• Published 19th Jun 2014
  • 430 Views, 3 Comments

Sparkling Field Research: RotE Episode 10 - Dream Volt

Twilight fights the Smooze, vistis Asgard, deals with Luna and the Queen of bat ponies arguing, and most terrifying of all, an old earth pony.

  • ...

Move on

I looked down at the floor. Celestia was looking down at me which would have been really hard without the throne since she was still a foal. I couldn't stand to keep looking at her disappointed face.

"I guess it was a pretty bad letter, really."

"Twilight, this isn't about the letter."

"Oh, you're mad about the lying, aren't you. I'm sorry but…"

"No Twilight, while you have to tell those you care about how you feel, as Pinkie discovered sometimes you also have to trust that your friends have your best interests in mind when they keep something for you for a time."

"Then I handled Nocturne wrong somehow?"

"No Twilight. It's the cactus."

I turned to look at the cactus. It was a nice cactus, even if a little weird. It was white with only a hint of green, in a blue pot. It had a bunch of little arms that poked out a bit then curved at a 90 degree angle like any good cactus should. I then looked back to Celestia. Then I looked away again. I didn't want to see her face right now. Somehow that look was even worse on her as a foal.

"Do I really have to turn him back right away. Tomorrow maybe?"

"You know the answer to that. Also I doubt you could cast the right variant of the spell protecting Canterlot and if he doesn't refresh it soon the barrier will fall."

I sighed. "Fine. It's not like I was going to leave him this way anyway."

I was just so mad. My friends got out of the courtyard really fast. Dash just flew away of course, carrying Pinkie with her. Rarity did some sort of odd teleport I have to ask her about, AJ just ran, and Fluttershy I swear dove into a tree like it was water. At least I think so. She was fading from view again at the time. I cast the trueform spell and Shiny was back to being a pony. He was such a good cactus too. He was everything a cactus should be, not disappointing in any way.

"Huh, mom is right, dad is being a baby about it. That wasn't that bad at all, oddly relaxing actually. So do you forgive me Twilie?" Then he turned to look at me "Gwa." Shinny then stumbled to the ground.

"What?" I asked, realizing I might still be glaring at him a little

"Shining armor." Celestia sighed "I'm not happy with you either at this moment but…"

"It's all my fault. I know I should have said something sooner but…"

"Yes, it is. Now go. I'm sure you're busy enough. Start with replenishing the shield."

"Yes mam."

He saluted then ran out of the room. I wouldn't want to stay if Celestia was glaring at me either. I smiled, and then she turned her gaze to me. Oh, right. The glare faded, but not entirely. I looked down.

"Oh. I’m sorry it's just…"

Celestia laughed. "Twilight, I thought it was funny, but yes I am disappointed too."

"You know if I didn't show up because of my trip his plan probably would have worked. The invitations would have arrived early tomorrow and I would have been shocked, and maybe even a little angry but without him there in front of me…"

"You would have calmed down."

"Also if he had got to the part about Cadence faster things would have been much better. I really should have figured that out sooner."

Celestia nodded. I was still half watching the ground more than her face, but I was looking at her at least somewhat directly now. I decided to try the trueform spell again. I mean sure my version is just a mess I cobbled together from every spell that resets something to it's proper state I could find, surely nothing like what Luna and Celetia know, but it almost always works. Sure enough after a flash Celestia was back to normal. I may not be able to cast an age spell, but I could clearly reverse one easy enough. Celestia stared strait ahead, eyes refusing to focus. This went on for a while.

"Oh no. I'm so sorry Celestia I don’t' know what went wrong and…"

Celestia shook her head, eyes focusing. "I'm fine Twilight, just surprised. That is a very good spell, it could return anything to its true shape I imagine."

"That's the idea. I've been working on it for a long time and…"

Then what I did hit me and I fell to the ground crying. I turned my brother into a potted plant on purpose. I had the spell to fix him the whole time and I was really mad, but I can't believe I did that. Then suddenly Celestia was in front of me, smile on her face. Part of me wanted to keep crying, but I just couldn’t.

"I understand Twilight, but sometimes we make mistakes, and despite how you might feel this one was minor. You did something you could easily undo, because you never meant to do anything in the first place, but still made sure it could never happen again. You are in control Twilight."

I nodded.

"Also other than this one justifiable issue, I'm so very proud of you. You've done so much in so little time, and while you may not have learned anything about friendship, what do I always say about knowledge."

"That…" I wiped my tears away. "That it's best when put into practice."

"And you did just that. When you needed help you asked Luna for it. You proved direct force is not the only way to get what you want and no matter how comparatively helpless one might seem, they aren't. Oh and Spike sent his own lesson of course."

"He did?"

"Namely that you should think the best of your friends because if they are worth knowing they won't disappoint you."

"Oh about the griffin merchant. I've been wondering if I could have dealt with that a little better. At the very least paid full price for everything."

"Other than that I think you made the right choice. Mom always liked the griffins a great deal. They will try to take advantage of any hint of weakness, even if nowadays it's mostly just charging too much for wares and the like."


"Finally, while it could be simple common sense as well, not picking sides in the argument between mom, Luna, and Nocturne was what a friend should do."

I nodded. "So, now what?"

"Now Twilight, we have a wedding to get ready. Unless you're really still mad enough you want to ruin your brother's wedding day."

"And Cadence's, and of course not. Just tell me what I can do to help. I know the others already are, and with all of us together, I'm sure tomorrow will be perfect."

"Of course it will. Follow me and I'll show you how things are going so far."

I followed Celestia, a big smile on my face matching hers. Yes my brother did something really stupid, but this isn't the time for blame. Shinny is getting married, and to the best babysitter ever of all ponies. I always thought they were the cutest couple ever but I gave up on that a long time ago. I guess one or the other never did. Maybe today was rocky, but tomorrow is going to be much better, I can feel it.

Author's Note:

Twilight is just terrible at guessing if a day will be good or not, isn't she?

also if you missed it, BBBCF= Big Brother Best Cactus Forever.

Comments ( 1 )

I loved Twilights thoughts regarding her Cactified brother. :rainbowlaugh:

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