• Published 8th Jun 2014
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Moonie shorts [Filly Nightmare Moon] - Eighth

A series of short stories about a filly Nightmare Moon, nicknamed Moonie, and her father figure/guardian Anonymous the human.

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21 Parent Teacher Interviews

Opening the door to the little menace of the night's room, you're greeted by a great mess of toys, clothes, sheets and other miscellaneous items. You roll your eyes and begin to dig through the various mounds.

"Moonie, we're leaving."

You notice in the corner of your eyes, a face peek out from under the pile of pillows before retreating back to safety.

"Dammit Moonie, where are you?" You ask, feigning ignorance while you walk over to the pillow pile.

Then, you suddenly reach into it and feel around until you feel some fur. You grab hold and lift up your prize to your eye level. It's Sir Bearington. You're not so stupid as to let her catch you unaware through this. Moonie leaps out to make a break for the door but you've already had a hand ready to catch her. You latch onto the scruff on the back of her neck.

"Let me go," she demands.

"Come on," you reply as you carry her outside.

You place her on the ground outside before you lock the door.

"Anon, we don't have to do this," she says, trying her best not to sound desperate in her plea.

You don't answer her, you just begin making your way to the school with a stoic face. You're enjoying this. After a few steps, you turn around to see Moonie isn't following.

"You're coming whether you like it or not."

"You dare order me? As your queen-"

"We had a deal, remember? If Cheerilee says you've been good then we'll eat anything you want for dinner this weekend but if she says otherwise, you're getting double chores for the month."

"You don't need me to talk to her," she replies, still trying to wriggle her way out of this.

"Deal is off then," you remark as you start walking to the school once more.

You can hear Moonie being indecisive about her decision before scurrying after you. The walk is silent, she doesn't say a word until you arrive at the school and are about to knock.

"Do you think we can lessen the punishment... Just a little. To like, two days."

"Heh, that was a terrible try," you comment as you knock.

The door swings open and there stands a bright and bubbly Miss Cheerilee.

"Ah, Anon and Moonie, please come right in," she says in a chirpy tone.

She leads you over to her desk and points to the two chairs in front of it. The three of you take your respective seats before Cheerilee clears her throat to speak.

"Right, welcome to the Parent and Teacher meeting. First off, is there anything you'd like to know?"

"Just curious on how Moonie is doing and if she's behaving."

"Oh, Moonie is very well behaved, in fact since she started attending, the class' behaviour has gone up."

You pause. This is something you need a moment to process.

"She's probably scaring them half to death if they annoy her," you mutter under your breath.

"Her grades are a bit above average and she loves art," Cheerilee beams as she browses one of her filing cabinets, "see?"

She place three pieces of paper all depicting Moonie in and Sir Bearington in battle. All three are rather graphic but quite well done. You're not sure how to feel about one in particular; there's two asses beside a golden throne that has Moonie sitting in it while she adorns a royal crown. One ass is white and the other is a dark blue, both are clearly the princesses. You'd recognise the royal booties anywhere.

"Yes... She clearly has a lot of... passion for her work."

"Mhm, aside from the occasional slip up, Moonie is a wonderful student," she states as she gives you a genuine and warming smile.
You feel a little bad about it, but you can't help feel doubt in Cheerilee. Sure, Moonie is as bad as she once was but you've never heard someone speak about Moonie like an angel, she must be either oblivious or blind.

"What kind of slip ups?"

"Nothing major, just things like: there was the time she set Diamond Tiara's tail on fire-"

"She deserved it, she-"

"Don't interrupt," you interject. Moonie then sits down with a pout and her forehooves crossed.

"She once tried to teach the foreign exchange student from Cervidas how to speak R'lyehian."

For that one you need to try holding the need to crack a smile. You're responsible for that considering you read her H.P. Lovecraft as bedtime stories on a regular basis.

"And then there was last week where she tried sacrificing Featherweight to, uh, I think it was something called Gliken?"

You give Moonie a tap on the back of the head and a scowl.

"He made me drop my sandwich when I was hungry," she says like it's a legitimate reason and she's innocent.

"What have I told you about sacrificing people? Plus Lord Glycon isn't going make you sandwiches."

"He might if he had a little more meat offer-"

You interrupt her by giving her a smack on the nose with two fingers. She scrunches up her face and stares at her nose, confused about what just happened.

"Aside from those minor incidents, Moonie is a model student."

Moonie stand up on her hind legs and throws her forehooves into the air as she cheers.

"YES! Cheeto ice cream all day erry day."

"You disgust me," you mutter in response.

"Silence you welp, a deal is a deal."

You give a sigh of defeat, she's technically right after all. Cheerilee just sits there, beaming a happy smile at the two of you. You get the impression that she lets Moonie off the hook with everything but you're not going to argue because you'll look like a sore loser and never hear the end of it. You stand up, say good bye to Cheerilee before leaving.

"Okay so this weekend we will have Cheetos ice cream for dinner both nights, oreos in a bowl of banana and chocolate milk for breakfast and lastly, for lunch, hundreds and thousands mixed with apples in a pie."

Your stomach churns a little at the thought of this weekend's meal plan.

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