• Published 29th May 2014
  • 31,748 Views, 3,773 Comments

Fortresshy: The Nine Fathers - Tatsurou

Red team finds a tiny filly in a paper bag. They decide to raise her their way. Hilarity, adorability, and explosions ensue.

  • ...

26: Night of Dark Magics

Merasmus leaned back in his La-Z-Boy in his home, a deep frown on his face. It was once more Halloween, which meant once more his peace and tranquility would be disrupted by rambunctious children. It would either be Trick or Treaters who mistook his frightening behavior for being in 'the spirit of the holiday', or it would be adolescents daring each other to approach the 'creepy old mansion'. He was never very fond of this holiday, as all the effort he went to year round to ensure he was left alone for his studies backfired on him full force. That wasn't the worst of it, though. The worst of it was, if he reacted as he wanted to the interruptions, the various parents would sue him, and win. He'd lost two houses over the past seven years like that.

Then again, that was a better record than what it used to be. It once was he lost a home every six months due to Soldier's meddling. His ex-roommate who never acknowledged being kicked out - or the fact that the shared residence in question no longer existed - was constantly showing up for one reason or another and was completely oblivious to anything Merasmus did to try and chase him off or destroy him. Even when he summoned the hosts from the Bombnomicon, Soldier and his ragtag bunch of crazies greeted it as 'a fun change of pace'.

But for the past seven years, he hadn't heard so much as a peep from Soldier, and had seen neither hide nor helm of him. While at first he had been overjoyed to finally be free of his primary interruption, it didn't take long for him to realize something rather significant. Soldier's near continuous interruptions had been a constant goad to Merasmus to continue his studies, to learn and master as much new as he could before Soldier would arrive and destroy everything again. With no sign of such an interruption, the Magician found he lacked the desire to push himself in his studies, spending more and more time lounging in his chair and snacking, listening to old radio dramas and reading novels. It almost felt as though he were retired, as much as the notion unnerved him.

Though he would never admit it, not even to himself, he found he missed his one time friend.

There was a heavy, official sounding knock on his door. Groaning, Merasmus rose from his chair and stalked to the door. Peering through the peephole, he was surprised to find himself greeted with the face of the very being he had been contemplating. Grinning widely, he through open his door. "So!" he proclaimed, briefly thrown off by the fact that Soldier was dressed up as George Washington in military garb - General Washington, perhaps? - he recovered gamely. "Again you would darken my doorstep-"

"Merasmus," Soldier interrupted, throwing his arm around the Magician's neck and tightening his grip. "We need to talk real quick."

Merasmus stared in shock. Soldier actually sounded serious for once. He nodded, waiting to see what could have caused such a change.

"See that little pony dressed up as a bumblebee?" Soldier asked, pointing.

Merasmus followed his point.

"That's my little girl," Soldier explained. "Our little girl, really, me and the others. This is her very first Halloween, and we want her to enjoy herself. So I immediately thought of bringing her here to introduce her to you, since we're such old friends."

Merasmus growled a bit, but couldn't help but smirk. What a perfect way to get back at Soldier for all these years of-

"Now," Soldier interrupted his thoughts, "she's just a little one, and doesn't fully understand adult interactions. Something you or I might shrug off as a harmless prank she might take personally, and could really hurt her." His grip tightened. "Now I'm sure you wouldn't dream of really hurting someone's feelings like that, especially someone so young, you're a rambunctious sort, so I felt you deserved this warning, since we're such old friends."

Merasmus was suddenly pulled up to meet Soldier's eyes, and he was surprised to find genuine hostility there.

"If you do anything that makes her afraid of this holiday, or hurts her feelings, or makes her afraid to trust the kindness of those who participate - such as giving her harmful candy or anything like that - then I will hang you from a noose of your own entrails, feed you your own still beating heart, use your own dark magic to bind your soul to your skull, and then use it as a chamber pot. Do you understand me?"

Merasmus nodded rapidly. This wasn't the Soldier he had once known. This was an overprotective Papa Bear who had no fear save for his child, and would stop at nothing to protect her where she needed it. There were many things Merasmus would willingly do in the pursuit of magic, or vengeance, or anything else...but right now he would sooner break an oath to Nyarlathotepe than risk Soldier's wrath.

Soldier grinned widely. "Good!" he said, setting Merasmus down and sounding like his old self again. He clapped the magician on his back. "Now, how about you step back inside, and then when she knocks you can open the door and give her some tasty candy. How's that sound?" He then pushed the Scotsman back into his house before slamming the door.

Merasmus struggled to catch his breath as he leaned against the front door. "That was...different," he finally managed to say. Hearing a timid knock on the door, he gathered himself and threw it open, conjuring a lightning flash behind his back, silhouetting himself for effect.

The tiny filly looked up at him, an orange jack-o-lantern candy bucket hanging half full from her mouth. "Twick-o-Tee?" she asked around the handle, looking up at him with huge blue eyes.

Merasmus silently thanked his quasi-immortal state for making him immune to cardiac arrest. "Well, little one," he proclaimed loudly, "are you having a good Halloween?"

"Yessir," she said, setting her bucket down. "It's so much fun!"

He grinned widely. "I am Merasmus, ancient Magician of the Dark Arts! Who might you be?"

"I'm Fluttershy," she replied happily.

Smiling, Merasmus dropped some harmless, non-magical chocolate bars into her bucket. "Is there anything I can do to make your Halloween even more enjoyable?" he asked.

She tilted her head and rubbed her chin in thought. "Well...Daddy Sir says you can summon monsters?" she asked.

"Daddy Sir?" he asked in confusion.

"That's me," Soldier supplied, his voice swelling with love and pride.

Merasmus chuckled. "I suppose I can," he said. "Why don't you all come in, and I'll see what I can do about giving you some monsters to fight."

"Yay!" Fluttershy cried happily, scooping up her bucket and bouncing in, followed by a grinning Soldier.

Seeing that the entire team was there, he let them in one at a time, asking about their costumes as he did so. Seeing far more of Scout than he really wanted to, he guessed, "He-Man?"

Scout grinned widely, holding Eyelander out before him across his body. "I HAVE THE POWAH!" he bellowed.

A groan came from the sword. "You are so paying for talking me into this later, Bomb Boy," it growled at Demoman.

Demoman chuckled. "I gave him all she's got, Captain!" he said jokingly, his Star Fleet uniform crisp and clean, showing no signs of his usual drunkenness.

Merasmus turned to Heavy, seeing him in a pink tutu, wearing the pink unicorn hat, a set of white wings, and an incredibly long rainbow colored wig with matching tail. "And...you are?" he asked.

"I AM PRETTY PONY PRINCESS!" Heavy bellowed, prancing into the house.

Merasmus groaned as he turned to the Medic, pausing at the costume. "I'd be careful if I were you," he said. "I know the vampire lord you're dressed up as, and he doesn't take kindly to pretenders."

"If he shows up," Medic replied, "I will tell him it is a tribute." He calmly walked into the house, his red trench coat sweeping behind him.

Merasmus stared at Engineer's pointy hat, his tattered robes, and his rather noisy makeshift sandals, along with the animatronic trunk behind him. "When did you meet Rincewind?" Merasmus asked.

"When did you?" Engineer replied. After neither answered for a long time, Engineer walked into the house.

"Live long and prosper, mate," Sniper commented as he swept in with his long white robe. The effect was ruined when Merasmus had to pick up one of his pointed ears off the floor.

"Don't let the costume fool you," Spy commented as he walked by. "I'm nobody's henchman."

"Except the filly's, right Oddjob?" Merasmus countered.

"That's different!" Spy insisted primly, much to the amusement of Scout.

Merasmus carefully examined Pyro. He had stuck waving tentacles to the front of his gas mask and taped black wings to his back. "...Cthulu?" Merasmus asked.

Pyro shook his head, pointing to his red suit.

Merasmus thought for a bit. "...RED Cthulu?"

Pyro nodded happily.

"Are those tentacles...alive?" Merasmus asked in horror. Pyro ignored the question as he leapt into the house.

Shaking his head, Merasmus retrieved the Bombnomicon. "So," he said to Fluttershy, "are you ready to face monsters the likes of which you have never seen?"

"Can we play outside?" she asked. "So Chompy can play, too?"

Merasmus blinked. "I suppose we could adjourn to my back yard...but who is Chompy?"

"My doggy!" Fluttershy replied happily.

Merasmus chuckled. "Your doggy can play too." He headed out to his back yard, followed by the entire group. "But why not bring him inside?"

"He wouldn't fit!" Fluttershy pointed out calmly.

Merasmus blinked for a bit, then shook his head. Once outside, he opened the book. "Prepare to face the greatest foes you have ever seen!" he proclaimed, summoning up a host of bomb ghosts which proceeded to attack the team.

Each of the mercs pulled out their weapons as they proceeded to fight back against the spirits, and Fluttershy pulled out her frying pan, whacking the ghosts in the face and knocking them backwards. Merasmus watched in interest at how coordinated the team was with Fluttershy, and around her.

Eventually, however, Fluttershy started to get tired. At that point, Scout spoke up. "Ya know, Shy, Chompy's costume is rather appropriate for this fight."

Grinning widely, Fluttershy let out a shrill whistle.

A massive metal sphere leaped into the yard. Merasmus could see that the chain coming off the back was black, but the sphere itself had been painted yellow. "Waka waka!" it proclaimed as it proceeded to move about the yard, gobbling up the bomb spirits.

"...Pac Man?" Merasmus asked, confused.

"Also the reason I didn't come as Jumpman," Demoman commented. "Every time I came out of my room in the outfit, he charged me. No idea why."

Before long, Chompy had devoured all the bomb spirits. Heavy laughed. "Heavy think Chompy scarier than anything Bomb Mage summon!"

"I seriously doubt that your overgrown beach ball can do anything to truly frighten me," Merasmus replied hotly.

Chompy turned to face Merasmus and licked his lips. Merasmus saw the Chain Chomp's tongue.

An hour later, Soldier finally talked the Magician out from under his bed.

Author's Note:

And now credit for the costumes.

Soldier as General Washington was my idea. I wanted to have him dress as a famous General, what with Fluttershy promoting him last chapter.
I also came up with Medic as Alucard and Engineer as Rincewind, again a result of the hats Fluttershy made for them.
Fluttershy as a Bumblebee was also my idea, found the image on a google image search.

Scout as He-Man was suggested by E3gner.

Heavy as Celestia in a Tutu suggested indirectly by bonamb.

Demoman as Scotty suggested by Indigo Steel.

Sniper as Spock suggested by Leo Archon.

Spy as Oddjob suggested by Skyguy7_13

Pyro as Cthulu - and the method of creating the costume - suggested by Cog Archival.

Chompy as Pac Man was a last minute addition I came up with as I wrote. As was Demoman's Jumpman joke.