• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 3,548 Views, 72 Comments

Stargazers - Astarea

A romantic story with a backstage look at Twilight's destiny.

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Ch IX - Visiting


Chapter IX - Visiting

The chariot ride to Ponyville was quite uneventful, yet Twilight couldn't help but notice the growing unrest in Luna. It started early in the morning, with her lunar lover snapping at servants for the smallest of mistakes. Now? The blue alicorn was gnawing her lower lips nervousness. Finally Twilight couldn't take it anymore.

"What's going on, love? You've been getting worse and worse. The closer we get to our destination, the more you've been fretting over something."

Despite the howling winds her companion heard her clearly.

"It's about the news. You have to understand, alicorns are not supposed to fall to simple sickness. Yes, you muted her connection with the sun and made her mortal, but unless she expended all of her stored magic, she still retains some of the perks. One of them being an immunity to all illnesses. To hear that Tia has fainting spells is... disconcerting, at the least."

Twilight frowned as she recalled the short notice from Starswirl, which arrived unexpectedly in the wee hours of the morning. It was rushed an was the reason for this unscheduled visit to Ponyville. Not that Twilight had anything against visits to the little town, which she came to see as her second home. It was not long since Twilight last saw her friends, but the longing never went away. Realizing she was getting off-track, the lavender alicorn focused back on Luna's words.

"Well, this is why we're going, no? To check if we can be of use. You know I hold Celestia in high regard and as her friend I would do anything to help her. So don't drive yourself crazy with worry."

“Hah, look who's talking, little miss worrywart… If I remember correctly you also panicked! If it weren't for that little trick our niece taught you, you'd still be hyperventilating somewhere in our chambers. Also, this is also bad news for us. If Celestia can get sick, then so can we!”

Twilight blushed and smiled sheepishly at the remark about her panicking tendencies but then turned serious as Luna finished.

“Well, we would have to test that. I can always maintain a health bubble to protect one or both of us from whatever is wrong with Celestia. It's a nifty little spell I've found in the public archives.”

“Ah, yes, I remember the spell. Out mother tended to use it - whenever she was giving us food - when we were foals. Back then, Tia and I loved to play with food and it usually ended on whomever was the closest.”

“That's… an adorable image you've just put in my head.”

“Those were happier times, when all we did was to play and never worry about anything. Anyway, does that mean that you like foals? Is there something you'd like to share with me, love?”

The lavender alicorn blushed once again at the teasing words from her wife. Images of little fillies and colts running around them and playing little games came to the forefront of her mind and Twilight couldn't stop herself from smiling fondly.

“I… IthinkIwouldlikethat...” she mumbled out too fast for Luna to catch.

“What was that, my star? I couldn't hear you clearly.”

“I said… I… I would like that… someday.”

“Well, well, it seems that you do have motherly instincts… Though I shouldn't be surprised, considering you helped raise Spike. He's growing up to be a perfect gentledrake.”

“T-thank you! I tried my best but both Celestia and my mother had a hoof in his upbringing, so I can't take all the credit. But, to be honest, I'm not happy with how I acted back then. Some ponies thought he was my pet!”

“I would say he's more of a servant than pet, but it's because of how you lived. Didn't he end up cooking and cleaning for you? He's like the perfect little housewife. Hay, if it wouldn't impose on our privacy and his new responsibilities, I would consider keeping him with us.”

“Well, we have an abundance of staff in the palace anyway, so it's not like we're really desperate for help. Spike became like that mostly because otherwise he'd get bored and start getting into trouble. I had to keep him busy. From recent correspondence, he's satisfied where he is. And oh, we should prepare, I can see Ponyville. We're about to land.”

When the chariot landed near the library, a small gathering of ponies greeted them, but used to the visits, they quickly returned to whatever they were doing before. A few who knew Twilight and Luna personally waved cheerfully to the pair. Turning to the chariot fliers, she addressed them.

“Thank you gentlecolts. Please go back to the palace. We shall use a teleport to come back.”

Both alicorns approached the library, and the blue alicorn knocked on the door. While they were waiting for a response, Twilight started to look around, reminiscing about the events from not so long ago. The library was almost struck down by that brute, Tirek. If it wasn't for that shield spell she personally placed over important buildings, the tree, along with some other structures, would have been destroyed by magical fire. After all, casualties in buildings often occurred when two alicorns and the villain did battle. It would probably be worse if Starswirl hadn't reminded her of a solution to their centaur problem.

Finally, the door opened and a frazzled-looking Starswirl greeted them.

“Ah, you're here, good. Now stop standing like foals out there and get in. You need to talk some sense into her.” Starswirl said shortly and urged the pair in. They were used to his unique and no-nonsense way of speaking so the rude greeting didn't affect them.

In the main room of the library, they encountered Celestia, still in the unicorn form. She was looking a bit tired, but Twilight thought that she herself looked worse after some all-nighters. Of course, as agreed before, she cast the shield over herself and discreetly scanned her old mentor. What she found was astonishing, but she decided to leave it a surprise for later. Knowing that it wasn't anything bad, she relaxed slightly and let the shield subtly fade.

Celestia turned to face them and her face lit up as she took in the sight of them.

“Ah, Lulu, Twilight, it's good to see you! Come in, sit, make yourself -” here she giggled while looking at Twilight. “- at home! After all, it's not like you haven't lived here before, right?”

“Sister, what have you done this time, that had Starswirl in such a panic. He's usually so stoic, so whatever it is, must be serious.” Luna started as they sat on the couches.

“Ah that worrywart. I told him it's nothing. I feel fine!” At this, the stallion in question came back and scoffed at her. “Nothing, she says. Yet she keeps faining at times and this morning I found her in the bathroom, regurgitating yesterday's supper!”

“Oh shush, Swirly, dearest. It might be just because I overworked myself. Between all the parties recently and all the studying – speaking of which, Twilight, we have to discuss these sometimes, they're fascinating! - I might have went past my limits. There's also the possibility of alcohol poisoning. There was a lot of hard cider at Applejack's party recently.”

Twilgiht decided to alleviate some of the worry.

“Well, from my scans she's in perfect health, so it can't be anything too serious. Did you two confer with the local hospital yet? Also, if you don't want these to be public in Ponyville, I could always lend you the court physician. It's not like he has a lot to do these days.”

“Well, no. Like I've said, it's nothing serious. I don't need to make it worse by having somepony see me in the hospital and rumors going out that I'm sick. You know how this community loves to gossip. News travel way too fast. I read a lot about symptoms like these and I'm pretty sure it's just me being overworked. Now, let's make use of this sudden visit and catch up on everything.”

They spent a few hours talking about events from both Ponyville and Canterlot and beyond and it became late as dusk slowly started to set. Twilight decided they had to go back to the palace.

“Well, as pleasant as this visit has been, we have to get back. Court is still waiting and we have to set the sun and raise the moon soon, and you know how we prefer to do it from home.”

“Off with you two, then. And do remember to write, Twilight. It's not fair when I'm the only one initiation our correspondence. I can still give you advice, you know. After all, I did rule this nation for a long time before you.”

“And you taught me everything you know. Well, except the things you preferred to hide, but I understand why you did it. I hadn't considered myself ready until recently. From my side, I'd like if you wrote me if you got more news about your… sickness.”

“Will do. Now come, sister, Twilight, give this old mare a hug!” Celestia said jokingly.

After a short embrace, the alicorn pair started to leave. Once the door closed behind them, the lavender alicorn turned to her companion.

“Did you notice?” she asked.

“Notice what, love?”

“Celestia's sickness. It's not an ilness at all! When I checked her with mage sight, I found she has a second wellspring!”

“But that's impossible! Nopony can have two wellsprings, it's not scientifically possible!”

“Oh, you'd be surprised why. You see...” here Twilight paused dramatically to build Luna's anticipation as they prepared their teleport spells. “… Celestia is pregnant!”

With a big smile on her face, the lavender alicorn turned ahead and let the spell take her. She felt a pang of emotion from her wife, but thought it was surprise and joy. Mid-teleport, she couldn't see the ugly scowl of jealousy and rage, as once again, Luna's eyes flashed into slit pupils momentarily and faded back to normal.

Author's Note:

Well, this was a long break. I won't give you excused but I will say I'm sorry.
This chapter brings you a taste of what is to come, if you look closely.
Might edit it later to fill in some in-betweens but otherwise it's sound.