• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 5,420 Views, 406 Comments

Fiddling with Her Heart - Kevinltk

Octavia is one of the most renowned musicians in Equestria, and yet she feels something is missing in her music. A seemingly normal trip to Ponyville changes everything when she hears the sound of a fiddle coming from the apple orchards.

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Chapter 3: Arrival

At Fancy Pants’s urging, insisting that she start her break as soon as possible while also allowing sufficient time for the seamstress to finish the dress, Octavia took the express train to Ponyville the very next day. She arrived at her destination with just a satchel of essential sundries and enough bits to pay for the dressmaker’s commission fee as well as enough leftover to pay for a few nights stay.

Fresh off the train, Octavia looked around town, taking in the scenery. The majority of houses were made up of the same simple architecture, consisting of wooden structures with straw thatched roofs. Ponyville’s modest scenery was definitely a major contrast to Canterlot’s tall spires and heavily ornamented buildings. The simple designs were indeed a refreshing new sight for her eyes. It was… nice.

Octavia’s vision was suddenly filled with pink, more specifically, the smiling face of a pink pony. She jumped back from the abrupt change of scenery, letting out a dignified yelp of terror.

“Hi there! I’m Pinkie Pie. What’s your name?” the pink pony chirped, unperturbed of the possible trauma she had just caused.

Octavia clutched her chest, feeling her heart racing, and took a few deep breaths as she looked over the newcomer. Her assailant was an earth pony, pink all over with a poofy mane and tail consisting of a darker shade of pink. On her flank was a cutie mark of two blue balloons and a yellow balloon floating above it, and across her face was an almost menacing smile. Octavia did not feel very safe in the presence of this bizarre pony.

“Helloooo? Anypony home?” Pinkie asked, tilting her head in confusion.

Octavia blinked, realizing she was indeed just staring at Pinkie in silence. It was rude to not introduce oneself to another even if the other pony was quite peculiar. Clearing her throat, she replied, “My apologies. I forgot my manners because of your… enthusiastic greeting. I am Octavia Melody.”

“Ooo, that’s a fun name. It sounds like octopus which is also a fun word. Octavia. Octopus. Octavia. Octopus.” Pinkie suddenly gasped loudly. “I know! I’ll call you Octy!”

Octy could feel an eye twitch. “Please don’t. I beg you.”

“So, Octy,” Pinkie continued, “let me be the first to welcome you to your first time in Ponyville!”

Octavia raised an eyebrow. “How do you know this is my first time here?”

“Because I know all my friends and every pony in town is my friend!” Pinkie proudly replied, quickly hugging the bemused mare. As she violated Octavia’s personal space, her smile slowly dropped to be replaced by her face scrunching up in thought. “Say, do I know you from somewhere? I think I felt you from somewhere before.”

Octavia flailed around, desperately trying to escape from the increasingly disturbing pony’s hug. Where in Equestria was she ever felt by a complete stranger? Suddenly, Octavia’s eyes widened in shock.

“It’s you!” Octavia shouted, pointing a free hoof at Pinkie.

“Yay, it’s me!” Pinkie cheered, throwing her hooves into the air.

Suddenly released from the odd pony’s grip, Octavia unceremoniously dropped to the ground. She quickly got up, frantically backing away from the overexcited mare and pointed a hoof at Pinkie. “You were the pony who interrupted my music at the Grand Galloping Gala! You made me play that infernal song!”

“Ohhhh, now I remember. You were playing music there. It was supposed to be the best party ever, but it ended up being some fancy-schmancy thing full of party poopers.”

“Well it is the most prestigious event of the year. It requires a great deal of decorum and grace,” Octavia retorted, carefully watching Pinkie for any sign of danger.

“It was boooring! No games, no balloons, and no candy, how can you have a party without those things?! Those ponies needed to see what a real party is like.”

Octavia’s eyebrows furrowed. “Just because you don’t agree how a party is handled, doesn’t give you the right to try and change it. It is also no excuse to jump on stage and play a musician’s instrument for her.”

“I had to do something to spice things up. Even the music was a snooze fest,” Pinkie replied.

Even though Octavia could understand that the raving pony had a different opinion on parties, and her eccentric complaints were probably groundless, she could not help but let a grimace of pain flash across her face for a second.

Pinkie let out a large gasp as her hooves clamped onto her cheeks. “Oh my gosh! I’m sorry, Octy. Sometimes I just talk too much and end up blabbing whatever comes to my mind without thinking about it. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

With a huff, Octavia walked past Pinkie, her nose pointing straight up. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to get going now,” she stated in a cold tone.

“Hey, wait!” Pinkie yelled as she caught up to Octavia and trotted alongside her with a worried look on her face. “Are you mad at me?”

“No, I just wish to end the conversation,” replied Octavia, not slowing her pace.

“But you look mad.”

“I’m not mad.”

“And you sound mad.”

“I’m not mad.”

“And that bulging vein on your forehead says you’re mad.”

“I’M NOT MAD!” Octavia shouted as she turned and glared at Pinkie, causing the pony to reel back. Octavia sighed. “Please, just leave me be.”

“But I want to make it up to you for my meanie pants comment. Oh, I know!” Pinkie reached into her mane. Octavia’s eyes widened in surprise as Pinkie pulled out a cupcake, offering it to her along with a smile. “Here, this is for you. Cupcakes make everything better.”

“No, thank you.” Despite the fact that not a single hair could be seen on the baked treat, Octavia was not sure it was sanitary to eat things that came from another pony’s head. When she was a foal, her parents also repeatedly reminded her not to accept sweets from strange ponies. She just never thought they meant it in the literal sense.

“Please?” Pinkie urged, hopping beside the walking Octavia.


“Pretty please?”


“Pretty, pretty please?”

“Let’s not go down this road again.”

Pinkie jumped in front of Octavia, halting the gray mare in her tracks. She sat down on her haunches and looked up at Octavia. Her eyes were wide open and on the verge of tears while her mouth was in a sad pout. “Pretty, pretty please with a cherry on top?”

Octavia sighed and brought a hoof to her face. Pinkie really did look sorry for her unintentional remark. It was a shame that her parents did not teach her about accepting sweets from strange ponies with puppy dog eyes. “You’re not going to leave me alone until I do, aren’t you?”

Pinkie nodded while keeping her pleading expression.

Octavia gave another sigh in defeat as she slowly took the cupcake in her hoof. She meticulously inspected the treat for any danger but found none. Checking her surroundings, Octavia made sure there were plenty of other ponies around in case the cupcake would give her a sudden need for the paramedics. She let out an audible gulp before taking a dainty bite.

Octavia’s eyes widened in shock. Turning to Pinkie, who was watching with wide eyes and visibly shaking, she gave her verdict. “This is the best damn cupcake I have ever eaten.”

“Woo hoo!” Pinkie cheered, repeatedly jumping into the air with joy.

Octavia took a bigger bite out of the cupcake. It was better the second time around since her taste buds were not afraid.

“Did it make you feel better?” Pinkie asked.

Octavia nodded, her mouth still full with the delicious confection.

Pinkie wiped a hoof across her brow. “Phew, I can’t stand leaving anypony with a frowny face. Sorry again for what I said. I’m also really sorry for bothering you at the gala.”

Finished with the cupcake, Octavia wiped her mouth with a hoof. “I suppose it’s quite alright. You didn’t intend to cause any harm. Just please be more careful in the future.”

“Friends?” Pinkie asked as she offered out her hoof.

Octavia looked at the outstretched hoof. With a smile, she brought up her own hoof and shook Pinkie’s. “Friends.”

Pinkie quickly pulled in a surprised Octavia for a hug. “Yay! We’re friends! That makes me happy!”

Octavia let out a sigh of amusement. “That’s nice, Pinkie, but please let me go. I do have business I need to take care of.”

Pinkie released Octavia from her grasp. “Okie dokie. So, what do you have to do?”

“Well, I was told that there was a very talented seamstress somewhere in Ponyville. I was hoping to commission a dress from her.”

Pinkie bounced with joy. “Oh, oh, oh, I know who you’re looking for. You’re talking about Rarity. She’s the bestest dressmaker ever. Come on, Octy, I’ll show you where she lives,” Pinkie said as she hopped down a path.

Octavia rolled her eyes but let out a chuckle. Despite Pinkie’s odd behavior, her enthusiasm and joyful nature was rubbing off on her, and she could not resist feeling a bit happier and optimistic. Suddenly, being Octy did not seem so bad anymore.

As Octavia followed Pinkie towards the dressmaker’s home, she could not help but stare in wonder as Pinkie greeted and conversed with every pony they passed. Pinkie was not joking when she claimed that she knew every pony. What amazed Octavia even more was that many of the ponies they passed also gave her a friendly greeting. Despite being a stranger in town, she felt welcome. It was definitely a pleasant variation to Canterlot where ponies were either too busy or too pompous to properly greet each other.

“We’re here,” Octavia heard Pinkie announce as she was waving back at another passerby.

Octavia turned back around to get a good look at the building. Instead of a simple house like many of the buildings in town, the dressmaker’s home was built differently and was painted in many colors. Scanning the structure and its fixtures, she could not help but notice that the second floor resembled a carousel. The entire structure as a whole stood out with its colorful and lavish decorations and would likely feel more at home in Canterlot. Octavia wondered if either the dressmaker was a former resident of the capitol or was trying to emulate it.

“Rarity,” Pinkie called out as they entered the shop. “There’s somepony here to see you.”

“I’ll be right down, Pinkie,” came a mare’s voice from upstairs.

While Pinkie hummed to herself, Octavia took a quick look around the shop. Near the room’s center was a small stage surrounded by mirrors mounted to the wall. Along another side of the shop was a series of dressers and mirrors, presumably for patrons to put the finishing touches on their ensembles. Scattered around the room were mannequins outfitted with extravagant yet tasteful dresses.

Examining some of the dresses on display, Octavia liked what she was seeing. The dressmaker seemed to be able to create beautiful, intricate designs without going too overboard like many of Canterlot’s designers.

“Hello there. Welcome to Carousel Boutique where every garment is chic, unique, and magnifique,” came the same voice from the stairs.

Turning towards the voice, Octavia saw a white unicorn descend the stairs. Her purple mane and tail were curled and brushed into an elaborate coiffure, giving her an elegant appearance. Octavia also noted the presence of makeup applied on the unicorn’s face. Upon her flank was a cutie mark of three light-blue diamonds arranged in a triangle pattern. She could tell this was a mare who took great care in maintaining her appearance.

“I am Rarity. How may I help you?” greeted the white unicorn.

Octavia smiled as she returned the greeting. “A pleasure to meet you, Rarity. I am Oc—”

“This is Octy,” Pinkie chimed in, causing the other mares to stare at her. “She’s my newest friend. I was at the bakery baking cupcakes when suddenly my Pinkie Sense told me that somepony new was coming to town, so I rushed out to meet the new pony to make sure they got a proper welcome, and that’s how I met Octy. Isn’t her name super fun to say? Octy, Octy, Octy. Anyway, she needs a new dress, and I know that you would be able to do it because you are the bestest dressmaker I know although now that I think about it, you are the only dressmaker I know, so maybe mmf mmph mmf...”

Rarity interrupted Pinkie by shoving her hoof into the babbling pony’s mouth. “Yes, thank you, Pinkie.” She removed her hoof from Pinkie’s mouth. “Now, Pinkie, do you mind if I take your new friend to work on her dress?”

“Yeppers. I have to head back to the bakery anyway. The Cakes probably need me since I kind of suddenly ran out the door while we were making a batch of cupcakes,” Pinkie replied as she bounced towards the door. “Oh, Octy, we totally need to throw you a surprise party later. Bye, girls.” And with that, Pinkie left the other two mares alone.

Octavia stared at the door where Pinkie had departed from. “She’s certainly an interesting character,” she finally remarked.

“Ah yes, she’s quite eccentric. I do hope her welcome didn’t startle you too much,” said Rarity.

Octavia let out a small chuckle. “She sure left a lasting impression. Anyways, let me properly introduce myself. I am Octavia Melody.”

Rarity gasped as her mouth hung open. “Octavia Melody? As in Octavia the famous cellist?! Oh my stars!” Rarity froze for a second before clearing her throat. “I mean, it is an honor. I have purchased quite a few of your records, and I must say that I adore your music.”

Octavia giggled inwardly at the mare trying to contain her excitement. “Always happy to meet somepony who appreciates my music. Now, shall we get down to business?”

“Yes, yes, of course,” Rarity replied as she guided Octavia to the stage. A pair of red glasses flew over to perch itself on the fashionista’s nose. A quill and notepad followed soon after to float beside the unicorn. “Please, step right up on the platform, so I can take your measurements. In the meantime, you can tell me the specifics of your dress.”

Octavia stood still as a tape measurer floated towards her, measuring her lengths. “Well, to start things off, the dress will be for my last concert of the season. I need something new and eye-catching for the show, but at the same time, it cannot be so elaborate and substantial that I would be unable to move a hoof. I must admit, I don’t often wear more than my bowtie, so I really don’t have any other specific details in mind.”

“Mhmm,” Rarity acknowledged as she wrote down Octavia’s notes and measurements. “And how soon will you be needing this dress?”

“The concert is in six days, so if possible, I would like to have it at least a day before the concert.” Octavia turned her head to Rarity with a small look of concern. “I know that does not leave for much time, but the idea only came to me yesterday. If needed, I am willing to pay extra to help expedite the process.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that, darling,” Rarity replied, waving a dismissal hoof. “I am quite used to working with strict deadlines. Not only that, you caught me at a good time. I have no urgent orders that I need to fulfill, so I will be able to get started on your dress right away. If all things go well, I can probably have your dress done the day after tomorrow.”

“Really? Well… um… thank you,” Octavia replied, a hint of wonder on her face. The fashionista’s simple act of generosity was pleasant and different from what Octavia was used to dealing with back in Canterlot. The few dresses Octavia did commission were all from Canterlot, and her offer to compensate for a short deadline would have been quickly, but politely, accepted.

Rarity giggled. “It is my pleasure. Again, it is an honor a celebrity like you came all the way out to Ponyville to see little old me. I do hope my work will please you when it is done.”

“I was actually recommended to come here by a friend of mine. He has many connections, and we had heard some great things about you. He also suggested that I take some time off to help relieve some stress in Ponyville.”

“Well, that sounds like a marvelous idea,” Rarity stated as she made a final note on her notepad. “There, all done. I can’t wait to get started on your dress. It’s going to be fabulous.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” Octavia replied. As she stepped down from the platform, she noticed Rarity was staring at her with a hint of confusion. “Is there something wrong?”

“Forgive me for prying,” Rarity said as a sheepish look appeared on her face, “but you mentioned something about stress. Is there something the matter?”

Octavia blinked a couple of times. “Did I really say that?”

“I’m sorry. That was quite rude of me. Please, forget what I asked.”

Octavia shook her head. “No, no, it is quite alright. Thank you for the concern. I suppose it might do me some good to talk about my problems, but first, let me ask you, what do you think of my music, especially my more recent works? Please, be honest with me. I assure you that I will not be offended by whatever you say.”

Rarity brought a hoof to her chin as she sank into thought. “Well first, I must admit I have not listened to all of your music nor attended any of your concerts, but, like I mentioned before, I do listen to many of your records quite often. Also, not to be boastful, but I do believe I am quite the adept singer, so I at least have some musical background. I do hope these things will allow me to give you a sufficient critique.”

Octavia nodded, feeling a bit happy that Rarity seemed to take her question seriously and was concocting a thorough review. Many of the Canterlot elite either did not pay much attention to the details of her music or just blindly complimented her work.

Octavia watched Rarity in silence as the mare looked up, tapping her chin in thought. She could hear her mumble a few words to herself, but they were too quiet to decipher what they were. Finally, Rarity looked back at Octavia.

“Now, I must say that your music is impeccable and flawless,” Rarity began as she relayed her opinion. “It’s quite inspiring really. Every note is perfect and seemingly exact. I don’t know of any pony who could play quite as well as you. And yet, now that I actually think about it, I have to say that I enjoyed your earlier works more than your more recent ones. There’s just something about your earlier pieces that I can’t quite place my hoof on. I do hope that helps.”

Octavia sighed as she nodded. “Yes, you have pretty much confirmed my suspicions. I have also noticed that my music playing has changed and that something seems to be missing. What is troubling is the fact that I cannot quite figure out why that is, but I wholeheartedly intend to find out and remedy the situation as soon possible.

“My, my, that is quite a predicament.” A compassionate smile appeared on Rarity’s face. “I do wish you the best of luck, and if you ever need help, please feel free to ask.”

Octavia bowed in thanks at the unicorn’s supportive words. “Thank you. I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.”

“You are welcome. Now, will that be all for you? If so, I do have some ideas for your dress that I would love to try out right away,” Rarity said.

Octavia shook her head as she turned towards the door. “No, that is all. Thank you again for everything. Good day, Rarity.”

As Octavia left the boutique, a small smile graced her face. Confessing her troubles and talking with the fashionista had definitely made her feel a little better. Yes, she had a lot to think about, but this charming town had all sorts of little surprises. Trotting off to look around town as well as finding lodgings for the night, Octavia could not help but speculate what other wonders she was going to encounter in her stay.