• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 5,420 Views, 406 Comments

Fiddling with Her Heart - Kevinltk

Octavia is one of the most renowned musicians in Equestria, and yet she feels something is missing in her music. A seemingly normal trip to Ponyville changes everything when she hears the sound of a fiddle coming from the apple orchards.

  • ...

Chapter 18: ...and Hide

“Hey, Daily Scoop, wake up. We’re here.”

Octavia let out a small moan, still underneath Daily Scoop’s seat. She winced as she felt Daily Scoop toss and turn before finally getting up and leaving with Shutterbug. Seeing that the two reporters have left, she let out a loud and long sigh. A weight had been removed from her shoulders in both the figurative and literal sense.

She crawled out from underneath the seat, finally being able to stand up. Performing a few quick stretches, she winced as she heard her bones crack and pop back into place. After working out some of the kinks in her body, she walked to the end of the train and snuck out the back entrance.

She saw that nopony else beside the two reporters were on the platform. Crouching low to the ground, she sneaked around the base of the platform while the two were reading a map.

“According to this, Octavia’s house should be this way,” said Daily Scoop, turning towards her direction.

Octavia dove into a nearby bush. Panting quickly, she peaked out of a small opening among the leaves. She let out a sigh of relief, feeling her heart rate slowly drop back down to normal. Fortunately, it seemed like the two news ponies were still looking at the map when they turned around.

“Hey, Octy!”

Octavia let out a squeal and jumped up in fright, her heart rate spiking back up, before quickly turning around to find Pinkie in her bush, mere inches away from her.

“It’s so great to see you again! I can’t wait to tell ev—”

Octavia shoved a hoof into Pinkie’s mouth as she let out a weary sigh. “Pinkie, it’s good to see you again, but I have been running and hiding from ponies all day. I’m exhausted, dirty, and my body is sore all over. Please keep it down,” she grumbled, removing her hoof when Pinkie nodded.

“Oooh, are you playing hide and seek? You know, you should ask Rarity for help. She makes loads of costumes for Nightmare Night, and I bet if you dress up as something else, nopony will be able to find you. I should know, I’m an expert at hide and seek,” Pinkie excitedly whispered.

Octavia blinked. “That’s… that’s actually a pretty good idea. Not necessarily a costume, but something to disguise me could save me a lot of trouble.”

“So, who are you running from?”

Octavia pointed towards the opening in the bush. “You see those two ponies with the map? They’re news reporters, and I can’t let them find me.”

“Why not?”

“Because my reputation could be devastated if they manage to get a story out of me. They’ll just twist whatever they find just for the sake of entertainment,” Octavia explained.

Hearing no response from Pinkie, she looked at her friend. She was giving her a blank look. Octavia rolled her eyes. “They want to make a mean story about me.”

Pinkie gasped. “WHAT?!” she yelled.

“Hey, I think I hear something from that bush,” came Shutterbug’s voice.

Octavia’s eyes bulged, grabbing the pink pony with her forehooves. “Pinkie, please, I’ll explain everything later, but right now, you got to distract them, so I can get away.”

Pinkie nodded, a serious expression now on her face. She saluted before putting on a party hat. “SURPRISE!” yelled Pinkie as she jumped out of the bush.

Hearing the frightened screams of the stallions, Octavia quickly turning around to see what happened. She let out a small chuckle. Pinkie had tackled both of the ponies to the ground in a tight hug.

“Welcome to Ponyville!” shouted Pinkie.

“Get off me, you crazy pony!”

“Somepony, help!”

Seeing the stallions were indeed thoroughly distracted, Octavia slinked out of the bush, moving quickly down the street towards Carousel Boutique. Her smile grew wider when she heard a small boom followed by the sounds of party favors and screaming stallions.

Arriving at Rarity’s shop, she flung the door open, heading inside before quickly shutting it.

“Excuse me for a moment while I go see who came in,” she heard Rarity say as she walked out of the kitchen. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique where every garment is chic, unique, and WAHAHA!”

“Rarity, is everything al—Oh my…” asked Fluttershy also coming out of the kitchen.

Octavia looked at herself with a mirror to the side. It was not exactly her best look. Her cloak had numerous tears and holes with leaves and twigs sticking to it while her face was covered in dirt and scratches. She imagined her body underneath her now tattered rag was the same.

“Oh my goodness, Octavia, are you alright?” asked Fluttershy as she rushed over to her, throwing off the cloak and inspecting her body.

Octavia sighed. “Not really. I’m not exactly welcome in Canterlot at the moment, and getting here has been quite the ordeal.”

“Whatever happened to drive you out of Canterlot?” asked Rarity, using her magic to pick off some leaves and twigs.

Searching through her bags, Octavia pulled out a copy of the magazine that started it all. “This should explain everything.”

Rarity levitated the magazine over to her as Fluttershy joined her side. Their eyes grew wide when they looked at it before the magazine flipped open. They read in silence, frowns appearing on their faces.

“Octavia…” Rarity sighed, putting down the magazine. “We’re so sorry.”

Suddenly, Fluttershy was on the ground, clutching Octavia’s hoof. “I’m so sorry,” Fluttershy, wailed, tears starting to drip down her cheek. “I feel terrible. We never meant for this to happen. Please don’t hate us.”

Octavia gave them a small smile. “It’s alright, girls,” she assured softly, picking Fluttershy off the ground. “Something like this was bound to happen with all my trips to Ponyville, and eventually, things will die down. And like you said, Fluttershy, you girls would never do something to hurt me on purpose.” She hugged both of them. “Besides, I can’t stay mad with my friends.”

“R-really?” Fluttershy sniffed, her crying slowly coming to a halt.


“Aww…” cooed her friends, hugging Octavia back as they smiled.

The three stayed in their embrace for a few moments before they finally let go.

“So, what are you going to do? Are you going to be staying in Ponyville until the coast is clear?” Rarity asked.

Octavia sighed again. “That may be hard to do. While I did get away from Canterlot, I almost got caught by some reporters that was on the same train. Not only that, but they seem to know where my house is, so I can’t really stay at my place. I suppose I could try going someplace else, but I really don’t think I am capable of hiding in another town, nor do I want to.”

“Well, don’t worry about those things,” Rarity said. “With all of us helping, those reporters will never find you, and I’m sure one of us will be happy to have you for the time being.”

“Rarity, look,” said Fluttershy, holding up the magazine up to the unicorn. She was pointing at something on the page, a small smile on her face.

Rarity looked at the magazine then let out a giggle.

Octavia gave them a flat look. “You’re looking at the last page, aren’t you?”

“Maybe,” Rarity replied playfully with a grin before whispering into Fluttershy’s ear, causing the pegasus to giggle.

“Somehow, I think I felt safer with the reporters,” Octavia dryly remarked as she watched the two ponies continue their whispers and giggles.

“Nonsense, we’re just merely figuring out your living arrangements.”

Octavia’s eyebrow rose. “Is that so?” she asked in an unconvinced tone.

“It is. Anyway, my sister, Sweetie Belle is going to be staying over, so I’m afraid I don’t have any room for you,” remarked Rarity.

“Oh, and I have a bunch of sick animals staying in my place, so I don’t have room either,” said Fluttershy.

Octavia’s eyebrow climbed higher.

“Rainbow Dash lives in a cloud house, so you can’t even step hoof in it, and Pinkie only has her one room at Sugarcube Corner,” remarked Rarity.

Octavia’s eyebrow was threatening to launch off her face. “What about Twilight and Spike?”

“They’re busy with… book things…”


“Point is, you have no place to go but Applejack’s place,” proclaimed Rarity.

Octavia brought a hoof to her face. “We’re just friends.”

Rarity giggled. “Oh, I know that, darling, but be honest, you really would prefer staying with Applejack.”

Octavia opened her mouth to protest, but slowly closed it. “Maybe,” she muttered instead.

“Sorry for the teasing, darling, but it’s no secret that you spend more time with her than the rest of us. Relationships or not, you both enjoy each other’s company. We just want what’s best for you.”

Octavia sighed before giving a small smile as she nodded. “I guess you’re right. I still need a disguise or something though. I can’t just stay inside Applejack’s house for who knows how long.”

“I already have something in mind. Fluttershy, please take Octavia up to my washroom and help clean her up. I’ll be up once I prepare everything,” said Rarity as she started looking through shelves and drawers.

“This way, Octavia, we’ll get you nice and clean,” beckoned Fluttershy.

Octavia followed the yellow pegasus upstairs into a large restroom. The entire room was clean and immaculate, painted in a calming light-blue color. On one end was the bathtub and shower, a number of shampoo and conditioner bottles lining the edges. On the other end was a sink surrounded by brushes, makeup kits, and other cosmetic products, all overlooked by a huge vanity mirror.

“Just lie down for a bit, so I can get the leaves and sticks off of you. After that, you can take a quick shower,” said Fluttershy, grabbing a brush from the sink.

Octavia nodded and laid down on her belly. She closed her eyes when Fluttershy started brushing her mane and coat. A small hum of satisfaction escaped from her as the pegasus used slow, caring strokes, soothing away some of the stress she accumulated from the hectic day.

“You know, Applejack talks a lot about you,” Fluttershy suddenly said.


“She tells us how much her family likes you. Granny Smith likes how polite you are, Big Mac appreciates the hard work you do, and Apple Bloom loves how you spend time and talk with her.”

Octavia smiled. “They’re all so nice, and I really do enjoy spending time with them as well. It kind of reminds me of how I used to spend time with my parents before I moved.”

“Applejack also likes to talk about some of the stuff you two do.”

Octavia chuckled lightly. “I’m glad. Even though we seem so different, we managed to find some common ground.”

The two ponies sank bank in silence, the soft rustling of Octavia’s mane being brushed the only thing that could be heard. “It’s so nice that you make each other happy,” Fluttershy softly added.

“And?” Octavia asked after a few seconds.

“That’s it.”

Octavia glanced back at Fluttershy. All she was the pegasus giving her a warm smile. “I see…”

“There we go, all done,” Fluttershy announced. “Do you need any help getting washed up?”

Octavia shook her head as she got up and stepped into the tub. “No, I’ll be fine.”

“Alright then,” Fluttershy replied, quickly sweeping up all the debris that was brushed off. “I’ll just be outside. Call me if you need anything.”

Octavia nodded at the departing Fluttershy before turning on the water. She let out a big satisfied as she stepped into the warm cascade, trickles of faintly-brown tinged water dripping off her coat. Fluttershy’s brushing was relaxing, but this was bliss, her sores and aches melting away.

Standing under the refreshing stream, she wondered what Rarity and Fluttershy were planning. They were indeed acting a bit odd, but she dismissed it as them lightening the mood and having some fun. Still, there was some truth to what they said.

Applejack and I do spend a lot of time together, but that’s just because we are friends. Close friends. Blasted tabloids, making everypony think there’s something else.

A knock rang from the door. “Octavia, are you finished in there?” came Rarity’s voice.

“Oh, yes, I just need a moment to dry off,” Octavia replied, shutting off the water and grabbing a towel to start drying herself off. After a quick drying session, she opened the door, and in came Fluttershy and Rarity holding a few bottles in her magic.

“What are those?” Octavia asked, looking at the containers.

“Hair dye,” replied Rarity.

“Wait, what? You’re going to dye my mane?”

“Not just your mane, but your entire body as well. It’s not enough to just throw an outfit on you. If you really want to be hidden, we have to change what’s underneath as well.”

Octavia bit her lip. “Well…”

“You don’t want to be recognized by those nasty reporters, do you? Besides, I have plenty of dye remover for when it’s all over or you change your mind.”

Octavia’s eyes flitted back and forth between her two friends before finally sighing. “Fine…”

“Excellent,” Rarity cheered before letting out a squeal like a little filly. “Oooh, I do so love doing a full-body makeover on somepony else.”

“First, turn this way, Octavia,” Rarity commanded, moving her so that the mirror was behind her. “Can’t have you ruining the final look.” She turned her head to Fluttershy, levitating a bottle towards her. “Fluttershy, be a dear, and use this on her mane.”

Octavia sighed again. “This better be worth the trouble.”

“Oh, it will, darling,” Rarity replied with a smirk. “I do think you’ll be quite pleased with the results. Now, hold still and close your eyes.”

Octavia rolled her eyes before doing as told and closing them. It felt like hours of tickling brushes, cold liquid dripping on her, and listening to her friends giggling before she was finally told she could open her eyes and turn around. Her eyes flew open at what she saw.

Gone was her grey coat, now replaced by a yellow that bore a similarity to Fluttershy’s own coat. Her charcoal-black mane was changed to a striking blue. Before, her grey and black colors blended well together. The colors she had now contrasted with each other, but they still complemented one another, making for a very appealing mix.

She looked back at her cutie mark and saw even that was changed from its usual violet to a light-blue.

“Wow…” was all Octavia said.

“Come on,” urged Rarity, quickly pulling Octavia with her downstairs, “the dye should be mostly dry now, and we need to get your clothes on. You are going to enjoy what I prepared for you.”

Octavia was not even able to give a response before her eyes were covered by a shirt. Pulling down her shirt, she felt something wrap around the bottom of the shirt as well as her neck.

“All done!” proclaimed Rarity. “It’s not something I usually do, but I think it should serve its purpose rather well. You’ll fit right in, darling.”

Octavia looked herself in the mirror again. She was now wearing a green shirt with slightly tattered sleeves and an orange belt was tied around her midsection. Around her neck was a matching orange scarf, finishing the look. It was a simple affair, but it made her look more rugged and rustic. “I look like I belong—”

“On a farm?” Rarity finished, a smirk on her face.

Octavia rolled her eyes. “Yes, which I guess is where I will be staying.” She smiled at the two ponies. “Thank you both for all the help.”

“We were happy to help,” replied Fluttershy.

“Now, let’s hurry up and get you to Applejack’s. I can’t wait to see the look on her face,” said Rarity, grinning in anticipation.

The other two ponies laughed, nodding in agreement, as they all exited the boutique and made their way down the street.

Walking through Ponyville, the trio enjoyed themselves in pleasant conversation, each telling the others about recent events. Fluttershy happily talked about how she had been getting more birds visiting her place while Rarity was excited about how dress orders were pouring in from Canterlot.

Octavia smiled. It seemed that they were benefiting from the aftermath of the party thanks to Fancy Pants, and that the media was too focused on her to care about her friends. Just as she was about to talk about her audition, she stopped in her tracks.

“Octavia, is something wrong?” Fluttershy asked, looking back at her.

“It’s them,” Octavia replied, her hoof pointing to two stallions trotting down the street in their direction. “It’s the reporters that I am trying to get away from.”

Fluttershy and Rarity looked at each other before turning back to Octavia, giving her comforting smiles.

“Well then, I suppose it’s time to see if the disguise works,” Rarity stated.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be right beside you if anything happens,” said Fluttershy.

Octavia meekly nodded before catching up with her friends. She gulped as the two groups drew nearer and nearer.

“Can you believe that crazy pony?” asked an irritated Daily Scoop.

“I know, I can barely hear anything after all those explosions and singing,” complained Shutterbug. “Still, wasn’t she one of those mares that was at the party? Maybe she knows something about Octavia.”

“Do you really want to meet her again?” asked Daily Scoop, giving his partner a flat look.

“Uh… no.”

Octavia and her friends walked past the complaining reporters, barely receiving a glance from the pair. She let out a big sigh as they walked away.


The three mares gave a small jump, nervously glancing each other.

“Say, weren’t you two at the Canterlot Garden Party?” asked Daily Scoop, circling in front of them with Shutterbug and looking at Rarity and Fluttershy.

“I suppose we were,” replied Rarity, her nervousness replaced by a calm demeanor.

“Great! Do you know anything about a mare named Octavia?”

Rarity gasped. “Of course I do!”

Octavia stared at Rarity, her eyes widening.

“She’s the most famous musician in Canterlot! Anypony who is anypony knows who she is. I hear that she has been asked to play at so many different events and has put on so many fabulous concerts. Oh, if only I had the chance to even speak with her,” Rarity cried out dramatically, covering her brow with a hoof, “then my life would be complete. I simply must meet her. I must!”

“Uh… okay then. Thanks for the info. How about you?” Daily Scoop asked, turning his attention to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy let out a squeal before hiding behind Rarity.

“Hey, do you know something?”

Octavia saw Fluttershy’s mouth move but heard no sound come out.

“What? Speak up.”

This time, a little sound came out when Fluttershy’s mouth moved.

“A little louder please.”

“I like birds,” Fluttershy murmured, barely above a whisper.

The two reporters brought a hoof to each of their faces.

“Whatever, moving on,” grumbled Daily Scoop as he turned to Octavia. “How about you? You know anything about Octavia?”

Octavia gulped again as everypony looked at her. With no other way to get out of the situation, she took a deep breath. “Well… uh…”

No, no, no, I got to talk like a farm pony. She cleared her throat. “I er, Ah reckon… that Ah never heard of this Octavia… sugar. Ah just spend all my time farmin’. Yep, farmin’. No time to waste on that fancy stuff… ya’ll,” Octavia sputtered out in a higher-pitched voice with a twang.

The four other ponies stared at her with wide eyes and jaws agape.

Shutterbug nudged Daily Scoop away. “Come on, Scoop, I think all the ponies in this town are crazy.”

Daily Scoop nodded. “Um… you all have a nice day.”

Octavia watched the two reporters scurry away before turning to her still gawking friends. “It wasn’t that bad, was it?”

“It was um… nice…” Fluttershy softly replied, hiding her face a bit with her mane.

“Darling, it was like watching my sister burning a cup of milk while listening to Opal being forced to take a bath. It was both horrifying and fascinating,” Rarity bluntly stated.

“Thanks…” Octavia dryly answered. “Can we get a move on before something else happens?”

Her two friends nodded in agreement before they resumed their journey. Not disturbed by the reporters again, they finally arrived at Sweet Apple Acres.

Walking to the farmhouse, Rarity and Fluttershy stood in front of Octavia as they knocked on the door. It only took a moment before the door opened, revealing Applejack.

“Howdy, ya’ll,” Applejack greeted. “What brings you two by?”

“We got a surprise for you,” replied Rarity in a sing-song voice. “Ta-da!” She and Fluttershy stepped to the side, revealing the disguised Octavia to Applejack.

“Oh, hey there. Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres,” Applejack greeted. “Is this a friend of yours, Rarity?”

“You could say that,” Octavia replied, a smirk on her face.

“Wait what?” Applejack stepped towards Octavia, leaning forward and scrutinizing her.

Octavia giggled. “It’s good to see you again, Applejack.”

“What the hay, girl?!” Applejack yelped, reeling back. “What’s with the crazy getup, Octavia? Is this some kind of prank?”

Octavia sighed as her smile faded. “If only…” She pulled out the magazine once again, showing it to Applejack and explaining the situation. When she finished talking, she saw Applejack’s face was contorting with both anger and sadness.

“Those no good varmints…” Applejack grumbled as she stared at the magazine in her hooves before sighing. She bowed her head slightly, her eyes looking up at Octavia. “Ah’m sorry, Octavia. Ah can’t believe all of this happened because of us.”

Octavia placed a hoof under Applejack’s chin, raising up the farmer’s head and giving her a warm smile. “Don’t worry about it. Like I told Rarity and Fluttershy, I know you would never hurt me, and I could never be mad at any of you.”

Applejack gave a small smile back. “Thanks, sugarcube. I guess the good thing is that you’re here now.”

“Applejack,” Rarity spoke up, a menacing smirk on her face. “did you happen to take a look at the last pa—”

Octavia quickly snatched the magazine up, stashing it deep into her bag, before covering Rarity’s mouth with her hoof.

“Uh… what’s goin’ on?” Applejack asked, looking at the two with a raised eyebrow.

“Nothing! Just a little joke between us,” Octavia quickly answered, a hint of red on her cheeks. “a joke that will stay between us,” she stated, glaring at Rarity.

Rarity rolled her eyes and nodded.

Fluttershy giggled as Octavia removed her hoof from the unicorn’s mouth.

“Uh… ok then…”

“Octavia is still just a bit nervous about everything since we put on her disguise,” Fluttershy remarked.

“Speaking of, does the disguise really work?”

“It worked on you,” Rarity remarked. “We also happened to run into those ruffians on the way here. They didn’t suspect a thing, although I think they left us alone because of Octavia’s attempt at speaking like a farmpony.”

“Oh? This Ah gotta hear,” Applejack said with a grin, looking at Octavia.

“It’s probably not such a good idea. It really was pretty awful,” Octavia stated.

“Come on, it can’t be that bad.”

Octavia sighed. “Very well.” She cleared her throat before she started talking, adding that higher-pitched twang to her voice. “Howdy… ya’ll… Ah’m Octavia. I like apples. Ah reckon Ah spend my time farmin’ and doin’ other… farm stuff… ya’ll…”

Rarity and Fluttershy brought hooves to their faces while Applejack just stared at her.

“Ah reckon ah was wrong,” said Applejack. “That was bad. Really bad. Ah’m not sure if Ah should be insulted or afraid.”

Octavia rolled her eyes. “I was just trying to imitate you.”

“Sugarcube, Ah don’t sound anythin’ like that.”

“Actually, you kind of do,” quipped Rarity.

“Well, nopony was asking you, darling,” Applejack replied, sticking her tongue out at the fashionista. “By the way, what’s your name?” she asked, turning her attention back to Octavia.

The disguised mare blinked. “Uh, Octavia?”

“Ah meant your disguise’s name. Kind of makes the disguise useless if we keep callin’ you Octavia.”

“You’re right,” Octavia replied, bringing a hoof to her chin. She looked around, trying to find inspiration for a name. Her eyes settled back on Applejack. “How about… Fiddly… Faddle?”

“Fiddly Faddle?” Applejack’s mouth scrunched up before she bursted into laughter.

Octavia turned to her other friends to see that they had hooves over their mouths. She let out a huff.

“Sorry,” Applejack apologized as her laughter died down. “It just doesn’t sound quite… right. How about Fiddlesticks?”

“Fiddlesticks…” Octavia repeated, letting the name roll off her tongue. “It does have a nice ring to it.”

“That settles it then. From now on, your name is Fiddlesticks,” proclaimed Applejack.

“So, is it alright if I stay here?” Octavia asked.

“Of course it is,” Applejack happily replied. “It’ll be like when you first came to Ponyville except better.”

Octavia smiled. “That sounds wonderful, and don’t be afraid to let me join in on the chores. Before, I only worked a few hours a day. I want to live and work like a farmer. It’ll be part of the disguise, and I think it will be fun.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “You sure about that, sugarcube?”

Octavia nodded happily.

“Well, alright then.” Applejack smirked. “This is goin’ to be fun.”

Author's Note:

For those who don't know, Fiddly Faddle is Fiddlestick's "canon" name, at least according to the trading card game. I'm using Fiddlesticks because I'm just more fond of it than the other.

I apologize to those who prefer Fiddly Faddle or being canon.