• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 5,420 Views, 406 Comments

Fiddling with Her Heart - Kevinltk

Octavia is one of the most renowned musicians in Equestria, and yet she feels something is missing in her music. A seemingly normal trip to Ponyville changes everything when she hears the sound of a fiddle coming from the apple orchards.

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Chapter 8: A Chance

Octavia paced anxiously around the living room in her house. The party had ended a few hours ago, and all her new friends had stayed for a while to help clean up the aftermath. After the clean up, they all wished her a good night as they headed off to get ready for bed. Little did they know that Octavia had plans to meet with a certain pony. She knew that she had to see Applejack. She just did not know how she would do it.

Do I just walk up to her, or would that be rude? Maybe I should try to get her to notice me instead? Getting one of her friends to introduce me would probably be a good idea. On the other hoof, it’s a rather personal issue for me, and I’m still not sure if Applejack is trying to hide her music playing. Would she even want to talk to me since I intruded on such a private moment?

Octavia had spent a good deal of time trying to figure out the best way to approach as well worrying about what could happen. With all her pacing, Fancy Pants would probably ask Octavia how she had made grooves in the now thoroughly used living room.

Octavia looked at the clock. It was getting close to the time of night she had first saw Applejack. She took a deep breath to calm herself. Why am I so nervous meeting one ordinary mare? I just want to talk to her. I will just go and play it by ear. Whatever happens, happens. I just need her to give me a chance.

Feeling confident, Octavia exited her house and calmly started to walk towards Sweet Apple Acres. However, a mix of anxiety and eagerness soon turned her walk into a gallop as Octavia rushed down the streets towards the fateful encounter.

Like her first night in Ponyville, the streets were empty and dimly lit by a scarce number of streetlamps as well as a couple of houses with ponies who were still awake but snug in their homes. The stars and moon shone overhead with not a cloud in sight. Octavia hoped that this was a sign that Applejack would be out again.

Arriving at the apple farm once again, Octavia gasped for breath, exhausted from the sprint. She sat down to allow her body to recover. Once the sound of her heavy panting dissipated, she strained her ears in an attempt to catch the sound of a violin. To her despair, she could not hear anything other than the leaves of the apple trees rustling in the wind.

Octavia let out a sad sigh. Maybe she just isn’t out today. I should go back home, and try again tomorrow.

Octavia shook her head. She knew that she was too excited at the moment to go to sleep, and she just could not bear waiting to meet Applejack any longer. A quick check at the clearing would not hurt.

She trotted in the general direction of the clearing. Without the aid of Applejack’s music guiding her like last time, Octavia found herself wandering aimlessly amidst the apple orchard. With the trees’ branches blocking the moon’s light, progress was slow as she tried to locate the clearing. After what seemed like an eternity and still no sign of the clearing, Octavia began to think that a meeting tonight was not going to happen. With a defeated sigh, Octavia turned around to start heading back in the general direction of the farmhouse.

Suddenly, the faint sound of the violin reached her ears. Octavia quickly turned back around and concentrated on the sound. The music was barely audible, but at least it was something. A small smile appeared on her face as she took off in a brisk trot with renewed hope.

Thanks to her quick pace and following the music, Octavia finally arrived at the clearing. Just like before, the mare, who she now knew was Applejack, was sitting beneath the large tree on top of the small hill. Her stetson was tilted slightly, so it covered most of her eyes. Applejack was playing on her violin, but this time, it was played in such a soft tone, it almost faded away as it got lost in the wind. It was no wonder that Octavia had such a hard time hearing it.

Approaching Applejack from the side while she was focused on her violin, Octavia sat down at the base of the hill, staring at the orange mare and listening to her music. She waited for an opportunity to talk to Applejack. The dulcet tones of the music washed over Octavia as she softly hummed along with it. Unlike the last time when the music spoke of sadness and loneliness, this one spoke of hope and family.

She smiled as she briefly thought about her mom and dad. Even though she was so far away from them, they all loved each other dearly. Letters were frequently sent back and forth, and she often sent gifts and money to let her parents know how well she was doing. Octavia made a mental note to try and visit her parents sometime before she fully went back to work.

Octavia watched in awe as Applejack guided her bow slowly across the strings, producing the soothing sound that warmed her heart. Despite the simplicity, the music was able to evoke the emotions of both its player and its one-pony audience. Octavia resolved to find out what made Applejack’s music so captivating, no matter what.

Octavia heard the song drawing to a close, and as the last note was drawn out, she unconsciously broke out into a soft but enthusiastic applause.

Applejack quickly sat upright and turned towards Octavia. Her eyes were wide with shock as she stared at Octavia.

Octavia froze as she blushed lightly. This was not exactly how she thought she would introduce herself to Applejack. “Um, hi.”

“Howdy,” Applejack greeted back, still staring at Octavia in shock.

An awkward silence descended on the two as they gawked at each other.

“So… you mind tellin’ me who you are and what you are doin’ here?” Applejack asked. Her eyes had narrowed slightly, glaring at Octavia in suspicion.

Octavia cleared her throat. “Sorry, I forgot my manners. I am Octavia Melody, and I’m a musician from Canterlot. Please don’t be mad, but I heard your music, and I must say it is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. My apologies for intruding, but I could not help but want to meet you.”

“That’s mighty kind of you to say about my music, but that doesn’t really explain everythin’. How did you know Ah was here? I don’t think you could’ve heard me if you were just passin’ by Sweet Apple Acres. Not to mention how late it is right now,” Applejack said, still watching Octavia carefully.

Octavia nervously shuffled her hooves as she briefly glanced down at the ground. “Well, I must admit that this isn’t the first time I have seen you here.”

“What?” Applejack’s eyes widened again in surprise.

“Less than two weeks ago, I was here visiting Ponyville. I could not sleep, so I decided to take a late-night walk around town. Thanks to my musical training, I just happened to wander near your farm when I heard your music. It was just a matter of following the music to find this place,” Octavia explained.

Gazing into Applejack’s green eyes, Octavia continued. “Your music was the most saddest thing I have ever heard. And I loved it. I have never felt such power and emotion in any music I have ever heard. I wanted to talk to you, but… um… well… you ended up crying. I did not want to intrude over such a private moment.”

Applejack tilted her hat to cover her eyes. “Less than two weeks ago, huh? Yea, Ah know exactly what night you’re talkin’ about.” She let out a sigh as she stood there in silence for a few moments. Readjusting her hat to once again reveal her eyes, Applejack trotted down the hill towards Octavia. “Ah guess Ah should first thank you for respecting my privacy.”

Up close, Octavia stole a glance at Applejack’s cutie mark. It was three apples arranged in the shape of a loose triangle. A fitting cutie mark for her profession. “Um… no problem, Applejack,” Octavia muttered.

“You also know my name?” One of Applejack’s eyebrows raised slightly in curiosity.

Octavia nodded. “I met all of your friends at a party today. They talked about you and your farm, and so I was able to piece things together.”

Applejack’s face smiled upon hearing Octavia’s words. “Ah see. Ah’m glad you got to see them. Suddenly, Applejack’s smile disappeared as her pupils shrunk in nervousness. “Wait, you didn’t tell them about what you saw last time, did you?” Applejack asked, a hint of fear in her voice.

Octavia quickly shook her head. “No, no, no. I could tell this was probably a secret, so all I mentioned was that I heard a pony playing the violin. They do not know about your music or this place.”

Applejack sighed in relief. “Ah appreciate that. Ah would appreciate it even more if you keep this between us. Ah love my friends, but this is just somethin’ Ah would like to keep to myself for the time bein’.”

“You have my word.”

“So… um… you mentioned you wanted to talk to me. What do you need?”

With that, Octavia explained how she worked all her life to become a famous musician. She told how lately she felt that something was missing from her music and how it was affecting her self-esteem and sanity. Octavia confessed to Applejack that ever since she heard her music the last time she visited Ponyville, she could not stop thinking about her. Octavia went on to explain her decision to try and push away her problems by occupying herself with the final concert of the season, only to meet with disaster. Finally, Octavia told how she came back to Ponyville and met with all their friends.

“So, you see, I cannot figure out what is wrong with my music, and I believe I can find the answer with you,” Octavia concluded.

“Well, that’s mighty flatterin’ comin’ from a big-time musician like you, but Ah’m just not much of a music teacher. Ah mostly got to where Ah am through experimentin’. Ah don’t think Ah can give you the help you need,” Applejack replied.

“Please, at least give me a chance. I have been waiting for this moment ever since I saw you,” Octavia said.

Applejack sighed. “Look, even if Ah could help you out, Ah’m just too busy right now. We got a big applebuckin’ season this year, and Ah’m just swamped with work. Ah just don’t have the time now.”

“Then let me help with your chores. I’ll do whatever you ask. I just ask that you set aside some time to help me with my music,” Octavia offered, desperate for Applejack’s help.

Applejack used a forehoof to rub the back of her head. “Ah dunno… Ah got a bad feelin’ about this.”

“I have never heard music like yours, and I truly believe you can do something for me. I will beg if I have to.” Octavia prostrated herself on the ground in front of Applejack. “Please, I’ll do anything.”

Applejack’s eyes widened in surprise. “Stop that! Get up!” she commanded as she wrapped her hooves around Octavia, trying to pull the groveling mare off the ground.

Octavia did not budge as she continued to beg. “Please… Please…”

Applejack continued to try to move Octavia. “Come on now. This is gettin’ ridiculous. You don’t have to do this.”

“Yes, I do!” Octavia yelled as tears threatened to stream out of her eyes. “I need this!”

Applejack sighed as she let go of Octavia. “You’re not going to take no for an answer, are you?”

“Just give me a chance. I promise I will give it my all,” Octavia replied, still lying before Applejack.

Applejack sighed as a small smile appeared on her face. “Alright then. You win. Be here first thin’ in the mornin’.”

Octavia looked up with hopeful eyes. “You mean you’ll do it?”

Applejack nodded as she offered a hoof to Octavia. “Yep.”

Octavia took Applejack’s hoof and was pulled up by the orange mare. A bright smile was shining on Octavia’s face. “Thank you.”