• Published 19th Jun 2014
  • 430 Views, 3 Comments

Sparkling Field Research: RotE Episode 10 - Dream Volt

Twilight fights the Smooze, vistis Asgard, deals with Luna and the Queen of bat ponies arguing, and most terrifying of all, an old earth pony.

  • ...

Rainbow Bridge

I looked down again. I had read about it plenty. I knew roughly how the magic worked, and that of course any pony could use it. Most hooved species actually. It was still odd walking on a giant rainbow bridge. Even odder our hooves made no noise whatsoever. Also like a real rainbow it was translucent and you could see right through it to the waves below us. Spike was clinging tightly to my back. Oddly as often as I end up falling, I still wasn't afraid of heights. Blossom and Sweetsong had both commented earlier how it seemed odd I wasn't freaking out about this at all.

"So, why are we walking anyway?" asked Blossom

"We don't have a choice." I said "The only way to reach Asgard is though this bridge. Anything else doesn't actually work."

"What do mean? Is there some secret defense that…" began Blossom

"No, I mean space is warped around the whole country. If you tried to fly in you'd just end up on the other side with Asgard behind you."

"Are you sure we can't leave the bridge at all?" asked Sweetsong

I nodded. "That you can fudge a little, but not much. You have to absolutely be over the path, and the distortion ceiling isn't that high. I'm not sure how high you could fly above it before you end up on the other side."

"I guess it isn't that long a walk. Also the view is nice enough."

I nodded and looked up. Asgard was impressive. Though clouds surrounded the base it was clear that it most certainly wasn't made of clouds or even supported by them. It was a massive floating island, the majority of it being a vast grassy field. Considering how far north of the equator it was that was quite something. We had packed our coats away not too long ago, the false sun of Asgard already warming things up on the bridge quite a bit. The weird thing was since the real sun was up too, but behind us, it distorted our shadows in some odd ways. Though thanks to the bridge we couldn't see them that often, but sometimes a cloud would pass below us close enough.

The tree was the most impressive thing though. It made the island look small, even though it was anything but. Asgard's geometry was off at least a little so exactly how big the tree really was has never been clear, but it's still without a doubt the biggest ash tree in existence. Also the tree was without a doubt magical. It's possible it was even what created the protective bends in space around Asgard. I can't wait to study it.

"Well you look happy." Said Sweetsong and smiled, sharp teeth visible

"I am. By the way, this may be rude but the teeth are for eating fruit not sucking blood right? Celestia wasn't sure herself but I figure you would know."

She laughed. "We can do both really. So you know bat ponies are a real species?"

"Of course." I said "I mean Cavernus is your home. How could I be going there and not know that? Celestia told me all she knew not long after I learned about the hippocampi."


I turned to see Blossomforth stumble into the bridge face first. It looked like it really hurt. It's solid for everypony, but to me it feels more like I'm walking something fairly rigid but yielding. Like that one time I was walking on the sheet Cadence and I were using as a roof when we were playing. To pegasi though it should be solid as rock, and it sure looked it. A moment later Blossomforth was in my face, one eye twitching.

"Celestia shouldn't know that."

"Why wouldn't she?" I raised an eyebrow. "I mean apparently somehow the transformation magic they possess is loads better than anything else but it is detectable. The only major disadvantage it when relaxed they revert. Celestia was even complaining about this one mare that would pass out drunk all the time, though eventually she decided the rumors it spawned was a good thing. Probably because of Luna but…"

Then I noticed the glare Blossom had begun giving Sweetsong. The other mare refused to meet her eyes. I was confused a moment then I had it. I guess that's sort of a sore spot of some sort huh? Then I suddenly realized something and teleported between the two mares, right in front of the pink bat pony.

"Omigosh, you actually know and…"

"Can't tell you." Said Sweetsong

I blinked. "Uh, but Luna said…"

"She means it literally." Added Blossom

"As in a geas? Why would she be under a geas I mean…"

Song laughed. "Isn't it obvious because…" Then her whole body twitched and her head jerked tot he right in a very odd manner. "OmiGOSH, I loVE YoUR hat IT looks ONion friTTer TO the Max."

I just stood there and stared. Her motions reminded me Pinkie, but her voice was a badly modulated mishmash that was very unpleasant to hear. In other words not remotely like her normal nice voice and laid back demeanor.

"So it's very strict then?"

Song nodded. "And for obvious reasons I can't really explain how strict."

"Also because of the nature of the geas it's in effect for all who serve Luna, which includes every single batpony alive." Said Blossom

"Though we probably wouldn't say anything anyway. I totally forgot that though, obviously. Thanks for not bringing that up in front of the bossmare until you had to."

"Don't mention it." Said Blossom "I notice you're wearing your armor again Twilight. You don't just think we might face trouble here, you're expecting it."

"Not exactly. It's more like I'm expecting a fight."

Sweetsong laughed. "That's the same thing though."

"Not really. Asgard is a land of warriors, and Valhalla especially is all about battle. I'm asking a favor, so most likely I'll have to prove myself."

"That does make sense." Blossom then nodded "You have this all planned out, don't you?"

"Mostly. I didn't take into account Spike being this afraid of heights."

"Hey I'm not…"

Then he was clinging even more tightly to me. I bet he looked down again. I doubt we'd hear anything from him the rest of the trip. I was also pretty sure that fear would fade with time. Either than or Sweetsong was actually accurate earlier and Spike did have a fear of giant rainbow bridges.

"So." Said Blossom "How dangerous."

"Does it even really matter?" asked Sweetsong.

"Yes, threat assessment matters." Blossom sighed. "Regardless of the fact we will be assisting Dutchess Sparkle no matter the situation."

I blushed. "Please don't call me that."

"Sorry mam, won't happen again."

Sweetsong rolled her eyes. "Missing the point as usual. Anyway, you heard her oh sparkly one, tell us how bad it's going to be."

"Well Sleipnir is actually one of Celestia's friends, and is fond of me beyond that. We're not in mortal danger by any means, but, he and his people play rough."

"Meaning?" asked Blossom

"It probably won't be anything worse than broken bones, but we should also be glad Lord Sleipnir can easily use ressurection spells."

Blossom cringed. "So terrible but it could be worse." She sighed.

"Oh come on. Sounds fun. I bet I can get at least a ballad out of all this."

"Like I care about that." Said Blossom. "Come on, lets get moving. Might as well get this over with as fast as possible."

Blossom then broke into a full gallop. Sweetsong laughed and did the same. I followed a few moments later. I was surprised to find myself keeping pace with the two guards rather easily. Something about that bothered me but I couldn’t quite place it. A niggling sensation in the back of my brain that I was missing something, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't figure it out.