• Published 29th May 2014
  • 31,749 Views, 3,773 Comments

Fortresshy: The Nine Fathers - Tatsurou

Red team finds a tiny filly in a paper bag. They decide to raise her their way. Hilarity, adorability, and explosions ensue.

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2: Fire and Music

He carefully stalked through the halls of this new fortress, the walls drab and grey, no color anywhere. He could bring color to this place easily. One wave of his Rainbow wand with the trigger held down, and the living color would fill the world again. But he wasn't supposed to, not yet. The demon in his ear got angry if he spread color at the wrong times. That, and his teammates did not understand the color as he did. They fled from it. Only the Blues came running to it, little cherubs dancing in his rainbows. If only they would come again, so he could once more dance in color...

He sighed as he rested his hand against the side of his head, making the mental effort to see the wood paneling before him in its drab brown, to see the flamethrower in his hand. It wasn't easy being Pyro. He knew that everyone thought he was a monster, a destructive beast that lived only to cause untold agony and reveled in the scent of burning flesh and the sound of screams. He knew how easily he could become such a monster.

But he didn't want that for himself. Just because he was good at being a monster didn't mean he wanted to be one. The rainbow land was his refuge from reality, from the truth of what he and his comrades were: puppets dancing to a monstrous tune of slaughter. He hid within his delusions of bright colors, magic, rainbows, and ponies. He was safe there. He was happy there. He knew the line where such fantasy ended and grim reality began...but he suppressed that knowledge, wanting only to find something to smile about.

He lowered his hand, shaking out both arms. He couldn't stay out of the rainbow land too long. For one, morbid thoughts always came to him when he did. For another, his teammates would notice if he wasn't his usual crazy, upbeat self. He turned, taking one last glance around the room. He saw Heavy, and Medic, and-

He stared at the tiny creature, yawning as she awoke. A pony, tiny wings fluttering, filled with the bright colors of the rainbow land. It was impossible. He had lived in his rainbow land long enough to know what it felt like, what it looked like, even what it tasted like...but he also knew it was delusion. And yet the colors of that delusion seemed to pour off the filly as though she were a living fragment of fantasy made living flesh and blood.

He had to be sure. Was such a creature real? Or had the line finally begun to blur for him, and his path to being a true monster set in stone? He quickly rushed forward and scooped up the filly.

Fluttershy stared up at the red creature holding her, and into his black face and glass eyes. She tilted her head this way and that, trying to understand what he was, why he had picked her up. He wasn't the Big One, who had sung her to sleep. Nor was he the Stinky One, who had found and fed her. But he seemed like them, somehow. Curiously, she sniffed him.

He had a very strong scent, similar to the Stinky One, but also smelled of smoke. He must be the Smokey One. The Big One and Stinky One had stood up as soon as the Smokey One picked her up, their movements nervous. She didn't really understand their words, but she heard them.

"Now, Pyro, friend," the Stinky One said, his big red hands moving carefully, "I know you can be...exuberant at times, but she is fragile. Please be careful."

"You not hurt Fluttershy, fire man!" the Big One said, smashing his fist into his palm.

The Smokey One stared at them for a time, then pulled her into a warm, tight, gentle embrace. Fluttershy smiled, nuzzling into his chest. He was nice. She liked him. She also licked him for good measure.

He couldn't believe it. Medic and Heavy were reacting to this...Fluttershy. They could see her. She was real. As unbridled joy filled him, he pulled her into a loving embrace. This little piece of paradise, this little piece of hope, this child of the rainbow lands...

He felt her nuzzle his chest. He felt her small tongue on his uniform. He gently stroked her mane. "Hnngaw!" he managed to force through his mask. He never really understood what the missions were about when they were assigned. All he ever knew was that his job was to prance around and 'spread rainbows' to anyone that wasn't on his team...and everything that wasn't the fortress. Now he had a new mission, a personal one.

This little one...he would protect her. He would take care of her. He would love her. And some day, she would guide him to the rainbow land.

As he let himself slip back into delusion, she remained unchanged in his vision, leaving colorful hoofprints in the drab grey world. As she wriggled in his arms, he set her down on the floor. She scampered away to explore, and he ran after her with Heavy and Medic, a smile somehow visible despite the gas mask.

Engineer sat calmly, his acoustic guitar resting on his knee as he gently strummed it. He had tried building a few things earlier, but with nothing serious to test his weapons on, he was left with only his guitar to pass the time. Not that he minded. His music was just as much a passion as his inventions.

However, as he finished readying himself to play, the autoguns set up around him swiveled, responding to movement. Hearing four distinct sets of footfalls - three he recognized as his comrades, one those of a small animal - he switched the cannons from 'auto fire' to 'track movement'.

Fluttershy ran up and skidded to a halt as she saw the metal constructs pointing at her, tilting her head curiously. She wasn't afraid, as she knew the Big One, the Stinky One, and the Smokey One were all right behind her and would take care of her. Instead, she walked up past them to sniff the man who sat amongst them. He smelled of the metal constructs, and of the wood and oils of his instrument. She heard the notes drifting from it, and sat to listen to the Music Man.

Engineer stared dumbfounded at what he saw, standing there sniffing him. "Well that's something I sure never expected to see," he said softly, shaking his head. He continued tuning his guitar, playing a few notes. When she sat down to listen, he chuckled, and began to play.

He watched the filly listen as he played over and over, her head waving back and forth with the music. Medic was the first to speak up. "This is...not your usual choice in music," he noted.

Engineer shrugged. "Fluttershy sure seems to like it," he replied, smiling.

Heavy blinked. "How you know we name malyutka Fluttershy?"

Engineer chuckled in response, shaking his head in wonder of coincidence. "Lucky guess," he said calmly, continuing to play. His smile widened as Fluttershy tilted her head back, her soft, sweet voice singing along to his music without words. "So where'd she come from?"

"I am not sure," Medic replied. "I found her in a paper bag inside the base, surrounded by other animals sitting peacefully, even those that normally preyed on each other."

"Heavy only met her in kitchen, where she ate all of Sandvich but meat."

Pyro leaned down to pet Fluttershy again, having nothing to add.

"Well, we might as well introduce her to the others...slowly," Engineer pointed out. "Don't want to overwhelm her. She's just a little filly, after all."

Medic looked at his technologically gifted companion carefully. "You know something," he said suspiciously.

"Do I?" Engineer asked calmly, continuing to play for the happily singing filly.

Fluttershy continued to sing along to the pretty music. The nice men were all around her, and she was safe. With no shadows in her mind, her heart, or in the world around her, she had nothing but hope for the future, and joy in her heart.