• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 3,548 Views, 72 Comments

Stargazers - Astarea

A romantic story with a backstage look at Twilight's destiny.

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Ch VI - Surprising


Chapter VI - Surprising

The plan started with a simple idea for a prank, proposed by Luna. It was a small thing, at least as far as alicorns were concerned. Twilight was supposed to cast a geas on every single subject of Equestria, so that everypony would think of Twilight as the Princess of the Sun and of Celestia as her faithful student.

But that’s not what happened. Twilight, considering the incoming Summer Sun Celebration, remembered a fact that most ponies forgot because it coincided with the aforementioned holiday. The day of the event was also the day of Celestia’s birthday.

With a bit of convincing, mostly through kisses and promises of later… fun, Luna acquiesced to the new plan. Twilight would cast several high-end spells in rapid succession in order to make sure Celestia would have the perfect birthday.

First, the geas would be placed. Then Twilight would use something she discovered recently – she was able to block an alicorn’s connection not only with their domain, but also their aspect, thus returning them to their pre-ascension shape. The last spell would ensure that nothing bad would happen to the sun and Celestia while she was in her vulnerable form.

Then, on the day of the celebration, the plan was enacted.

Celestia woke with a start. Something was off. She quickly rose to her hooves and proceeded to fall flat on her face. She shakily got up, looked around for what tripped her and not seeing a thing, proceeded to the bedside table to gather her regalia. She reached for the crown and put it on her head. It fell through immediately, pulling her pink hair.

Then, realization came. Celestia quickly trotted to the bedroom mirror, looking at it as if it was lying. Staring at her from the reflection was a white unicorn mare, with pink curly hair and rose eyes, full of surprise.

“What… is this?” – She started, surprised by her young voice – “I haven’t seen this form since… a long time ago. I swear, if this is another one of Luna’s pranks… I am so going to get back at her…” – she finished, her competitive streak showing.

She quickly started brushing her mane, something she didn't do for the last couple of millennia, when suddenly she had another realization. She couldn't sense the sun. That started a panic in her that rose from minute to minute. How could she not feel the sun? It was an integral part of her, just like her current body. If she couldn't sense it that meant that someone stole it from her. Even worse, she couldn't feel her aspect, the ever present love for her subjects.

That would mean that currently she was… a simple unicorn. The fact hit her like a horseshoe. It was something that she didn’t feel since times long past. She felt free. Yet, the panic didn't settle. Celestia felt the sudden urge to prepare a checklist. Why would she need a checklist? She didn't need a checklist before, what with her perfect alicorn memory… Ah.

Nevertheless, a few centuries of ruling deeply ingrained a need for a schedule in her. She quickly considered the morning sky, with the sun already present and breathed with relief. At least that was okay. Deciding to skip clothing, she quickly trotted outside of her rooms.

The guards on both sides of her door didn't bow. They didn't scrape before her. They just nodded their heads and the left one greeted her with a simple ‘Mornin’, miss!’ That made her feel good. In recent years she tried to get rid of the need for decorum, but it was deeply ingrained into the minds of ponies. This new, free yet polite attitude was refreshing.

Trotting through the castle merrily, she decided to take a quick snack in the kitchen. Perhaps the cooks still had an emergency cake. Upon arrival, she was greeted by the head cook.

“Hello Sunny! How are you today?” – He greeted her. “Would you like the usual?”

“Hi there, Chief. Do you have any cake? I could kill for a piece of cake” – She replied.

They both shared a laugh at the joke and the cook guided her to a small table, where she immediately sat. She was quickly brought the cake and started drooling at the sight of it. Chief Hooves chuckled at the sight of her.

“Oh, Sunny, you and your obsession with cake. If it weren't for Princess Twilight’s deep coffers, you would have us poor because of your appetite.”

“What can I say, Chief. Cake and I... We go way back!”

Time quickly passed in the company of good cake and the cook, and it was soon time for Celestia to be on her way. She licked her muzzle clean from the remains of the delicious treat and started on her way to the throne room.

In the throne room, Twilight and Luna were waiting impatiently for the arrival of Luna’s sister. Twilight, as usual, was having second thoughts.

“Are you sure she will be okay? Won’t she demand her powers back? Won’t she then banish me? Or worse, imprison me in the place she banishes me?” – Twilight complained, pacing nervously.

Luna, for the third time that day, took her under her wing and tried to calm the mare down. She couldn't fathom, how she was not be bothered by Twilight’s constant bouts of emotions. She guessed that the ritual they went through not so long ago gave her a new perspective on the panicking.

“Relax, my love. As long as you stick to your role, we should be perfectly fine. And if not, we can always explain it to my sister. You know she would never do anything to you. Didn't you learn that time you were… tardy?” – Luna said.

“Easy for you to say, my moon. You’re not the one sticking her neck out, impersonating Sol Invicta, the Alicorn of the Sun. Speaking of the sun, that thing is heavy. What has been she feeding to it, cake? Gah, I feel Celestia, she’s just behind the doors. Quick, look casual.”

Luna tried to look casual, which with her equaled not moving a muscle.

There was a knock on the doors and one wing was enveloped in a pink aura. An aura that made Luna feel a pang of nostalgia. Then, the doors opened and lo and behold, there was Celestia, or rather, Sunny Skies, in all her unicorn glory. Twilight took on a smile she had seen Celestia use many times with her.

“Ah, Sunny Skies. My faithful student, it’s good to see you’re up!”

“Princess! I heard from the cook that you asked for me. Why didn't you have me woken up” – Celestia said with a sideways look at Luna. Luna remained perfectly still.

“Yes. I have a task for you, Sunny. As you know, tomorrow is the Summer Sun Celebration. This year it’s hosted in Ponyville again. I need you to go there and oversee the preparations.” – Twilight explained, hoping that her façade didn't crack.

Celestia was taken by surprise, but decided against revealing the plot. She felt free and spending some time in Ponyville sounded nice.

“Should I take the train then?” – She asked.

“No, I have a chariot prepared for you. You should leave immediately to have time to put everything together.” – Twilight shook her head as she replied. – “Also, I have one more request, this one unofficial” – She added.

“Yes?” – Celestia asked.

“Make some friends!”

In Ponyville it quickly appeared that the preparations were more than ready. Yet Celestia spent a wonderful day with each of the ponies involved.

With Applejack, she ate many apple-themed sweets, noting that even after generations of analyzing, her own cooks were unable to solve the mystery of why the apple desserts were so much better than their own works.

With Rainbow Dash, she watched the rainbow mare prepare tricks she was going to show on the next Wonderbolt practice. The fact that Celestia was unable to fly or even feel simple air currents tainted the experience for her, yet she cheered enthusiastically for the young flier.

With Rarity, she spent a day in the spa, talking about the recent gossip in Canterlot, learning more about her subjects that way, than if she simply went out. She also mentioned her favorite designer from about fifty years or so, which the unicorn took as a challenge.

With Fluttershy, she partook in a walk through the Everfree borders, both mares engrossed in the discussion about pets. When Celestia mentioned she saw Philomena, Fluttershy squeaked adorably and squeezed Celestia for being the bearer of good news.

Then, when the sun was ready to go down, the yellow pegasus took Celestia to the town library. Unknowingly retracing Twilight’s steps from a few years ago, she walked into the dark library, where sudden light blinded her.

When she opened her eyes, she noticed the main room of the library was packed to the brim with ponies, all with cheery faces. ‘Happy Birthday Sunny Skies’ announced the big banner hanging from the ceiling. The slogan was quickly taken up by the amassed ponies and soon she was surrounded by ponies shouting for her good birthday.

Wiping out a tear, she turned to face the perpetrators of the event, Twilight, Luna and Pinkie Pie. She quickly hugged the three.

“You three. This is a wonderful surprise. It’s almost the best birthday I could ever ask for”

Pinkie Pie gasped at the admission.

“Almost? We can’t have that. What can we do to make it the best?” – She said.

Celestia turned to face Luna.

“She’s been already given back to me”

The party lasted for a long time, until it was time to move to the Town Hall for the actual rising of the sun. Ponies quickly gathered near the platform and Celestia found a good place for herself, near Twilight’s friends.

Then, upon the triumphant song of Fluttershy’s birds, the curtains opened. From behind it, two forms quickly rose, in a heavenly dance. While Luna gracefully lowered the moon, Twilight pushed the sun up.

As the sun cleared the horizon, a cheer arose. Celestia quickly joined in the hoof stomping, losing herself in the primal instincts of a herd. She felt safe, she felt a part of something greater. This feeling eluded her for so long. Now she knew, and it pained her because she knew she had to go back to being the untouchable sun come tomorrow.

She was suddenly embraced by a lavender wing.

“You know, you don’t need to come back. I can hold it till you experience all that normal life has to offer.” – Twilight said, beaming at Celestia. – “I plan for us to take turns in this. Call it a vacation. It certainly would have helped Luna and surely will help you.”

Celestia couldn't believe her ears. Did Twilight just give her a gift she didn't dare think of? Was she allowed rest, after over twenty centuries of silent vigil over ponykind?

“What about friends? You recently had doubts about your ascension because you’d outlive everypony. Wouldn't the same happen to me?” – She voiced her concern.

“A wise mare once told me ‘The space in your heart is not finite. You will lose friends, but gain many more...’ and I believe that it applies to your situation too. Besides, it’s not like you won’t die. The spell I cast will allow you to be reborn after death. This way you truly experience what life is.” – Twilight explained.

Celestia pulled Twilight into a tight hug, crying her eyes out. From the sidelines, Luna watched with a broad smile. Things were looking up for them.

‘Look at that. She succeeded where I failed. She got rid of Celestia, while I couldn't. She would be a most powerful servant. She will join me or die.’ – a dark voice exclaimed.

The Nightmare shifted deep inside of Luna without the moon princess noticing.

Author's Note:

Le gasp! What's this? Actual plot? And the plot thickens!
Especially black alicorn plot.

Chapter dedicated to Twilestia fans. Can you beat Twilight's gift for Tia?