• Published 19th Jun 2014
  • 429 Views, 3 Comments

Sparkling Field Research: RotE Episode 10 - Dream Volt

Twilight fights the Smooze, vistis Asgard, deals with Luna and the Queen of bat ponies arguing, and most terrifying of all, an old earth pony.

  • ...

Friends, then family

"So then Firecracker bailed us out and everything was super."

I looked to Dash behind Pinkie. She nodded meaning Pinkie's story was at least mostly true. Dash tends to ignore details sometimes, but I doubt she missed the end there. Then Applejack walked up to me and sighed.

"Sorry Twi, but it's the truth. Even asked Octavia 'bout it, and she's a steadfast sort. Also ah know none of them are lying."

"And the Princess isn't mad?"

"Not that I can tell sugarcube now…"

Dash then yelled. She quickly tried to calm down, but her feathers were ruffled, and her eyes a little bloodshot. It was clear Fluttershy had spooked her. I could guess how. I certainly hadn't noticed her approach and we were in the middle of the castle courtyard. Though at the same time I could never see Dash admitting that. Then Fluttershy vanished.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry. I don't think…" the air where I knew she should be began

"What?" I yelled

"Cool." Said Dash

"You got some sorta fancy hiding magic now?" said AJ "Ah can barely see you."

"You can see me?"

"I can't see her." I turned to AJ "Applejack did anything happen while we were away."

She nodded. "Yea. Few things, but most of em have to do with truth and seeing what's really there. I thought you said ya could see though illusions."

"It must be more than that. In fact I would guess you might be the only one who…" Then I paused. "No that's overestimating my own abilities and…"

"Discord couldn’t." said the still unseen Fluttershy. "Oh, and the demon too. Neither of them could see though it."

"A demon?" asked Dash

"Woah sugarcube, sounds like you and Rarity had quite the…" Applejack then went pale. "It is still you, right Fluttershy?"

"Uh, yes?" said Fluttershy.

"Was worried for a second there sugarcube." Then AJ blinked. "Oh right, almost fergot for a second there."

"Applejack what are you talking about?"

"A closet."

Rarity then trotted up to the group with a scowl on her face. Applejack and I both let out a breath we had suddenly started holding, but Dash rolled her eyes. Fluttershy was also once again fully visible. The chances of her not abusing that are slim to none. While in most ponies hooves it could be dangerous in other ways I mostly just worry about ponies tripping over or running into her.

"I must say this whole along the folds method is a wonderful timesaver, but the only exit I could find was in a garden shed. Ridiculous."

"So Rares beat up a demon for you? Awesome."

"Mwa?" Rarity shook her head. "While I certainly would have liked to give the brute a lashing for scaring Fluttershy, and for that matter Discord for his behavior, both were defeated by Fluttershy by the time her sister, Trixie, and myself entered."

"What?" I echoed along with the other three ponies.

Predictably Fluttershy vanished from view again. "Sorry."

"Hey Twilie. Luna sorta ordered me to find you and…."

I quickly decided that Fluttershy's story would either test my sanity more than Pinkie's, which I didn't even think of as possible a moment ago, or is very long and complicated. Since I wanted answers now I turned to my brother and teleported the intervening distance. He immediately took a step back.

"Oh." Said Shinny "So, that's what Luna meant by the fate of Equestira may depend on finding the right book. How could I forget?"

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing." Shinning looked away from me

"You're lying. What's going on. Why is the barrier up? Who's wedding is so important Celestia assumes I know about it?"

"We found an infiltrator in the guard. I thought I could trust him. We went though the academy together but it's clear now he's a traitor. I just wish I knew more."

"It weren't him." Aj then cringed. "Fireblight, that might give it away."

I turned to her. "You know something about this Applejack?"

"Yea, few things been going on with me. Needed a bit of help going somewhere and decided to swallow my pride and cash in a favor."

"She ended up helping me interrogate him." Said Shiny "And there is no way you could be right. We have ways of making sure, you know this Twilie."

"That's true, but what happened AJ."

"The pegasus teleported away."

I blinked. "Okay, that seems like a reasonable enough…."

"But Twilie I…"

"If he has access to that sort of magic why not something that can't be detected, or mental magic you can't detect for that matter."

Shiny looked away. "I guess but…"

"That doesn't matter. Now tell me. Who's wedding is it?"

"So, she don't even know?" asked AJ

My other four friends gasped, Pinkie of course being the loudest.

"Well you see Twilie, I sort of, kind of…" He looked away.

Author's Note:

It should be noted, what's going on with AJ, Pinkie and Dash's trip, and Fluttershy's travels with Rarity are eash their own story. Specifically episodes 9, 11, and 12.