• Published 19th Jun 2014
  • 430 Views, 3 Comments

Sparkling Field Research: RotE Episode 10 - Dream Volt

Twilight fights the Smooze, vistis Asgard, deals with Luna and the Queen of bat ponies arguing, and most terrifying of all, an old earth pony.

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Reunion the second

Celestia was reduced to a blubbering foal hugging her mother. Thanks to Luna rather literally. Luna had done the same to herself after Celestia failed to react. She cast the spell after Gaia said she shouldn't be acting like a foal in the throne room. I think Luna was trying to embarrass her, but clearly she changed her mind, though she wasn't crying. Celestia once said that while grand gestures can say a lot, it's really the casual use of magic that can impress the most. At the time she was trying to convince me teleporting around everywhere was alienating ponies, but I think the idea holds true. I was certainly impressed by the casual use of a spell that's still well beyond me.

Gaia looked uncomfortable. Hugging the princesses back, but looking around constantly. I'm glad that guard mentioned AJ, Pinkie, and Dash were in the castle, and that I sent Spike off to go see them. I'm also glad Nocturne went off somewhere with Luna's guard. It felt very inappropriate to be here, and I really wish I knew if it was okay for me to leave. I was currently distracting myself by trying to figure out why both princesses had enchantments on their regalia that automatically resized them. The purpose is obvious enough, but why would you have to bother? I mean it works both ways, but how often can this sort of thing come up?

"I think that's enough."

Both foal princesses immediately released her.

"Hmm, well that suggests I really did raise you, doesn't it?"

"We will fix you." Said Luna

"I’m so happy I don't even care."

Celestia was still crying, but the smile was undeniable, and now it was silent. Also now that I could see them one thing was clear. Celestia and Luna, our great rulers and some of the greatest forces on the planet, were so utterly adorable as foals I could barely stand it. I barely resisted the urge to run up and hug one or both of them. Gaia let out a long drawn out sigh.

"Okay, lets get a few things clear. While Miss Sparkle has given me some very compelling evidence, and more reason to trust her conclusion than those with better evidence, you aren't that different than most of the other long lost relatives."

"Other relatives?" asked Luna

"Yes. You at the very least can't argue that you never had any children. Are you really so certain Nocturne had none of her own and so forth?"

"Er, actually it's arguable that I have had none, as Nyx, er, I mean Nocturne, was created though sorcery alone."

Gaia rolled her eyes. "Not only does that take the fun out of it, it's unnatural."

"Well I was rather evil at the time. If it makes you feel any better sister has does things naturally, several times in fact."

Celestia looked at me. "Thank you for understating that but it's not necessary." She looked back at her mother, most likely because I didn't react badly to that insane seeming idea this time. "Also I imagine you had less trouble than we might."

"I suppose. I certainly could get pregnant quickly enough when I tried. Thus I wound up with countless long lost descendents seeking me out, some simply for answers that I couldn’t give them about their unique gifts, but sadly most simply for money."

"Hmmm." Celestia put her little hoofsie to her chin and the urge to hug became harder to resist. "Clearly no matter how much has been stripped of you, you are anything but a normal earth pony."

"Very much so. As I was saying. I don't really know you. I'm increasingly sure I want to, and should have bothered long ago no matter what my initial impression was, or how weak I saw most of your actions."

The sisters turned to each other, gave a little smirk, nodded, and looked forward again.

"Yet regardless of that I don't know you. I assume you still want to help me, but don't expect things from me. I have no emotional attachment to you and even then…"

"We do know you mother." Said Luna

"We know what to expect. Like now that you understand what you've lost you're going to put a great deal of effort into regaining it all."

"And." Luna sighed. "Most likely with your usual lack of current standards for moral constraint. You can still stay in the palace if you want."

"Though we insist on keeping any pieces you find here until you make use of them. They simply aren't safe, and we already know how to contain them properly."

"Fine. So, what else do you expect of me?"

"Nothing." Said Celestia "Luna and I just want to help. We want you, all of you, back."

"There are a great many things we want, but can't expect from you, and we understand that. Now, Twilight do you have anything to add."

I shook my head. "No, no, no. I mean not about this. I'll help however I can of course and have questions but…"

"I forgot you were there for a moment." Celestia laughed. "Find your brother. He can explain everything about the threat to Canterlot and the wedding."

I tilted my head to one side. "Wedding? What wedding?"

Luna turned to Celestia and glared. "I thought you said you were going to intervene."

"I was. Cadence urged me to let her handle it. She sounded so sure too. I noticed she was busy but was so sure she would not forget something so important."

"I still don't understand." I asked

"Just go see your brother." Said Celestia

"Yes, I shall go make some preparations myself. And the answer to the next question is it is not an oversight, but a punishment."

Luna cast a spell returning her to normal, then teleported away. Celestia stood there blinking for a few moments then laughed. Her tears had stopped at some point. She then flew to her throne and sat down.

"Oh Luna, that's a good one alright."

"Uh, can't you reverse it?" I asked

Celestia shook her head. "I chose to never learn the spell in the first place. It's easier to resist the temptation to use it. I can't cast it on everypony and anything else isn't fair."

"Who says you have to be fair." Said Gaia "If it's your power, you use it as you see fit until someone else has to power to stop you from such use."

Celestia rolled her eyes. "Even if you don't seem to I remember this argument."

Gaia suddenly smiled. "We never had arguments about something as silly as mere money did we?"

"Well you used to argue against it's continued existence, but I'm fairly certain that isn't what you meant."

"Interesting." She then looked to me. "Miss Sparkle, you are dismissed."

Celestia glared at Gaia. "I think we need to have a talk about authority. I love you mom but Luna and I have worked very hard to make Equestria what it is today and while I know you have no intention of ruling…"

"You have the power. As it should be." Gaia then got a great big smile on her face.

Celestia flopped forward, wings going limp. "I should have seen that coming. At least I passed. Failure usually hurts. A great deal in fact."

Celestia let out a groan and I decided to teleport out of there before my brain shattered completely. It was odd enough seeing Celestia look like a foal, but even odder to see her acting the part. Of course I still act childish in front of my parents sometimes myself, but she's Princess Celestia. It just seems wrong.