• Published 8th Jun 2014
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Moonie shorts [Filly Nightmare Moon] - Eighth

A series of short stories about a filly Nightmare Moon, nicknamed Moonie, and her father figure/guardian Anonymous the human.

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54 Moonie's BFF Forever Trixie

“Wake up,” bellows a voice as a pillow bashes you awake, “We’re under attack!”

You jolt upright to catch both Moonie and Trixie adorning pirate outfits with cardboard swords held in magic as they stand atop your bed. Moonie naturally has the captain’s cap and a sleek blue coat while Trixie has an eye patch and cloth rags to make a tunic.

“What the—What are you two doing?”

“They’ve begun firing,” Moonie shouts as she starts ducking and weaving.

Trixie sees and timidly tries to imitate a few times but stops when she catches your stares.

“Not a word to any pony,” she harshly whispers.

While you make a mental note to find out how Moonie got her to agree to this, you decide the shower is where you’d like to head next. So you grab the blanket firmly and give it a mighty pull as you stand up.

“Captain overboard,” you shout as the two mares tumble onto the floor.

You tiredly fumble into your bathroom to brush your teeth. Moonie however isn’t about to give up her little game, so she darts in under your legs and calls out to Trixie. She bashfully walks in, avoiding eye contact as Moonie begins scaling you like a cat climbing a tree. You’re far too tired to make any movement let alone protest so you allow her to do her thing. Once she climbs up to your shoulder she looks out and surveys the bathroom.

“First Mare Trixie, get up here.”

“I… Trixie is not doing that,” she protests.

“Do ye want to walk the plank?”

She rolls her eyes and mutters under her breathe while Moonie looks at you impatiently. You shoot her an unimpressed look as you continue to brush but Moonie just beams back. Then just as Moonie commanded, Trixie begins trying to scale you. Normally when Moonie scales you, you shift your weight and lean to allow her an easier climb but you’re a little less than twice Trixie’s size. If she climbs up, you’d all likely take a tumble because you’re too tired to support that weight. So you don’t.

“This is harder than it looks,” Trixie pants as she reaches waist height before she falls, her ass making a loud thump as it hits tile.

“You’re the sorriest excuse for a first mare I ever saw, ya land lubber.”

You spit out the toothpaste.

“Ew, Anon, I’m right here.”

“Get out,” you flatly reply as you place her on the ground then shoo the two away.

Once they’re out, you hastily shut the door and lock it before you take that shower.

While you’re scrubbing down your bod, you can hear Moonie running amuck with the occasional shout of protest from Trixie. It doesn’t take long so you dry yourself off and get dressed for work. On the way out the door you notice the two slide past the hallway in what looked like Moonie in a knight’s armour and Trixie in a strange green monster costume. You have no idea where they’re getting these but with Nightmare Night coming up soon, you figure that side of things will be sorted.

You’re the first one to work so you open up, turn on the kettle for when the Mayor arrives and lay out some paperwork you’ve got to do today. Before long Mayor Mare steps in, her hair is a mess and there are suitcases hanging from her eyes.

“Morning,” you cheerily call out.

You’ve had time to wake up, plus the morning shower helped. Mayor Mare looks like you felt when your ‘wake up call’ went off.

“Good Morning Anonymous,” Mayor Mare yawns.

“Sleep much?”

“Full eight hours, and I still feel as dreary as if I got none.”

“Kettle is on, go make yourself a cup.”

“Thanks, you’re a dear Anon.”

“No problem.”

You file through your office draws for a form you need to copy and mail out when Mayor Mare steps in sipping away with a comforting smile.

“Ah, much better… So, how goes it at home? The two terrors are getting along, I hope?”

“Yeah, surprisingly well. Trixie isn’t as bad as what a few ponies were telling me.”

“Well, she’s not as bad as she once was. She has been here three times now. The first time she was here, she was just a braggart. Showing off her magic, boasting that she was better than any pony at anything. She made a fool of many stallions and mares before Twilight put her in her place.”

“That sounds like her. And the second time?”

Mayor Mare sighs and takes a deep drink before speaking, “When she was here last, she had this magic that made her as powerful as an alicorn. It was frightening seeing some of the things she could do, and she had total control over Ponyville. She even cast a shielding bubble over it, so none could leave or enter.”

“Yeah she told me about all that.”

“And you’re okay with that?” a concerned Mayor looks at you with a raised brow before she shakes her head, “Right. Look who I’m talking to. It wouldn’t surprise me if you suddenly invited Queen Chrysalis over for dinner one night.”
You shrug which elicits a small chuckle from the mare.

“And the third?”

“Well, she came here to apologise and even put on a show. It wasn’t too bad really, there was this death defying stunt she pulled that really wowed the crowd but it wasn’t enough for some ponies after what happened with her wagon.”


“I’m sure every pony will come around one day. They just need time. Plus, with her under your roof, folks will come to adore her in no time.”

You can't help but broadly smile at that. You know Moonie is a long way from where she used to be, but it’s nice to hear someone else mention that.

The rest of the work day is rather uneventful for you. A few forms, small talk with Mayor Mare and a few townsfolk, and watching the clock. The walk home however is much more eventful.

“Trixie,” you greet, stifling any and all laughter.



She nods, “And Trixie would appreciate you not mentioning this ever again.”

“You’ve got to tell me what she has over you.”

“It’s… Trixie’s show. She says she won’t do it unless I listen to everything she says for an entire day.”

“That’s harsh. But, at least I get to see you like this.”

Trixie blushes while you admire the insanely pink dress she’s in. It’s like one of those ballroom gowns, the skirt is large and frilly and lacy and pink. Everything is pink. God, you cannot get over how pink this thing is.

“How silly does Trixie look in this?” She murmurs.

“Not at all, just out of place. And pink.”

“It’s so pink.”

“That’s an understatement. Never let Pinkie Pie near that thing, please.”

“Trixie intends to burn it later,” she violently grimaces.

“Good. No mare should have THAT much pink.”
Trixie chuckles slightly and takes a deep breath as she quickens her pace. You follow suit until you both get home.


“What,” she replies as she bursts up from between the couch cushions, Sir Bearington in tow.

“How goes the preparations for Trixie’s show? I can go over some of those tricks with you if you want before I have to start dinner.”

“Uh, I’m not sure if I’m doing that.”

“Why?” You ask, feigning ignorance.

“Stage fright.”

“I recall that school recital where you had the exact opposite of stage fright.”

“I got it from that. It was such a traumatic—Trixie told you, didn’t she?”

“Told me what?”

“What? I mean… Look at what she’s wearing, you didn’t question her for that?”

“She said she lost a bet,” you lie with as much conviction as possible.

Moonie eyes you, then Trixie. When she turns back to you, you notice she’s begun to worry.

“What’s going on?” You sternly ask.

“Nothing,” states Moonie, avoiding all eye contact.

“Out with it. Now.”

“UGH! I was… More or less, kind of but not really… blackmailing Trixie.”

“Explain,” you reply deadpan.

“I said if she didn’t do everything I told her to then I wouldn’t do it. I’m sorry Trixie. I have a pudding in the fridge, it’s yours.” Moonie hastily answers, then pauses as she waits for you to say something. You don’t and eventually the silence gets to her so she nervously starts up again, “I apologised, and made up for it! You’re not allowed to tell me off any more.”

“Oh, yes I am.”

Moonie sits and hangs her head, ready for a lecture or punishment.

“You’re going to do the show, and if you don’t do it properly then remember there will be a large crowd who will hear me cheering on my ‘missy moonie-smoochie-kins.’ Maybe even some of your friends will get an invite.”

Moonie’s eyes widen at the horror and you can hear Trixie dry retching as she fumbles her way out of the dress.

“Why? You’ve never even called me that before.” Moonie whispers.

“No one else knows that,” you slyly smile.

“Trixie, practice starts tomorrow.”

Moonie turns rapidly and retreats into her room. You turn back to Trixie who nods at you.

“How long did it take you to control her? Her wrath must have been havoc at first. Not even the great and powerful Trixie would be a match.”

“She had to control it herself. She couldn’t act out too badly otherwise the Princesses would hear about it but she did cause a world of mischief. So I get to tease her all I want. In the name of good.”

“Trixie would love to hear the story sometime.”

As you head into the kitchen, you pause from the thought then say, “Sure, sometime.”

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