• Published 7th Aug 2014
  • 32,492 Views, 1,012 Comments

Death to Nightmare - Admiral Q Ponyform

A dying man receives a second chance but in the body of Nightmare Moon

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Crashes and Reveals

Selene felt weird in the head, and had a massive headache. Touching a hoof to her forehead, she rubbed it and opened her eyes as she groaned. Her room was upside down and that confused her till she noticed her ethereal mane pooling above her head. Or more accurately below her head. She looked around and saw that she was on the end of her bed with her head hanging over the side. How did she even get here? The last thing she remembered was cider and cake at the party Pinkie threw for her. A party where she made her first friends in this world. That thought brought a smile to her lips. That smile died a quick and tragic death as she righted herself and lifted her neck up. Only to have a massive headache return. 'Note to self, go easy on the hard cider.' she manage to get to the door and peek out to face her guards.

“Can one of you go get me some aspirin? I have a massive hangover.” For once the guards could sympathize with the black alicorn, having had hangovers before.

“Ma'am you head back to bed I'll get a healer for you.” Selene nodded and manage to get back to the bed and laid there for minutes even closing her eyes. A bright glow hit her and she jerked her eyes opened to see a female unicorn next to her with her horn glowing.

“Easy ma'am, almost done.” The glow continued for a minute before the unicorn stopped it. Selene's head felt much better. “There you go ma'am. How do you feel?”

“Much better, what was that?”

“Ease ache spell. Perfect for hangovers.”

“Note to self. LEARN this spell. Well thanks a lot.”

“No problems ma'am, you have a good day.” The unicorn then zipped out of the room fast. Maybe a little too fast and Selene did notice a tad of fear. She sighed as the legacy of Nightmare Moon haunts her. Well after yesterday Selene just wanted a nice restful day reading more of the books. She especially wanted to look for the Ease Ache Spell, So she started going through the books looking for it.

Unbeknownst to her something pink was closing in.

It amazed Selene how Pinkie Pie, the renowned party pony can mix up confetti with cake batter. Now instead of relaxing and reading she was out in one of the smaller more private gardens while the servants cleaned her room. To her credit Pinkie looked sorry and offered to make an apology cake to which Selene replied.

“Only if it's not shot out of a cannon.”

She was almost alone in the small garden. Several paces away her guards kept an eye on her. She couldn't even check out the main garden for fear of discovery. The curse of being in a villain's body, she was in a gilded cage. She laid down on the grass and enjoyed the sun light.

She was there for a few minutes till she saw a rainbow streak zip by in the air. She followed it as it twirled around before it sped towards her.

“Hey Selene! What'cha doing?”

“Oh Rainbow that was you. Well after Pinkie's cannon fluke I can't read any of my books so I'm out here.”

“Oh Pinkie, she can go overboard. Hey since you aren't doing anything, you wanna try to fly?”

“You would train a complete noob like me?”

“Who better then Equestria's best flier. First let me check out your wings, it's unlikely you properly tended to them.” Rainbow flew behind her and inspected Selene's wings. “Yup they need preening, just to let you know this will feel pleasurable.” Rainbow then set into preening the wings and explaining what Selene needs to do so she can do this herself. And boy was Rainbow right. It DID feel good. And ten minutes later Rainbow was done and hovered in front of Selene. “Okay first spread your wings out.” Selene did so since she has gotten use to their presences and how to move them in the past few days. “Good, good. Now now flap them slow and strong.” Selene did so and was already feeling some lift and tried to go a little faster in her wing beats and soon was a few feet, or was it hooves in the air.

“I'm flying, I'm actually flying!” Selene proclaimed with glee.

“Looking good Selene, now try to move forward” Selene did try but ended up face first in the ground with Rainbow chuckling in the background. She got to her hooves and with a determined look she took to the air again. And crashed again when she tried to move forward. She got to her hooves yet again and took to the air yet again.

A few hours later Selene and Rainbow Dash head for lunch. Selene could now fly but landing was another story. Even the guards took cover a couple of times and that poor tree will never be the same. But Selene was proud, batter and bruised but she could fly now.

“You've got determination kid. You would be Wonderbolt material in a few months.” Rainbow said smugly. Selene just eyed her with a the seriously look.

“Kid? Rainbow in both of my bodies I am older than you. And Wonderbolts, sounds like a stunt team.”

“They are a combination of stunt fliers and military unit. Most of the time they do fantastic stuff during events and ceremonies but are also a quick response team when a crisis arises.”

“Sounds similar to the Blue Angels back home. They use jets to fly and they are painted blue with yellow highlights.” Rainbow's eyes bug out in surprise.

“THAT'S WONDERBOLT COLORS!” The look ponies look at each other for a minute as the fact sunk in.

“Creepy.” Selene finally says.

Entering the dining room for lunch Selene saw Celestia and her new friends. Near the end of lunch Selene asked Celestia about her court. The white alicorn groaned.

“It was trying today, so many petty squabbles that should be handled by the actual courts not my Day Court. There are a few that do need my judgment and a few I do take joy in laying down a decision, but not that much today. I'm so tempted to have some cake.”

“Well why not have some?” Selene asked.

“I'm on a bit of a diet to slim myself down.”

“UUUggghhh!” Selene groaned as she tossed her fork down, got up, and stood next to Celestia before dropping down on a cushion she took with her and lined her rump next to Celestia's. “Okay I have had this body for only a few days so I'm assuming that It's like what it was as Nightmare Moon?” The other's nodded so she continued. “Okay so look at my flank compared to yours. Besides fur and cutie mark do you see any difference?” Eyes wide Celestia shook her head. “Then as a former male and someone the same size as you I can honestly say this. YOU! ARE! NOT! FAT!” She took a piece of cake and put it in front of Celesita and before Celestia could act Selene opened her mouth and stuffed the piece in. “Enjoy the cake.” She got up and started for the door taking note of all the drop jaws. She even got Pinkie to jaw drop. 'Mental fist pump.' Selene had the grandest smile on her lips all the way to her room.

Later that night she heard a female laughing hard and loud. Looking out her window she saw the main garden and saw the Royal Sisters out there and, thanks to her excellent night vision, she could clearly see what they were doing. Celestia was sitting on the grass with her ears back and ….Was that a blush on her face? Luna meanwhile was on her back hugging her barrel with her hindlegs kicking in the air as she laughed.

“She....stuffed.... a piece.....of cake.....in your mouth! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Selene couldn't help but smile as she went back to her reading. As different as things are on this planet the relationship of siblings remains the same. A relationship she would admit being envious of.

* * * * * *

Selene was in a dark alley with a redden night sky. She heard a scream and raced towards it and saw two dark figures, human figures. The bigger one turned to her and a bright light shown before revealing a blade glinting moonlight. Selene back up a bit but the figure closed in. Then a light blue beam tore through the figure and through the alley leaving darkness and a familiar figure.

“Luna!” Selene said gladly, or Tom as he heard his voice again and look down to see his old body.

“Good evening Selene, so this is what you looked like before.” The Lunar Princess looked him over.

“What do you think?” The former human asked.

“It is strange and I honestly prefer you in my alter ego's body which I will admit is strange to say but maybe it's my hope of you redeeming it.” Tom saw her chuckle. “And you had a great start with that cake thing.”


“And it's still hilarious! Heck, one time it took me and Tia a whole decade to get over a prank one of us did on a noble. I you managed to pull a great one on Tia with little planing. That is quite a feat I assure you. And beware, while Tia isn't as mischievous as I, Rainbow Dash, or Pinkie Pie, she can pull of some whoopers when inclined. And she may be inclined to do so with you.” Luna then had an impish smile and said. “Well, enjoy your dream, for it should be far more pleasant now.” With that she faded away and in her place He was in a park that was near his old home but he saw his new friends waiting for him.

A beam of sunlight awoke Selene from her dream. 'Curse you CELESTIA!' She yawned and stretched and go through her normal routine since she had arrived at the castle. It had been two weeks since Twilight and the others returned to their home since Selene was apparently not Nightmare Moon nor would become her in the foreseeable future. They had jobs to go back to but did promise to visit. Twilight does come every few days to help train Selene in magic. she was getting good at it despite Twilight's over the top explanations. In a few more years she might be as good as the princesses, maybe. She looked out her window to see the early morning sun and noticed a dark object in the sky. She narrowed her eyes and saw the last thing she expected to see, a zeppelin. This country had a freaking zeppelin. She watched it slowly approach the city and it was pretty big size of a freighter back home. It was starting to get over the city when Selene saw an explosion on the side. The couple of propeller engines on that side stopped working causing the airship to slowly turn and Selene saw the damage area growing as the skeleton buckled from the strain. That sucker was going to crash, crash right onto the city. She couldn't let that happen. She ran out of her room and her poor guards got hit by the doors as she ran to a balcony and leaped into the air.

Once airborne Selene headed to the crippled airship and started charging her horn. This was going to take a lot and would be the biggest thing she tried to lift to date. She closed in on the damage side and caught a pegasus mare flying nearby. The mare was shocked at Selene's appearance but Selene hoped to snap her out of it.

“Ma'am I need you to tell the captain to try to head for the grass below. I will use my magic to keep the ship together and help steer it down there.” With that she unleashed her magic and an aura of dark blue surrounded her horn and the zeppelin. Then she noticed the mare just hovering there still with a shocked look on her face.

“LADY THE LIVES OF THE PONIES ONBOARD ARE IN DANGER GET TO THE CAPTAIN!” Wow that was loud and was that wind coming out of her mouth? No matter, the zeppelin was her concern. She flew parallel to the ship and feeling the strain on herself keeping the thing aloft. 'Come on, if you're stuck in a body of a super villainess then she had better have the super stuff to go with it.' She saw the ground steadily closing in but thankfully not in a 'WE'RE GOING TO CRASH!' way but rather a gentle landing. Her magic felt the bottom of the ship touch the ground and she released the ship and landed feeling mentally tired. She just stood there catching her breathe as the crew and passengers got out of the vessel. It took her a minute to notice how quiet they were and she looked over to see them just staring at her. She lowered her head a bit and lightly waved a hoof and meekly said. “Hi.” There was silence till a mare pony cried out.

“It's Nightmare Moon! RUN!” And they all did, thankfully in the direction of Canterlot. Selene just shook her head and saw a white, gold flash and Celestia appeared.

“Selene what are you doing out here?” She asked with concern.

“Oh just just saving a bunch of ponies from certain death and injury in total superhero style! Only to have then run and scream at the sight of me.” Selene knocked a pebble with her hoof.

“Well good job but let's get you out of here.” Celestia's horn glowed and they were enveloped in light and Selene's stomach felt weird and when the light faded they were in her room. “Now I must handle this issue, please Selene do not leave this room.”

“Fine.” Selene sighed and Celestia teleported out. “So much for being a hero for these ponies.” Selene mumbled and headed for her bed.

An hour later there was a knock on her door. “Selene, may I come in?” A muffled Luna's voice asked. Selene opened the door and a cheerful looking Luna came in. “I figured with all the commotion you didn't get breakfast so I brought it to you.”

“Thanks, I was getting hungry. I guess the crisis woke you up?” Luna walked in with a tray of delicious smelling food and a pair of mugs.

“It did and Tia, furthermore, wants me awake for the aftermath of all of this. But do not worry I have come prepared.” She revealed two mugs. Of them, she lifted a purple mug with the scent of coffee coming from it. Selene noticed some writing in teal that said 'HUZZAH!' The other was bluish black with constellations on it. Selene took the darker mug since Luna learned that Selene was not into hot drinks. Selene looked in and saw chocolate milk, her second favorite drink which thankfully remained unchanged with this new body. Luna then lifted the cover to reveal an array of donuts. “I had Doughnut Joe make some fresh ones for us. The castle cooks just can't make them like he does." Between the two alicorns of the night the donuts stood no chance and the great doughnut massacre was devastating and quick with no survivors.

“I bet Celestia would be jealous if she knew.”

“Nah, she has her own box by her as she handles this. Doughnuts are her second comfort food after cake.” Selene's cheerful mood ended.

“Sorry about that, trying to do the right thing and everything blows up.” She felt a hoof on her shoulder and saw Luna with a sympathetic smile.

“Selene you did indeed do the right thing and I'm proud of that. My sister though is a very delicate planner and you actions threw her plans out the window and it makes her a bit on edge. I honestly think Twilight rubbed off a bit on her. Look, my sister was trying to do what was best for you and figuring out how to reveal you to the rest of Equestria. All of that is in shambles. The cause was noble, but she has to figure out how to handle the fact the ponies of our nation have seen you before we were ready and now think Nightmare Moon is back. So please don't take her reaction poorly. Ruling a nation is not easy, even with mine and Twilight's help.”

“It makes sense and it's makes me feel better that even you two, each considered the epitome of perfection, can be caught off guard by things. I'll do what I can to help.”

The next day was quite energetic. Ponies racing all round the hallways on various tasks. The only calm was the private dinning room where she had her meals with Luna and Celestia.

“Busy today.” Selene commented as she sat down and ordered her breakfast.

“We'll need to make your reveal as soon as possible so we are making an address today. I'll need you to be there.”

“No problem since I did kinda of cause this, so do they know what went wrong with the zeppelin?”

“It's more like what didn't go wrong.” Luna commented as she sipped her coffee. “Safety features were not working or even installed, the equipment was not the best quality, most of the crew were not properly trained and the metal wasn't right. It seems the only good thing about that airship was its actual design. If everything was in there and of the proper quality the whole incident would not of happened.”

“So the owner cost cut to save money only to lose more then what he would have spent on all the legal issue. Dumb move. So what's the game plan?”

“Twilight and Rarity are coming in by chariot.” Celestia replied. “My former student is quite popular with my ponies and even starting to rival her sister in law Cadance. Her supporting you will help severely in public opinion. As for Rarity...” Celestia was interrupted by the doors opening and Twilight and Rarity coming in.

Twilight spoke first “Good morning, princesses, sorry for the wait, I had to wake up Rarity.”

Celestia frowned, “Twilight how many times have I told you to drop the titles with me and Luna. You hold equal rank to us.”

Twilight looked down and sighed, “Sorry Prin..Celestia.”

A small smile appeared on Celestia's lips, “Since I did get you up early to be here I'll let it slide this time. You two care to join us for breakfast?” It was Rarity who answered first.

“Your highness as much as I would like to, I need to get Selene ready for her big reveal. I shall have to eat later for every minute is precious.”

“Woah! Woah! Woah! Timeout here.” Selene said waving her fore hooves before doing the iconic T motion. “What the heck does Rarity need to do?”

“We need to get you done up and look spectacular for your debut my dear. Get your hair done up and of course fitted with a proper dress.” Rarity answered. She looked to Celestia and asked. “Do you have a place setup for me to work?”

“Yes the same place during Cadance's wedding.” Celestia got in before Selene could say anything to Rarity.

“First off my hair is a freaking magical starfield attached to my head, what could you possible do to that. And a dress? HELL NO! No fro-fro dress for me. I'll just have a bath and make my coat nice and shiny.”

“I admit the mane will be an issue but you simply must have a dress for this.”


“Yes, fabulousity demands it.” Steel enters Rarity's eyes and her horn glows a very light blue color and the glow appears around Selene. Rarity then leaves with her magic dragging Selene to the door as the newest alicorn struggles, But Rarity's grip is ironclad.

“I don't want a dress! I Don't want to wear a dress! I Don't Need a dress you ponies go most of the time buck naked! NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Selene screams as she disappears down the hall dragged by Rarity. Meanwhile the princess were laughing their flanks off.

They were about halfway through their breakfast when they heard.

“nnnnnnnNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo!” They saw Selene run like the wind with a scary looking Rarity chasing her with fabric and tools floating above her as she chased the Alicorn down. The guards were unsure what to do while the Celestia and Luna fell to the floor laughing at the scene. It would stay with them for centuries.

Selene glared at the closed door in front of her. Here she thought she could get along with Rarity but NOOOO, that mare just HAD to get her in a dress. Selene will give her this, that unicorn can work fast under pressure. The dress she was - uuggghhh - wearing was comfy and matched her new body. The fabric was made to look like her starry mane with mirrored pieces to shimmer like the stars when the light hit them right. It was finished off with a teal trim and matching teal shoes I think I'll go for. The doors opened and Celestia, Luna, and Twilight all dressed in their own gowns strode onto the balcony facing the bulk of Canterlot. When they reached the end Celestia began.

“My little ponies, I know you have heard amazing tales about the events that happened yesterday. Some maybe true, some clearly not. I am hear to address some of those tales. Many of you believe Nightmare Moon has returned. As you can see by dear sister Luna is right here, not as her alter ego Nightmare Moon. Besides from Nightmare Night she does not don that persona's form at all. However that was not her that rescued the crippled zeppelin yesterday. Instead it was a new pony that has arrived here in Equestria by strange means and while she has the form of the dreaded Mare in the Moon she is not her. I present to you all. SELENE!” Selene put on a happy face and approached the end of the balcony. She look over and saw what had to be the entire population of Canterlot below her. No pressure, right.

“Ponies of Equestria, I know my form and appearance frightens you. You have every right to be frighten of it due to the past behind it. But now there is more behind this body. Before I came to Equestria and in this body I was staring death in the face after saving a mare from rape and possibly death. By some miracle, magic, whatever you want to call it I found myself here in this country and in the body. What little I have seen of your country and from what I have been able to read I can say this. I wish the planet where I came from had more countries like this. While not perfect you seem to thrive and be happy and I want to experience more of that. So I stand here today offering my hoof out in friendship hoping you will grasp it and make a new legacy for this form. Not of terror and Eternal Night but of hope and friendship.” A roar and stomping came from the crowd as she stepped away.

“Well done Selene. A very moving speech.” Celestia commented as they head back in.

“I spoke from my heart and gave them the honest truth. If only more politicians back home understood that.”

As the four alicorns returned to the castle inside the crowd dispersed and a certain pony still looked up at the balcony. With a thoughtful look on her face.

“I need to tell the boss about this.” She said to herself as she raced into the city.