leg. She let out a sharp cry of alarm and disappeared in a flash, circular shield rattling to the cobblestones.

Raj's hand was on his knife when he heard hooting cries come from the pile of hay and it started shaking with laughter. His hand relaxed and he let out a breath before saying “Snips, Snails. It's alright Twilight, it's just a joke.”

“You sure?” She asked from her shivering perch atop a streetlamp.

“Yeah, don't worry. No grabby monster's gonna get you.” jeered the chubby colt as he climbed from his hiding place, a stick-mounted claw held in his hooves. He worked it with his magic a few times and burst into a fresh set of chuckles.

“Yeah, just, uh, just us sorta... grabbing at you.” said Snails as he poked his head out fo the covering hay.

Twilight appeared a ground level and shot them a glare before softening into a chastening look. “Nice prank you two, but be careful whom you catch with it. Somepony is liable to get hurt.”

“We know, that's why we grabbed you instead of Captain 'Rishi.” The colt gave him a poor salute and started sinking back into his hiding place. “Now stop talking to us. Somepony else is coming and we wanna get them too.”

“Yeah, get out of here. If, that'd be alright with you that is. Thank you very much.” Snails droned before adding “Happy Nightmare Night!”

Twilight rolled her eyes and replied. “Happy Nightmare Night you two.”

Raj and Twilight had made it about thirty feet when they heard a similar cry of alarm followed by braying laughter. Twilight shivered and muttered “That is definitely not my favorite part of Nightmare Night.”

“What? The frights? Come on, that's the whole point of the holiday.” Raj protested.

“For some, but it also alienates some ponies. Fluttershy is so nervous about getting spooked she locks herself in her cottage every Nightmare Night.”

Raj's eyebrows shot up his head. “I did not know that.”

“It's true, and it's because of pranksters like Snips and Snails that I can't spend time with one of my best friends on this holiday.”

“Alright, to be fair, Fluttershy is not a good benchmark for what should be classified as scary.”

“Point.” Twilight conceded.

“Twiiiiliiighht!” They both heard echoing down the street. They turned to see a squat dragon in a pirate costume running at them on all fours, panting powerfully. She slid to a halt and leaned over himself, gasping for breath. “There *huff* you are. Are you *puff* okay?”

She cocked her head in confusion. “I'm fine Spike. What's wrong?”

He stood up straight, composure recovered. “I heard you yell out from a few blocks away and came as fast as I could. What happened?”

“Oh!” Twilight frowned, a hoof held up to her chest. “I just, I was pranked by Snips and Snails. Don't worry, I'm fine.”

Spike's face fell. “Really? You brought out a class five yell for a prank?”

“You have classes for Twilight's shouts?” Raj questioned.

“Twilight yells a lot, and if there's one thing I've learned from her it's the importance of being organized.” He started counting on his claws. “Class two is when she's mad, class three is when she's trying to get somepony's attention, class four is when she's scared, and class five is when she's really scared.”

“What's a class one?”

“That's when she has company over. Haven't heard that one in a long time.”

“Sick burn.” Raj extended a fist.

“You know it.” Spike punched his balled up claw into his hand.

Twilight's face screwed up and she shouted. “Can we just get to Rarity's house!?”

* * *

“...and those very ponies, were never heard from... again!” flourished Rainbow Dash as she jumped up, a strong beat from her wings kicking air into the fire and sending a twisting spiral of embers into the air.

It was hours later on a barren hill in Sweet Apple Acres. They'd walked the Apple family maze, dove for apples, eaten enough dipped, fried, glazed, and sweetened treats to satisfy even Pinkie Pie for a few moments. As the midnight bell was tolling, Applejack had uncovered a keg of gold-label cider and offered to share, provided they gave her company to drink it with. All six had obliged, retiring to a firepit Spike kindled for them and retired to drinking and the traditional telling of ghost stories.

Pinkie let out a long, sharp cry and clutched at Rarity, her roller skates tangling themselves into her kelpie costume.

Dash landed on her seat and looked around at her friends with a frown. “Wow, I only got Pinkie with that one? What's wrong with you guys? That story is gold.”

“Yeah, it's a good 'un, but I've heard it before. That's the same story you spooked me and Rarity with when we went campin'.” drawled Applejack as she finished a mug of cider.

“Yes darling, and I believe that I heard a similar rendition at Twilight's first slumber party.” Rarity explained as she peeled Pinkie Pie off of her.

“What? That's lame. What about you Spike, why weren't you scared?”

“Eh.” The little pirate/dragon shrugged and yawned. “That story is passed around Celestia's school all the time. I've heard every version of it, Twilight too.”

Rainbow looked over at her friend who gave her an apologetic nod. “Sorry Rainbow. The Headless Horse is old hat by now.”

She kicked at the dirt. “Well, at least Pinkie wasn't spoiled on it.”

“Actually, I was.” She chirped, immediately brightening. “I've heard it plenty of times too. You think this is my first spooky bonfire? I've heard The Headless Horse of the Road, The Headless Horse of the Cave, The Headless Horse is in the House, The Headless Horse goes to College, just about all of them.” She counted them off on her hooves, floating for just an instant when she got to the fourth before flopping to the dirt with a deflating squeak. “I was just being a good sport about it.”

“Well this sucks. I can't ever tell that story again!” Rainbow complained.

“It was a good story Rainbow. You presented it very well. Good eye contact, lots of movement to keep your audience disoriented, and kicking up the fire at the end was a great finisher.” Raj complimented as he reclined on his log, a full mug of cider in front of him

Rainbow pointed a hoof. “What about you, huh? No way you've heard that one, you're from a different planet. Why weren't you scared?”

Raj shrugged. “I liked the story Rainbow. I just don't scare easy.”

“Horseapples.” Rainbow said. “Everypony's been spooked at some point tonight.”

Rarity looked up in thought. “Actually girls, now that I think about it, I don't believe he's shouted or cried out even once tonight. Not that I remember.”

Applejack tilted back her mug again. “Eh, I'm not in a good state for thinkin'.”

“That's not true anyway. When Snips and Snails grabbed at Twilight I just about jumped out of my socks.”

“That was being startled, not scared.” Twilight pointed out. “Getting startled is largely biological. Everything does it.”

“That's a fair difference.” Raj conceded.

“Alright, so if Equestrian stories don't scare you, then tell us one that does.” Rainbow challenged, forelegs crossed over her chest. “You're not scared like ponies are, let's see if ponies are scared like humans are.”

Raj sat up, leaning forward with a slight smirk. “So it's finally my turn then. Alright, give me a minute.” He stared down into the fire for a while, gathering his thoughts. “I have a story, but it's going to have some holes. There are some differences from Earth to Equestria that don't translate well.”

Rainbow waved a hoof. “Lay it on us Raj. This ought to be good.”

He took a long breath and begain. “I can't speak for all humans, but what scares me... what scares me is always real. The fantastical stories, the folktales and fables and stuff are fine for a lark or a brief jolt of fear, but the kind of thing that makes my blood go cold and squirms up my gut is the inexplicable nature of real life stories. And with that, I'll tell you the story of the girl that was there, then wasn't, then was.”

He paused again, clearing his thoughts before speaking again. “A few years ago, there was a Girl who traveled to a far off city. She was a happy girl, good to her family, good to her friends, and successful in her life. Then one day, she was gone. Simply disappeared. Her absence was noticed immediately. The police searched her hotel, asked everyone who had seen her what happened and they all told the same story; she was a friendly, outgoing Girl who was a delight to everyone she met.”

“Oh dear.” muttered Rarity, voice quiet. “I don't believe I like where this is going.”

Raj continued. “More than a month later, something started happening at her hotel. The other guests started complaining about the water. It was dark and had a strange taste and smell. A lot of guests checked out and the staff started searching. After a week, one of them went up to the roof, where large water tanks were stored. One of the staffers opened the heavy steel lid, and that's where he found the Girl, floating dead in the hotel's water supply for more than a month.”

All five ponies and one dragon went completely still. Pinkie was the first to speak up. “Y-y-you mean they were... they were drinking water that was-”

“Yup, and bathing in it, washing in it. Cleaning their clothes and floors with it. Brushing their teeth with it.” Raj explained, keeping his voice even. Pinkie fell to the ground and let out a strangled retch, almost on the edge of heaving.

Spike looked up at his guardian and said “Twilight, slumber me.” the unicorn tilted her head and tapped her horn again his skull. There was a brief pulse of magic and Spike dropped to the ground, fast asleep in an instant and safe from any lingering terror.

“Ah don't think ah want to hear any more o' this.” Applejack drawled as she quaffed the rest of her mug.

“I can stop.” Raj offered. “I won't be offended.”

“Not on your life dude.” Rainbow said, at rapt attention. “Keep going, what happened next?”

“Well, they removed her body and examined it. She had no marks on her body, no violence had been done to her.”

“Oh that is a relief.” chided Twilight with a shudder.

“But that's the weird part. To this day, nobody knows how she got in there. Climbing up to the hatch required a ladder and there wasn't one on the roof. And the hatch was closed, something that is very hard to do from the inside of the tank. Getting to the roof was difficult for a guest to do, but not impossible. In the end, nobody knows how she got up there, whether she was alive when she ended up in the tank, or what happened to her before. Likely, we'll never know.” Raj leaned back, hands knit behind his head.

The circle went quiet for a minute. Applejack spoke up “That... that's it?”

“Yep. That's the story.” Raj said flatly.

“So, what happened to her? What's the end of the mystery?” Rainbow asked, leaning forward with intent.

“Like I said, nobody knows. Her death is unsolved to this day.”

Rainbow shot up to her hooves. “That's a horrible story! There's no ending, it just stops! And you left all those dangling 'what ifs', like a bunch of stuff could have happened to her without telling us what did!” She pointed a wobbly hoof at him. “I am going to re-do that whole story, overhaul the thing, give the girl a name or something. I'm going to make that a super awesome fireside scary story and not some ridiculous, half-finished garbage!” At that she flapped her wings hard and flew upwards in a slightly shaky line towards her cloud house.

“I believe that is a fine endcap to a lovely evening.” Said Rarity as she stood up, Pinkie still clinging to her tail and looking at her pleadingly. “Darling, would you like me to walk you home?”

“Yes please.” Pinkie squeaked, cuddling her friend's tail.

“Certainly dear. 'Night all.” She called out as she started walking, yanking Pinkie along on her skates.


“Yes Pinkie?”

“Can you keep me safe from the corpse-water too?”

“Of course dear.” she said earnestly as she dragged her friend away.

Applejack stood up, wavered a bit, and re-settled her hooves. She pulled off the mane of her lion costume and muttered to herself. “Ah reckon I've had about enough.” at that she started walking towards the farmhouse, stumbling a bit with every other step.

A forcefield bubble wrapped around the fire for a moment, smothering the flames and releasing a great plume of smoke when it left. Twilight looked up at Raj as he stood and said “You know, I think I'm the only one who figured it out?”

“Hmm?” sounded Raj as he lifted Spike's sleeping form into the divot in Twilight's shield.

“Why that story scares you, what you're afraid of.”

Raj smirked and let out a short breath. “Yeah, I know too; heights and bats."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean."

He laughed. "I do, but keep it to yourself Purple Smart.”

“Sure thing Thumb Beast.” she said playfully and bumped his hip.

And so ended Rajrishi's first Nightmare Night.

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