• Published 7th Aug 2014
  • 32,437 Views, 1,011 Comments

Death to Nightmare - Admiral Q Ponyform

A dying man receives a second chance but in the body of Nightmare Moon

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Dark Plot( Insert joke here)

Selene groaned and her head felt like it was used as a marching band's practice field. She tried casting that ease ache spell but got no response.

“Crap, what hit me?”

“A combo of tranquilizer and sleep spells.” A female voice replied “Can't be to careful with an alicorn.” The sound of something being poured was heard. “Here drink this, should help with the headache.” Selene felt something brush her muzzle and she opened her mouth and felt liquid touch her tongue and she gulped it down. Selene sat their for a minute as the headache lessened. When she felt she could she opened her eyes. She was lying on a floor and a look at her forehooves revealed she was tied down in chain, as well as that she back in Nightmare form not the Unicorn Selene. She felt her wings bound to her body and it even felt that her hair was somehow bound. Who ever did this went all out. “By the way hun, that hair was really difficult to rein in. Kept going through stuff but thankfully my mages manage to get it contained.” Selene looked towards the voice and was shocked at what she saw. There, lounging on a purple tail the size of an average pony, was a green earth pony with more of the purple maze surrounding her. She reminded Selene of a comic series Spike introduced her to.

“Mane-iac?” Selene asked in shock. The Mane-iac's eyes grew wide.

“Me, Mane-iac?” The mare laughed hard before catching herself. “Oh I can see why, but no. I'm not Mane-iac though she is based off of me. On purpose I might add, making that comic series was so much fun. My name is Grape Vine.”

“Well that's fitting.” Selene commented. Grape Vine rolled her eyes.

“Tell me about it. I think the universe has a very twisted sense of humor.”

“Did you also fall in a vat of hair product chemicals and get zapped by electricity?”

“Nope, magical explosion during a plant experiment. The unicorn scientist assured me that mixing the chemicals, magic, and the vines was all safe and harmless then BOOM! The next thing I know, I see bits of vine and him everywhere, as well as having my mane and tail end up this way. Luckily I can hide their condition and became the inspiration to the most successful comic series to date.” Grape Vine rubbed a mane-tentacle against a forehoof she was inspecting. “I rather admit I'm proud of that. Though why one of my people thought enchanting some copies was a good idea is beyond me. I mean sure it would sell more for ponies to actually experience the adventure but what about the lawsuits if someone died in one of those?” Grape shook her head. “Sorry, cons outweigh pro's.”

“So when are you going to kill me for being a 'threat' to Equestria?” Selene asked.

“The answer to that is quite complicated. In short, we're not. You see, you, Selene, were not planned for. Nightmare Moon was. But I better start at the beginning and since my capture of you was so flawless I can get away with monologuing.” Grape grabbed a glass with her mane and took a sip. “Selene, Equestria has been completely lucky the past few years. Granted I don't think anything better could have been done about the first Return of Nightmare Moon and Discord, which could have ended in disaster. No, the real problems came during the wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Cadance.”

“Read about that.” Selene commented.

“Good, so I don't need to fill you in what happened during that. Look at the situation. Twilight, who hadn't seen Cadance in person in years, figured out something wasn't right about the Alicorn of Love but Princess; Celestia who sees her, if not every day, certainly more often than Twilight, completely missed the fact Cadance wasn't acting like Cadance!” Grape facehoofed and shook her head. Then there was the Crystal Empire incident. Why didn't Celestia send Twilight with Shining Armor and Cadence from the start instead of nearly the last minute. It's only thanks to Twilight's intelligence and quick thinking that Sombra was prevented from regaining the Empire. The final straw was Tirek. My sources told me he got loose from Tartarus almost two years ago. How in 'Luna's Moon' was that not noticed for so long and we came this close” Grape used two mane tentacles, bring them close to almost touching each other. “... to losing it all thanks to a stupid three headed mutt leaving it's post and incompetent guards to not double check!? Again, we survive solely on luck and Twilight's quick wits. Honestly, I feel sorry for the new Princess going through all of that, but Tirek hammered the point. Celestia is too weak to rule now, Luna has been cowed by the Elements and wouldn't fight her sister like that again. Cadance has got her hooves full with the Crystal Empire, and Twilight is just too inexperienced to rule fully. We need a mare who has the courage, the will, the power, and the knowledge to rule Equestria and only one mare fits that bill. Nightmare Moon, Luna's alter ego. Me and my associates worked and researched hard to find a way to bring back Nightmare Moon without Luna. We manage to find it and cast it at the optimum time and we initially thought nothing went wrong until you pulled that rescue stunt -- nice job by the way. I had you surveyed to see if you were Nightmare Moon and just faking everything until you had a means to escape or were something else. You ended up being something else. You were never meant to be here and for that I am sorry. We never meant for anypony to be dragged from their world to this one or to inhabit the new Nightmare Moon.”

“So what are you going to do with me?” Selene asked and Grape genuinely gave a sad sigh.

“You cannot be what we need Selene. We need Nightmare Moon and while you are physically her, you are not her mentally. So we are going to override your mind with Nightmare Moon's.”

“How if Nightmare Moon is Luna's other personality?” Grape pointed at Selene with a smirk on her face.

“That is a good question. When the Elements of Harmony were used on Nightmare Moon parts of her armor remained. I bought some shards while some of my associates stole others. I had my mages study the shards and found something startling. There was a remnant of the Mare in the Moon on it. While I don't know how the Elements work -- heck I don't think even the Royal Sisters fully know how they work -- but somehow each shard had a bit of Nightmare Moon's magic and mind on it. Unfortunately for us, it was still incomplete so a couple of Thestrals loyal to our cause got recruited into the Lunar Guard and manage to get guard duty to Luna's Royal Chambers. With them there we had a unicorn go in and scan Luna's mind and get a complete copy of it. Our mages tolled for weeks with all of that and we managed to recreate Nightmare's personality. We then cast the spell and that personality should have entered the body we made but for some reason it didn't. Maybe too many X factors, I don't know, but the body didn't appear before us and you got in instead of Nightmare Moon. So when my mages are ready we our going to put that personality in and erase you. I wish this hadn't happened to you but Equestria needs a strong leader that Nightmare Moon can be.”

“What about Night Eternal? That will doom Equestria as anything else.” Selene asked, hoping that might stop this course.

“That would be an issue. I think we have curbed that desire in the recreated personality but won't know till it's in a body.” Before Selene could try another plea the door behind them opened and several figures emerged. “It seems our time is up Selene, your sacrifice will not be forgotten, I promise you.” Selene struggled against the restraints but to no avail as the mages gathered in a circle with a unicorn holding an orb glowing turquoise and purple. The unicorns lit their horns and all the mages began chanting in a language Selene didn't know as she desperately struggled against the chains.

* * * *

Grape Vine watched with interest as the spell powered up and Selene fought hard against the chains holding her.

'Brave, but futile.' Grape thought and saw the floor under the alicorn light up and the runes placed their before Selene's arrival were charged with magic. The orb was then floated closer to Selene as bolts of turquoise and purple struck the alicorn causing her to scream in agony. More bolts struck her and more screams followed. Grape used a tentacle to give Selene a salute. She was a good mare and deserved as much. Eventually Selene passed out and the bolts continued for ten more minutes before the orb died and the runes faded. Grape look to her mages and they all looked tired. She looked to the lead unicorn and asked.

“Did it work?”

“We'll *huff* know when *huff* she wakes up.” Grape had servants pass out food so that the mages could recover their strength.

The first sign from the black alicorn was when her eyes opened. She blinked a couple of times before raising her head and looking around. She stopped and looked in Grape Vine's general direction and Grape noticed an intensity in her eyes that wasn't their before.

“Is some foal going to undo my bindings?” The alicorn asked, even the tone of the voice had changed a bit. More regal and cold if Grape had to guess. With her tentacles she undid the bindings and removed the ring nullifying the alicorn's magic. The alicorn got up and stretched, causing crinks and pops to be heard before she stopped. “That's better.” The alicorn commented.

“I think you'll like these, my smiths and mages worked hard to recreate and enchant this set for you.” With another tentacle Grape reached into the dark and pulled out a cart. On the cart was sky blue helmet, barrel armor, and armored boots. The boots and armor bore the turquoise crescent. The black alicorn smiled and approached the cart and used her magic to don the outfit. The alicorn stood there with her eyes closed. Then she reared and stomped right in front of Grape so that they were muzzle to muzzle and Grape stared into those slitted eyes. Was Grape scared? Yes, in fact she almost had to go to the little fillies room, but would she show that to the alicorn in front of her? By Tartarus no. Was Selene faking this before escaping or was this truly Nightmare Moon reborn? Grape didn't know.

“You didn't flinch, good, you show promise then.” The mare raised her black head and said. “Equestria prepare yourself.” The mare then tilted her head to the right. “Nightmare Moon is back.” Nightmare Moon threw her head back and broke out into an evil laugh as her mane swirled and lighting erupted from it. Grape looked at the display for a couple of seconds before shrugging.

'Ah tartarus go with it.' She then joined in with her own laughter.

* * * *

Luna was on the throne when she felt a cold and she shivered. How could the Princess of the Night feel cold? It took her a couple of seconds before she could stop. One of her bat pony guards looked at her.

"Your highness, are you alright?" He asked with concern.

"I am, but I've got a bad feeling about this. I feel something terrible just happened."

Author's Note:

Short I know but i felt it needed to end there.

Told you it would get Dark