• Published 8th Jun 2014
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Moonie shorts [Filly Nightmare Moon] - Eighth

A series of short stories about a filly Nightmare Moon, nicknamed Moonie, and her father figure/guardian Anonymous the human.

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98 Mrs Evil McSinisterson

"Rarity?" You call out as you knock for the second time then exchange a shrug with Moonie.

It's not quite closing time for Carousel Boutique but last you heard, she was busy with something. Pinkie would probably do the decorations if you asked with her party cannon or something but you'd feel bad dragging her onto a second job when it's such short notice. Besides, Rarity lives for this kind of thing.

"Maybe she isn't--" Moonie moves to mention when the door unlocks and slides open a touch.

"Anonymous? Moonie?"

"Hey, is it a bad time?"

Rarity seems to ponder this for a moment then shakes her head and opens the door for the two of you to enter. Clothes and fabrics are strewn across the boutique. In the centre of the room is a chair surrounded by ponnequins with colourful fabrics draped over them.

"Brainstorming?" Moonie asks as she stands atop the centre chair and whirls around.

"Yes, I've got a fashion show coming up soon and I'm trying to come up with a few last minute ideas."

"Ah, well, we shouldn't be bothering you then," you hastily say before trying to collect the spinning filly and hope that Pinkie is up to the extra job.

"We can at least ask her."

"Ask me what?"

You hesitate as a creeping sense of guilt overcomes you. Rarity's hair is a mess and the accessories like her glasses, pencil behind the ear, and tape measure around the neck really sell the 'work-mode' aura. But Moonie either doesn't take note of these details or simply doesn't care.

"Cheerilee needs a decorator for the school fundraiser."

"Oh, yes. I've got a few bits for--Wait, isn't that tomorrow?"

Moonie nods and Rarity glares at you. Instantly you hands shoot up in surrender.

"Woah, she's usually not this bad at organising and besides this is just a school thing."

"It's a public school," Rarity snaps back.

"And the event is one she announced and organised."

"Well, obviously she didn't do that last part."

"I know. And you're busy--"

A long and heavy sigh flows from Rarity's lips before she looks at you with determination.

"I'll do it."

You look around at the messy workshop and think about how normally clean the place is. Everything in its place. The last time it was this messy, that you knew of, was when Rarity had a big order of dresses to make for the Gala. You remember hearing about her still working on her own dress on the train ride up there thanks to the tight deadline.

"You sure about that?" Scepticism etched deeply into the lines of your face.

"Yes. It's kind of needed. This way I'll still be creating but it's something small, easy, and not... Well."

She gestures to the room around you and you nod. Feeling a sympathetic understanding at being so overworked that you just need to slow the pace on something easy so as not to break the flow but also to get some kind of a break.

"But I'll need you to get a few things from the store from me. Oh, darling, there's that new UltiMart that opened up. I've heard they're cheaper than every pony else. Go there," hastily commands Rarity as she shoves a few bits into your hand.

"There's enough ponnequins here to make a double pentagram," Moonie suddenly utters in a very monotone voice while looking at you with a smile.

Rarity looks practically panicked at Moonie's wide-eyed and unflinching stare. The smile large and stiff to add to the creepy factor the filly is going for.

"Quit it," you reply deadpan.

"I got her though," Moonie mentions before proudly walking out.

"I don't know how you can cope with that sort of thing regularly."

You shrug.

"It's kind of funny at times."

"Ah," Rarity says, as if finally understanding a puzzle that has long since plagued her, "So, she gets it from you."

"I've never done anything creepy like that."

"Yes, but you just said it amuses you so of course she'd still find ways to terrorise the townsfolk."

Her words give you pause as you weigh what she said with your memories. Then as you open your mouth to retort, though unsure of what exactly you would say, Rarity closes the door.

"When did she push me out?"

"Can we buy candy?" states Moonie from beside you, ignoring what you said and events completely.


"I want sour watermelon," she protests.

"Only if you behave."

Moonie skips with glee as the two of you walk toward UltiMart. You recall the mare who owns the place from when she came in to get permits signed. She wanted a lot of land. But then again she was building a supermarket. Although the name was a little odd but you kind of pushed it aside to think about later once your workload did what it always did. Multiplied.

The doors slide open thanks to two rather bulky stallions at either side.

"Ooo! Sliding door minions? Now that is--"

Moonie stops in an instant. Her face hardens with an intense curiosity as she sniffs the air. You watch her for a moment as she seems to be doing some kind of bloodhound routine then look around. The customers are all Ponyville residents so once people get their usual glance out of the way, they carry on with their day. Moonie's antics being so varied and numerous that you doubt there are many ponies around that aren't used to it. Were this Canterlot or literally anywhere else, you might risk dying of embarrassment. Or a busted gut. Depends on everyone else's reactions usually.

"Huh. They do a bit of everything." You say aloud to nobody in particular.

The store is almost like a warehouse and large signs hang from the roof to indicate what area has what. And it seems that everything from food to hardware tools could be found here. Thankfully, in front of you is a sign with a map and below that are a few little smaller paper maps.

"Party supplies are up by wagon and carriage parts it--What are you doing?" You finally cave in and ask.

Moonie's nose sniffs the ground and few more times as she walks in circles then stops and points off into the distance of a seemingly random direction.

"I smell evil."

"You can bathe tonight then."

"Fool! Not me," booms Moonie.

And something about the cadence in her voice catches your notice. You look off to where she is pointing but don't notice any one or thing that way. So with a hesitant shrug, you turn away and walk toward party supplies.

"Come on."

There's a moment's hesitation in her before she follows and you find this kind of behaviour very strange, even for Moonie. You wander through the tall shelves, fearing the place could have easily turned into a labyrinth were if not for your trusty map. The ordering system seems chaotic and if there is any pattern, you haven't got the faintest clue on what it is. In one long isle you pass by hair product, chairs, and books before turning down to the isle you were looking for.

"Mayor Anonymous?" Calls out a sultry yet unfamiliar voice from behind you.

You spin around with arms full of party supplies to a dark purple mare with dark rings around her dark magenta eyes and a black coat. A dark black trench-coat with a very high collar. It takes you a moment before you remember who she is and where you know her from.

"Moonie this is Mrs Evil McSinisterson, the owner of UltiMart. Mrs Evil McSinisterson this is Moonie, my adoptive child."

Mrs Evil McSinisterson smiles warmly at the two of you while you give her an expectant look. A typical reply you've come to expect when you introduce Moonie like that never comes and you stare down at her. It's normally now that Moonie says, with an overly dramatic tone of shock, something along the lines of, 'What do you mean I'm adopted?' Instead you find Moonie sniffing the air much to Mrs Evil McSinisterson's discomfort.

"I smell the evil on you," Moonie eerily mumbles.

"Nightmare Moon!" you bark in a softened level.

"Nightmare Moon? Oh," Mrs Evil McSinisterson exclaims with suppressed surprise, "What a lovely... Unique child you are."

It's clear that Mrs Evil McSinisterson is trying to be polite about it but is very much on edge. And something about Moonie's stance puts you in mind of a chihuahua that's poised to attack. Just without the endless yapping.

"Is she, um... Always like this?"

The smile on the mare's face seems to be cracking slightly as Moonie takes a single step forward, causing Mrs Evil McSinisterson to back up a little.

"Sorry about this," you force a laugh in hopes to ease the tension Moonie is creating to little or no effect, "She's been with me for so long that I forget how odd she can be. Moonie, stop."

Your authoritative tone seems to break through to Moonie for a moment. She stops and look back toward you, with a raised brow. Her body relaxes but the intensity in her eyes return to burn holes into Mrs Evil McSinisterson. This lapse seems to make Mrs Evil McSinisterson smile for some reason. Her body relaxes too and stretched taller in a more confident pose.

"Everyone in town is pretty much used to her at this point," you add with a chuckle.

Mrs Evil McSinisterson also laughs though her's is lower and has an edge to it.

"Then I'm sure than I'll get used to you in no time. I'm looking forward to being good friends, Miss Moonie."

Moonie's head turns towards you though her eyes continue to start at Mrs Evil McSinisterson.

"That is textbook villain talk."

"Cut it out."

This seems to sour Moonie's mood and she grumbles under her breath while Mrs Evil McSinisterson grins devilishly. And with that odd and foreboding introduction, you quickly pay for everything then leave with Moonie in tow.

The second you're out of the store and the doors are closed, Moonie pipes up.

"She's evil. I mean, come on. 'Mrs Evil McSinisterson'? That is the most obvious villain name ever. She literally has EVIL in it so it's practically a title. There's nothing clever about it either."

"Yeah, I was going to look into after I first met her."

"She could have at least tried an anagram, make us guess." Interrupts Moonie, "The quality of villains is just lazy nowadays."

"Are you really giving me a 'back-in-my-day' type speech?"

"WELL IT WAS! Anyway, more importantly, if you thought she was suspicious when you met her, why didn't you look into it?"

"I was... busy," you reply, feeling slightly ashamed of such an excuse at a time like this.

"How is it that every adult is always busy when they didn't do anything? I was never allowed to use that when I didn't do homework."

"Trust me, you'll understand how when you grow up and get a job."

"Ugh, I don't want one--" Moonie comes to a complete halt, kicking up dust then practically screeches, "WE FORGOT MY SOUR WATERMELON CANDY! GO BACK!"

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