• Published 29th May 2014
  • 31,750 Views, 3,773 Comments

Fortresshy: The Nine Fathers - Tatsurou

Red team finds a tiny filly in a paper bag. They decide to raise her their way. Hilarity, adorability, and explosions ensue.

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12: Play Time

Scout laughed happily as he raced through the fortress, a happy Fluttershy desperately clinging to his shoulder. He had big plans for today. He knew exactly what he wanted to do with Fluttershy today, and had been waiting for his turn with bated breath since he gathered all the materials he needed. Reaching the room he had prepared, he slammed the door behind him before checking to make sure Fluttershy was still clinging to his shoulder. He looked up at her with his huge, infectious grin and grabbed hold of her with both hands, swinging her around happily. "Ready to play, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy giggled happily, clapping her hooves and fluttering her wings. It was obvious she liked being spun around like this. As Scout pulled her close, she nuzzled his face happily.

Still grinning, Scout set Fluttershy down and hauled over a huge chest. "Bet you're wondering what's in here, aren't you?" he asked. Fluttershy nodded eagerly. "Well, it's stuff I prepared for playtime!" Fluttershy squeed happily, bouncing up and down in eagerness. "Well, I hope you're ready," Scout laughed. He swung the chest open. "Ta-da!"

Fluttershy stopped bouncing as she stared into the chest. She had expected to see toys, board games, or something like that. Instead, she was greeted by the sight of brightly colored fabrics. She looked up at Scout and gave a confused squeak.

Grinning, Scout pulled out a camera. "You know, you're just too cute, Fluttershy!" he said eagerly, grabbing something out of the chest and sitting down near her.

Fluttershy looked up at him in confusion as he wrapped her in the fabric, pulling it on from her hind portion to her head. She tugged at the two long, floopy parts hanging off the hood. He then set her down on a small platform in the middle of the room. "Smile!" he said, snapping a picture.

A the picture scrolled out of the front of the camera, Scout cackled happily. "Perfect! Think you could do a little hop?"

Fluttershy stared up at him sadly.

His smile slowly lowered. "Guess you don't like this costume?" he asked. As she hung her head, he sighed. "Alright, we'll try a different one." Scooping her up, he gently stripped the bunny suit off her before setting her back down. Tossing the bunny suit across the room, he pulled another one out of the chest. "Maybe this one will be more to your liking?" He slowly slipped the new costume onto her.

She stared down at the white fluff that surrounded her form now in confusion as he took another picture.

Scout looked at her for a time. "Still don't like it?" he asked, surprised. "Huh. Thought we could have fun with this. Well, how about we give one more a try, huh?" At Fluttershy's accommodating nod, he gently removed the sheep costume, fishing around for another costume. Finding a good one, he pulled out one in all black. Gently lifting Fluttershy up, he slipped the costume onto her, added the hairband accessory, and then pulled out a black marker and drew on her face. She wriggled her muzzle as he did that. Once he set her back down, she turned this way and that, trying to figure out what he did, until her eyes fell on a mirror and she saw her reflection. A small smile spread across her face as Scout snapped the picture.

Scout grinned as he saw her smile. "You like this one?" As she nodded, he snapped another photo. "How about a few poses?" He continued to snap photos as she pawed at the air, rolled over onto her back, and meowed. Scout clapped for her. "You're really getting into it, huh? Just like cat costumes? I've got another one, though it's a bit simpler." Gently removing the costume, he laid it in the lid of the clothes chest, pulling out a few things to slip onto her.

Seeing the paw gloves, she turned to look at her reflection. Liking what she saw there, she turned back to Scout, raised one hoof, and just as Scout took the picture, she let out a "Nyah!"

Scout grinned happily, pulling a ball of yarn out and tossing it for her, taking pictures of her as she rolled around with it. "You're really getting into it now-" He paused, noticing the mirror. He smacked himself on the forehead. "I forgot about showing you how you look in each outfit, didn't I?" After a time of photographing her in the cat ears and paws, he put the bunny outfit back on her and set her in front of the mirror.

She stared at her reflection for a time, then let out a happy whinny. She then proceeded to hop around the room like a bunny as Scout took pictures. After that, he slipped her back into the sheep costume. Seeing herself, she squealed happily before toddling around, baa'ing happily. Scout continued to take pictures, taking a break to reload the film.

Setting down the camera, Scout scooped Fluttershy up to cuddle her. "Glad you're having as much fun as I am now," he said happily, petting the back of her neck. She happily nuzzled his hand, but then wriggled. It was plain she wanted a new costume. Chuckling, he set her down. "Alright, alright." He looked through the chest for a time. "Ah, here's a good one!" He pulled out the brown outfit, gently removing Fluttershy's sheep outfit before starting to slip her into the outfit.

"Ahem," Spy said from the door as he cleared his throat.

Scout spun to face him. "What?" Scout demanded, trying not to look too pathetic.

Spy blinked, taking in the room. "Are you..." His eyes fell on the discarded outfits. "Playing dress up with Fluttershy?"

Scout wanted to deny it. It was so uncool to admit, but if he tried to make an excuse, he knew Spy would enjoy every moment of tearing his web of lies to ribbons with his cultured mannerisms and frustratingly urbane French accent. "So what if I am?" he finally settled on, continuing to slip the costume onto Fluttershy.

Spy fell silent. He obviously hadn't expected that response. However, if he was surprised by Scout's forthright honesty, that was nothing compared to what his eventual response did to Scout. "May I...join you?"

Scout stared at Spy, completely flummoxed. He had never expected an activity he'd chosen to do to bring Spy asking, and asking politely, to join. On one hand, he wanted to tease Spy a bit about that, to get even for all the times Spy had tormented him for, well, being him. On the other hand, ever since Fluttershy had shown up, a new sense of camaraderie had pervaded the fortress, and everyone was finding ways to enjoy each other's company, even those they normally barely tolerated or outright disdained. Somehow, it felt wrong to disrupt that for petty revenge, especially right in front of Fluttershy. He couldn't quite decide which he wanted to do.

Fluttershy, however, made the decision for him as she leaped towards Spy.

Grabbing Spy's hand, she pulled him into the room. Scout and Spy both laughed. "Guess she wants you to join," Scout said, quickly snapping a picture. He then took a few more pictures as he and Spy both encouraged Fluttershy as she exhibited tanooki behavior.

After a time, Spy went to the clothes chest. "What else do you have?" As he looked through, he made a disappointed sound. "All costumes? No dresses or more normal outfits?"

Scout shook his head. "Nah. This was everything I could find for her."

Spy smiled. "I might have an idea." Pulling out some loose fabric from the bottom of the chest, he pulled a needle and thread from his pocket and began sewing. As he did, he began humming a tune, which soon became accompanied by a rhythmic thumping from outside the room.

"Nice tune," Scout commented. "What is it?"

"No idea," Spy admitted. "It just...came to me. Helps set the rhythm of sewing, though."

Scout glanced out of the room. "Hard Hat banging his head on the wall just outside probably helps. Wonder why he's doing that?"

"He has been acting strange ever since this petite pouliche arrived," Spy commented. "So, what do you think?"

Scout quickly turned to see the outfit Spy had made for Fluttershy.

Scout whistled. "Nice, Frenchie! She looks really good in that."

"Indeed," Spy pointed out. "Green is definitely her color."

A loud smack indicated that Engineer had just smacked his hand to his forehead. Ignoring that, Scout began taking pictures of Fluttershy.

"Go on, Fluttershy," Spy encouraged. "Strike a pose. Love the camera. Own the camera. Show the camera what a lovely little lady you are."

Smiling, Fluttershy raised up on her hind hooves, posing gracefully as Scout happily took more photos.