• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 3,548 Views, 72 Comments

Stargazers - Astarea

A romantic story with a backstage look at Twilight's destiny.

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Ch X - Bearing


Chapter X - Bearing

Waking up in the middle of the night was not unusual for Twilight Sparkle. After all, a princess needs to be available to make “important decisions” twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Not even national holidays were free for a princess of Equestria. So yes, the lavender alicorn was not surprised by the unholy hour she was awoken at.

What surprised her was the reason she woke up in the first place – the cold edge of the knife held against her neck in somepony's magical aura. Her first reaction would have been panic, but then she remembered that not only was she currently immortal but also that she could easily remove this pony's magic and subdue them. Hence her second reaction – curiosity. She remembered Celestia telling stories about assassins sent after her life many times and yet none of them succeeded. Hay, some of them even were swayed and joined the now-nonexistent Guild of Assassins of Equestria.

Taking a second look at her assailant, she was surprised to recognize the unmistakable shape of an alicorn. But why would…? She decided to sate her curiosity.

“So… I know we've been quite busy lately, but now's not the best time to get kinky, Luna. Knives are a dangerous item to bring to bed. Somepony could get… inconvenienced.”

“Silence foal! Know that your life is at the mercy of Nightmare Moon! I shall subdue you and nothing shall stand in my way to total domination!”

“Really, love? Roleplay? And promises of bondage? Are you really that desperate? I should have paid more attention to which books you are reading lately...”

“We said, be SILENT, whelp!”

Scrunching her brow in a frown, Twilight cast a subtle detection spell. This wasn't a magical disguise that her fellow alicorn liked to use to scare foals on Nighmare Night. No, this was the real deal. It seemed like parasite was back to feeding on Luna's darker emotions. But that brought forth the question of why? As far as Twilight was aware, her wife was content with her life nowadays. She had everything she ever wanted. Her ponies respected her night and thanks to the lavender alicorn's efforts the popularity of her lover grew in leaps and bounds. Their relationship gave both of them an outlet, both in crativity and in emotions. Eveyrhing was going well. So why?

“Well, Mrs. Nightmare… Could you at least tell me how and why have you appeared again? Before you “subdue” me?” Twilight asked cheekily, knowing well that she was safe.

“Do you take me for a fool? Trying to distract me, while you think of a way out of this situation?”

“No, no. I'm genuinly curious. Please, do indulge me this once. It's not like we had a chance to speak clearly on our previous meeting.”

“Hmpf. Very well. But know this – one wrong move and the blade shall cut you cleanly. You may be immortal but you're not invincible. Reforming a body takes a long time.”

The Nightmare approached a set of cushions, sitting and trying to get comfortable. The knife, of course, remained unmoving where it was. Finally, the dark alicorn cleared her throat and started speaking.

“It wasn't easy, you know. Before the Elements hit, I had a small window of opportunity to do something. A spell would just be swept away by the harmonic wave from the blast. So I had to improvise. Using the connection I had with precious little Luna, I dug myself in deep in the recesses of her subconscious, where even the Elements could not find me. There I waited, slumbering, for even the slightest tingle of negativity. I waited and waited, biding my time until I could once again feed on Luna's emotions. And then – not really long after my withdrawal – that oaf draconequus came. And he started playing with his powers like he usually does. In his great ignorance, what a mule, he restored my host to her prime. What he didn't know, is that he was also restoring me! Of course, that was a small drop in the ocean of what I needed. Yet here I was, once more active, taking every ounce of negativity from Luna that I could. And I planned! Recently my greatest plan came to fruition – the creature of nightmares that she “created” to punish herself. Did you not find it suspicious that the Tantibus – which, by the way, means Nightmare in Old Equish – is a creature of nightmares? It was my tool, my greatest creation to gather negativity for me! And if it weren't for you, your friends and that pitiful town, I would have been back faster. But that doesn't matter, because in the end, Luna got the last push recently, and I was able to get back in control! And now, I have you at my mercy!”

“Wow, even if I can't agree with your methods and reasoning, I have to applaud your planning.”

“Hah! I had a thousand years on the moon, with nothing to do but to plan for revenge and for any contingencies! There was no way I was going to fail in my pursuits!”

“And yet here you are, threatening me with a knife of all things…”

“Ah, thank you for reminding me...” Nighmare levitated something in front of Twilight and she had to gasp as she recognized the item.

“An inhibitor ring! But… these work on unicorns only!”

“That is of no concern. As long as it blocks the parts of your magic that come from the unicorn base, it shall also disrupt your other magics.”

The ring was lowered down onto Twilight's horn and as soon as it was secure, it started to work. Many unicorns describe the feeling as closing the shutters on a window and blocking out the sun. But for the lavender alicorn, who was connected to all living magic, this was much much worse. Suddenly, a presence that was always there, unnoticed, vanished. The thrum of power that was a constant reminder of her domain, left, leaving behind a silence that made Twilight's ears pop. She started to hyperventilate.

Nightmare looked in fascination as the other mare fell to the ground, breathing hard. The knife which was now useless, tumbled to the floor with a clatter. She approached the suddenly writhing pony and to her surprise, a pang in her heart made her stop.

Meanwhile, Twilight suddenly could breathe again. Her powers were still gone, but a small connection with something was suddenly there, and… wait no, it was always there, but now she could feel it in it's entirety! Waves of reassurance, confidence and love passed through the link that existed since she tangled with Luna. And after that, it was as if a dam broke. All of Twilight's powers came back.

Before Nightmare could react, there was a great flash of light and suddenly there was a cage around her, stopping any magic from being cast by her. The lavender alicorn, which just seconds before was nearly catatonic, was now standing in front of her, eyes narrowed, mane billowing in an ethereal wind.

“Now, parasite. You've been very, very naughty. It's time for punishment...” Twilight said in a quiet voice, that made the Nightmare shudder.

Twilight gathered an orb of magic, and with a thought, sent it straight into the dark alicorn's chest. In that moment, several different kinds of magic fought for dominance. Harmony, chaos, friendship and love, guided with thoughts and wishes, touched the Nightmare. There was a sudden flash, a pop and then when Twilight opened her eyes again, Luna was standing there, untouched, smiling softly at her beloved.

“I knew you'd defeat her. Unlike what she said, she didn't have enough power to do what she wanted to do. I'm glad that you were able to fight through the block...”

“I wouldn't be able to do that if it weren't for you. The love and support you gave me was the push I needed to rip that ring apart. Thank you!”

The pair of them embraced and were about to kiss, but were interrupted by a sudden sound. Turning to the source of the racket, the two were shocked beyond belief.

“Well, I hope this is what you had in mind when you said you wanted children. I'm definitely not looking forward to raising that one...” Twilight mumbled to the blue alicorn ads they looked at the surprising sight before them.

Sitting there, with a look of wonder on her face, was a small filly, combining the colors and characteristics from Nightmare, Twilight and Luna.

Author's Note:

Not entirely satisfied with this one either, but eh...

The latest episode with Luna enabled me to finally wrap this thread.

I'm sorry if it's not epic enough and didn't match the anticipation I've set up, but I'd rather write and make progress with this story than not.

And yes, the title is related to child-bearing. Had to do something with -ing, and birthing not only does sound awkward but also spoils the events a bit...

Comments ( 10 )

A filly? Oh dear...

At least if the foal is Twilight and Luna's foal in blood, then I'm all for seeing where this goes. I never considered this as a way of getting Nightmare out of Luna.

Here's hoping for more soon :twilightsmile: I wish they had a luna smiling to go with the Twilight one... just imagine its there too to support this wonderful ship and your awesome story

Oh Christ, did they just create Nyx?

Perhaps. Of course she's not going to be called that. I wouldn't want to encroach on Pen Stroke's ideas.
The name will probably be something nighttime related.

a little black wona cool

6216206 so, when do you plan on continuing?

Update again soon It has almost been a years Time!!

I'm not sure whether you are seriously peeved by the headcanon or just making fun of people being peeved by headcanons.

Also, ummm... yeah, sure I was totally going to use that. I wasn't going to forget, no siree!
There's also the possibility I used that as a way to say "f*ck you" to the canon story.
After all, I'm not partial to the whole castle-in-a-box and weird rainbow powers to sell new toys.

Also this story is fluff with a plot, if you haven't noticed. Weaving multiple plots was not my intention.

Also to all the people who are watching this:
I've been trying to get my muse to cancel the separation and move back with me.
She took all the cute plot bunnies with her!

Are you going to finish writing this story?

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