• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 5,420 Views, 406 Comments

Fiddling with Her Heart - Kevinltk

Octavia is one of the most renowned musicians in Equestria, and yet she feels something is missing in her music. A seemingly normal trip to Ponyville changes everything when she hears the sound of a fiddle coming from the apple orchards.

  • ...

Chapter 32: A Promise Kept

Octavia stared at the blue pegasus that was staring right back at her. She was so entranced by her visitor that she barely noticed Fancy Pants returning to the living room.

“Sup,” Rainbow greeted nonchalantly.

“Um, hi,” Octavia replied, still not moving.

After a few seconds, Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Not that I mind the rain that much, but it would be nice to get out of it.”

Octavia gave a jolt, finally seeing that she indeed was leaving her friend out in the cold. “Oh my goodness,” she quickly uttered as she ushered Rainbow inside, “I’m so sorry, you just caught me by surprise. I really did not expect to see any of you anytime soon, especially at this late—” She stopped when she realized something and took another good look at her friend.

Rainbow Dash was trying to hide it, but her breathing was quite heavy. Her mane was also a bit more ruffled than usual. She was soaking wet, dripping all over the floor, which was a bit unusual considering the rain outside was still on the light side.

“How did you get here, Rainbow Dash?” Octavia asked. “As I recall, there aren’t any trains that come in from Ponyville this late. Don’t tell me you flew all the way here in this weather.”

“Yup,” Rainbow answered before shaking her entire body, thoroughly splattering the floor and walls around her with water.

Octavia winced, both at the mess and from being hit by a few drops. “Not that I’m happy to see you, although I could do without the mess you just made, but why did you come at this hour?”

“You’re coming back to Ponyville with me,” Rainbow practically commanded.

Octavia did a small flinch before letting out a sigh. “I kind of figured that was the reason. Look, Rainbow, what happened between me and Applejack…” She bit her lip. “It’s complicated, but to put it simply, it was decided that we needed some time apart.”

“Some time has passed,” Rainbow retorted.

Octavia sighed again before beckoning Rainbow to follow her. “Even if I wanted to go to Ponyville, now is not a good time. I have put myself in a bit of a bad position. I need to spend some time making amends or else my career could possibly take a huge hit.”

“This is more important.”

“And why is that?” Octavia asked as they arrived at the living room, seeing that Fancy Pants and Fleur were quietly conversing with themselves even though she knew that they were actually listening.

“Because Applejack’s in the hospital.”

Octavia froze while Fancy Pants and Fleur immediately fell silent and looked up at Rainbow Dash.

“W-what?” Octavia asked as she slowly turned around.

“Figured that would get your attention,” Rainbow remarked with a brief smirk.

“Rainbow, please don’t toy with me,” Octavia warned with a glare. “Now tell me the truth, is Applejack really in the hospital?”

“Yea, but not in the way you think.”

“What do you mean?”

“Applejack is staying in the hospital because she’s taking care of Apple Bloom. It’s Apple Bloom who’s sick.”

Octavia’s scowl immediately vanished. “What happened? Is she okay?”

Rainbow sighed and rubbed the back of her head. “See that’s the thing, we don’t know. She came down with something a few days ago, and the doctors can’t figure out what it is.”

“I see…” Octavia fell silent as she chewed the inside of her mouth. Her first thought was to go and see how Applejack and Apple Bloom were doing, but it was quickly quelled by the thought of how Applejack might react when she saw her.

“Rainbow Dash,” Octavia began, “I really do appreciate you coming all the way here to tell me this, and I am concerned about Apple Bloom, but… I’m not sure if it’s alright for me to see them.”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow and frowned at her. “Are you kidding me? They’re going through a really rough time. They need all the support they can get.”

“I know they do, but Applejack and I—”

“Forget about what happened back then and focus on what’s happening right now!” Rainbow shouted out, glaring at Octavia. “The both of you need to stop making things more complicated than it should be and just get over it! You two are acting stupid, and it really sucks seeing her like… like…”

Rainbow’s face softened as she let out a sigh, plopping onto her haunches and looking down at the ground. “Ever since we went back to Ponyville from the wedding, Applejack hasn’t been the same. It feels like her head is always somewhere else whenever we get together, and even then it seems like she’s not happy anymore. She even sometimes just disappears to who knows where for hours. And now with what’s happening to Apple Bloom she’s… she’s a real mess…”

“How… how is she?” Octavia asked.

Rainbow shook her head. “It’s not good. She hasn’t left Apple Bloom’s side and spends all of her time looking after her. She hardly eats or sleeps. We tried to take over for her and let her get some rest, but she just won’t budge.”

“But what can I do?”

“Look, the others and I might don’t know exactly what went down with you two, but we do know that you guys were really close. She won’t listen to us, and she even brushes off Big Mac and Granny Smith. You’re the only pony left that she might respond to. Please, just go see her,” Rainbow said, almost in a begging tone.

“But… I… Just… Just give me a moment… I-I need to think this through,” Octavia weakly replied. With her thoughts in such disarray, she resorted to pacing back and forth as she debated on what to do.

Why does this have to happen now?! I’m not ready to see her again! Is she even ready to see me again? What if I just end up making things worse for her? What if she refuses to see me?

She let out a groan. Not only that, but if I run off to Ponyville again, I’m surely going to attract the attention of the media. It might give them some sort of story that could very well send my career over the edge.

Shaking her head, she continued walking around in a circle, ignoring the eyes of her friends watching her. But if what Rainbow said was accurate, then she must be in so much pain. I still remember how upset she got when I was injured.

Her pacing suddenly stopped. Oh my goodness, what she’s going through now with Apple Bloom must be horrible for her. She must be dreading that the same thing that happened to her parents will happen to Apple Bloom. She is still weighed down by the memories of her parents, and I’m the only pony that knows that. I’m the only one who understands what she is going through.

Octavia let out a groan and brought a forehoof to her face. What do I do? Am I really willing to risk my career and my heart again after what happened last time? But what if I really am the only pony that could help her? What if she needs me to be there for her?

Octavia froze for a moment before slowly bringing down her hoof. “Needs me to be there for her…” she quietly muttered to herself.

She closed her eyes, recalling the night of the Apple Family Reunion. She was sitting down under a huge tree at Sweet Apple Acres with Applejack at her side, the stars shining brightly overhead. Every detail of what happened back then was ingrained in her head, but there was one part that stuck out the most.

Can… can you promise me somethin’?


If anythin’ ever happens… Could you… could you be there for me?

Of course. I promise I’ll be there whenever you need me.

She stood silently with her back towards her friends, still mulling over her thoughts, but with each passing moment, the choice she had to make became more and more clearer. When she finally came to a decision, she took a deep breath and turned to face her friends and nodded. “Okay, I’ll go.”

“Really?” Rainbow said with slightly widened eyes. “Wow, that’s… that’s awesome. To be honest, I wasn’t really sure I could do it. I’m not that great at talking, but I guess I’m a lot better than I thought.”

Octavia resisted the urge to groan and bury her face in a hoof and instead directed her attention to her other two friends. “Fancy Pants, Fleur, thank you again for warning me about my situation, but it looks like I won’t be heeding it. I’m sorry for worrying you.”

“It’s alright, dear,” Fleur replied as she and her husband smiled at her. “This is something you have to do. We hope that everything goes well.”

“We’ll keep an eye out on the media and do what we can,” Fancy Pants added. “And be sure you keep us updated.”

“Of course,” Octavia complied along with a bow of her head before looking at Rainbow again. “As for you Rainbow, you’re free to stay here for the night. We’ll head to Ponyville tomo—”

“Nope,” Rainbow interrupted.

Octavia cocked her head. “I’m sorry?”

“We’re leaving now.”

“Now?” Octavia repeated with disbelief, glancing out a window. “But it’s raining outside, not to mention that it’s also quite late. We can leave first thing tomorrow.”

Rainbow shook her head. “I’m on the Ponyville weather team. The rain is scheduled to get worse tomorrow. A bunch of trains had been cancelled already, and there’s a good chance that the rest will do the same once they see the weather tomorrow.”

“Alright, but how are we supposed to get to Ponyville now? There aren’t any trains going there at this hour.”

“Uh, hello?” Rainbow fluttered her wings.

Octavia frowned. “Rainbow, in case you haven’t noticed, but I don’t have wings.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Well duh. I meant that I could fly us back.”

Octavia gave Rainbow a flat look. “So just to be clear, you want to carry me all the way to Ponyville… that’s miles away… in the dark… while it’s raining.”


Octavia gave Rainbow a flat look.

“Hey, I flew just fine while carrying around four other ponies before,” Rainbow pointed out. “Carrying you would be no challenge at all.”

“Even so, do we really need to leave now? I’m not exactly in a rush to go out in that weather, and it would be much safer for the both of us if we wait it out.”

“You’re going to have to suck it up. With Applejack and Apple Bloom out of commission, the others and I have been pitching in to help Big Mac and Granny Smith with Sweet Apple Acres. I can’t just be waiting here, sitting on my hooves, when the others are hard at work. Besides, we don’t know if something might happen to Apple Bloom, so the faster we leave, the better.”

Octavia sighed. “I guess it can’t be helped. Very well, just let me grab my things, and we’ll be on our way.”

As she headed up the stairs, Rainbow shouted up at her, “You better not be thinking of bringing that cello of yours! I’m not carrying that thing for you all the way back to Ponyville!”

Octavia shot Rainbow a venomous glare before proceeding into her room. Her cello was already lying on her bed, probably brought up by Fancy Pants or Fleur while she was not paying attention.

I’m really doing this, Octavia thought while she packed a few essentials into a saddlebag. I’m really going to see Applejack again. Please, let everything be alright. If things go wrong again, I…

Octavia gritted her teeth and shook her head. No, this isn’t about me. This is about Applejack and Apple Bloom. I have to do whatever is best for them.

Finished with her packing, Octavia donned her saddlebag and went back downstairs. Fancy Pants, Fleur, and Rainbow Dash were all waiting for her at the front door. With a nod of her head, they all proceeded outside, under the cover of Fancy Pants’s and Fleur’s umbrellas.

“I guess this is goodbye again,” Octavia said to her unicorn friends after locking the door to her house.

“Have a safe journey,” Fleur said with a smile.

“Say hello to the others for us,” Fancy Pants added.

Octavia nodded and walked up to Rainbow. “So, how are we going to do this?”

“I could carry you in my hooves. It would be easier for me, but then we run the risk of me dropping you when—”

“Rainbow, you’re supposed to be convincing me to fly with you. You’re not helping,” Octavia dryly stated.

“Uh, right,” Rainbow sheepishly replied. She motioned to her back with her head. “Well, you could ride on my back. You just have to make sure to not move around too much, and be extra careful not to block my wings.”

Octavia nodded and slowly climbed up onto the pegasus’s back, making sure that she was in a position that would not interfere with the wings. Once she was situated, she gently wrapped her forehooves around Rainbow’s neck.

“Is this alright?” Octavia asked.

“Yep,” Rainbow replied. “Ready to go?”

“Not really.”

“Well, too bad!” Rainbow replied, flashing a smirk at her before looking back up in the sky.

Octavia’s eyes shot wide open. “Wait, don’t—”

Her protest was replaced by a yelp when Rainbow suddenly ran forward a few steps. When they launched into the sky, her screaming rang throughout Canterlot.


The flight to Ponyville was arduous. On the way there, the rain and winds had started to pick up, but as a testament to her speed and determination, Rainbow pushed on.

Other than the one moment Rainbow had to shout at Octavia to release her death grip around her neck, the two of them did not exchange a word during the whole flight. Rainbow had to concentrate on navigating through the inclement weather while Octavia was occupied on planning what do when she arrived.

Eventually, Ponyville appeared in the distance. As Octavia gazed at the town, she let out a yelp and tightened her grip around Rainbow’s neck when the two of them suddenly dropped a few yards in the air.

When they regained their trajectory, Octavia loudly chastised, “Rainbow, don’t do that!”

“Sorry,” Rainbow apologized in a weary tone that was barely heard over the wind.

Octavia quickly looked down at her ride with concern. “Are you alright?”

“I’m… fine…” Rainbow grunted between heavy breaths.

Octavia frowned at the response. While Rainbow was certainly faster than a train ride, there was a reason why not too many pegasi fly directly to Canterlot. The pegasus already looked quite ragged when she arrived at her doorstep, and now she was making the return trip, only taking a short break at her house. Rainbow Dash might be one of the best fliers in Equestria, but like everypony else, she had her limits.

“Rainbow, you’re exhausted!” Octavia shouted, making sure she was heard over the sounds of the elements around them. “Just land! We’re getting pretty close, and we can walk the rest of the way.”

“It’s only a bit longer. I can make it.”


“I said I’m fine!” Rainbow shouted back.

Octavia bit her lip and slowly nodded. As much as she was worried about Rainbow, there was nothing she could do in this situation except trust her word.

Even though Rainbow had a bit of trouble maintaining a straight path, she managed to reach the outskirts of Ponyville. They continued flying towards the center of town where a large building resided, a large sign with the medical cross planted in front of it. When she was close, Rainbow quickly descended towards the lawn in front of the structure. As soon as her hooves touched the ground, she collapsed onto her stomach.

“Rainbow!” Octavia cried out, quickly getting off her friend. “Are you alright?!”

“Yea,” Rainbow replied, her voice muffled from being face down in the grass and her heavy breathing. “Just found… this patch… of dirt… kind of… cool…”

Octavia let out a sigh of relief. If Rainbow was still able to make snide remarks, it was a good sign that she was not seriously injured.

“Come on,” Octavia said as she dug her head under Rainbow’s stomach. With a grunt, she lifted the pegasus off the ground and onto her back. “Let’s get you inside.”

Thanks to years of lugging around her cello, carrying Rainbow inside the hospital was an easy task. Inside, she saw a familiar white pony sitting behind the reception desk and looked up at them with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh hello there, Octavia. It’s been a while,” Nurse Redheart greeted. “And how are you, Rainbow Dash?”

“Super…” Rainbow weakly grumbled from Octavia’s back.

Redheart rolled her eyes before heading into a room and bringing out a gurney.

“So, what did Rainbow do this time?” Redheart asked as she and Octavia placed her onto the gurney.

“She flew all the way to Canterlot to see me,” Octavia explained. “She did not have a chance to get a good rest before flying back, this time with me riding her.”

Redheart shook her head slowly. “Always the one to push herself to the limit. This isn’t the first time she has done something rash like this. I’ll give her a look, but chances are that all she needs is a day or two of rest.”

“That’s good. I was worried that it would be something worse.”

“With all her stunts and reckless flying, she’s a bit of a regular here, yet she somehow always bounces right back up,” Redheart explained. “Anyway, from what I remembered from Canterlot, I assume you are here for the Apple Family.”

Octavia nodded. “Rainbow told me a bit about Apple Bloom’s condition. How is she?”

Redheart sighed. “It’s hard to say. She was brought in unconscious by her teacher a few days ago. She passed out in the middle of class. We kept her here because she has been feeling weak and gets tired easily. We ran a bunch of tests, but we haven’t been able to identify the reason. At the moment, all we can do is wait and continue monitoring her until we know what we’re dealing with.”

Octavia felt a knot in her chest form. Even though Rainbow gave an explanation of the situation, hearing it from an actual medical professional was all the more disheartening. “May I see her?”

“Of course,” Redheart complied, pointing at one of the hallways to the side of the reception desk. “It’s down that way, and it will be on the third door on your right. Do you need to clean up a bit from your flight?”

The talk with Redheart caused Octavia to forget that she most likely had a disheveled appearance. While it was probably a good idea to clean herself up, she shook her head. “No, I would rather see them as soon as possible.”

“Alright then, I’ll let you go first. I'll come by later after I get Rainbow checked out.”

“Thank you, Nurse Redheart,” Octavia replied before leaving Rainbow in her care.

Walking down the hallway, she counted the doors she passed in her head and stopped at the designated number. Arriving at a closed door, Octavia took a deep breath and then knocked on it. A few seconds later, the door opened just enough for a pony with a pink mane to peak out.

“Octavia?” a soft voice greeted her before the door opened completely, revealing a surprised Fluttershy. “Oh my goodness, it really is you.”

“Hello, Fluttershy. It’s good to see you again,” Octavia said with a small smile.

Before any of them could continue speaking, another familiar voice asked, “Fluttershy, is that who I think it is?”

“Hello, Rarity. It’s good to see you as well,” Octavia greeted the unicorn as she came into view from Fluttershy’s side.

“My goodness,” Rarity exclaimed. “What happened to you? Your mane is a mess, and you’re all wet. Just give me one moment.”

Before Octavia could reply, two brushes flew in from somewhere, held in Rarity’s magic, and promptly rushed towards her. A minute of brushing and a blast of magic later, she felt mostly dry, and she assumed that she looked at least somewhat presentable again.

“Um, thank you?” Octavia uttered, still a bit shocked from the sudden assault.

“My pleasure, darling,” Rarity replied. “It’s nothing more than a little touch up. Now, I must say this is quite the surprise that you turned up. I’m guessing you heard what happened.”

Octavia nodded. “How are they?”

Fluttershy and Rarity glanced at each other before stepping to the side, allowing Octavia to clearly see into the room.

Apple Bloom was sleeping in a hospital bed while Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were sitting at the base of the bed, looking down at her with glum faces. To the side was a moveable table ladened with cards, flowers, balloons, and other items that wished the sick filly a speedy recovery. What really drew Octavia’s attention was the orange pony seated in a chair right beside the bed.

Octavia felt her heart skip a beat as she laid eyes on Applejack, even though she had made no signs of noticing her. She had her back turned to the door, all her attention focused on her little sister. She was not wearing her signature stetson, which was lying on a nearby counter, her shoulders were slumped down, and her mane was a bit unkempt. Like Rainbow mentioned, Applejack looked like a mess, and it pained Octavia to see her in such a state.

“Is it alright for me to see them?” Octavia asked.

“I think we should it would be best if we first continue our conversation outside and update you on the situation,” Rarity suggested, leading Octavia and Fluttershy into the hall and gently closing the door behind her.

“Now, we’re all very glad you came, Octavia, but how did you find out about Apple Bloom’s condition, and why did you arrive at this late hour?” Rarity asked.

“Rainbow Dash visited me earlier this evening,” Octavia explained. “She told me what happened and convinced me to come right away.”

“She did?” Fluttershy asked, looking around. “Where is she? I don’t see her.”

“She’s actually being checked out by the nurse right now.”

Rarity’s eyes widened while Fluttershy gasped and brought a hoof up to her mouth.

“Oh my goodness! Did something happen to her?” Fluttershy quickly asked, her voice becoming more and more panicked. “Did she get hurt? Did she get sick? Did she—”

“Calm down, Fluttershy,” Octavia interrupted. “She’s okay. The only reason I got here so fast was because she carried me all the way from Canterlot. The nurse told me that she’s just tired from the ordeal and all she needs is some rest.”

Rarity and Fluttershy both let out a sigh of relief.

“That’s good to know,” Rarity said. “The last thing we need right now is another one of us to be sick or hurt. I do wish she would have told us what she had planned.”

Octavia froze. “Wait, you mean nopony knew I was coming?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “Rainbow was here earlier when all of a sudden, she said she had something to do and left before any of us could ask.”

“We were considering sending you a letter explaining the situation,” Rarity added, “but since you and Applejack seemed to have… complications… we thought it would be better to at least wait a bit longer to see how things turn out. Apparently, Rainbow did not really agree with the idea.”

“Oh dear, maybe… maybe this wasn’t such a good idea,” Octavia muttered.

“What do you mean, darling?” Rarity asked.

“I thought that Applejack was expecting me. I don’t want to make things worse for her. I can’t just suddenly drop in on her. Not now. Not like this.”

“Darling, please. It’s clear to us that she has been missing you ever since we returned from Canterlot. We all have been doing what we can to fill in for her at Sweet Apple Acres while also making sure at least one of us is here for her at all time, but it isn’t enough. The poor dear is taking this really hard, and you might be the only one who can help her out.”

“How… how bad is it?” Octavia asked.

“She hasn’t left this room ever since this all started,” Fluttershy answered with a frown. “She doesn’t sleep or eat enough, even though we have been trying to get her to. I never seen Applejack so sad, and if things continue like this, she could get really sick herself.”

Octavia sighed. “Alright, I’ll go in and see her. I’m still pretty nervous to meet her again, but I need to at least try. Even though we have been apart for some time, she’s still my friend, and it would not be right if I allowed my anxiety to prevent me from helping her.”

“I’m glad to hear that, darling, but before you do, I should really take Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo home,” Rarity chimed in. “While it is admirable that they are so concerned about their friend, it is really late, and they need to get their rest as well.”

Octavia noticed Rarity whisper something to Fluttershy as she turned around to go back inside the room but chose to ignore it. A few minutes later, Rarity reemerged from the room with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo dragging their hooves behind her, both with glum faces. The two fillies barely gave her more than a passing glance as the three of them walked by.

“I’ll see you two tomorrow,” Rarity bade as she led the fillies away.

With Rarity gone, Octavia looked towards Fluttershy and asked, “Shall we go in now?”

Fluttershy gave a small jump before replying, “Oh, actually I am going to um… check on Rainbow. I know you said she wasn’t hurt, but I want to make sure she’s comfortable.”

Octavia could not help but let out a little chuckle. “So I guess it’s just me going in then.”

“Um, yes,” Fluttershy replied, her eyes occasionally darting to the side. “Sorry.”

“It’s alright. I know what’s going on,” Octavia stated with a soft smile. “Thank you, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy smiled as well and nodded before trotting down the hall. Right before she moved out of view, she looked back and added, “I’m really happy you came to help, Octavia. Good luck."

Now alone, Octavia faced the door and took another deep breath before opening it and stepping inside. Applejack and Apple Bloom were both in the same exact spot and position she saw them in a few moments ago.

Octavia knocked on the door to announce her presence, but when Applejack did not respond at all, she cleared her throat.

“Hello, Applejack,” she said softly.

Applejack immediately stiffened up at the greeting. “Oc-Octavia?” Applejack uttered as her head turned slowly turned to look at her with widened eyes. “Is… is that really you?”

“Yes,” Octavia replied, forcing a small smile on her face. The smile quickly vanished when she stepped forward with one hoof but instantly retracted it. “Um, is it alright for me to stay for a little?”

Applejack just stared her for a few seconds before giving her a silent nod.

Octavia slowly made her way to the same side of the bed Applejack was on and sat down, making sure there was plenty of space between the two of them. Not once did Applejack’s eyes stray to anything else, always focusing on her.

“What… what are you doin’ here?” Applejack asked.

“Rainbow Dash visited me and told me what happened,” Octavia answered. “I had to see how you were doing.”

“You did? Why?”

“I need a reason to help you?”

Applejack bit her lip. “Well… no… but after what happened with… us… Ah thought…”

“Applejack, I came because I had a promise to keep.”

“A promise?” Applejack repeated. A few seconds later, she let out a gasp. “You mean…”

“You asked me to be there for you if anything happens,” Octavia reiterated. “I know you are suffering and going through a tough time, and I want to help.”

“But why?” Applejack asked again in a louder voice. “Why would you care about me? After what Ah did to you, you should have forgotten me. You…” Her head drooped down as she finished in a quiet voice. “You should have hated me.”

“Applejack, I admit that ever since we… separated… it has been difficult. Things just wasn’t the same because there was always a feeling that something was missing. I became a recluse and spent all of my time moping around. I felt empty. And yet through all that time, not once did I hate you. You may find it hard to believe, but I came here because I still care for you.”

Applejack looked away. “Octavia… Ah…”

“Applejack, please, let me help you,” Octavia pleaded. “What happened back then was hard for the both of us, and we allowed it to keep us apart. Perhaps we were both afraid of making things worse and tried to be strong, but that’s clearly not working for the both of us. We need to move on.”

“You just want to pretend that never happened?”

Octavia shook her head. “No, we cannot just forget something like that. I’m saying that we have to put it behind us, at least for the time being, for yours and Apple Bloom’s sake. Our friends told me how much this is affecting you and how you’re not taking care of yourself. They’re worried about you. I’m worried about you. You need help, and I’m the only one who really understands what you’re going through. I’m here because I want to be here. Don’t push me away. Not again…”

Applejack opened her mouth but promptly closed it again. She spent a few moments glancing back and forth between Octavia and Apple Bloom before turning her full attention back to Octavia and nodded. “You’re right, Ah’ll… Ah’ll try.”

“Thank you,” Octavia replied with a soft smile.

Applejack shook her head. “No, thank you. You came all this way just to help me and Apple Bloom. You… You’re really somethin’, Octavia, and Ah’m glad that you’re here.”

“And I am too.”

The next moments were spent in silence as the two of them looked at Apple Bloom. Now that she was closer, Octavia saw that the filly’s fur was duller than usual. She could hear Apple Bloom’s ragged breathing, and her face almost looked like she was in pain. It was painful to see the normally exuberant filly in such a pitiful state.

Glancing at Applejack, Octavia could see that Applejack was not much better. Dark folds had developed under her friend’s eyes, but what was also worrying was that even though it had not been too long since they saw each other, she noticed that Applejack was a bit thinner than usual. She could only imagine what kind of turmoil Applejack was in and resolved to help Applejack in any way she can.

“Hey, Octavia?” Applejack suddenly called out, her eyes still on Apple Bloom.


“About what happened back then… About us… Ah… Ah need to apolo—”

“Applejack, don’t… don’t worry about it,” Octavia interrupted, causing Applejack to look at her. “We can talk about... that… later. Right now, we should just focus on Apple Bloom.”

“Um… Right… You’re right…” Applejack muttered with a nod, once again returning her sights to her sister. “Thanks…”

Octavia shifted herself closer and placed a forehoof on Applejack’s shoulder. “How are you feeling? I know being in the hospital again can’t be easy for you.”

Applejack remained silent.

“Come on, Applejack,” Octavia urged. “I know that you are trying to hide your worries from everypony else, but I’m here. You can confide in me.”

Applejack sighed. “When Ah first found out she got sent to the hospital, Ah almost lost it, but Ah tried to keep myself together, hopin’ that it wouldn’t be anythin’ too serious. When the doctors told me that they could not figure out what was wrong, Ah almost broke down, but Ah kept on hopin’ that somethin’ would happen. With each passin’ day, Ah just feel worse and worse. Ah don’t know what’s goin’ to happen to my little sister, and Ah don’t know what Ah can do for her.”

Applejack’s eyes started to tear up. “Why does this have to happen to her? She doesn’t deserve this. Ah should have done somethin’. Ah should have noticed somethin’ was wrong with her.”

“It’s alright,” Octavia soothed, gently rubbing Applejack’s back. “You can’t blame yourself for something that was out of your control. The only thing we can do is be there for her and do whatever we can to help her get better.”

“Ah know. It’s just…” Tears streamed down Applejack’s face. “Ah’m scared. Ah lost my parents, then Ah almost lost you, and now Ah’m scared Ah’m gonna lose my little sister. Why does this keep happenin’ to me?”

Octavia moved herself right next to Applejack and wrapped her forehooves around her. Almost immediately, Applejack shifted around so that she was now sobbing into Octavia’s shoulder.

“It really hurt when my parents passed away. Ah don’t want to lose anypony else,” Applejack feebly said in between her sobs. “Ah don’t want to be alone.”

“You won’t be,” Octavia stated. “I’m here, and I’ll do whatever I can to help you and Apple Bloom. We’ll get through this.”

Applejack continued to sob, and Octavia kept her in their hug. Even after the crying stopped, Applejack remained in the embrace as her breathing became calmer.



“Just for tonight… Could you… could you stay here with me?”

“I’ll stay as long as you need me.”


When Applejack made no more sounds or movement for a few moments, Octavia took a closer look and found that she had actually fallen asleep. She slowly shifted the both of them around so that Applejack would be positioned more comfortably.

With Applejack in her hooves, Octavia allowed a faint smile to appear on her face. Even though they were bound to face a difficult trial in the near future, she had this moment where everything felt right.