• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 3,548 Views, 72 Comments

Stargazers - Astarea

A romantic story with a backstage look at Twilight's destiny.

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Ch III - Becoming (Rewrite)


Chapter III - Becoming

Days passed by as Luna and Twilight grew closer and closer together as they spent the rare free moments on exchanging knowledge. The lavender unicorn taught the blue princess about the advancements of ponykind in the fields of astronomy, astrology and quantum physics. Luna reciprocated by passing on her knowledge of the arcane, often prompting Twilight on mad research sprees. Both mares appreciated their meetings and looked forward to each following one, as the alicorn often has duties in Canterlot. Even Twilight had her assigned duties of studying the magic of friendship. Between reports, she often indulged herself in experimenting on what she learned on previous visits from her marefriend. It was one of these testing sessions that quite explosively accelerated Twilight’s destiny.

The sun had just set for the day and Luna’s beautiful moon and twinkling stars welcomed the last stragglers of Ponyville in the embrace of the night. In the dusty basement of the town’s library a lavender unicorn was gently tipping one test tube over another, professionally assessing the amount of liquid that dripped down.

The mare’s eyes were bloodshot and her mane unkempt. Sweat rolled of her brow as she concentrated on the task in front of her. This was the third day in a row she hadn’t slept, but she just had to finish this experiment! It was the culmination of a long research, combining new techniques with ancient arcane knowledge. She knew this would result in a great discovery, which would change the way ponies perceived magic. She could feel it!

But fate is always fickle and she had other plans for the unicorn. The moment when Twilight had to stop the liquid from flowing, she dozed off, closing her eyes as weariness overcame her. The mare’s eyes flew wide open as the realized the mistake she had made. She just destabilized the blend. And if her research was correct, that would result in a fatal meltdown and end in an explosion.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as the drop travelled the small distance between the two tubes, mocking Twilight for her mistake. In response, the unicorn’s mind worked on overdrive as it calculated each possible outcome and possible ways of escape. Few unicorns could boast about being able to move fluids using their magic, but Twilight was one of them. Yet, the fluid was highly susceptible to magic and would only hasten the reaction. There was a possibility of teleporting herself or the vials away, but the force of the explosion would still travel along with her. She could also run out, but her lack of physical fitness and the fact that Spike slept upstairs stopped her.

There was one other way, the only way left. She could use her brother’s speciality and try to shield herself or contain the explosion within a ward. Such methods were frowned upon by the Royal Canterlot Academy of Sciences, as explosions tended to bloat the structure of the spell, causing it to puncture and release the force in one direction. Usually there was no way of controlling which way the explosion would expand, but Twilight was confident in her magical prowess. The shield would keep her from fatal harm and the ward would help her direct the massive amounts of expanding energy into the empty fields behind her library.

As she lit her horn, Twilight’s thoughts turned towards the library. It would suffer greatly, even with the many flame-resistant spells she had woven into every single book in order to protect them from Spike’s flame. With a last weary sight, she collected the required magic and cast the necessary spells. Time resumed its course as a shimmering magenta ward popped into existence around the two tubes.

Then, the library became bedlam.

In the majestic capital of Canterlot, Luna had just begun her Night Court, when her senses were assaulted by an alarm that sounded in her head. She immediately recognized the source as the anti-harm ward erected over Ponyville by Celestia, back when Twilight was first sent to Ponyville. Casting a quick look over at the meager amount of supplicants (a whooping two ponies!), she decided upon her next course of action.

“It has come to Our attention that there is an emergency that requires Our immediate departure. Court shall be adjourned until the problem will be resolved. You are hereby dismissed!” – Luna exclaimed loudly, addressing the entire gathering at once. As Luna carefully selected her own personnel, there was no murmuring amongst her servants as they quickly and orderly left the throne room.

The alicorn wasted no time as she stormed through a side entrance, nodding to two Night Guard to accompany her. She exited the palace through the nearest exit and immediately took to the air. Her guards followed, as always silent as shadows. The flight to Ponyville was quick and uneventful. Luna dived the remaining distance to the small town, surveying it midflight like a hawk and identifying the source of alarm at once. The town’s library was on fire.

Landing hastily in front of the gathered crowd, the alicorn took over command with no opposition.

“Gather all able unicorns, have them contain the fire. Pass on to weather team members I’m allowing the creation of a class-V rain cloud to douse the fire. Every earth pony available should proceed to dig a ditch around the outskirts of Ponyville to stop the fire from spreading. Now go!” – Luna quickly barked out the orders. – “Now, can anypony tell me what happened here? And where is the librarian?” – She addressed the remaining ponies.

A mare stepped forward and nervously readied herself. The Princess could clearly see that the ponies in this town no longer feared her but her visage still demanded utmost respect.

“A little while ago Spike, the juvenile drake, stumbled out of the library. He quickly ran around town, informing everypony of the explosion and the fire that followed. Due to his innate resistance to fire, he was able to re-enter the tree and check the situation inside. It seems the librarian, Miss Twilight Sparkle, is trapped inside the basement.” – The pony said and Luna finally placed a name, Mayor Mare.

The alicorn’s face hardened as she turned to face the burning building. Her horn lit up in a teal aura and a quick succession of spells was cast. The remaining unicorns marveled at the power that was displayed in front of them. They finally remembered why the alicorn sisters were hailed as goddesses.

A dense teal shield appeared around the alicorn as she approached the tree. Luna was visibly straining against something as sweat started to pour from her brow. Suddenly a loud, resounding crack reverberated throughout Ponyville and the entire library rose majestically in the air and flew a few yards down the road. The onlookers watched in awe as their Princess flared her wings and rose over the place where the tree once stood. Massive piles of debris lit with a teal glow and flew away to reveal the badly burnt floor of the basement. In the middle of the still blazing inferno, Twilight Sparkle lay, singed but still holding a flickering shield over herself.

Luna’s heart clenched at the sight of the battered body of her marefriend. She gently levitated Twilight, scanning her for damage. Her coat was burnt away and her mane and tail were singed, otherwise she didn’t show outside damage. Internal scans revealed fractured ribs and a broken front leg bone, nothing magic and proper healthcare couldn’t help with. Finally, to be sure of the magical examination’s result, the alicorn checked Twilight’s pulse. Her heart was still beating but it was getting weaker and weaker. Gathering magic in her horn, Luna tried to stimulate the organ so it would pick up its pace, but this only caused the shield around the injured to flicker back to life. It seemed the battered unicorn was subconsciously protecting herself from invasion. Clearly, this was a sign of the smaller mare’s magical potential.

Deciding to trust in olden earth pony ways, she gently laid the unicorn on a flat surface of nearby grass, careful not to agitate any injuries. It was high time, as Twilight’s heart gave up and the shield around her faded out of existence. Luna started a heart massage. After a few pushes, she inhaled deeply and lowered herself to push air into her marefriend’s lungs. The onlookers were once more dazed, as it looked like the princess was kissing the town’s librarian. Luckily, the earth ponies in the crowd quickly explained the process.

Finally, the alicorn leaned in to listen for Twilight’s heartbeat. It was back now and getting steadier now ad her chest raised and lowered with each breath. Luna shifted and kissed the lavender unicorn on the lips. Twilight awoke to a massive amount of pain and immediately wished she didn’t. Yet, a very pleasurable sensation on her lips kept her from passing out again. She instinctively raised her hooves and weakly embraced Luna, pushing out her tongue to explore the alicorn’s mouth. Pain was immediately forgotten as the two mares lost themselves in the moment. Reluctantly, Luna broke the kiss, fearing not the crowd’s reaction, but Twilight’s fragile health. She looked down to the unicorn lovingly.

“Let us get you to the hospital so they can patch you up. As much as I’d love to heal you with kisses, I am afraid that such method would not be too effective.” – Luna said quietly. – “But I promise you, once you get out of there, I am not letting you go!” – She half-joked.

The only response from Twilight was a slow nod. The alicorn turned back to the crowd, lifting Twilight once more in her magic. The gathered townsfolk were stupefied – that wasn't first aid, the two mares just downright kissed! A cheer started in the back rows and quickly the gathering took up a chant, stomping both for the librarian’s survival and in approval for the newly discovered relationship. Luna quickly covered the distance between the library and the hospital in a few flaps of her wings, passing the injured unicorn into the safety of the already waiting medical team.

The alicorn walked back to where the library stood and once more lit her horn. The tree lifted in the air again and she rooted it down back where it belonged. Rearing suddenly, she brought down her front hooves onto the charred bark of the tree, straining with the fading magic of the living building. Her earth magic flared to life and slowly, but surely, the tree begun to restore to its previous state. The bark begun to repair itself and the leaves took on a healthy luster. Luckily, all the books stored inside the library survived with the help of the anti-fire enchantments. Luna quickly addressed the remaining crowd and took to air, eager to get back to Canterlot.

The guards already knew to step away if they saw Princess Luna approach, especially if the night alicorn galloped at full speed from her landing on the nearest balcony. Luna mercilessly busted the door open and unceremoniously approached her sister’s bed. Celestia was once again awakened by her sister’s masterful use of the Royal Canterlot Voice and swore to herself to take away Luna’s voice for a day if she ever used it again.

“Yes, Lulu, what is it this time?” – The elder sister asked groggily, still half-asleep.

“Tia, Tia! You have to send the book to Twilight soon!” – Luna begged, tearing up and hugging her sister. – “That mare is so reckless and prone to accidents! If it weren't for that ward, Faust only knows if she’d live to see tomorrow! I couldn't live without her now that I accepted these feelings!”

Celestia was startled at the emotions emanating from her distraught sister and the news that the mare that she considered almost her own daughter nearly died only made her falter. She steeled her pounding heart.

“But… is she okay, Lulu? Was she badly hurt? What happened?” – She asked.

“Twilight should be fine now, I left her in the tender care of the best ponies the Ponyville Hospital has to offer. At least I hope so…” – She trailed off, wiping tears from her muzzle and picked up immediately. – “She was singed all over and had a few broken bones. It seems one of her experiments got out of hoof and there was a giant explosion. When I uncovered her body, her heart had stopped from shock. I… Tia… I’ve never felt so scared before!” – She broke out in sobs again.

Celestia hugged her sister tightly and tried to stop herself from following Luna into emotions. It was an unsuccessful attempt. Both sisters wept openly for the fragility of their beloved ponies and especially the quirky lavender mare, which wormed herself into both of their hearts. After a long and supportive embrace, they parted, the elder with a determined look on her muzzle.

“The book will be sent to her as soon as she’s released from the hospital. We don’t want her to try to overexert herself by casting the spell in her current state. It could prove to be disastrous.” – Celestia said, with a sad look of remembrance in her eyes. – “Soon, this will be just a sad memory and we will drown it out in happy, positive new ones!”

A month later, the book was sent. The sisters impatiently waited for results, both hoping for the best as Ponyville descended into chaos. It seemed that all hope was lost when Twilight gave up, but then on the last hours of the day, both Luna and Celestia felt the harmonic energies converging in Ponyville. The alicorns rejoiced, for they knew that the lavender pony had succeeded and she would soon join their little family.

“Would you like to greet her in the astral plane, Lulu?” – Celestia asked her little sister. – “I know how much she means to you.”

“Neigh, Tia. As much as I would love to see her and as much as she would rejoice at my sight, she will probably feel safer with you at her side. She always looks for your approval. Go, welcome her to our family.”

“Of course, sister.”

“And for the love of Harmony, please don’t speak in limericks this time!”

“Perhaps I shall sing. It’s been a long time since Twilight last heard my singing voice. Why, she was just a cute little filly back then!” – Celestia replied, laughing merrily.

Soon after, ponies all over Equestria heard the news. A new Princess has ascended and was ready to take her place at the side of Celestia, Luna and Cadence. A coronation was scheduled and ponies assembled from all over the kingdom. There was some murmuring among the nobles about a commoner ascending to the throne, but Celestia gave the malcontent's hard looks and revealed Twilight’s heritage. The news of Twilight’s relation to Clover the Clever rid her of any opposition.

The ceremony was grand, filled with pomp as the most elite of Equestria witnessed the birth of a new power. Unicorns magically projected the proceedings to the ponies gathered outside and when Princess Twilight Sparkle exited the balcony to address her new subjects, she was met with overwhelming applause of acceptance. Soon after all the ponies gathered for festivities in the palace’s gardens. The festivities were joyful and dozens of ponies approached the newly-crowned mare to offer their congratulations. A “historical” play by Pinkie Pie was very well received by the foals and even a few of the gathered adults chuckled at the hidden puns. But soon, like everything, the celebrations came to an end.

Twilight’s friends had to return to Ponyville and the lavender alicorn was to join them in a few days, which she planned to spend very busily in Canterlot. Twilight met Luna in the blue alicorn’s chambers. They sat on the round midnight blue bed, cuddled together, always hungry for the attentions of each other. Luna broke free of the embrace and looked into Twilight’s eyes.

“So, you are a princess now. How does if feel?” – She asked the lavender alicorn.

Twilight looked back at her marefriend, thinking over her own answer. So far, except from some bowing and scraping of other ponies she didn't feel any different.

“I have yet to see a difference from when I was just Pri… Celestia’s student.” – She replied, flapping her wings awkwardly. – “Although these new appendages seem to have a mind on their own. They keep straightening up whenever I’m near you!” – She teased.

The two mares shared a laugh and Luna decided to help Twilight by preening her.

“I’m going to have so much fun with you now that you have wings, just like this.” – The blue mare demonstrated by pulling out a loose feather. Twilight moaned slightly, but decided to continue explaining her feelings.

“That felt nice. As for the changes. I guess it hasn't hit me fully yet. Give me a few days and I will probably be panicking. Just be sure to be there to calm me down.”

“Of course! I’ll always be there for you. And believe me, when an alicorn says always, she does mean it literally.” – Luna said, switching position to lean in and peck Twilight, who deepened the kiss passionately. Like always, the act left them breathless. Luna decided to alleviate some of her own fears.

“Now that you are royalty, you could have any mare you wanted. Or colt, if you wished. Why me? Am I really your first love?” – She asked.
Twilight looked at her marefriend incredulously. ‘Is Luna still insecure?’ – She thought, delicately poking the blue alicorn’s nose. – ‘Well, it’s time to boost her confidence.’

“Of course you are my first love. I don’t count in crushes, which happen all the time and pass almost immediately. I was once awestruck with your sister, you know. I was a little filly back then and I loudly proclaimed I would marry her when I grew up. She always chuckled and told me that love works in mysterious ways and I shouldn't jump to conclusions too fast. I guess she was right. I even had a slight crush on my foalsitter and was jealous when she was around my brother instead of me. She noticed my behavior and explained more about love. In hindsight, she was probably already seeing my brother. It was soon after you came back when I realized I feel very close to alicorns. Now that I am what I am, I understand it more. But it was you who I felt very connected from the start. We both share a passion for the night, we’re both very studious and now we’re both alicorns!” – Twilight joked.

“Really? What about err… normal ponies? I had the impression your cyan friend, Rainbow Dash, had a thing for you. Wouldn't you like her more…” – Luna trailed off.

“Dash? She’s very confused. She recently realized her own bisexuality and isn’t sure what to do about it. Besides, the only thing we have in common is the Daring Doo book series (remind me to show it to you, you might enjoy it) and now, wings, I guess. I think that she would love to go out with one of the Wonderbolts, though. They’re her idols.”

“I see… What about, umm, that school teacher, Cheerilee?”

“Are you trying to talk me into something? Because you’re not making great progress. You know I love you unconditionally. But I could tell you my reasons, why not? Well, first of all, I just can’t.”

“Why? She’s a teacher, a good one from what I hear. And you are ever the student.”

“As true as that is I just… I can’t stand teachers other than your sister, Luna. Did I ever tell you what my worst nightmare is?”

“Aye. And I even walked in on one of them accidentally. I’m glad I have the power to fend of nightmares.”

“Well, then you know how I fear Magical Kindergarten. The whole phobia started because I had a teacher that did everything in her power to humiliate me and a few other foals in my class. She probably still does.”

“Nay, she was caught in act a few years ago and fired.”

“That’s good to hear. Anyway, that is why I can’t stand teachers, as much as I value Cheerilee’s friendship. Now. I see something wrong about this picture.”

“How do you mean?”

“Well, we’re sitting alone, in your bed, and you keep drilling me about other ponies?” – She asked incredulously. – “I think there are better activities to be had in bed. And no, I don’t mean sleeping. Really, for all your experiences you act so clueless sometimes, my Moon.” – Twilight finished, pulling Luna into a kiss and toppling over into the bed.

All was well.

Author's Note:

Edited and rewritten on 21st of April 2014.