• Published 8th Jun 2014
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Moonie shorts [Filly Nightmare Moon] - Eighth

A series of short stories about a filly Nightmare Moon, nicknamed Moonie, and her father figure/guardian Anonymous the human.

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72 Witch Rites

"Remind me what I pay you for?" You remark to Trixie begrudgingly as you start your tie over for the fifth time unable to recall how exactly any one of the twenty ties you can't do go.

"To eat your food and something about magic school," A snarky Trixie says behind a mouthful of food, chunks of whatever she is trying to digest before you kick her out of the kitchen fly out and onto the floor.

"Right," you mumble under your breath, "Moonie, you best be ready by now."

It's the school holidays, and by some magic trickery, Trixie conned her way out of looking over Moonie today.

"Please tell me we are doing something interesting," Mumbles Moonie moodily.

Her mane lacks its usual flowing glow and luster as suitcases hang from under her eyes as if to loudly boast of the late night she had. It's any wonder what she was up to, though it likely involves some kind of mischief.

"Well, at some point today we'll need to venture into the Everfree."

Moonie's eyes bulge in excitement, leaving the rest of her face in its sleep deprived annoyance.


Her voice lacks any emotion that isn't excitement. In fact, it's not hard to see her heart thrashing in its cage wildly and her eyes almost run all her crazy imaginations like a slideshow across themselves.

"There's an old witch up there. I need to check in on her, get a few things signed, and whatnot."


You furrow your brow as you experience a brief episode of anger resurging by recalling all the times she has asked why to the point of breaking.

"Because she has asked for a few permits for a few things but can't make the trip."

"Oh," a dejected Moonie replies, "I was hoping for something cool. Like she unleashed a demon and started consuming things. Or a bad batch of potions. Maybe a curse has thrown the town into an endless slumber."

"What exactly do you think a mayor does?"

"Valiant defender and guardian of the realm with a lot of paperwork to do," she lies.

"Hmm... You're half right."

You begin walking towards the office but Moonie's many questions on the witch, usually circling around when, causes change course to head into the Everfree Forest.

As always, the woods are covered in plant life that likely have minds on their own. Trees grow anywhere that isn't the pathway; vines, moss, and varieties of fungi grow on the trees all the while bushes and other shrubbery grow in between.
Little shapes and shadows leap across the corners of your eyes. And it feels like eyes are looking back from beyond the dark every time you look into it. But none of this phases you. Moonie, however, is loudly yelling about all the monsters you may happen across in the forest.

"And there are meant to be hydra here too. Great big things, with lots of heads. Legend goes, if you cut one off then two more take its place. I bet the one here has, like, a thousand heads.

"You know when we get to this mare's house. I want you on your best behaviour."

"What could I possibly do?" She says, feigning being wounded.

"I'm not giving you ideas."

"Does she live near Zecora?"

"No, otherwise we'd be on the main track."

"Huh, I thought this was smaller. How come they don't live near each other? If they're both witches. Oh! Do you think witches have turf wars?"

You screw your nose up at Moonie, "Turf wars? No. And don't let Zecora hear you call her a witch."


"She used to cop that title a lot when she first lived here. And enchantress, as well as a few others. I'm pretty sure shaman is the union-prefered term. So you call her a that or by her name, got it?"

"What do you think she'd do if I called her a witch?"

"If she was in a bad mood?"

The two of you meet eyes and shudder as you repress every thought that just appeared.

"Is that the place?" Moonie shrieks as you arrive at the shabby little shack.

You nod so Moonie scampers off to be the first to knock. As you look over the joint, you remark how out of place it seems in the forrest. In a strange way, it was like the house was made elsewhere, for another forest, but just got up and walked here. You shake your head as you arrive at the doorstep, just in time for the witch to open up.

"Ah, Mr Mayor. I've was expecting you later in the afternoon," the elderly mare states in her low gravely voice.

"Uh, Mayor is the title, my name is Anonymous and I am sorry about all this. I had to," you pause for a moment and glance down at Moonie who is giddily bouncing on the spot, "Move my schedule around a bit today. Is it a bad time?"

"Not at all. I had a feeling you'd be the early type. Do come in."

She leads you into a little sitting area and remarkably, the house which seems bigger on the inside, is also big enough to accommodate your size. While you could have sworn on the outside the shack was unusually small, you're able to stand straight and still have leagues of room between your head and the exposed roof joists.

"Hm, that explains it," mumbles the witch.

"Explains what?"

"Hm? Oh," she replies, seemingly taking in Moonie's presence for the first time, "Just noting about the thing with the name Mayor. Your friend here looks nothing like the old Mayor."

"Mrs Applefire, this is Moonie. My adoptive daughter. And Moonie, this is Eskarina Applefire. Behave or she will turn you into a newt."

Mrs Applefire chuckles forebodingly as she eyes Moonie who just looks back in wonder and daring. Daring her to do it. While Mrs Applefire is an elderly unicorn there was still a beauty to her. Her light purple coat was smooth though worn, while it was partially in a net you could still see her fire red mane flowed into its golden yellow tips, and she had a bit of makeup on around the eyes.

"Where is your hat?" brazenly asks Moonie.

"My hat?"

"Yeah, your witching hat. Every witch needs one, how else would you know they're a witch?"

Mrs Applefire smiles fondly, "I left it in the scullery, let me go get it and while I'm at it I'll fetch us some tea."

Moonie beams up at you.


"It's not what you think," you hastily reply. But it's too late.

Moonie darts off after Mrs Applefire to sneak a peek into the mare's scullery only to return in a defeated slump. She sags into her chair and begins to pout. There's a hanging silence before Mrs Applefire returns, donning her witch hat, with the tea floating above her. She passes you your cup and sits opposite you then wastes no time going into business. You hand a few forms for her to sign and make sure she understands what she is agreeing too. It's all boring mayor stuff so Moonie just rolls about on her seat.

"Well, thank you for coming out all this way," Mrs Applefire cheerfully comments.

"Not a problem, I was in the neighbourhood anyway."

Mrs Applefire laughs then turns to Moonie, "I 'spose you have some questions for me."

This perks Moonie right up and sends her firing off a barrage of questions. Any normal creature would be thrown off, but Mrs Applefire stayed calmed and answered them all just as quickly.

"Do witches have turf wars?"

"Used to. We have a rule now, one witch per region."

"Can you actually turn people into a newt?"


"Do you take apprentices?"

Now you seize the moment and pull Moonie out the door.

"Well, we best be off," you state nervously.

"Fair enough. Oh, one last thing. Could you deliver this to Mrs Cake. Tell her it's the 'Mr. Once-A-Fortnight' potion she asked for?"

"What's it do?" Moonie innocently asks.

"We don't need to know. That's private. Come on," you say hastily, pushing Moonie along.

"Farewell, you two," Mrs Applefire waves with a warming smile.

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