• Published 19th Jun 2014
  • 430 Views, 3 Comments

Sparkling Field Research: RotE Episode 10 - Dream Volt

Twilight fights the Smooze, vistis Asgard, deals with Luna and the Queen of bat ponies arguing, and most terrifying of all, an old earth pony.

  • ...

It's (a little bit) worse

The end of yesterday put me in a good mood. Sleipnir had time for some more instruction putting me in a better one. I felt like I had a much better understanding of the underlying principals of advanced air magic. Of course to actually cast anything new I needed a better understanding of the basics which Sleipnir tried to explain, but he used such vague terms it was mostly useless. Still, I think I can figure this out. Finally I had the rest of the day alone since both Blossomforth and Sweetsong found something to do. Blossom talking to the valkyries about martial topics, and Song some local bards. Spike had been helping earlier, but now he was napping.

"Wow, you take a long time to read one page."

I felt my eye twitch. However then a certain floating poofy haired mare with a strange crown showed up. The reason I had been so slow is Lockie kept distracting me. Mostly with talking, but she had also dropped food on me a few times, and physically accosted me in various manners. The licking was sort of nice, though disturbing when taking it in context, and I was worried she might try something even more extreme, but thankfully she never did, and mostly it's just random unwanted massages. Though why she choose some areas is utterly mystifying. While the back of my knee is not entirely insensate, there doesn't seem to be any point to it, even an unwanted point.

"Can't you just go bother somepony else."

There was a short period of silence and she stopped brushing my mane with the sprig of celery. I have the feeling I just made a terrible mistake. Suddenly she was in front of me, that horrible smile on her face. She then clapped her hooves together.

"Oh that's a wonderful idea. I mean you react surprisingly little to me but I bet one of your friends can be far more interesting."

"What?" I then felt my ears fold back. "No, you can't do that."

"Of course I can. I can do lots of things." She then put a hoof to chin. "But the question is who to pick."

"No, I mean…" Then I sighed. "There's no point, different reasons, but the same idea. I can't talk you out of it, and you won't even listen."

"Oh no, I'll listen, I just don't care. Speaking of my descendant that could be fun, and Rainbow Dash can clearly be made to do some very stupid things with the right prodding, but that's almost too easy really."

I hung my head. "You're going after Fluttershy, aren't you. The weakest link…"

"Is anypony other than her. Just because it isn't obvious doesn't mean she's not the most dangerous among you. Rarity might be fun to mess with, but with Discord hanging around it's a no go."

"Discord is messing with them, but I thought…"

"He's already played his little trick on you, why stick around. Especially since he has a wonderfully chaotic, but ultimately utterly moronic plan that centers on your lovely new queen of queens."

"Wait, are you talking about Fluttershy?

"But that only leaves the apple, doesn't it?" She frowned. "So much boredom, in such a small package. That doesn't seem interesting at all."

"Applejack isn't boring she's just well grounded. I see how you wouldn’t understand…"

She laughed, spinning slightly in the air. "Oh, that's a great one."

I frowned and face hooved. "That's not what I meant. I mean…"

"Oh I know what you meant. That just makes if funnier."

I glared at her.

"Yes so irredeemably dull and…" Lockie trailed off, eyes going wide. "Oh but that's just perfect, isn't it. I mean who needs my help more than her."

"Your help?"

"Yes, I know just how too. I think…" Again she trailed off, this time her eyes loosing focus. "But right now I have a perfect opportunity to drive Dashie crazy, so I really must be off. Toodles."

Then she waved and was just gone. I sighed but then realized something amazing. There was a real teleport signature. It was weird as could be and tainted with chaos magic but it was real magic. In fact most likely this meant no matter how odd she was her magic was relatively normal. Of course this just raised further questions about Pinkie and would require confirmation, but the first was normal, and the second required spending more time with Lockie, but that seemed sadly inevitable. Then I noticed Thoroughbred was standing in front of me.

"Ah, there you are, father asked me to try to give you some lessons myself. I don't entirely understand why though."

"Well it's said one of the best ways to learn a subject is to teach. I'm not really interested in lightning spells, I have one basic one that's enough for my needs and…"

"Your needs?"

"To charge generators. Electricity can be generated various ways, but lightning is the best, and it's not really that hard to capture and store for later use. Also there are environmental and meteorological reasons why you have to have big storms sometimes, so using the lightning only makes sense."

"Wait, so father wants me to teach you of air magic other than lightning and storms?"

"You do have some idea of such things, right?"

"But I am no expert. Perhaps he means the art of war and…"

I shook my head. "I didn't ask for that either. As I said, teaching can help you learn. Your father seems fairly fond of varied teaching techniques, just like Celestia."

He sighed and hung his head. "Yes, he is. Where do you wish to start."

"How about the basics of pegasus flight, then go from there."

"As in, you wish me, to explain to you, how it actually works in a magical sense. Not demonstrate but…"

I think he kept staling but I was only half listening. Sleipnir had already explained a bit about flight, and did indeed think teaching would help someone's learning, but I had a feeling this was more about me than his son. I did know a good deal about pegasus magic at this point I suppose, even if the main point of this visit is there were a ton of gaps in my understanding. Everypony knew magic was involved, but what did that really mean, how did it relate to the wings spell I used on Rarity, and how did Sleipnir and others fly without even wings. I hope I can meet Sleipnir's expectations and figure this out. I also hope my friends are okay.