• Published 7th Aug 2014
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Death to Nightmare - Admiral Q Ponyform

A dying man receives a second chance but in the body of Nightmare Moon

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Nightmare Moon, Take 3

Nightmare Moon felt wonderful, she had a body to call her own and though she missed Luna's voice in her head she felt giddy if confused. She felt memories that she really didn't remember having. Strange but of little consequence, she was back and Celestia will pay.

“How are you feeling Nightmare Moon?” Nightmare Looked up in thought and replied.

“Overall good, but our memories are a little jumbled.”

“Not to surprising since you were created from fragments and a copy of Luna's mind. Hopefully in time you will be able to fit it all together.”

“Fascinating, but where are manners? You all clearly know who I am but who are those willing to bring me back?” The werid mane green earth pony bowed and answered.

“I am Grape Vine my queen. My associates and I used all our knowledge and resources to bring you back because Equestria needs a strong leader. Celestia has relied too much on Twilight Sparkle and luck to get through some of the last couple of disasters.”

“Twilight Sparkle?”

“She wore the Element of Magic.”

“Oh, name fits. Well show us a map and update us on the state of the country. We cannot plan an overthrow without accurate information.”

“Of course. Follow me my queen.” The pony then used her strange hair to move herself to a door. Nightmare followed intrigued by the pony.

'She will be a most interesting pony to study.' Thought Nightmare Moon. After walking dark halls for minutes the two ponies entered a room that looked like a kitted out office with a large map of Equestria on a wall. 'Hhhhmmmm, Equestria has grown since I last checked.' Grape Vine gestured to the map.

“Here's the basics of Equestria right now. Princess Celestia and Luna rule from Canterlot. Celestia set up shop after your fight with her a thousand years ago.”

“It is sad she left our castle to rot. That castle of ours could have been repaired. Another sign of her weakness but Canterlot was not a bad choice since it was the seat of power before our coronation.”

“Princess Cadance and her husband Prince Shining Armor rule the Crystal Empire.”

“WHAT!? The Crystal Empire is back?”

“Yes my queen and it has been for a couple years. Princess Cadance was the last living member of the royal family of that Empire.”

“Well their military will be an issue but since in essence they are all Earth ponies they shouldn't be that bad of an issue.”

“Um, Princess Cadance is an alicorn. Specifically the Alicorn of Love.”

“You're kidding. You have got to be kidding, your kidding right?” Grape Vine shook her head and Nightmare facehoofed.

“Also, her husband is Twilight Sparkle's older brother and was Captain of the Royal Guard and good with shield spells.”

“So they will be a force to contend with.” Nightmare twirled a hoof. “Let's move on.”

“Right, well Twilight Sparkle has recently ascended to be the Alicorn of Friendship and Magic.” Nightmare facehoofed again. “The Elements have not been seen in some time but if their battle with Tirek--”

“WAIT! Tirek got loose?” Again Grape Vine nodded. “How did he get out of Tartarus?”

“Well a couple years ago Cerberus left his post and we figured he escaped then. Twilight and her friends faced him a couple months ago and somehow used the Elements without the actual Elements to beat him and restore magic to everypony.” Nightmare felt that deserved a double facehoof.

“This just proves to me that without me Luna is too weak to stand up to our sister, the poor thing; and Celestia is an idiot.” Nightmare Moon rubbed her head a bit before going on.

“Okay here's the broad plan,” Nightmare continued, “first we need to isolate one of the Elements to prevent their use on us. It would have been easier if they still had physical manifestations, but I guess the Tree of Harmony must have needed the originals back.”

“Tree of Harmony?” Grape Vine asked.

“Yes, it seems Celestia can keep that a secret. When Discord was on the loose Celestia and Luna did try to beat him on their own but lost. However, they did find a magical tree and from that tree is where the Elements of Harmony came. Luna feared what would happen to the tree if the Elements were removed, luckily the tree was fine but something must have happened recently to require the Elements to be returned to the tree and my rough guess is the tree allowed direct access to the harmony magic it has. I don't know if it will be as effective as the Elements themselves but the fact they were used on Tirek suggests they should not be overlooked.”

“Okay so we are still back to isolating an Element bearer, what about the Tree itself?”

“We leave the tree Alone. That tree is very much likely a key to Equis's existence and even I will not dare mess with it. Let's move on. Now Luna and Celestia together will wipe the floor with me so we need to split them to. I want Luna captured and as unharmed as reasonably as possible. With her secured I will take care of my dear sister Celestia.”

“Why Luna?”

“Because despite the fact we are now truly separate beings we were once one and the same. She is my sister, my other half and I do care for her in my own way. She is weak without me and I will protect her even from herself.”

“Being an only child I can't relate, but if that's what you want I'll have my agents work on it.” Nightmare nodded and looked at the Crystal Empire.

“I rather keep the Crystal Empire out of this fight but that maybe futile. What do we have by way of an army?”

“We have my security force, the mages, some cultist loyal to you, and some mercenaries. About four hundred in total. I might be able to get some of the military to join us. They aren't exactly thrilled with the Princesses performance either but that does have a condition that I certainly agree with.”

“And that is?”

“No Night Eternal.” Nightmare pouted. “Night Eternal is just a bad idea, without the sun plants would die and we would freeze, you will rule over a dead land. Equestria has changed in the last thousand years and many ponies have jobs at night and many appreciate the night. Heck Twilight Sparkle is known for stargazing. Check your memory. The scan of Luna's mind was only a few months ago so you have her experience of the past four years in there.” Nightmare Moon did look through her memory and saw Nightmare Night, Luna's tours of the modern cities, and even the reaction of the ponies to Luna. Though things were not as she liked, they were better.

“Fine, but we will have longer nights.”

“I think we can get them to accept that.”

“If you got close enough to scan Luna then get her first, then an Element, and Celestia will be vulnerable. I think that should do for now. Miss Vine would you show me to the quarters I will have here?”

“Of Course, follow me your highness.” Nightmare followed the odd mare through more bland hallways till they got to a door. “Admittedly this is not the royal suite but it is among the finest in the complex and it is stock with what I thought you might need. If I missed something the servants can get it.”

“While I do deserve regal setting I am also a war mare so as long as my needs are met I am satisfied. When is the next meal?”

“Dinner is in about an hour your highness, unless you want it now.”

“No I will dine with my troops, inspire confidence.”

“Then I'll have a servant get you when it's ready.” Grape Vine bowed and left. Nightmare Moon had a look around. Besides the main room, which was filled with chairs, couches, tables, and a desk, there was a bedroom and a bathroom. Sadly the bathtub was too small for her use but she could shower. In the bedroom the bed itself was made out of clouds, much to Nightmare's pleasure. Nightmare then glanced at the vanity mirror and walked over to it. Something was off in her regal figure, oh the eye shadow. She was about to check the draws when she noticed a small container sitting on top. Using her mane to pick it up she saw the label and it was purple eye shadow, the exact shade she uses.

“Well, well, well. It seems Miss Vine does her research well.” unscrewing the top she used another part of her mane to apply it to her eyes. 'There, now we look complete.' Nightmare grinned at her image for a minute before it was interrupted.

<OW! What a headache! Did somebody get the number of that bus that hit me?> a male voice said. Nightmare Moon quickly looked around the room but saw no pony. <Wait, whoa! I feel like I'm spinning around.> Nightmare Moon stopped and she was facing the mirror again. <Whoa what the-- How did this light blue outfit get on me and is that eye shadow? Oh my god it freaking is! Pinkie, Rainbow! This prank isn't funny! I'm soooo gonna get even for this.> Seething in rage Nightmare Moon demands.

“Who is this speaking? Answer now if you value your life.”

<Selene is the name and since my mouth moves when you talk then that crazy mare's plan worked. You are the even crazier Nightmare Moon -- how did you even come up with that name? It such a cliche bad guy name.>

“They called us the Night Mare of the Moon a thousand years ago. We figured to throw it back at them.”

<Know what, I can buy that. It's still cliche though. Anyway give me back my body.>

“Your body?!” Nightmare scoffed. “This is my body. I gave it form a thousand years ago. It's MINE! So fade away like you should.”

<I won't. Even if you technically created this appearance, you had it for what, a day or two at most? I have had it for a couple of months and since the image isn't copyrighted it's mine. You are not even a real person, just some fragments and a copy. I'm a genuine article being here. SO HAND OVER MOONIE!>

“Hand?... -- Never, it is mine. It shall always be mine and you can do nothing to stop me.”

<I can't do anything for now and maybe never but I give you fair warning. Never underestimate the human spirit and I will annoy you from here to eternity.> Before Nightmare could retort there was a knock on the door.

“Lady Moon, I am here to escort you to dinner.” A growling came from Nightmare's stomach, demanding to be fed.

'Truce for food?'

<Truce for food.> With the truce agreed to they met the servant and followed her to the dining hall.

Their route to the dining hall showed hallways with no windows of any type. Either a mountain or under ground complex. Miss Vine was prepared. A pair of doors were in front of them and the servant opened it to reveal a sizable dining hall. Nightmare saw members of the three tribes, zebras, Saddle Arabians, and gryphons scattered around the hall. All conversations stop at Nightmare's arrive.

<Oh not the silence treatment again! Why does it continue!?> Nightmare ignored her unwanted guest and raised a hoof too the diners.

“Please my beloved subjects, continue your meals.” Needing nothing more the eating and conversations renewed. Nightmare walked over to the buffet and grabbed a couple of plates and started putting various fruits, vegetables, and a couple of buns. But what got Selene's attention was when Nightmare put a couple of fried chicken legs on a plate.

<Whoa, whoa, whoa! Timeout! That's meat Moonie, ponies can't eat meat.>

'Normal ponies can't, but I'm not normal. These teeth aren't just for show. I happen to like several meat dishes. It took Luna awhile to let me alter our teeth and digestive system, but she was surprised by the outcome. It certainly help in negotiations with the gryphons.'

<You mean I could have had meat this ENTIRE TIME!?> There was a pause and Nightmare was about to answer when Selene continued.<Man I feel robbed!> That actually caused Nightmare to chuckle as she grabbed a drink and found a place to sit and eat.

Hours later Nightmare moon was at her desk studying history books. She had a thousand years of catching up to do. Dinner was a blast and even Selene was in orgasmic bliss when Nightmare bit into some meat. What a strange passenger she had. She had tried any spell she knew of to expel the intrusion but all failed. It was like this Selene was a part of her soul. Well she was the Alicorn of the Night and she will endure it. She used her mane to turn another page and as she went she reached a hoof to cover a sudden yawn. She looked at the clock and it showed only midnight. She frowned. She was the Alicorn of the Night, she shouldn't be sleepy now, but it has been a trying day and if her guest was to be believed her body has been on a day cycle instead of night. Something to work on. With a sigh she marked and closed the book. With a stretch she went to the bathroom and cleaned up. As she came into her bedroom and took off her shoes and armor. Thankfully there was a stand for the armor and she placed it there and with a rag she wiped off the eye shadow before comfortably laying in the bed.

'Oh soft clouds, very nice.'

<On that I can certainly agree. Sooo getting a cloud bed when I can.> Nightmare Moon couldn't argue the point so with a thought she turned the lights off and managed to drift to sleep. Selene tried to take this opportunity to regain control but nothing work. With a mental sigh she decided to sleep too. She would need her strength to get her body back.