• Published 29th May 2014
  • 31,747 Views, 3,773 Comments

Fortresshy: The Nine Fathers - Tatsurou

Red team finds a tiny filly in a paper bag. They decide to raise her their way. Hilarity, adorability, and explosions ensue.

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19: BLUtiful Disaster part 3, Party Party Party!

Hearing the alert to indicate that the battle was over, RED team happily carried their little Fluttershy back into the fortress. There was a bit of an argument over who would get to carry her, but Fluttershy settled it by clambering onto Heavy's shoulder, as she was fond of high places. Once Medic healed everyone up, they went eagerly to the intelligence chamber, though Demoman took a detour to pick up two large barrels which he carried in with him. Soldier and Engineer also stopped to grab numerous chairs, while Pyro grabbed a ball and Heavy's pet bird, the Red Army Robin.

Back in the intelligence chamber, Scout came around to stand behind the briefcase as Soldier and Engineer set up the ten chairs they brought. "Looks like we have more to celebrate than we thought," Scout commented jokingly.

"Celebrate?" Fluttershy asked curiously, tilting her head as she glanced around at everyone's grinning faces.

Scout nodded. "Told you I had a surprise for you, remember?" When Fluttershy nodded, he continued. "Well, it's actually all of us who have a surprise for you. I just brought this." He tapped the suitcase. "Thing is, we've been raising you for three years now, and it's changed us all quite a bit. For the better, anyway." He glanced around the table.

Heavy had certainly changed the least. About the only major difference between before Fluttershy and now was he had become more gentle with his teammates, controlling his temper a bit better around them. It wasn't actually a noticeable change over time, only if taken now and then. Having played parent in his past, this was just the latest time.

Scout himself had probably the most noticeable change, having grown a bit. The responsibility of caring for a young filly had impressed itself upon him, and there was a new gravity to his expression and behavior. He seemed to know what he was doing a bit more, and took his responsibilities and role in the team more seriously.

Medic hadn't changed all that much. He took just as much sadistic pleasure in his job, healing the team and tinkering with their insides. That is, unless Fluttershy was in the room with him. Then he went...the only word for it was 'gooey'. He went completely soft, playing with her, his voice gentle as he eagerly looked into her every activity, bandaging her scrapes and even - ignoring all sanitary regulations as per his usual nature - kissing them to make them better. The jarring dichotomy of when he'd go straight from that gentleness to laughing as he sawed bone was more disconcerting than Pyro had ever been.

Soldier's change was easily the most dramatic. Ever since that first day Fluttershy had called him 'Daddy Sir', he had begun to open up. He talked to the other members of the team, listened to what they had to say, and took those things into account. He was still as gruff as he had ever been and bellowed his orders as firmly as ever, but the air as he did so was different. He showed concern for his teammates. He'd even once arranged a "Pet Playdate" where everyone brought their pets to have fun together on a Family Day. Admittedly, he hadn't taken it well when Chompy had tried to eat Lt. Bites, although it had turned out to be a dominance struggle that Bites had won...for now.

Spy's only noticeable change had been a slight decrease in his snark towards his teammates, and even there that was only in front of Fluttershy. Scout had actually overheard Spy confessing to Fluttershy that he only did that because he felt it was a needed goad to keep the team on their toes. "Better a pointed jab from my wits than a stab in the back from my counterpart," he had explained. Scout, much to his own amazement, hadn't said a word about what he'd heard.

Engineer's only noticeable change was that he was banging his head on the walls a lot more often. Sniper also hadn't changed much, having been rather mellow to begin with, only becoming quite protective of Fluttershy.

Demoman and Pyro had changed the most. After forcing himself to dry out completely, he had started drinking again before battle, but in much more controlled amounts. He had discovered self control, and was exerting it. He remained much the same individual as before, but his sense of responsibility for the little filly helped him keep himself in check. Pyro, on the other hand, seemed much happier with his life now...although it was hard to tell, given it was Pyro.

Turning back from his musings, Scout smiled at Fluttershy. "You made us a real family, Fluttershy, and that's part of what we're celebrating. That, and now that we're pretty sure how old you are..." He unsnapped the suitcase. It unfolded and opened out to a flat surface.

A red velvet sheet cake with white, cream cheese icing sat there. On the top was an image in icing of Fluttershy, a yellow winged-pony shape with pink icing for mane and tail, and red icing spelled out, "Happy 5th Birthday, Fluttershy!"

As Fluttershy gasped, Red Army Robin hopped to Soldier's shoulder as he fired the ball from his rocket launcher. The ball ricocheted rapidly around the room, releasing balloons, streamers, and confetti with every impact until the entire room was covered in party decorations. For some reason, Engineer made another head shaped dent in the wall.

Fluttershy gasped happily as the whole team began singing.

"Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Fluttershy
Happy Birthday to you!"

Smiling, Soldier put down ten candles. "For your impressive kill streak for your first battle," he said, lighting the candles.

"I am surprised you so easily told us apart from our counterparts," Spy mentioned, "seeing as we are all but identical."

"No you're not," Fluttershy countered. "They were blue. You're all red."

Engineer chuckled. "That's just our uniform," he said, tugging at his red shirt. "Shows we're all on the same team, see? Like a family."

Fluttershy looked down at herself. "But...I'm not red, I'm yellow. Does that mean I'm not..." Her voice trailed off as her eyes began to water.

"Huddle!" Scout shouted out, and the entire team gathered.

Inside the circle, there was the sound of tearing cloth, several muffled arguments, a comment from Engineer about a "nanotech fiber", and comments about needles. Soon after, Spy turned to Fluttershy. "Close your eyes," he said softly.

Obligingly, she closed her eyes. She felt Spy picking her up and slipping something over her head. "Forelegs," he instructed, and she lifted her forelegs, slipping them through holes in something. She felt fabric settling around her wings comfortably as something that fit like a glove pressed against her barrel. She unfolded and folded her wings, noticing nothing was in the way. Spy then set her down. "You can open your eyes now."

She did so. The first thing she noticed was that everyone but Spy and Pyro had portions of their red uniforms torn off. The second thing she noticed was her reflection in the mirror Engineer was holding. She was wearing a snug fitting red sleeveless uniform shirt that stopped just before her hindquarters.

"There you go," Engineer said with a grin. "Now you're RED, too."

Fluttershy grinned widely. "I love you Daddies! I love you Mama! I love you Big Brother!" She leaped forward to try and hug them all.

Everyone happily returned the embrace. After a time, Heavy spoke up. "Fluttershy...where you learn word 'bitch'?"

"What?" Soldier demanded.

"When she shout down BLUs, she yell about bitch's orders."

Fluttershy smiled widely. "From Big Brother!" she said happily.

Glowering, Engineer pulled out a jar. Soldier labeled it 'Swear Jar', and held it out to Scout.

"You gotta be shitting me!" Scout complained.

"Now it's two, maggot!" Soldier barked. Sighing, Scout dropped some money into the jar.

"What will we use the money for?" Sniper asked.

Soldier shrugged. "Buying presents for Fluttershy, probably."

"Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, tits," Demoman quickly said, dumping a huge handful of cash into the jar, only to get smacked on the back of the head while Engineer facepalmed.

"What do those words mean?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Never mind," Soldier growled. "But blow out the candles before the wax melts onto the cake."

"But remember to make a wish!" Spy points out.

Fluttershy tilts her head. "Wish?" she asked.

"Make a wish in your mind, then blow out the candles," Scout explained. "If you blow them all out in one breath, it'll come true, as long as you don't tell anyone."

Fluttershy nodded, then turned to the candles. She closed her eyes. I wish my family can be together forever, she thought silently before blowing.

The candles all went out easily with her breath.

As everyone applauded, she smiled and clapped her hooves. As Medic began to serve the cake, Demoman broached the two casks. "I think this is a special occasion, and calls for a toast." He handed out mugs of applejack to each of the mercs, and a mug of apple cider to Fluttershy. "To Fluttershy, and the family she made of us!"

"To Fluttershy!" Heavy said happily.

"To Family!" Soldier agreed.

"Cheers!" they all said together, clinking their glasses together.

Hours later, the party had become more relaxed. Fluttershy, after her initial sugar rush that led to Heavy tossing all weapons out of the room and sealing the door, had suffered the expected crash and was now snoozing away, snoring cutely as she wriggled on her back. Everyone had enjoyed their cake, and tossed the rest to Chompy, who had grown from the size of a softball to the size of a beach ball. All the mercs had drank deep of the applejack, and were a little woozy and drunk.

Soldier was the one to break the happy silence. "Futter...Futashy...Fluttershy was amazing out there, wasn't she?"

"Yup," Engineer confirmed. "Course, she didn't have any idea what she was doing."

"She got a 10-man kill streak her first battle," Scout pointed out. "Who cares if she knew what she was doing?"

"Only..." Spy began, gathering his thoughts. Everyone went silent, waiting for him to speak. "If she's that good when she's a complete novice..."

Sniper caught the thought. "What would she be like with proper training?"

Everyone turned that thought over in their minds, the idea of Fluttershy out there, knowing what she was doing, with weapons made for her, studying under their tutelage.

"Dibs!" they all said simultaneously before 8 of them lost consciousness.

Demoman chuckled. "Fuckin' lightweights," he said, dumping another handful of cash into the swear jar.