• Published 7th Aug 2014
  • 32,491 Views, 1,012 Comments

Death to Nightmare - Admiral Q Ponyform

A dying man receives a second chance but in the body of Nightmare Moon

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Nightmare's Menace

Celestia was heading to her room after a dinner with her sister. It was a somber affair. 'Selene has been missing for days and we all fear the worse.' Luna herself was going out to fine her fellow alicorn of the night with a pair of her bat ponies. Celestia barely noticed her guards as she walked into her room.

'Maybe a bath would relax me.' Celestia thought and turned her bathroom. When she entered it the first thing she saw was the weight measure Selene bought for her. She slumped at the site of it. When Celestia saw Selene for the first time she feared Nightmare Moon reborn, but in the month that followed she saw a mischievous mare who was given a rough deal and made the most of it. When she looked at that face of sharp teeth and slitted eyes she didn't see Nightmare Moon, she saw Selene and as much as Celestia wanted to throttle the mare for her pranks she was actually looking forward to the eternity to come with her around. Even Luna who has the most reason to hate that form accepted and even liked Selene. Then there's Twilight, the poor young alicorn was going crazy (by Twilight Sparkle standards). She and her friends have been spearheading the search effort for Selene, who was lost at her castle on her watch. 'I Don't think Twilight's mane will be straight until we have found Selene.' Celestia looked out a window into the moon lit night. “I pray you are safe Selene.”

* * * *

Nightmare Moon awoke with a stretch and a yawn. At least in sleep she doesn't have to worry about her guest, who when awake can be quite annoying. Thankfully her guest was currently asleep from what she could tell. She went to her bathroom to do her morning routine before applying her eye shadow and donning her armor. After a bit of feather preening she was ready for the night. It took too long for her body to be in the proper cycle. As she opened the door she saw Grape Vine at her door about to knock with her mane.

“My Queen, you're up. I've got a surprise for you.” Nightmare raised her eyebrows and gestured for Vine to lead her.

Minutes later they were at a reenforced door with a pair of guards dressed in black armor with Nightmare's mark.

“Your Majesty, we got really lucky. Princess Luna decided to try to search of Selene, the being who occupied your body for awhile. However the guards she had with her were our double agents and we manage to capture her.”

“Very good Miss Vine, you and your team have done well. I will speak with Luna alone.” The earth pony nodded and Nightmare Moon decided on using her mist form and went through the cracks of the door. A single light illuminated the room and Nightmare moon saw Luna chained with a nullifier ring on her horn preventing her from using her spells. Nightmare Moon reformed herself and Luna looked up, sensing a presence. She looked in Nightmare's direction and asked.

“Selene, is that you?”

“It is not Selene Luna. I hope you have not forgotten me already?”

“Nightmare Moon.” Luna snarled. “I was not enough, you had to take Selene to. How many more lives will you ruin?”

“Ruin? Luna, I have not ruined anyone. It was Celestia. She ignored our problems. Didn't we try everything to get our ponies to love and adore us? What did we get in return? Scorn. Fear, everything but what we wanted. And what did our dear sister Celestia do? NOTHING! She just let us suffer until I had to force the issue. You couldn't stand up to her, you love her too much, I could. Granted, my attempt to help ended up with us on the moon, but at least she knew how we suffered and she will again. She can experience a thousand years away from our ponies, while you and I ensure Equestria's security.”

“Like you know anything of that miss Night Eternal.” Nightmare raised a hoof.

“I've had that bashed over my head enough already. I'm not bringing back Night Eternal, maybe a longer night but not Night Eternal, contrary to the beliefs of our subjects. I did not come back on my own, I was summoned. Why? Because they feel that you and Celestia can't keep them safe and I can't blame them.” Nightmare Moon turns away from Luna. “Since the last time we were defeated what has Equestria experienced? The return of some of our worst enemies and some that could have been avoided. You have relied too much on Twilight and luck to survive and without me, you don't have the strength to show our sister when she is wrong and our ponies have suffered for it.” Nightmare Moon turned back and saw Luna pensive and looking a little hurt. Nightmare walked back and to Luna's surprise laid down next to her, put a wing over her and nuzzled her. “I do not say these things to be harsh to you Luna. You are not complete without me for I have become your strength, your knight to defend you from the world. I have always gladly accepted that role. Even if you hate me right now, I have always loved you my dear sister.” Nightmare Moon shed tears that dropped onto a shocked Luna. Nightmare Moon got up and walked away and pounded on the iron door.. “I will have some pillows and some reading material brought in, but sadly you must stay bound till the transition in government is secure. I will visit when I can sister.” The door opened and Nightmare Moon left Luna alone.

As she walked back to her room her thoughts were disturbed.

<You do care for her, I can feel it. I was not expecting that.>

'No one understands my feelings for her. And like always I will protect her. Even from herself.'

* * * *

Nightmare Moon was going over reports when she got an interruption from the most unexpected source.

“There you are Selenie! You can't hide from the best hide and seeker in Equestria forever!” Nightmare Moon saw a pink pony upside down in front of her. She recognized this pony.

'Oh no! Not this annoying foal.'

<Eeyup, you will now witness the terror that is Pinkie Pie.> Nightmare heard munching in her head.

'Are you eating---popcorn in there?'

<Mmmhhhhmmm, buttered popcorn, a large pop, and a lazyboy recliner. I am totally set for the show that's about to come.>

“Hey wait a sec, you aren't Selenie. You're Black Snooty!” Nightmare heard Selene laugh her flank off. Nightmare growled and with a thought teleported the pony away. She sighed and relaxed before a thought came to her mind.

'Wait, she bore an Element of Harmony and I need to capture one.' She gave herself a facehoof and stayed that way before something took off her helmet.

“Wow this is pretty comfy for a helmet.” Nightmare turned to her side and that pink pony was back and wearing her helmet.

“Give that back.” Nightmare Moon said angrily.

“Oh don't be mad, no pony cares your bald.”

“I'm NOT bald, alicorn manes eventually turn into magical clouds. Mine happens to be filled with stars.” There was a pause before the pink pony asked.

“But is it hair?”

“No it's ma-”


“GIVEMEBACKMYHELMET!” Nightmare dove at the pony who disappeared. Then Nightmare felt a weight on top of her.

“Silly Snooty, You should have just said we were playing tag.” The laughing inside of Nightmare's head was relentless.

The poor room suffered as Nightmare Moon tried desperately to capture Pinkie Pie to no avail. When there was a knock on the door Pinkie Pie went over to it and opened it.

“Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie nice to meet you.” The mare just stared at at her until Nightmare Moon intervened, having come up with an idea to capture the pony her memories called Pinkie the pink menace.

“Where is Miss Vine?”

“In her office my lady.” Nightmare smiled at that information. She got up from her last attempt to get Pinkie.

“Hey Pinkie do you want to meet a new friend?” Suddenly Pinkie was right in her face. How does she do that? She had the biggest expression of hopeful joy.

“Really? I love to make new friends!”

“Well follow me and you will meet her.” Pinkie started hopping behind Nightmare Moon as Selene mentally cried out.

<NO, No PINKIE DON'T DO IT!> Nightmare felt a mental facehoof. <Her urge to make new friends, her only weakness.>

This plan seemed to be going well, Nightmare thought. She was on her way to Vine's office with Pinkie in tow, but there was much to cause doubt. Pinkie wasn't walking behind her or even beside her. Nope she was on her back, still wearing Nightmare's helmet and talking non stop about random crap. Nightmare's patience was slowly being eaten away by the pink menace. And Selene wasn't much help either. Nightmare could practically feel the other's giddiness as Nightmare's torture.

'Just a little bit longer, just a little bit longer and she will be out of my mane.'

<That's what you think, never underestimate the Pinkie. She may be an idiot right now but she will make you regret it.>

Finally Vine's doors came into view and Nightmare opened them. Grape Vine looked up from what ever she was working on and was shocked by what she saw. Nightmare mouthed 'help me' to the mare who saw and nodded. Pinkie noticed the new mare. She hopped off Nightmare's back and hopped over to Grape Vine and Nightmare closed and warded the door.

“Hi I'm Pinkie Pie who are you?” Grape Vine smirked and faster then anybody could think she quickly wrapped her tentacles around Pinkie.

“Your captor my dear. Muhahahahahaha!” Grape Vine paused in mid laugh. “Jeeze I have to get ahold of that.” Nightmare Moon took the advantage and, with Pinkie secured in one spot, cast a sleep spell on Pinkie causing her to immediately fall alseep.

“Get enchanted chains on her quick, she may be more dangerous than even Luna.” Nightmare ordered. Grape nodded and used another tentacle to write out a letter and used an enchanted candle to get it to the right place. She then looked at the sleeping Pinkie.

“This is the Element of Laughter, how did she even get in?” Grape asked.

“I have NO idea, she just popped up in my face. Put her in the most secure room you have. I do NOT want her to escape.” Grape just nodded and in minutes a pair of guards came in with the enchanted restraints, locked up the mare, and took her out. Both mares let out a sigh of relief.

“Now with an Element captured all that is left is Princess Celestia and the Crystal Empire.”

“Yes but we'll start on that tomorrow. Dealing with that Pink Menace has drained me.” Nightmare started walking to the door. “With her contained she is no longer a threat.”

< That's what you think.>


Author's Note:

Image by Tavisharts. too good not to put in.