• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 5,418 Views, 406 Comments

Fiddling with Her Heart - Kevinltk

Octavia is one of the most renowned musicians in Equestria, and yet she feels something is missing in her music. A seemingly normal trip to Ponyville changes everything when she hears the sound of a fiddle coming from the apple orchards.

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Chapter 10: Ups and Downs

Octavia was sprawled on the ground, panting heavily, as she felt the grass on her back. Her eyes were closed as she rested her sore and tired muscles. It had been quite a long day for her, and she was exhausted.

She had spent hours bucking apples off the trees. After Applejack had left, Octavia went right to work. Learning her lesson from her overenthusiastic kick, she took things at a more sedate pace, allowing her to continuously move from tree to tree. This, along with strength built up from years of balancing on her hind legs to play her cello, meant that she only needed the occasional short break. It was certainly a lot better than having to stop and writhe in pain after every kick. This lasted until the sun was directly above Sweet Apple Acres, indicating that it was around noon time. The temperature had risen because there was nothing obstructing the rays of light, making the heat unbearable to continue to work in.

“Woo wee! You sure did a number here,” came Applejack’s voice, full of cheer. “Ah knew you were determined, but you did some mighty fine work. To be honest, Ah didn’t think you would be able to do even half as much as you did. Ah gotta say, it’s my turn to be impressed.”

Octavia smiled in satisfaction at Applejack’s praise. As she bucked more and more trees, Octavia got a better feel on how and where to kick, allowing her to harvest more apples per kick and requiring less strength. It would be a long time until she would be able to match Applejack’s strength and speed, but for now, she was content with the results of her first day of work. She had used up every remaining basket from the cart Applejack left her, leaving a long trail of apple-filled baskets in her wake.

“Hey, you alright there? You’re kind of just lyin’ there and grinnin’ like an idiot,” Applejack remarked, mirth clearly in her voice.

Octavia chuckled at Applejack’s quip. “Yes, I’m fine. I’m just exhausted.”

Octavia heard the grass next to her rustle. Applejack must have sat down by her side. “Feels good after a hard day’s work, huh?” came Applejack’s voice once again.

“I’ll let you know when my body stops screaming in agony,” Octavia replied.

Applejack snickered. “Here, Ah got you somethin’ that might help with that a bit.”

Octavia finally opened her eyes and looked at the mare next to her. Applejack had a bottle of juice in her hoof, offering it to her. With a slight groan, Octavia slowly got up as she felt some of her bones crick and took the offered drink. Deftly flicking the cap off the bottle, she took a sip of the juice. Her eyes widened at the taste.

It was the most delicious drink she had ever tasted. The taste of apples danced on her taste buds, leaving a sweet aftertaste as the refreshing liquid slipped down her throat, cooling her off almost immediately.

“This is marvelous,” Octavia proclaimed.

“Of course it does. It’s made from the finest apples in Equestria. Not to mention everythin’ tastes better after a hard day’s work,” Applejack replied, a hint of pride evident in her tone.

Octavia nodded in agreement as she took another large sip of the juice. I could get used to this, she thought. She let out a large sigh of satisfaction when she emptied the bottle.

“Feelin’ better now, sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“Much. I really needed that,” Octavia replied.

“Well then, since you saved me a bunch of applebuckin’, how about some music?” Applejack asked with a grin on her face.

Octavia got up on her hooves instantly at the suggestion, her fatigue quickly fading away and replaced by eagerness. “Yes, please.”

Applejack laughed at Octavia’s enthusiasm. “Well that got you goin’. Alright then, let me just grab my stuff,” she stated as she got up and started walking.

Octavia nodded as she followed Applejack, trotting right by her side.

“Ah gotta say, you’re not quite what Ah expect from a Canterlot pony,” Applejack confessed as they made their way out of the orchard.

“Oh? How so?” Octavia inquired, an eyebrow raised in curiosity.

“Ah been to Canterlot a few times, and it seemed like all the ponies that live there seem to be uptight and snooty. They don’t know the first meanin’ of hard work. You, however, are not like that at all.”

Octavia let out a laugh at the statement. “I have to admit that for the most part, you are right. I’m not exactly sure why many ponies end up like that, but I think it’s just because they are living in the capitol, and all the power and wealth in the city just go to their heads. Truthfully, it is a tad uncomfortable having to keep up appearances.”

“Then why bother livin’ with them?” Applejack asked.

“It’s not like they are unbearable,” Octavia said. A skeptical look from Applejack caused her to cough lightly. “Okay, sometimes they are, but they are in position to make things happen. I accomplished a lot because of those very same ponies.”

“Ah guess…” Applejack conceded as they approached and entered the farmhouse through a pair of large doors. “Just gotta get my instrument then Ah’m thinkin’ we could go to the spot where we first met.”

Octavia looked around the interior of the building. Bales of hay, stacks of crates, and piles of tools were scattered throughout the floor. The place was used as storage for farming needs. It was hardly a suitable place to store an instrument. “You keep your instrument here?” Octavia asked as she gave Applejack a perplexed stare.

Applejack gave a light chuckle as she went to a small crate in the corner. “Yea, Ah know it’s a bit odd, but it’s for a number of reasons. One of them being my little sister. Ah love her and all, but she just likes playin’ with my stuff a lot, and there are some things Ah want to keep away out of her hooves.” Applejack said the next part softly as she pried the lid off the crate, revealing a pile of straw within. “It’s also easier to not disturb anypony when Ah need to play.”

Octavia’s eyes widened slightly, taken aback by the latter reason. “You mean you sneak out? Does your family even know you do this? Do they even know you can play?”

“They know Ah can play just fine, but yea, they don’t know Ah go off by myself sometimes. You’re the only one who knows about this,” Applejack replied, reaching her hooves into the straw and pulling out an instrument case.

“Why don’t you want anypony to know you do this?”

Applejack froze for a moment before answering, “It’s because Ah only do it when Ah feel like it, and Ah don’t want them worrying about me.”

Octavia fell silent at Applejack’s response. It was obvious she was meddling with a sensitive subject, so she accepted the rather vague reply. She did not want to upset or offend her newly made friend.

Octavia watched Applejack placed the case on the ground and opened it to check on the instrument inside. It was the first time Octavia got a close look at the violin. The wood’s color was fading in a couple of spots from old age, yet despite it’s appearance, she could tell it was a fine piece of craftsmanship. “That is quite the violin you have there.”

“Hmm?” Applejack turned her head to give Octavia a confused look. “What you mean? This isn’t a violin.”

Octavia returned Applejack’s confused face with her own. “It’s not?”

“Nope, it’s a fiddle. Do you know what’s the difference between a fiddle and a violin?” Applejack asked.

“Um…” Octavia thought about it for a moment but could not really come up with anything. “I honestly don’t know.”

“Well Ah don’t either, but Ah have always known and treated it as a fiddle. It’s not about its appearance. It’s about how Ah see and play it.”

Octavia nodded at Applejack’s simple but sensible reason. “That’s quite an insightful view of things. Very well, let me say that is quite the fiddle you have there.”

Applejack smirked as she closed the case and slung it on her back. “Thank you kindly. Now, let’s get movin’.”

Octavia followed Applejack out of the farmhouse as they walked towards the clearing. Wanting to learn more about their now mutual friends, she took the opportunity to ask Applejack more about them.

They also exchanged stories of what it was like living in their respective homes. Octavia told what it was like living in Canterlot while Applejack described what it was like farming and living in Ponyville. The two were so engrossed in their chatter, they were surprised that they had already arrived at the clearing.

“Well alright then,” Applejack began as she sat down at the base of the large tree and took out her fiddle, “guess we can finally start workin’ on your music.”

Octavia sat down next to Applejack, nodding eagerly with a small smile on her face. “Thank you again for doing this for me. I am very excited, so let’s begin.”

The two mares sat there, silently staring at each other.

Octavia waited for Applejack to begin the lesson, but as time passed, her smile faded. “Um… Applejack, is something wrong?” she asked with a confused look.

“No, Ah don’t think so.”

“Then why aren’t you doing anything?”

“Ah thought you were goin’ to start things off.”

“But you’re the teacher!”

“Ah told you Ah wasn’t much of a teacher!”

Octavia took a deep breath to calm herself. This was going to be harder than she thought. “Alright then, how about you just play, so I can watch you. Maybe I’ll learn something just by observing you.”

“Fair enough,” Applejack replied as she readied her instrument. “Ready?”

“Ready,” Octavia answered as her smile came back, happy that they were finally starting on her music lesson.

However, Applejack just sat there, her bow on the fiddle’s strings. Just as Octavia was about to ask what was wrong again, Applejack suddenly started playing.

At first, Octavia was relieved that things were moving, but that relief turned into skepticism as she listened to the music. The music was shaky and weak, its melody and tone changing frequently. She did not feel anything stirring inside her like she had felt with Applejack’s previous meetings. This was not the music she had expected.

Noting Octavia’s distress, Applejack ceased her playing and sighed. “Sorry. Ah know that wasn’t you were hopin’ for.”

“Um… no,” Octavia weakly replied, still a bit shaken by the underwhelming performance. “Wh-what happened?”

Applejack sighed again, looking down at the ground with regret. “Sorry, sugarcube, but Ah thought Ah could play in front of you, but it looks like Ah was wrong. Guess Ah’m kind of nervous. Even though Ah have played my fiddle for others, Ah have never played the kind of music you liked in front of anypony.”

“What makes it so different?”

“Ah don’t know how to explain it except that Ah only play like that when Ah feel like it. It’s not somethin’ Ah just play whenever.”

“So what makes you feel like playing it?” Octavia asked, desperate to learn Applejack’s method.

“Its… um…” Applejack gulped. “Look, can we just call it a day?”

Octavia’s eyes widened in shock. “What? So soon?”

“Ah’m sorry, but Ah need some time to think about things. We can try again tomorrow.”


“Please,” Applejack begged. “Ah promise tomorrow will be better. Ah just need to set my head straight.”

Octavia froze at Applejack’s distressed tone. “A-alright. Tomorrow then.”

Applejack let out a sigh of relief as she packed away her fiddle. “Yea, tomorrow. Sorry again.”

Octavia only mutely nodded as she followed Applejack back through the apple orchard.

Unlike the trip they made to get to the clearing, it was going to be a long, silent walk back.