• Published 8th Jun 2014
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Moonie shorts [Filly Nightmare Moon] - Eighth

A series of short stories about a filly Nightmare Moon, nicknamed Moonie, and her father figure/guardian Anonymous the human.

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95 Fate Conspires

"Wait. Who fixed what?" You ask the doorway Moonie was standing in a moment ago where she yelled an incomplete sentence before zipping off.

"Trixie has fixed the cauldron," she returns to roll her eyes at you.

"It broke?"

"She couldn't use it to look back an the other world's history, remember?"

"And she can now?" You ask getting excited.

You grab a couple bags of chips then the two of you dart off immediately to burst into Trixie's wagon.

"TRIXIE WANTS--" shrieks Trixie before you cut her off by shoving a bag into her mouth.

Then the three of you huddle around the cauldron as Trixie looms over the cauldron to tune it in.

"So, obviously we're going to find out how big me gets stuck with snot-nose Anon, right?"

Trixie nods.

"I wonder what unspeakable evil she must have done," Moonie grins, "To be dealt such an unbearable punishment."

"I doubt she did anything."

Moonie looks up, a curious brow raised.

"She seemed like a bit of a softie to me."

Moonie's face goes red, likely a mix of embarrassment and anger, then tries to shout but can't seem to work out what she wants to say. All she manages to splutter is various indignant noises. You smile at her, having done what you set out to do. While she does seem a softie compared to what you've heard she used to be like, tyrannical dictator after all, you doubt that wasn't the reason. Likely Moonie is closer to the mark but it's just one of Celestia's reform tactics she does.


She looks up with a mouth coated in chip salt.


"What do you reckon?"

She shrugs, "Trixie isn't even sure how you two ended up together."

"I still haven't told you that story yet?"

"Oh, I've still not told you that story?"

"No. And you promised Trixie you would."

"Okay, well sometime after this I will."

Trixie rolls her eyes, not believing a word of it then finishes her final element of her magic and is able to finally weave into another world.

Adult Nightmare Moon is skulking around Canterlot Castle at night. She takes a few steps then stops at a window to look up into the stars to mumble something unintelligible.

"What's up?" squeaks a chipper little human.

Nightmare Moon looks down and then growls, flashing her pearly white and razor sharp teeth widely at him.

"Why are you in such a bad mood?" he asks, seeming to be completely unfazed by the horror show in front of him.

"Leave mortal creature. Lest I swallow you whole."

"Princess Celestia says when I'm in a bad mood I should talk about it," kid Anon adds before sitting beside Nightmare Moon.

"You're not scared?"


There's a bit of silence in those wide marbled halls as Nightmare Moon seems to appraise the child beside her for a while. Then once she seems to reach some conclusion in her head, she rolls her eyes and nudges him to his feet.

"Come on, where is your room?"

Anon tells her and the two quietly walk through the halls. Once there, she shoves Anon in and closes the door behind her. Only, Nightmare is barely down before Anon appears beside her again.

"What?" she looks back to see the door was silently left open.

"I'm Anon. Short for Anonymous cause nobody knows where I'm from. Huh, that kinda rhymes. I'm Anon and nobody knows where I'm from. Anon, I don't where where I'm from," chirps Anonymous.

"I don't care."

"Hi 'I don't care.' That's an odd name," he giggles.

"It's actually Nightmare Moon," she hisses back, 'Now go to bed."

"I'm not tired."

Nightmare Moon grips him by the back of the collar with her magic, lifts him into the air much to Anon's delighted squeals, and plunks him back down into bed.

"Sleep. It appears that is what the night must be for."

Nightmare Moon's tone is bitter and icy, none is directed at Anon as her eyes seem to glaze back to some place else.

"Night time is the best time to explore though."


"Yeah, everyone else is asleep so I can do what I want."

"Not everyone. There are many guards patrolling for little trouble makers like you."

"They've never caught me before," the kid grins mischievously.

Nightmare Moon tries to contain the smile on her face and does a good job of it after a second. It's hard to tell if Anon noticed the brief flash of a grin as he seems almost lost in his own world.

"I'm thirsty."

"Fine," Nightmare grunts, "You stay here, I'll get you something."

And with a huff and a puff, Nightmare Moon blusters off to the kitchen. The halls are as empty as they always are. Nightmare Moon thinks about the guards, namely about how she herself never sees them. Though in her case, it's likely they all avoid her. Which is fine. She'd rather be left alone anyway.

Once Nightmare Moon arrives into the kitchen, she steps up the fridge and stops. Then she looks down beside her to find Anon smiling up at her.

"I thought I told you to stay put."

"You did."

There's a pause.

"Why didn't you?"

"Cause I'm thirsty now," Anon replies matter-of-factly as if it's clear as day.

Then Anon grabs a nearby wooden chair and begins to slide it over. The legs grip onto the floor to make an awful screeching noise as they slide.


He stops then when Nightmare says nothing more, Anon starts pushing again.

"Look, just--Ugh!" Nightmare Moon lifts the chair with her magic and brings it over to a nearby bench.

"But I want to sit there," Anon protests with the kind of whine only a really annoying child can muster.

With another heave of magic, the chair is over where he wanted it.


"I could have just sat there if it's such a bother."

Teeth mash and grind together in Nightmare's mouth while an eyeball twitches. But that fades away the second Anon snickers, letting her catch onto what is going on.

"Funny," comments Nightmare as she fills a glass with water then puts it in front of Anon, "Drink then bed."


"No more getting out of bed. No more trouble. No more following me. Just sleep."

"I said okay."

"And I don't believe you."

He laughs into his drink, blowing little bubbles, "You catch on quicker than Celestia."

Internally, Nightmare cheers herself on. The cheering going from just one little version of herself clapping before multiplying into an amphitheatre full of Nightmare Moons clapping and cheering a singular Nightmare Moon at the centre. That one bows and revels in all the praise as roses are thrown at her hooves. Externally she is calm and composed, refusing to give any hint she is riding that little comment all the way into superior smugness.

Once Anon has has his drink, the two walk back to his room where Nightmare tucks him in. She uses her magic to get it very tight but once Anon rolls onto his side, the blanket comes undone. But she didn't need to worry as the kid softly yawns and seems content to finally stay in bed.

It's breakfast, the next day. Princess Celestia and Luna sit at the head of the table. On one side is Anon, eating some cereal and happily humming to himself and on the other is Nightmare Moon who is grumpily glaring at anyone who looks her way. Then down the rest of the table is various noble stallions and mares, though there is a three seat gap between Nightmare Moon and the most terrified stallion.

Anon looks up at Nightmare Moon who glares at him so he smiles back.

"I want him seated somewhere else."

Celestia and Luna seem to perk up at this, even exchanging curious looks.

"Who?" Luna asks.

"Anon. The child."

"You... Know his name?"

"What is so strange about that?"

"He has been here for months and this is the first time you've acknowledged his existence," Luna replies, an angry snappish tone hidden under the overall regal politeness her manner suggests.

"We met last night," mentions Anon.

"Really?" the sisters say in unison with an almost identical smile.

"You weren't scared of her, were you Anonymous?" Luna prods, her grin growing all the more.

"Nah, it's funny when she tries to be scary."

"Oh," Celestia gives a sideways smirk to Moonie, "So, you don't find Miss Nightmare Moon scary at all?"

Little Anon shakes his head.

"Then how would you describe her?"

Celestia's grin seems to grow as she watches Anon mull over his reply. Every second seems to stretch it a little bit more as if she knows what's coming. Even her quick glances at Nightmare Moon give that away.

"Um, silly, or... maybe cute."

Nightmare Moon's eyes shrink to the barest of pin-pricks before enlarging with a furious rage. Clouds begin to swell overhead and the crackling of thunder can be heard outside.

"What?" snarls Nightmare Moon as lightning flashes beyond the nearest window, reflecting off her razor sharp teeth.

The whole scene terrifies the nearby ponies. A few even duck under the table. Luna only now gives a cautious look to her sister who returns it as they both wonder if Celestia pushed too far. It's hard to tell where Nightmare Moon's short fuse ends after all.

Nightmare's nose pushes against Anon's as she growls at him.

"Hello Nightie," Anon grins, deliberately oblivious to Nightmare's temper.

"I am the night incarnate born beyond entropy. All your and every pony's nightmares made corporeal is my form. The power I wield is the moon's fury. Fear me!"

Anon muffles a snicker before letting out a very poor wail of fear which brighten's Nightmare's face up. Though you're not sure if she knows he is clearly pretending or not.

"The end hath come for you, Anonymous the human child," she cackles loudly.

Anon giggles a little and then scurries to his feet to run off. As he runs through the halls a mix of shrieks and giggles can be heard while Nightmare Moon gives chase, cackling all the while.


"Sister, I know what you're thinking." Luna remarks as she steps beside Celestia.

"Can you blame me?"

"They do seem a... an odd match."

"They're both very odd," Celestia adds with a nod, "She'll protest every moment though."

"Maybe outwardly, but it appears to us that she has taken a shine to him."

"I think you're right, sister."

"Dibs on the declaration," Luna beams wryly.

Celestia scoffs irritably at having not seeing that coming and on missing out. Nightmare Moon's face is going to be priceless.

"By all that is evil, kid you is intolerable."

"That's the pot calling the kettle black," you reply in your best sing-song imitation of kid you.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Moonie barks back.

"Get out! Both of you," Bellows Trixie.

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