• Published 7th Aug 2014
  • 32,493 Views, 1,012 Comments

Death to Nightmare - Admiral Q Ponyform

A dying man receives a second chance but in the body of Nightmare Moon

  • ...

Nightmare In Canterlot

Reasonably assured that she won't fall off, Tom looked around. They had past the creepy forest and she saw a small town filled with old world style houses with some oddities, like a freaky looking castle. The place reminded her of the town near her family's cabin. Quiet peaceful place. She bet their convoy has the biggest thing to happen to the town in ages. She admitted to herself the wind felt so good and she couldn't help a smile to form on her lips, but she didn't really feel it in her hair. In fact, her hair didn't even feel like hair. Granted, Tom never had hair as long as a woman's, but still, shouldn't she feel something remotely similar to what she felt when still in a male body? All of this happened in seconds, but she still had a silly smile on her lips.

“Enjoying yourself dear?” Tom opened her eyes and looked down to her fellow rider. It was the white unicorn with purple hair and 3 blue jewels tattooed on her butt. Her voice reminded Tom of a rich woman he served once. That 'I'm superior than you' attitude really grated on Tom and took all of his patience to not yell at the woman. Thankfully, he had his break after that, or who knows what would have happened to the next customer. Coming back to the present, Tom addressed Rarity.

“I didn't feel the wind like this when I flew back home. It's exhilarating!”

“And how did you fly back at this home of yours?”

“Well,” Tom was stumped. From what she saw, this place seemed to be in the medieval times. How do you explain a jet liner to these ponies?

“Imagine a large tree trunk that's been hallowed out with large wings and with devices that push it. When it reaches the right speed, it flies off the ground. You can't feel the wind but our planes, as we call them, now go so high that the air is too thin to breathe and very cold. The plus side is that only a disaster will cause you to fall out, unlike this.” Tom looked down to the ground below them. “If you fall, that is a LONG time to wave goodbye.”

“Well you have wings so you will be okay while I fall.”

“I don't know how to use these.” Tom shifted the wings a bit. “I will be waving goodbye along with you if the worst happens.” Looking ahead Tom saw they were approaching a mountain range and the highest peak seemed to have something attached to it. Tom tried to figure it out for a few minutes before she realized what it was and her eyes went wide. It was a castle, a freaking castle! Attached to the side of the mountain! Not built into the mountain but attached to the side! She didn't even see any major support struts. “Rarity, what is that?”

“Why it's Canterlot of course. Twilight's taking you to the Princesses so where else would we head to?”

“Wait, wait, wait, so these princesses rule your country, right?” Rarity nodded with a confused look on her face at Nightmare Moon's apparent lack of knowledge. “And they live in that castle?” Rarity nodded again. “Man that is poor planning. A few good shots and the whole thing goes down and their goes your country's leadership. What are you trying to do get your leaders killed!”

“Well the 'nobles' live in the city so I guess...” Rarity was interrupted by Tom.

“It isn't just a castle? It's a freaking city!?” Tom facepalmed, or in this case facehoof. “OW!” 'Note to self, hoof is harder then hand.'

“Why are you so distressed? You wanted to plunge Equestria into eternal night.”

“I will state it again. I am NOT this Nightmare Moon! I just happen to look like her. Why? I have no FREAKING CLUE! I am completely out of my element here, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this all.Can you imagine going from near death to not only being in a different body of a different species, but a different gender? THEN add in said body is that of a criminal. How would you handle my situation?” Rarity frowned thinking about that.

“That is a tough one dear, It's almost worthy of my fainting couch. No matter though, I know my friends will help me and support me.”

'Lucky you.' Tom thought as they closed in on the city. It was a city. It would be a really small one back home, but considering the time period this nation appears to be in, it was a large city and defying all logic by not sliding off the mountain. They closed in on the heart of the city: a castle that would fit right in with a Disney movie. As they come in to land she saw several troops nearby as well as a white and dark pair observed their approach. 'Well time to make an impression.' Tom thought as they landed.


Celestia never expected the letter she received from her former student and now fellow princess. Nightmare Moon existing without Luna? That didn't seem possible! She immediately ordered four chariots to head for the old castle where Twilight and her friends found this Nightmare Moon while Luna ordered a pot of coffee; she wasn't going back to bed 'til this was figured out and she has come to love the drink in these situations. Sometimes too much, but Celestia can't complain because Luna knows her weakness with cake and sweets.
It was nearly two hours later when the flight of chariots appeared and her troops got all set up, ready for anything that could happen. Celestia felt her sister stand beside her and she spared a glance down to see her younger sister sipping coffee from a blue cup with the phrase, 'THE FUN HAS BEEN DOUBLED!' written on it. Celestia couldn't stop a smile from forming at her sister and the cup. She turned back to the chariots as they landed.

The first had Twilight and Spike and Celestia's smile got bigger as she saw Twilight. The young alicorn saw her and smiled back, causing Celestia's heart to warm. Twilight would probably be the closest thing she would have to a child of her own, and unlike many, she can look forward to an eternity with the lavender alicorn getting into trouble of some kind and insuring things won't be dull. While Spike would be her ever present assistant for centuries to come.

Next chariot had Applejack and Rainbow Dash, and as usual, the sounds of a friendly argument came from that chariot. Those two had a very odd relationship. They can easily get on each other's cases, but they would stand side by side in the worst of conditions. Celestia has looked on with pride as she has seen the Apple family prosper ever since she gave them the land near her old castle and the zap apple trees. Luna has praised the farm for it's apples and apple cider. Celestia knew that her sister always makes sure to order some of both for the castle. Luna has also been on her case about the family, considering that the family is the co-founders of Ponyville and five of the six element bearers lived their until that fateful day. Luna has tried to get Celestia to admit she had arranged that series of events, but Celestia would neither confirm or deny it. She had been watching Rainbow Dash since the young pegasus performed the first sonic rainboom in centuries. It lead to her discovery of Twilight and the sign of new bearers for the Elements and a renewed hope for her sister. She has an ego, to be sure, but she is loyal and she encourages others to do their best no matter what. She will be a wonderbolt in time.

The next one had Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. The pegasus was known for her beauty, evermore for her kindness, and has been a big help taking care of animal issues in Ponyville. Her companion Pinkie, on the other hand, is the oddest pony she has ever seen. At times she can be as random as Discord himself, but she has a good heart and things are NEVER dull around her, and as bouncy as she is, it's amazing Ponyville has any dust left in its roads!

The last one had Rarity. The white unicorn was always a sight to behold. She was an expert of fashion in both dresses and looks. She was vain, no doubt, but it hides her great generosity. She could be far more wealthy if she didn't give so much away. She was a genius, and Celestia smiled as she thought of her plan to hire the mare for her next dress. Her smile, however, left her face when she saw the last mare get off. It was a mare she hoped never to see again, one that haunted her nightmares more than any previous opponent. What could be more devastating that fighting a twisted version of your own sister? Right off the bat, though, she notice some differences since the last time she saw Nightmare Moon. This mare lacked the armor and eyeshadow she typically wore. Her fur was also a mess with some hairs messed up and a twig here and there; hardly the state the dark reflection of her sister preferred to look like. But the thing that got Celestia the most notice was the eyes. They were the same draconic eyes she saw that fateful night, but rather than filled with the hate and malice Celestia always saw, in this Nightmare's eyes she saw confusion, wonder, and calculation. Nightmare Moon was appraising both her and Luna.

“It's good to see you and your friends Twilight. Rooms have been prepared for your stay here in Canterlot.” The smile she had left when she looked at Nightmare Moon. “And YOU, we will figure out how you exist without my sister as a puppet.” Nightmare Moon frowned and glared at Celestia.

“Okay I know I look like this Nightmare Moon, but could you lay off the cold shoulder? I AM NOT HER! Till last night I was a male of another species, so regardless of what ever crime this Nightmare Moon did, it wasn't ME!” Celestia's guards shifted to a different position, prepared to attack the black alicorn who just stood there glaring at Celestia.

“We will see as we find out how you got here without Luna. Let us go to the throne room.” The group head out and Celestia noticed something else odd about Nightmare Moon. Her wings were dragging on the ground. She had missed it before because they were standing and she was more focused on Nightmare Moon's face but seeing her walk made Celestia notice. Celestia also noticed how she walked. It wasn't the regal, smooth step that she had seen Luna do when she was in the mood. Heck, that's why she made the plushy doll in Luna's likeness when they were kids and called it Miss Smarty Pants. Sadly, time was not kind to the toy, but she had kept it, initially to tease her sister, but after banishing Luna, it was a source of comfort. She had wondered where it went until she found it in Twilight's hooves not long after the young unicorn started living at the castle for her schooling. No, this wasn't a regal walk at all; it reminded Celestia of either a young foal or an old mare trying to walk with careful steps. Celestia lead them to the Throne Room and took her regal seat, and with a flick of her magic activated the vibrators under the cushions. 'AAAaaahhh! So nice!' said the more stressed part of her brain. She worked hard to keep a stern face but noticed her sister smirking at her. Luna had gotten quite the surprise when she accidentally found THAT feature but has been sworn to silence. She didn't want to lose it too. Now she faced the still approaching group and waited for the meeting to begin.

Tom observed that the general appearance of the throne room was warm, not tyrannical. Everything here seemed to reflect the sun's rays into the room. The room itself colored in white,gold, and purple with the biggest item being that massive throne that the White alicorn was sitting in with the smaller dark blue one beside her. It was then that she noticed something odd about the pair. Their manes were flowing as if in a breeze, but they were going the wrong way if it was a breeze and Tom didn't feel any breeze in the room. 'How are they doing tha..'

“OW!” Tom's thoughts were interrupted as a sharp pain was felt. And she saw the cyan pegasus fly up.

“Jeeze why are your wings like that? Hold them to your body and I won't accidentally step on one.”

“Maybe because I haven't HAD wings on my body before. I have no clue how to use them at all. I still don't know how I got it to block the sunlight in my eyes when I woke up. Man, if they had opened up when we were flying, I would be waving goodbye on my way to likely my...second death.” Tom said. She observed the pegasus facepalm – correction, facehoof – before explaining how to fold one's wings to one's body and five minutes later they were snugly to her body and out of hoof range. A cough dragged her attention back to the throne as the white alicorn said.

“Now that Rainbow Dash is done, can we get on to the matter at hand?” Tom swore she heard a snort from the blue one next to the apparent ruler of this land. With a nod Rainbow dash hovered next to Tom.

“Now, first thing's first: Twilight what were you doing in our old castle today?”

“Well, Princess Celestia, we were looking for something to do, so we decided to fix up the old place as a gift to you .”

“A nice gesture, Twilight. I will admit I would enjoy have a place to go to when Canterlot becomes too much and I need to unwind, and it's still close enough to Canterlot in emergencies.”

“I agree, sister for it's also close to Ponyville and I have certainly grown fond of the town, especially that apple cider” Luna chimed in.

“What happened next, my most faithful student?”

“Well, as we were cleaning we heard Spike scream. We ran to the sound and saw him pointing to the room where we defeated Nightmare Moon and then we found her. But she just didn't act like Nightmare Moon, none of the regal and superior mentality I saw before. She seemed barely able to control her body and when you said Luna was sleeping here I believed it was necessary to bring her here to figure out what's going on.”

Celestia then looked at Tom and asked.

“Now let's hear your story about how you came here?” Tom took a deep breath told her story of her last night as a human male. The two winged unicorns like her gasped when they heard how badly Tom was wounded in that fight.
When done she sat on her haunches, a little tired from talking about it. Tom looked at the two alicorns and noticed that the cold looks were gone. In their place was sympathetic looks.

“You appear to be a brave and noble being, please understand our earlier mindset.”

“I know I look like one of you infamous bad guys, or gals, as the case may be. Um, is there any chance of me running into said gal?”

“Nay, for I was her for a time, but no more, hence why your appearance is quite surprising.” The dark blue alicorn stated.

“Well that's some relief. Now, I gave you my story, so could you explain any ideas you might have as to how this might have happened?”

“Sister, the Moon and Night are yours, so any ideas?” Celestia asked the blue alicorn, who was apparently her sister. She was obviously younger by size, but that made Tom wonder why she was so much bigger than Luna if this body was the evil form of Celestia's sister.

“You and I both know, dear sister, that despite all our years of living, we still don't understand everything." Luna began to explain, "The fact both worlds had a blood moon on the same night may have opened a window between them. The stars aligning on that day five years ago allowed my alter ego to escape the moon so it's not unreasonable. As for the body he (she snickered) occupies, well, neither of us fully knows what the elements do on a target. When we used it, we, and eventually Twilight Sparkle and her friends, turned Discord into stone, You used them to banish me, as my alter ego, to the moon. Twilight and her friends used them to restore me to my true self and release Discord under your orders. They even helped Twilight in her ascension. To be frank, sister, there are times I think the universe does this just to prove we are not all knowing.”

“I can believe that.” Tom commented. “Heck I become the butt of this joke, a male in a female villain's body. If there was some superior intelligence playing a part in this I bet it's laughing its butt off right now.”

“Well, if neither of you have a complete explanation for this, maybe the Royal Archives does.” Twilight suggested.

“Typical egghead response.” Rainbow Dash snorted, which earned her a glare from Twilight.

“Well I agree with Twilight, Rainbow Dash. It's one of the many reasons I had it made . Neither Luna or I can remember everything off the top of our heads.”

“Well, it's better than nothing. And on that note, I suppose I had better get started checking the...” Twilight began only to be interrupted as a loud ground came from behind her. Tom used one hoof to hold her stomach and smiled sheepishly at the group. “After we get some food into our guest.”

“That's a delightful idea, I haven't eaten since this morning and I'm famished.” Rarity interjected and everyone went to the dining area.

Once there, Tom sat on a cushion in front of a table as plates were brought out. Plates of salads, fruits, vegetables, and treats with pitchers of juice of several flavors. Tom carefully picked up items he knew he liked as a human and sniffed the juices until she found the grape juice and carefully poured a glass before eating.

Luna, Twilight, and Celestia observed her during this. Still not completely sure if this wasn't a act. If it was an act it was a good one, this Nightmare Moon never used her magic and gingerly touch the food and utensils like she was afraid of dropping them.

Thankfully the apple tastes good if not better than before and, she smiled while she chewed before she realized an unfortunate fact and the smile faded. Tom swallowed and took a drink before continuing. This didn't go unnoticed by the others.

“Problem with the food sugarcube?” The one named Applejack asked.

“No it's actually really good but I just realized that as a horse I can't eat meat anymore. No burgers, steak, or even bacon. I will miss their taste.” Tom imagined the food she mention and did her best to remember their taste.

Her fellow dinners looked at her with slack jaws. They have had carnivores and omnivores visit Equestria so they know about meat as food, but to hear it come out of a pony's mouth? This is something for which they were just not prepared! It took them a couple minutes to recover and continue their eating.

After lunch, Tom felt another need show up. “Um, where's the restroom?” Celestia pointed a hoof to a pair of doors behind Tom. She walked over, getting more steady with her walking as she got more used to this body. She walked through one of the doors and noticed she wasn't alone.

Those at the table waited for it, and were not disappointed when they heard a stallion scream stallionly terror as the new Nightmare Moon rushed back out, stumbling before going into through other door. They couldn't help but laugh at the situation. It got worse when the door opened and a black alicorn head came out.

“Um, I could use a little help here.” Twilight volunteered and when the door closed again there was a new roar of laughter among the group. Minutes later, both mares emerged from the room and, in a tone very much like the Nightmare Moon of old, the current Nightmare Moon said, “We will never ever speak of what happened in there, EVER!” Twilight nodded and they returned to the group.

It was hours later with the sun setting giving Tom a spectacular view. She was in a nice room with a large comfy looking bed, a spacious living area with couches and stands for food and such and a very nice bathroom, which she had made use of, sadly with the help of a clearly trusted servant to get Tom all cleaned up and brushed. All this plush but she was still a prisoner. There were guards on the other side of her door and the windows were so small for her to squeeze through. She was left alone, as the others were all busy, with Twilight already in the Archives looking for clues, the others settling into their rooms and Luna heading back to bed, who sleeps during the day? Celestia seemed to be the day to day ruler of this land as she mentioned returning to her court. After she'd had a bath dried off the servant left her to her own devices and she happened to be next to the mirror, thus having the first good look of her new body. The black fur was almost glossy and her horn long and straight with that twirl that the horns here seem to have. But her two most interesting features were her eyes and mane, she included tail with the mane.

Her eyes were not like any of the ponies as she kept hearing them refer to themselves. Theirs were rather human like though creepy big. Her's however were quite different, rather then having whites she had a light turquoise color with a darker turquoise for irises, then as the final touch her pupils were slits like the now not so fictional dragons. 'Why are my eyes different from the others? Not even Celestia and Luna who are alicorns like me have them so why me?'

Then there was the mane and tail. They weren't hair, didn't feel like it, didn't act like it, and a brush went through it like it was not there. She noticed that Celetia's and Luna's manes were also different, but not like hers either. Both of theirs acted tangible like hair as it would be on a windy day, but without the wind. Luna's was much like her's though, seemingly to represent the night sky while Celestia's was like a rainbow. 'Seriously what is with the rainbow hair!?' But the oddest and coolest part she discovered about her hair was when she knocked a stand and a vase fell over. She instinctively tried to catch it with a hoof but before it had a chance her mane moved and actually caught it. For minutes she just stared at her mane and the vase that was still in it.

“What the heck?”, Tom said. With a thought, she manage to move her mane closer to her with the vase still in it. Then she moved it to return the vase to its spot. Curious, she took a more expendable item and played around with it in her mane. It was almost like having a hand again. She put it to great use and took a book to read. It was in English, thankfully. How they have the same written language as home is beyond her, but she wasn't going to look this gift horse snicker in the mouth. One less thing to learn.

She was reading for an hour after the sun went down when the door opened. She looked over and saw Celestia's head popping through the door.

“How are you doing Tom?”

“As well as can be expected. Though I could use some help in magic. As helpful as my mane is I saw how well your magic works at lunch.”

“Well, I could teach you some basics while we eat. I brought dinner with me.” Tom's eyes brighten at that since she was a little hungry. She put the book down and made room for them to sit as Celestia brought in a tray of food and drink. “Okay, step one. Close your eyes and search within yourself and find something in there that you never felt before.” Tom did as she said and searched within, unsure of what she would find having never done this before. At first she just felt her body breathing, but then she found it. Even to this day she can't describe what she felt but she knew it was what Celestia wanted her to find.

“Got it.”

“Good, now hold onto it and open your eyes.” Tom did so, and Celstia continued. “Now focus on the fork and I want you to apply some of that energy you are holding to the fork and lift it.” Tom focused on the fork and willed the energy, as Celestia worded it, and she saw an aura of turquoise surround the fork. She smiled at this, then put all her will into lifting the fork. She didn't lift it, but rather she sent it flying straight up and with a twonk it stuck its handle into the ceiling. Both alicorns looked at the fork vibrating like a tuning fork in the ceiling.

“I bet that hasn't happened before.” Tom commented as they both admired the vibrating fork.

“Actually, the last time it did was when Twilight first moved in as my apprentice. She had recently experienced a magic flare and there was after effects. Thank the sun she wasn't allowed in the library till the effects were gone.” Celestia used her magic to bring the fork back down. “Now try again but less magic this time.” It took a few more tries but Tom manage to lift it securely and not have it return to the ceiling. Soon, she was eating using her magic instead of her mane, though she wasn't as smooth as Celestia was with it.

“So Celestia, does your kind worship the sun?” Celestia snorted at that.

“What makes you think that?”

“Well you did say thank the sun.”

“Well I did, but we don't worship it. I personally take care of the sun, ensuring it rises and sets everyday as my sister does with the moon every night.”

“WOW! Back at my home on Earth they rise and set on there own. We have never worried about that.”

“Then in a way your world is blessed. The sun and moon have needed keepers for as long as I've known. Before me and my sister the unicorns took care of it, but after Discord's reign they couldn't anymore. Luckily for the world, the special talent of my sister and I is the moon and sun.”

“So do the ponies view you and Luna as goddesses?”

“For a time they did and even to this day there is a remnant of it in the culture. Both me and my sister prefer being seen as a whole as rulers, not goddesses, and by those closest to us as just ponies. We have not been entirely successful with that last one. Even after becoming a princess herself, Twilight will occasionally slip up and add the title when she speaks to me. I'm afraid it will take her some time to finally address me only as Celestia. But enough about me. What do you think of our world so far Tom?”

“Strange but funny and fascinating, I think I could live here happily if given the chance to.” Celestia seemed puzzled at the answer.

“Don't you want to go home?” Tom sighed, got up and walked to a window and watch the view before answering.

“Honestly what are my chances of getting home again? We don't even truly know how I even got here or how I got this body. And even if we did find a way to get me home I would be returning to death. I was dying, Celestia. My life there was over and while I have some friends who will mourn me there is no one left to go back for. But here, here I have a chance to do something. Even in the body of a mare who stands on the same platform as Hitler or Stalin from what I've seen so far. My last regret from my home world was not being able to do more. Well, now I've got that chance if you ponies will give it to me.” Tom felt something on her back and looked to see Celestia giving a sympathetic look.

“You remind me of Luna when she returned, wanting to prove yourself worthy if just given the chance. She got it and is now loved by many in Equestria. She redeemed herself in their eyes and perhaps you can redeem the form you now wear. I will promise you the chance to do so Tom, when it is time. Until then, learn of this world.” Celestia started walking to the door and opened it. She then paused and looked at Tom. “If you are determined to make a life for yourself here, I suggest a new name since you are now female.” Tom looked at her deadpanned and replied.

“I promised to think of one that's female but not some corny cartoon villain name.” She saw Celestia snort and leave and she turned back to the window and the beautiful night sky. The sky of her new home if only they would accept her.

Author's Note:

THanks to Twisted Code for editing