• Published 29th May 2014
  • 31,747 Views, 3,773 Comments

Fortresshy: The Nine Fathers - Tatsurou

Red team finds a tiny filly in a paper bag. They decide to raise her their way. Hilarity, adorability, and explosions ensue.

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8: Operation: P.E.E.K.A.B.O.O.

When Spy took Fluttershy from Heavy to begin his day of taking care of her, he knew he wanted to make an impression. It was silly, he knew, but he wanted her to like him, to like him more than the others. He'd always had a bit of a superiority complex as compared to the others - he genuinely believed he was superior to most of them - and if he became Fluttershy's favorite, they'd have to admit it. He knew it was petty, but Fluttershy was cute enough to make him want to be petty. He admitted privately that it was silly how quickly nine cold blooded mercenaries turned into gooey, eager nursemaids just because this little lady looked at them with love and trust. Spy privately felt - and suspected that it was true for the others - that her love and trust, so freely given, became a geas upon them to prove themselves worthy of it. And he determined that he'd prove worthy first.

To start that off, he did his best to prepare her a gourmet breakfast. However, even with all his skill and consideration, there was only so much he could do with canned baby food. He thought that the delicate china, polished silverware, candlelight, and parsley garnish were a fair attempt...until she ate the garnish. Inside, he was grateful there was nothing harmful about parsley.

After cleaning her up - she hadn't waited for him to spoon-feed her, and had gotten a good amount of food all over herself, and knocked the candle off the table onto the dirt floor where it promptly extinguished - he set her back down in the high chair. He knew he wanted to engage her in some sort of activity, something they could enjoy together. So he thought about the things he did normally, to see what he could adapt to playing with a child.

Espionage...not exactly viable. It would need more participants than just himself and Fluttershy. It would also defeat the purpose of trying to become her favorite if he brought any of the others into it.

Knife play...no. The mess she made of breakfast showed plain as day she didn't have the coordination needed to hold a knife, let alone attempt any tricks with one.

Stealth...now that had possibilities. Fluttershy had already proven capable of seeing through all of his cloaking devices: he'd checked. However, she was a little small to play hide and seek with. Besides, she wasn't usually that energetic after eating.

Spy rested his face in his hand as he thought, dragging his hand down over his eyes. As his hand uncovered his eyes, he saw Fluttershy watching in interest. An idea percolated into his mind.

Walking up to Fluttershy, he bent over and covered his face with both hands. "Where's Spy?" he asked. Hearing her curious coo, he uncovered his face. "Here he is!"

Fluttershy squealed, bouncing happily as she clapped her hooves. She then covered her face with her hooves and tiny wings. "Where's Fluttershy?" Spy asked playfully, glancing around as if he'd lost sight of her. He suppressed a chuckle as he caught her peeking in his peripheral vision. When she spread her legs and wings, he swung back to her. "Here she is!" he proclaimed happily.

She squealed happily again, bouncing with pleasure. Once she calmed down, he covered his face again. "Where's Spy?"

They continued this game for some time. Spy knew it was inanely childish, but he was playing with a child, and that made it okay. Besides, her squeals of joy each time he revealed his face made it worth it. And it wasn't like any of the others didn't act just as childish with her.

"Where's Spy?" he asked once again, covering his face. There was no response. Perhaps she was getting tired. "Here he is-" Spy froze. The high chair was empty. "Where is Fluttershy?" he asked, surprised.

He quickly glanced around the kitchen, trying to catch sight of her or any trace she might have left behind. But he could find no trace. He noticed one of the cabinets hanging slightly open, quickly strode over, and pulled it open. "Fluttershy?" he asked, sticking his head in. She wasn't in there.

He repeated this action with every cabinet and pot big enough for Fluttershy to hide in, as well as checking inside the refrigerator. It quickly became apparent that Fluttershy was no longer in the kitchen. Glancing around, he focused all his instincts as a well trained spy to determine where she might have gone. He felt a strange tightness in his back. Spinning around, he proceeded along the path in that direction, keeping his eyes peeled for any sign of Fluttershy.

Part way down the corridor, Spy encountered Engineer. "Yo, Frenchie," Engineer said easily. "What's the hurry?"

"Ah, laborer," Spy replied calmly. "I am simply playing a game with Fluttershy, but she's managed to get ahead of me. Did you perchance see her come this way?" He turned around glancing back the way he'd come.

When he turned back, Engineer was smirking widely. "Yeah, she came this way."

"Thank you, laborer. I will find-catch her soon enough." Turning, he quickly raced down the hallway.

As he reached the next chamber - the resupply chamber - he found Soldier there. Choosing not to interact just yet, he proceeded to glance around, behind, and under the various equipment scattered around the room. Hearing Soldier's sudden guffaw, he spun to face him. "Was there something amusing?" he asked coldly.

Soldier grinned widely. "Playing Hide and Seek?" he asked.

Spy nodded. "Yes. She must take after me, as she is exceptionally skilled."

"Well, I didn't hear her come in, and if she were running ahead of you her hooves would have made a lot of noise," Soldier pointed out. "So how about searching elsewhere out of my way?"

At first Spy was offended, until he noticed Lt. Bites clinging to the underside of a table. Nodding, he left the room, a bit confused about Lt. Bites chittering happily.

Reaching the control point, Spy encountered Heavy and Demoman. Demoman was bent over, clutching his head, while Heavy gently rubbed his back. Spy tilted his head, somewhat confused. "Is something the matter?" he asked.

"Demoman cutting back on drink," Heavy stated.

"Ah," Spy said calmly. "Withdrawal symptoms." He rested a hand on Demoman's shoulder. "Is it bad?"

"Not so bad," Demoman stammered out. "Feels like Fluttershy's crawling all over me, which is kind of nice."

At that, Heavy - who was now somewhat behind Spy - cracked up laughing. Spy spun around. "What is so funny?" he demanded. When Demoman also cracked up, falling on his back, Spy shook his head. "I don't have time for this." Turning, he left.

Passing under the watch tower, he glanced up. "Sniper!" he called up.

Sniper stuck his head out. "What can I do for you, Spy?"

"Is Fluttershy up there?"

Sniper raised an eyebrow. "Why do you ask?"

"I am...playing hide and seek with her, and she is proving a skilled opponent."

Sniper chuckled. "Seems so. But she ain't up here."

Spy nodded. "Thank you anyway," he affirmed, turning to go. He idly wondered what could have caused the normally serious and taciturn Sniper to chuckle like that.

Passing by Medic's lab, he took a glance in. Medic looked up from his Medi-gun as he worked on it. "Looking for Fluttershy?" he asked.

Spy shrugged. "Yes. We're playing Hide and Seek." Despite the assurance in his voice, he was beginning to get worried. If Fluttershy wasn't in here, then she wasn't in the fortress. He turned away, checking if he might have missed anything.

Medic chuckled. "Well, she's not in here. Best check somewhere else."

Spy nodded. "I suppose." He walked towards the kitchen, passing all the locked bedrooms, knowing she couldn't have slipped past the locks.

Back in the kitchen, he found Scout relaxing at the table while Pyro was preparing lunch. He leaned against the table with a sigh. "What's bugging you, Frenchie?" Scout asked.

Spy stared up at Scout, feeling the despair overwhelm him. "I...I've lost Fluttershy!" he finally admitted, turning around to slump into a chair. "We were playing Peekaboo, but she vanished. I've searched the entire fortress for her, but I can't find a trace! She...she must have gone outside..."

"Either that, or she's better at hiding than you," Scout pointed out. Pyro was chuckling at something.

Spy nodded. "It's possible, I suppose," he admitted, trying not to cry. He leaned back to brace himself against the table...and heard a squeak.

Sitting up again, he reached a hand slowly around to his back, and encountered something soft and fluffy.

Fluttershy let go of her hiding place at the small of his back, clutching his hand. When he brought her around to his face, she threw her forelegs and wings upwards with a happy squeak.

"Were you hiding there the entire time?" he asked incredulously. She nodded. "That's...that's..."

"Yo, Spy," Scout spoke up. "Don't be too hard on her. She was just playing-"

"I'm so proud of you!" Spy crowed happily, cuddling Fluttershy. "You held perfectly still and hid flawlessly right under my nose! I can hardly wait until you're ready for actual training!"

As Fluttershy giggled happily and Pyro laughed, Scout could only shake his head.