• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 3,543 Views, 72 Comments

Stargazers - Astarea

A romantic story with a backstage look at Twilight's destiny.

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Ch V - Entangling


Chapter V - Entangling

Twilight was pacing nervously in one of the side rooms of the Canterlot Palace. It was one of the things she was great at doing, after all, and as illogical as it might sound, it calmed her down. Yes, panicking was something she dealt with on many occasions. It was routine to her. She panicked when she was late, she panicked when something was not going as she predicted and recently, when she woke up alone in bed.

Yet this panic was the worst sort. She was having pre-wedding jitters. Her mind went through all possible outcomes, with all the variations and permutations of things that might happen or not. The wedding might get attacked, Luna might be a changeling in disguise or some sort of dark cult might try to bring back Nightmare Moon. Somepony might hire an assassin, after all, four royal princesses gathered in one place are a tempting target. Then, Twilight's mind supplicated the worst outcome.

She saw Luna, standing opposite her, denying her the love and affection that they came to grow into, saying that she failed and can't be with her. The lavender alicorn started hyperventilating, her heartbeat accelerating as her pace went up a notch. She was covered in sweat now, her dress soaking with it.

Ah, yes, her beautiful dress – a gift from Rarity - woven of the best midnight silk, tracing her form gently and accenting her curves. All over it, little stars twinkled, a cheap imitation of the heavenly bodies she now commanded. The dress that saved her from bolting from her own wedding.

Twilight got caught up in the dress and stumbled, falling face-first into the floor. That was enough to snap her out of her daze. She quickly composed herself, doing the breathing exercise Cadance has taught her not so long ago. Finally as calm as she'd be on her big day, she used her magic to fix her muzzle, which was bloodied from the meeting with the hard marble floors of the room. Then, she cleansed herself of sweat and dried her dress, straightening out any wrinkles. Finally, she inspected her mane in the room's mirror and fixed any loose hairs.

There was a loud knock on the doors, and Spike's voice came in through the crack under the entrance.

“Twilight, everything's ready. They're only waiting for you!” - Spike informed her. - “Are you okay?”

“Yes, Spike, I'm leaving in a second!” - Twilight replied, composing herself again.

She trotted out, seeing Spike vanishing behind two massive doors to the gathering hall. Twilight adopted a cheerful smile, counted to ten and with a small sigh pushed the entrance open with her magic. For a moment she was blinded by the moonlight coming through the windows.

When her vision cleared, the first thing she noticed was - of course - Luna. Her beauty was indescribable; her flowing hair gathered in a neat mane style that Twilight thought was very pretty on her fiancée. The lavender alicorn’s eyes took in the rest of the moon goddess’s form. She certainly looked her part, in a flowing lavender dress adorned with moons. She was accented by the soft light from a full moon, falling in through the windows behind her, bathing her in an ethereal glow.

The rest of the room looked almost the same as it did during her brother’s and Cadance's wedding. The only difference was the decorations, which were moon and star themed. 'Pinkie's work' she assumed. There were fewer ponies attending, as the wedding was hosted at an unusual time, at night. She luckily saw that her friends were there, as were some of her other acquaintances from Ponyville. Her family stood in the front, her father looking at her proudly with a smirk and her mother drying tears of happiness with a hoofkerchief, her brother beaming at her and Cadance looking at her with understanding.

But Twilight soon tuned that out as Celestia begun her speech. Then all she remembered was a blur. Saying the vows, exchanging horn rings and feathers, that oh-so-wonderful kiss with her beautiful partner and the cheers and stomping that erupted during the blissful union of lips. All of that mattered little to Twilight as she finally was bound with her beloved, having eyes only for her.

“So, my love.” - Luna started next to her. - “Are you ready for the honeymoon? Because with me, it will be a literal honey moon.” - She ended with a smirk.

“Gosh, my moon. You make it sound as if you were impatient to get to me or something. We still need to have the reception. Although, I guess I understand you... I want to experiment on your... moon.”

They shared a quick kiss and laugh and went off to the royal gardens to mingle with the guests, to receive various words of congratulations and to generally have some fun. Finally, just after midnight, they left to the moon, leaving the party-goers gaping at their sudden disappearance.

Appearing on the moon, they quickly embraced and started kissing in a desperate make-out session. Suddenly Luna pushed Twilight away.

“Relax, my love, as much as I'd like to take you here and now, I'd like to show you something.” - The blue alicorn said to her new partner.

Twilight looked very disappointed and huffed at Luna. Her expression changed to amazement when she saw what the moon goddess was pointing at. There, at some distance stood an enormous dome, filled with lush vegetation. Twilight's mind tried to wrap around the concept of having plant life on the surface of the moon.

“This was where I spent my time away from Equestria. It's here where I felt at peace, laying on the soft grass, looking at the stars. I guess I've loved the stars back then as much as I do love you now. So, just like you gained entrance into my heart, I invite you to the heart of my sanctuary.” - Luna explained while the two lovers approached the moon gardens.

She led Twilight through a massive chamber that held the atmosphere inside and finally into the gardens proper. The lavender alicorn listened as Luna told her the story of how hard it was to bring proper soil samples and to accommodate plants that could finally produce the oxygen needed to survive in the place. Of course, both Twilight and Luna - being goddesses - didn't need air to survive, yet it was a pain to communicate without the oxygen to carry the sound waves.

In the middle of the garden, on a small island stood a small wooden cottage, a vision of simplicity and peace. Luna led Twilight through various rooms and into a bedroom with a bed that would hold the both of them, and playfully shoved the lavender alicorn onto it.

“There will be much time to study the dome later. Now, let us get to those promised experiments on each other!” - Luna exclaimed, pouncing at Twilight's laying form.

The moon shone brighter for the better of a few hours, while the stars twinkled merrily.

Twilight and Luna were laying on their backs on a cloud that the latter pony created for them in the dome. They were looking up at the stars, whispering stories about times long since passed.

Finally, with some reluctance, Luna turned to Twilight and regarded the smaller alicorn. Noticing her partner’s silence, Twilight also turned her head. The two sat in silence, looking into each other’s eyes for what seemed like an eternity, yet was actually less than a minute. Luna cleared her throat.

“My love. I've thought about this for a while. I want to do something special with you. Have you ever heard of soul mates?” - Luna asked.

“Yes, it's been written that throughout history there were certain pairs that got together no matter what circumstances they were in, sometimes traveling half the world. Are you saying that we are soul mates?” - Twilight answered after a bit of thinking.

“Yes and no. We share so much in common that it's almost uncanny. But no, the legend began because of an old alicorn... let's call it a ritual. It caused two partners to... entangle their souls forever. Some could communicate without a telepathic spell, some had a boost to their magic, but all of them understood each other perfectly. I don't want any secrets and lies between us. I wish to bare my soul before you.” - Luna said passionately, pouring her love for the other pony into words.

Twilight was taken aback. The love which she felt from Luna was almost tangible. She swore that she would change into a changeling at this rate. Yet, here was an occasion to truly become one with the alicorn she loved so much.

“Let's do it!” - Twilight exclaimed enthusiastically.

The ritual basically consisted of entering the astral plane, in which all alicorns were in their true forms. Then, they embraced together and mixed their beings, entangling their souls. During the process, Twilight finally understood everything about Luna. Her motivations, her emotions, her pain and suffering and the darker side that lurked deep inside Luna.

The blue alicorn on the other hoof experienced Twilight's life, her though processes, her deep bonds of friendship and the love she felt for all life. In the end, they both felt each other’s love, now strengthened through the ritual.

Finally, the moon and stars were together again, this time forever and more.