• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 2,566 Views, 15 Comments

A Dragon's Detour - Nrdygrl

Twilight never expected Spike to leave, but he receives an invitation that could change everything

  • ...

The Invitation

Chapter One

“The Invitation”

It all began one sunny day in Ponyville. The sun rays beamed through the window to the oak tree house. Twilight Sparkle stretched and lifted her eyelids. She rolled out of bed and walked to her vanity. Her horn glowed and her hairbrush rose off of it and brushed her messy mane. She sighed and glanced at her alarm clock. She cocked her head.
“Peculiar…” she muttered. “I was sure I set it for 6….” She gasped when she saw it was 9:30. “I SLEPT IT!” she shouted. “SPPPIIIIIKEEE!!!”
“Yeah-yeah! Twili-oof!” said the violet colored dragon and he tripped running up the stairs. “I’m here! I’m here!” Spike rushed up to her and saluted. “Your number one assistant reporting for duty!”
“Spike! It’s horrible…absolutely positively abhorrent!”
“Abhorrent?” The little dragon scratched his head in confusion.
“Detestable…” sighed Twilight in an attempt to dumb it down.
“AWFUL!” shouted Twilight annoyed. She rolled her eyes and rushed downstairs. Spike rolled his eyes and followed her.
“Okay…so what is so awful?”
“I…slept…in! That’s what’s awful, Spike! Now I have way too much studying to catch up on!” Her horn glowed and books began flying off the shelves. “Oh! Astronomy….Etymology….Numerology…Paleontology… UGH! A feel a stress overload approaching rapidly! It’s corroding my brain capacity! Ohhh….”
“TWILIGHT!” shouted Spike grabbing the sides of her face and shaking her head around. “Snap out of it! You’re the smartest pony I know…you’ll get this stuff done…just chill out! I’ll help you...that’s what I’m here for. Now…just….breathe…” Twilight inhaled and exhaled slowly.
“Thank you, Spike…I needed that. I’m so glad you’re my friend…and number one assistant.”
“No prob, Twi,” replied Spike grinning. “Where do we start? And don’t hyperventilate again, okay? Haha! See? I know some big words!” He puffed his chest up and smirked.
“Impressive…” replied Twilight rolling her eyes. “Let’s see…can you retrieve The Astronomer’s Guide to the Solar System for me? Luckily I have that book, considering you destroyed The Astronomer’s Almanac to All Things Astronomy.” She smirked at him, reminding him of that incident.
“Yeah-yeah,” said Spike, already looking under Section A of his unicorn companion’s large home library. “One Ast….astro….astron…a...er…..one space book coming up that I didn’t destroy with my sneezes!” he huffed dragging it over to her. Twilight giggled.
“Thanks, she replied. Walking over to a fresh scroll, she made her horn glow. It picked up a quill pen, dipped it in ink and began to write on the parchment a new report entitled, “The Heavenly Bodies.” “Okay…let’s start with the sun…”
Spike stood by patiently watching his friend work. Just then, he felt a burp coming on. He burped out magic green fire, along with a scroll with a bright red ribbon on it.
“Oh! It’s a letter from Princess Celestia, Twilight,” Spike exclaimed.
“Oh…” said Twilight. “She’s probably waiting for another report….please tell me she’s not!” She immediately began writing faster.
“No, actually…it’s…a letter for…me! Wow! That’s new! She’s never sent me a letter before!”
“Oh…whew!” sighed Twilight. “What does it say?”
“It says…” replied the dragon clearing his throat.

‘Dear Spike,
I am anxious, as always to hear about your and Twilight’s discoveries in the magic of friendship, but I have taken some time aside from my royal duties to write this special letter to you. You have been doing a fantastic job in keeping…’
“Keeping what?” asked Twilight after he had paused. Spike sighed.
“What’s this word?” he mumbled, showing it to her.
“Correspondence,” replied Twilight giggling. Spike blushed.
“Correspondence…” he growled. He cleared his throat again and continued:

‘…with me…about your and Twilight’s adventures. I love that you are such a good assistant to Twilight, I think I need to call you my faithful little dragon…’
“Little?! Pfh!” Spike rolled his eyes.
“Just keep reading!” said Twilight smirking.

‘You have impressed me so much, Spike…that I am about to give you an offer…an invitation that does not come to many dragons. I would be delighted if you would accept to...’

“To what?!” asked Twilight, dropping her quill pen, annoyed he paused again. But when she turned around she knew something was wrong. The look on Spike’s face said it all. He read the rest silently to himself and looked down at the ground…looking disappointed. “Spike…what’s wrong? What did she say?”
Spike sighed and left the room looking sad. Twilight thought of going after him, but then she realized he wanted to be alone and think about…this invitation…whatever it was. She was concerned about her friend, but she returned to writing her report.
After a couple hours, Spike walked back into the library when Twilight called him to help her find a book. The dragon rushed back in, cheerful and bright as if nothing had ever happened.
“Okay…The Study of Words…” Spike pulled the book off the shelf. “This might help me out a little!” Twilight sighed and smiled. “One report down…three to go.”
“You’ve made good time today, though,” said Spike calmly. He glanced at the clock. “It’s only about eleven-thirty!”
“True…” said Twilight smiling. “So…uhh…what did the Princess say, Spike? You looked a little down when you read the rest of the letter…I was wondering what this invitation was about.”
“Oh…” said Spike hanging his head. “Well…she wants me to enroll in the brand new Equestria School for Young Dragons.”
“Oh, Spike! That’s wonderful!” replied Twilight excitedly. “I had no idea they were opening one in Ponyville! That is great! How could you not want to go?! You’d learn so much…meet other dragons like you!”
“Yes…well…that’s just it. It’s not in Ponyville,” replied Spike sadly.
“Oh! Canterlot?” asked Twilight.
“No…Fillydelphia,” replied Spike.
“Fillydelphia?!” exclaimed Twilight surprised. “Oh…I didn’t realize it was so far away. It would be hard for you to commute, but the Princess will provide a chariot I presume?”
“Well…not exactly, Twilight…” Spike hung his head again.
“Well you couldn’t walk to Ponyville…I’m sure she would comply to give you a ride there and back…if you just talk to her….”
“I’m not coming back to Ponyville, Twilight,” Spike interrupted her, breaking the bad news. “I’ve been…reassigned. If I choose to enroll…I won’t be your assistant anymore…I’ll be a student living there in the dorms with the other young dragons in this new school. But…she said she’ll provide a scholarship for me if I want to go…” Twilight’s eyes grew a little wider and glossier and she hung her head. She turned and walked back to her podium and her report, staring at it. “I’m sorry, Twilight…” said Spike. “I…”
“No, Spike!” exclaimed Twilight turning around with a fake grin plastered on her face. “I’m very happy for you! This is a great opportunity for you to meet other dragons and have a good solid education! You have to enroll! Don’t let me slow you down…you go and have fun!”
“You really mean it?” said Spike smiling. “Will you be okay here alone? I can ask Princess Celestia to assign a new assistant to you, if you like!”
“Oh, no…that won’t be necessary,” Twilight replied. “I’ll be just fine here…and Owlowiscious can help me too. Really…it’s fine. We’ve been through a lot together, but I understand that the time has come for us to go our separate ways.” Spike’s eyes grew dewy. He ran up to her and hugged her.
“Thank you, Twilight…” he said smiling. “I’ll to write you all the time! So it’ll be like I’m not even gone!”
“Absolutely,” replied Twilight. She sighed. “How about we take a break and go out for lunch. You can tell the other ponies about this turn of events.”
“Sounds good to me!” said Spike heading for the door. “Let’s find a place that actually has gems this time…maybe some rubies even!”
“Oh…Spike…” sighed Twilight smiling. “What will I do without you?” she giggled. But inside…she really meant it. In reality, she wasn’t ready to let Spike go, and the fact he had to leave was breaking her heart. What would she do without him?