• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 2,579 Views, 15 Comments

A Dragon's Detour - Nrdygrl

Twilight never expected Spike to leave, but he receives an invitation that could change everything

  • ...

Final Battles

Chapter Fifteen

“Final Battles”

The sun in its glorious orange glow melted beyond to horizon, to sleep the night away. Luna’s moon rose new and young, ready for its pure glow to light the way through the darkness.
Now, in the moment of watching the moon from the top of the bunk, Spike wished there was light to shine through the darkness he felt closing in around him. Everything was horrible now. He found out that he was the last gem dragon left in Equestria. Misty took advantage of him because of that. He felt hurt and alone in this moment. He sighed wearily. He wasn’t sure what time it was. He thought it must’ve been pretty late. He had been lying down for a while, crying and sleeping a little bit. He wanted Twilight to be there with him in this moment. All he wanted to do was cuddle up close to her and lay his head down on her soft mane. He could feel his heart aching for her. Why did he even leave? If he had only known at the beginning all that was going to happen to him the past week, he wouldn’t have even come. He knew it would have been better if he had never known the things he just found out earlier.
Spike regretted many things. He also knew very well he was really alone in his thoughts and wishes. He was the only dragon in the dorm room. It was so quiet. He hated it now. He needed comfort at this point. He sighed and jumped off the bunk.
I need to get out of here, he thought, approaching his suitcase. Then, he stopped short. What if Twilight is fine without me? What if…she really doesn’t even notice I’m gone? I mean…I think maybe she took me for granted sometimes, but…what if she really doesn’t love me, like she always said. Maybe…she was ready to go on without me. He sighed and knelt down by his suitcase sadly. Where could he go? Without Twilight…his purpose in life was gone. Sighing, he opened his suitcase, thinking about the friends he used to have in Ponyville.
“Rarity…still the mare of my dreams,” he said dreamily, smiling a little. “Pinkie Pie…an awesome friend with amazing advice…as random as she usually is. Rainbow Dash…the greatest flyer I’ve ever seen…and one to pull awesome pranks…even if they’re on me.” He chuckled a little. “Applejack…an awesome athlete and the most honest, hard-working pony you’d ever meet. I-uh…hope she forgot about the time I almost kissed her when I was daydreaming about Rarity. A-hehe uhh…ahem. And then of course there’s Fluttershy…very interested in baby dragons like myself…and well…any other little creatures you can think of. And….” he sighed. “And then there’s Twilight…of course. She’s…” he felt his throat close up on him. His eyes started to fill with tears again. He crossed his arms and hung his head. “I love you, Twilight…” He managed to squeak out between sobs. He sniffed and wiped the tears from his face. He reached into his suitcase for one of the gems he had left. (He gave most of them to Sparky to cover the damages done to the school.) He gazed at it, wanting to eat it for some comfort. He was about to, but then he noticed something odd out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head and saw a peculiar white object in the corner of his suitcase. “Hey…what’s…this?” he asked himself, picking it up. It was a crumpled up piece of paper. “Where’d this come from? Did I set it here by accident?” he said. He unfolded it and looked at it. He immediately recognized Twilight’s beautiful penmanship. He read it…and what he read made his heart drop like a stone.
I wish there were no secrets. I wish I could be honest. Spike has to leave me, but it almost seems as if he’s so excited about making new young dragon friends, that he has forgotten me. I told him I’m happy for him. I told him he could leave and it wouldn’t faze me whatsoever. I lied. I lied for him. It tears my heart in two. I yearn for everything to take a step backward…to rewind back to the way things should have been. This is my wish. If only I could have it. I regret to say it is impossible. Spike…I’ll miss you more than you know, and there’s nothing I’d rather have than you by my side forever.
“Twi…! She…she…she really did care and…!” He immediately started crying again, with some joy in a sense. Twilight really did want him! Maybe he could go back. He smiled and wiped his eyes again. “I’m coming, Twi! I will…” he sighed and picked up the same gem again, looking at it for a moment. He could see his reflection in the many little diamond shapes all over it. Just then, he noticed something behind him. He lowered his eyebrows and brought it closer to his face. He saw black and blue. Misty! Just then, before he could react, he saw her lift her arm. She had a hammer in her hand! His heart jumped into his mouth. He tried to jump up and stop her, but all of a sudden he felt a hard blow on his head. He could feel the world spinning. He staggered a little, saw stars, and then blackness.


Twilight gazed up at the glowing moon. A knot formed in her stomach.
Oh…Spike… she thought closing her dewy eyes. I hope I’m not too late. As soon as she closed her eyes, all she could think about was the moment she first laid eyes on Spike when he was born. He was so small and innocent. She never thought in that moment, she would become the closest thing he had to a mom.


“Twilight! Did you get that bottle of milk filled up?” a voice called from the other room.
“Uh…almost, Mom!” Twilight called back as she levitated the milk to pour it. Just then she lost her magic grip on it and it spilled all over the counter. “Shoot!” she said under her breath as she ran to find a washcloth. She mopped up the milky mess with a rag.
“Twilight!” Star Sparkle shouted from the other room.
“Coming!” said Twilight as she grabbed the bottle in her mouth and galloped into the other room, pushing the door open with her hoof. As soon as she entered the room, a wave of wails and sobs hit her ears. She saw her mother cradling the purple baby dragon in her hooves, and rocking him back and forth to try and calm him down. Twilight galloped up to them and plopped the bottle in his mouth to quiet him. The baby dragon blinked his beautiful green eyes and sighed. He started sucking the bottle of milk contently.
“I’d better go get some more blankets for him,” said Twilight’s mom. “Can you take him?” Twilight backed away a little and blinked in surprise.
“I uhhh…I don’t know…” she said nervously.
“Just for a moment?” said Star Sparkle quickly plopping the little scaly infant in Twilight’s hooves. She quickly trotted off to the other room. “I’ll be right back!” Twilight clumsily cradled the slippery baby dragon, afraid she might drop him. After a minute of trying to figure out how to properly hold him, she let out a sigh and used her magic to hold the bottle steady in his mouth as he drank the milk. She looked at the other room to watch for her mom. She wanted her to come back and take him! She had experience with this sort of thing! After she noticed her mom wasn’t coming back just yet, she sighed and looked down at the baby dragon. Twilight was surprised to find he was looking intently up at her. He seemed very focused on her. She cocked her head at the innocent little creature she was holding in her hooves. She looked deep into the little dragon’s big green eyes, and somehow knew deep down with a feeling growing in her heart, they would be together like this forever.
“I…I think we have a special connection…little guy,” she said smiling. The dragon cooed and smiled a little at her. Her reached up and touched her nose. Twilight chuckled and examined him. “You need a name, don’t you? Well…you have lots of little spikey things going down your back…so…I think I’ll call you Spike. Do you…like that name, little guy?” The baby dragon spit the bottle out, giggled and grabbed her mane. “UH!” said Twilight as she felt her mane being tugged hard. “I’ll take that as a yes!” she said as her eyes watered a little from the violent tug on her hair. Her mom rushed back into the room, levitated blankets into the air and onto the baby dragon. She grabbed the baby with her hooves and cradled him, taking him from Twilight. Twilight smiled at the little dragon. He was still looking at her. He smiled back.


The purple unicorn sighed and blinked back the tears that started to form in her dark eyes. The moonlight fell on her face and the stars whispered comfort to her…a comfort she couldn’t hear.


Light was returning to his gaze as his eyelids slowly fluttered open. Spike moaned a little. He felt a sore, tender spot on his head. His vision was a little blurry. He blinked and titled his head up. He could see a light bulb above him and concrete all around him. He looked down and saw he was tied up in a chair. He was tied up very tightly. He tried to wriggle out of it. Just then, he remembered the last thing he saw was Misty with a giant hammer. He angrily tried to squeeze out of it even more.
“Oh…I see you’re awake!” said that low voice behind him. Spike jumped, and his eyes grew wide when Misty came around with a sledge hammer in her hand. “Did you HIT ME with that?!” he shouted at her.
“You can find lots of cool items at the hardware store! We can use this to break that concrete!” she said smirking.
“ANSWER ME!” Spike yelled at her.
“Oh don’t get your spikes in a twist! I didn’t hit you that hard…just enough to knock you out.” She replied. She set the hammer down. “I’m just waiting for Sparky to get down here with the supplies.” Just then, the door slowly creaked open and the red fire dragon came downstairs with many items in his arms.
“Okay, Misty. I have water bottles for you to replenish your power and some sheets off my bunk to wrap the Comatose in when we find it.” Sparky set them down and glanced at Spike. “Uh…what’s he doing here?! Misty…” he glared at her. “Why is he tied up? WHAT did you do?!”
“She HIT ME with a sledge hammer and kidnapped me!” Spike yelled. With the anger burning inside him, he managed to push green fire out of his throat and burn through the ropes that were holding him.
“DUDE!” said Sparky glaring at Misty. “Was that really necessary?!”
“Chill, Spark,” said Misty crossing her arms. “Look…I knew he wouldn’t come willingly after the whole restaurant incident. So…I brought him down here against his will. Is that really that terrible?”
“YES it is!” said Spike angrily approaching her. “Did you not hear me before?! I want NO PART of this anymore! I just want to go home and find Twilight! I don’t care about a stupid legacy…I don’t care I’m the last gem dragon…I don’t care about the Comatose! You are crazy! You won’t let this go, will you?! It’s not my fault you’re an orphan, Misty…and it’s NOT my fault I’m the last gem dragon! How do I know you didn’t just lie to me to make up an excuse?! You were lying to me before by keeping things from me?! You call me a friend?! You ARE NOT my friend! You are my enemy! And you already know that I HATE YOU!” Misty glared at him and her face turned red. Just then, her lips started quivering. She backed away from Spike, and her eyes started to fill with tears. Spike hardly noticed. The anger and hatred in him was so strong. He knew how strong she was. He knew he couldn’t fight her, but he could attack her verbally. He wanted to lash out even more at her…use every swear word in the book and throw them at her! But before he could say anything more, Misty fell on her knees onto the concrete floor and started sobbing uncontrollably. Spike was a bit taken aback by this. He didn’t think Misty would have an emotional breakdown. Maybe…she really did have feelings…and…what he said was hurting her on a deep level. He didn’t know what to do at this point. He sighed, calming himself down. Then, he glanced at Sparky, who also seemed surprised. The fire dragon slowly approached Misty.
“Misty…?” he said quietly. He knelt down by the crying blue dragoness and put his arm affectionately around her. She sniffed and looked weakly at Sparky. The tears she cried were black because of her makeup. It stained her blue cheeks gray.


The lobby was dark except for a few dim lights glowing softly. A figure walked slowly and cautiously through the lobby. She sighed and crossed her arms.

I never wanted to be a horrible person. I never wanted to be a Treasure Seeker. I didn’t want the training. I didn’t want anyone to get hurt. I wish I could have a normal life. I’m never who I say I am. I’m always Crystal…never my true identity. Why…?

She pushed on a door leading to a restroom and walked into the room. Looking up, she could see a gray figure turned toward one of the sinks.
“Hm…didn’t your mother ever tell you not to hang out in the girl’s bathroom, Flash?” she said sarcastically.
“Hehe! I’m so sorry, my exceptional little beauty,” said the gray dragon smirking. “I’ll be on my way…just as soon as I take care of things. Now…I must ask…who are you now…Crystal or Scarlet?”
Scarlet….does that name mean anything to me anymore? She thought.
“Crystal is gone…” the white and red dragoness replied. “She was flawless…sweet…beautiful…seductive and…well…pretty sleazy. She had everything under control, but then that blue goth girl saw through her falseness and destroyed her. Now…Scarlet is here…reporting for duty.”
“Ha! That blue dragoness doesn’t scare me,” replied Flash smiling. “We’ll be rid of her too, don’t worry.”
“How do you propose we do that? I mean…how will this help?” she gestured toward the sinks.
“Beware, my little Scarlet,” said Flash making electric bolts run down his yellow spikes. “The answer to that question might be…shocking.” He let out his weasel-like laugh. “You know what else is humorous? That stupid little unicorn had absolutely no idea what I was talking about when I confronted her earlier today! I scared her so badly; she’s probably lying around wallowing in….oh…whatever ponies wallow in.” Scarlet rolled her eyes.
“Good for you,” she said sighing. Just then, she felt a heavy, dark presence behind her. She whirled around and stared at a pair of yellow eyes far above her head.
“Flash…I took care of the other bathroom like you said,” said a deep voice.
“Very good, brother Boom,” said the lightning dragon smiling even wider. “Hehehehe! Now…one more to finish…and there!” said flash as his clogged up the drain of the sink with a rag and turned the water on all the way in all the sinks. “Toilets next!” Scarlet rolled her eyes again.
“I wish Blizzard was here…” she said sighing. “He’s my friend and a natural bully! He could’ve been useful. If only he didn’t get burned by the fire dragon. Although…I hated that you made me pose as his ex-girlfriend…ew!”
“And…wimpy girlish-voiced dragon falls for ‘hot’ dragoness with a history of dating a jock. Cliché…yes…did it work? Also a yes! You should be thanking me! You’ve been useful with your…well…charming powers.” Flash chuckled.
“You are full of puns aren’t you?” said Boom rolling his big yellow eyes around. He breathed deeply, in low thunder-booms, which sent shivers up Scarlet’s spine.
“Hehehe!” said Flash, grinning again. “Ahem…my dear, I would not fret about them. They may be a strong threesome, but we…are also…and probably stronger! It’s perfect. Haldana’s going to be meeting us in a couple hours to collect the Comatose. We just need to get it for her. In the meantime…we just have to wait…for the tide to turn….”


Spike wasn’t sure what he could say to Misty. As he stood there, watching her cry into Sparky’s shoulder, he started to regret the things he said. He started to have compassion on her. She was hurting…probably all the time, even though she usually didn’t show it. The purple gem dragon sighed and knelt down in front of her.
“Misty…I…I’m sorry,” said Spike gently. “I didn’t mean that. I don’t hate you. I just got really mad…but…I can see why you kept things from me now. I’m sorry…”
“No…” said Misty sniffling and looking at him. “I deserved that. I’m sorry, okay? It’s just hard to know something as deep as that. You’re right about the fact that I took advantage of your ignorance. I just felt it best we didn’t tell you, so it wouldn’t come to this. You see, Spike, ever since my and Sparky’s parents died…I lost hope in my life. I was a mess. It got down to the point where the only thing I felt I was living for was to get revenge on the Treasure Seekers. Sparky was the only light in the darkness of my heart. If you knew me then…even though I was so young…you’d have known my heart had turned black. I wanted to find the Comatose only with the purpose of ending my enemies. I was becoming like them….obsessed…bloodthirsty. All because they killed almost everyone I loved. The only reason why we survived was because of Sparky.” She glanced at the fire dragon lovingly. Sparky hung his head.
“That’s not true…” he said quietly. “It’s my fault they died.”
“Sparky…don’t blame yourself…” Misty tried to say. Sparky stopped her.
“Let me tell what happened,” he interrupted. “You see, Spike, that fateful day, when my fire powers went out of control and spread to the campsite. The adult members of the clan were trying to put out the fire, but it was too strong. We could never have known the Treasure Seekers were near the campsite. They saw the smoke and found us. Then…they…” He started to choke up. “They were relentless. They massacred our clan, Spike. If I had only listened to Misty when she told me to stop…if I had controlled my flames…our parents would still be alive…” Sparky started crying too.
“Sparky! No more of that,” said Misty sharply. “Those Treasure Seekers must’ve known where the campsite was before the attack. They eventually came after me and Sparky. But Sparky’s fire was so strong, they couldn’t come near us. Soon, they gave up and stole the Comatose from us. After that is when I had the urge to bring those who killed my parents and all who helped them to their ultimate demise. But when we began working for Princess Celestia, she helped me realize that getting revenge is not the best path. Still…I fear I may be tempted to use its power even now when it comes down to it. That is one of the main reasons why I wanted to destroy it so quickly. Now, the next generation has followed in their parents’ footsteps. Soon…they will come and we must fight. I don’t except you to now, Spike. I’ve put you through enough already. It’s just that…recently…when Princess Celestia told us there was one gem dragon left…you…it gave me a hope I haven’t had in years. The reason why I didn’t tell you everything was because I didn’t want to lose you. I didn’t want to lose that hope.” She looked down and sighed, tears still coming out of her eyes. Spike nodded slowly.
“So…when your parents died. Is that why you…uh…” said Spike carefully.
“Yeah. That’s why I’m a goth. That’s why I refuse to smile or feel true happiness or love again,” said Misty shrugging. “You can go ahead and say it’s stupid if you want. I don’t know…it probably is. You know something Spike…the reason why the other gem dragons are gone is because the Treasure Seekers knew they could eat and destroy the Comatose if they were smart enough to do so. But…the princess told us that some ponyfolk found your egg, but your parents where…gone. So…you don’t remember your parents when they died. I had to witness it firsthand. I saw them fight the Treasure Seekers. I saw the blood. And when they breathed their last…I looked away.” Misty broke down crying again. Spike’s heart melted. He felt a lump forming in his throat. He reached out and gently touched her shoulder to try and comfort her.
“I’m so sorry, Misty…” he whispered. “I feel for you…I really do! You’ve had a hard life.”
“Thanks…” she replied, trying to calm herself down. “But…you’ll never really understand the burden I have….the weight on my shoulders. So dark…and heavy…I can only express it with blackness…because I try to fill the black hole that used to be my heart.”
“You don’t need that weight anymore, Misty,” said Spike. You’re right about the fact that I’ll never know exactly what you’re going through, but I have accepted the fact that I’m an orphan. You really need to let this go. You don’t need this…” he said motioning to her makeup. Misty nodded and sighed.
“I know…” she said quietly.
“I’ve been trying to tell you that for a long time, Mist,” said Sparky holding her hand. “You have to stop torturing yourself because of what happened in the past. Let the burdens…all the battles…just fade into memory. Don’t let it weigh you down anymore.” Sparky gently pulled her black gloves off. “You don’t need it.” Misty touched her face and felt the wet makeup smear on her cheeks. Sparky grabbed one of the water bottles he had brought down and tore off part of a bed sheet. He wet the makeshift washcloth and gave it to her. “You can make the choice, remember? Misty…smile again…feel again…laugh again…” he paused as his eyes grew big and dewy. “Love again.” Misty reached out and hugged Sparky tightly crying a little…but this time with the purpose of releasing all the emotion and hurt she had…and welcoming joy into her heart once again.
“What would I do without you?” she said. Sparky smiled. Spike happily watched as Misty wiped her black makeup off to reveal her real face. Next, Sparky used just a little bit of fire to heat up the water so Misty could clean the black paint off her spikes.
“You painted your spikes black?” said Spike raising an eyebrow at her. Misty shrugged and chuckled under her breath. After the deed was done, the blue water dragon looked like a different individual altogether. Her spikes, chest, and eyelids were a lighter blue than her scales.
“I feel…different…” said Misty sighing. “It’s weird not wearing that stuff.” Sparky’s eyes were big and glossy.
“You look beautiful without your makeup….” said Sparky sighing and blushing.
“Uh….” said Misty glancing at the fire dragon awkwardly. “Thanks…” She blushed a little and her lips curled into a smile. She sighed. All of a sudden, a thin film of water appeared over her face.
“What are you doing that for?” Sparky asked raising an eyebrow. Misty reached a water-covered hand up and touched Sparky’s face. She leaned forward and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. Sparky’s cheeks had little flames and embers jumping off of them. Misty chuckled a little.
“Dude…don’t take it that way…” she said smirking at him. Sparky hung his head.
“Yeah-yeah…just friendship….” He murmured, still blushing. Misty turned toward Spike.
“Uhhhh…I think I deserve a hug,” said Spike smiling. Misty walked over to the purple gem dragon and hugged him. “Misty…I’m going to help you get that Comatose. I now see my destiny…as the last gem dragon. I’ll play my part and end this war. I’ll bring peace to the dragons of Equestria. This is where the detour has led me. Everything happens for a reason. This is where it all ends.” Misty and Sparky smiled at Spike.
“Thank you, Spike…” said Misty picking up her sledge hammer. “Let’s do it!” She walked over to the corner of the basement and swung the hammer over and over again against the concrete wall and floor. In no time at all, she created a big hole in the corner leading underground. Spike glanced over at the door to the basement, for he saw something peculiar out of the corner of his eye. Water started to flow out from under the door and into the basement.
“Guys…?” said Spike raising an eyebrow and pointing at the water. All of a sudden the door flew open and three figures entered the room, along with a lot of water. It came up to Spike’s knees. He looked up and saw the true white and red ‘Crystal’ with two other male dragons. One of them…he recognized. It was the bigger black one, who had a voice like thunder. It was the thug who held a knife to his throat in the laundry room! The smaller gray and yellow one had the most stupid grin on his face that instantly made Spike just want to punch him.
“Well…well…well! Looks like we are just in time!” said the gray dragon chuckling in his weasel-like laugh.
“You guys!” said Sparky glaring at them.
“We don’t want any trouble from you three…” said Misty glaring too. “Must we do this?”
“I think we must…” said the gray dragon. “I am Flash…this is my brother Boom and this dragoness, once Crystal is actually Scarlet…”

“The gem dragon didn’t learn his lesson,” said Boom. He cracked his knuckles, which sounded like little rumbles of thunder.
“I know…” said Flash wincing. “It was such a shame we had to send our beautiful and deadly assassin after you!” Spike glared at Scarlet. Scarlet hung her head and sighed. All of a sudden, Misty gasped. Spike whirled around to look at her. She was covered in water. She was making even more water. The basement was flooding fast!
“Misty!” said Spike. “What’s happening?!”
“I…I need water to use my powers,” she said. “But…with this much water, my body responds to it by making even more! It’s a vicious cycle! I can’t stop it!”
“Hehehe! How convenient…water dragon…” said Flash grinning. “All part of the plan!” Misty’s eyes were wide.
“Sparky! Spike! You’ve got to get out of here! I can breathe under water, but you can’t! You’ll drown when it gets too high!” Spike turned just in time to see Flash charging at him. Spike shrieked as the lightening dragon tackled him onto the floor. Spike felt water fill his lungs as he tried to breathe. He fought to sit up out of the water, but Flash pinned him in place. All of a sudden, Sparky ran over and tackled Flash. Flash let go of Spike. The gem dragon sat up and coughed up the water he inhaled. He gasped for air. He jumped up and looked over at Sparky. The fire dragon was in a brawl with Flash. Just then, Flash’s spikes lit up and threw an electric bolt at Sparky. It hit the red dragon with incredible force. Sparky flew backwards and hit the wall. His scales had electricity running all over them. He panted and winced.
“Sparky!” Misty cried in shock and fear.
“I’m…okay…” he said weakly. “Electricity doesn’t hurt me! Walls…on the other hand…ugh…” He staggered to his feet. Just then, Spike felt a pair of strong hands grab him from behind. Boom picked him off the ground and threw him into the boxes that were stacked on the other side of the room. It was a sound like thunder when he did this. Spike didn’t have that rough of a landing. He managed to get back on his feet and face his strong, black opponent. If only he had a weapon to use against him. The only thing, Spike felt he could do was use the boxes to shield himself and climb up higher, as the water was rising.
Meanwhile, Misty was in the process of trying to get through the hole she hammered into the wall and get the Comatose. Scarlet was doing a good job of preventing her from achieving that. The white dragoness used the walls and floor to push Misty into, trying to knock her out. Misty, on the other hand was trying to use the same technique as Flash and hold her opponent under water. Scarlet was tougher than she looked. She managed to keep her head above water and fight off Misty.
“I didn’t want it to come to this!” Scarlet shouted. “But…a curse is a curse.”
“No one is cursed with what they chose,” Misty replied, throwing a punch at the white dragoness. Just then, Scarlet’s eyes turned a very bright blue. Misty stood still and her eyes were wide and bright blue as well.
“Now…you can’t choose anything…” said Scarlet, keeping her eyes locked on Misty, “…just as I couldn’t. Give up! I have you immobilized! You can’t escape the trance!” Misty’s hands tensed up, as she tried to fight the trance off. Spike, thinking quickly grabbed one of the boxes and threw it at Scarlet. It was a direct hit! Scarlet lost her concentration and fell over. Misty was free from spell. She immediately darted toward the hole and disappeared…water flowing behind her as she ran. Spike paused as he watched Scarlet struggle to her feet. She looked at Spike sadly.
“What do you mean…you didn’t have a choice?” he said to her raising an eyebrow. “You tried to kill me! You could’ve chosen not to!”
“I didn’t want to…” she said quietly.
“Traitor!” said Boom loudly. He gave her a menacing glare. “You never wanted what was rightfully ours?!”
“Not if it means this!” she cried. “If could’ve gone back, I would’ve chosen a different path…no matter the consequences!” Boom growled in a voice of thunder. It was so loud, Spike and Scarlet covered their ears. Just then, Boom threw a blast of energy at Scarlet and she flew backwards and hit the wall. She fell unconscious on some boxes that were floating on the water. Then, Boom turned toward Spike and cracked his knuckles. Looking to his left, Spike saw Sparky climbing onto the boxes toward him to get away from Flash. The lightning dragon kept trying to knock him down with bolts.
“What do we do now?!” said Sparky panting.
“You have to use your powers!” said Spike. “I believe in you, Spark! You can do this! You have to! It’s the only chance we have at beating them!” Sparky looked down.
“I know…” he said quietly. Then, he took a deep breath. Fire began forming over his scales. He breathed slowly and a fireball quickly formed in the palm of his hand. He threw it at Boom with incredible speed. The big black brute flew backwards at the fiery impact. Next, Sparky turned to Flash and threw one at him. The impact sent him flying back a little ways, but it didn’t harm him. He laughed his weasel laugh.
“Just as my lightning doesn’t hurt you…your fire doesn’t harm me! We are one in the same…fire and lightning…we coexist! We can’t hurt each other with our similar powers! It’s impossible!”At this point, Boom recovered from the hit and started charging through the water to assist his brother.
“Oh…great!” said Spike. “Now what?!” Just then, he had an idea. “Wait a minute…! Hey, Flash! Are you so sure about that?! I wonder what would happen if you guys fired both your powers at each other at the same time! What do you think would happen?” Flash cocked his head at the gem dragon.
“Interesting thought. I’m willing to try that!” He chuckled and lit his spikes up with electricity. Then, Sparky created another fireball. He glanced at Spike and smiled a little. Spike could tell he knew what was going to happen.” At the exact same time, Sparky and Flash fired at each other. The blast sent them both flying backwards. Sparky fell into the water, which extinguished his fire, but Flash fell in the water, while his spikes were still charged. Flash’s eyes grew wide as the combination of electricity and water shocked both him and Boom who was right next to him. In the end, Spike couldn’t help but laugh at the two, who were both chard, wide-eyed, and smoking. Flash glared at Spike, who had outsmarted him. “Curse you, gem dragon!” he shouted. He leaped back onto one of the boxes and tried to charge his spikes again, but it didn’t work. Instead, he was shocked again by it. Sparky climbed onto the box Spike was on and high-fived him.
“Good thinking, Spike!” Just then, they both looked down to see the water extremely high now. “Oh, no!” said Sparky glancing over at the hole in the wall. “Misty! Where are you?!”


Misty dove into the hole. She was underground, but water quickly poured in. Before she knew it, she was swimming in an open area underneath the school. Breathing steadily, she swam around, scanning all around her, trying to see. It was extremely dark and cloudy. It blinded her vision. The commotion coming from the basement was muffled to her ears. Everything gargled with the water filling her ears.
Where are you? She thought, wishing for light. Her heart beat even faster as she swam farther away from the hole she came from. It was near…she could feel it. It was almost calling to her. Just then, she saw a faint light in the midst of the darkness. It was the Comatose! She…at last…had found it. Now…the mission could be complete. Everything would end. She darted toward it, feeling light as a feather. The soft glow reflected off her scales. It eventually grew stronger. At last…she was right above it. It rested peacefully in the earth, beckoning her to take it. She had never seen it this close. It was even more beautiful than they said it was. It was breathtaking. She reached for it and held it close to her chest like a lost child. She could feel the power entering her scales. It was too mighty for her, she knew that. She couldn’t hang on to it for long…or the urge to use it would come! Quickly, she swam back through the hole and climbed back into the basement, keeping a firm hold on the Comatose.
Surfacing, she saw the entire room was almost completely underwater! Sparky was trying to swim to the door. The pressure of the water had sealed it shut, and he couldn’t open it. Misty looked down at the Comatose and felt the power increasing. It was awakening. One side of her told her she couldn’t use it…for darkness would continue to grow in her. The other side wanted to use it to save her friends. After a moment of deliberation, she breathed slowly and fired a blast of magic from the gem at the door. There was an underwater explosion. Sparky, Flash, and Boom all exited the basement. Some water poured out of the room. Looking over, Misty could see Spike gasping for air as he clung to a soggy box that was floating on the surface.


Spike opened his eyes. He felt his body rejecting the water that had been filling his lungs. He weakly grabbed a box and clung to it. It was soggy. Looking over, he could see Misty swimming towards him. She was holding a strange-looking object in her arms. His vision was blurry. He blinked his eyes to focus on her. He weakly sat up. Misty pointed to the door to the basement. It was open! They could leave! Quickly, Spike did his best to swim with her. Just then, he saw something out of the corner of his eye. Scarlet, weak and exhausted was trying to hold onto another box, but she slipped and fell underwater, hitting the floor unconscious.
“Come on, Spike!” said Misty swimming toward the door. “We have to leave now!” Spike glanced at Scarlet.
“She tried to kill you! She’s dangerous!” said Misty beckoning him toward freedom. “She’s getting what she deserves!”
“But…she said…she never wanted to be bad…” said Spike thinking about what was the right thing to do. He looked back up at Misty and took a deep breath.
“Spike! No!” he heard her say before he dove underwater. He swam deeper and deeper down until he saw Scarlet, lying at the bottom. He reached out and grabbed her arm. He pulled her closer until he had a grip on her. Then, he immediately felt the urge to breathe. He darted upward, looking at the surface the whole time. Unfortunately, the water world made Scarlet slippery to hold onto. She was too heavy to pull to the top. He realized that the only way to get air was to let go of her and let her drown! It wasn’t right…he knew it wasn’t! How could he do that?! He felt his lungs aching for oxygen, and silently wondered if this was the end. Just then, as everything was going dark, he felt a hand suddenly grab his arm and pull him and Scarlet to the surface in the blink of an eye. Misty. Spike and Scarlet both coughed up water and breathed deeply when they were on the surface again.
“You…you saved me?!” said Scarlet surprised. “Why?!”
“Everyone can choose their own destiny Scarlet…” said Spike. “I have chosen mine…and now…it’s your turn. I wouldn’t let that be taken away from you.” Scarlet smiled a little and glanced at Misty.
“Yeah…this is sweet and all…blah blah blah…Look! Just ‘cause I saved you both just now doesn’t mean I’m soft like him. I don’t hate you any less!” said Misty smirking a little. Scarlet smiled more and rolled her eyes.
“Of course not…” she replied. The three dragons swam into the lobby. The lobby was filled with water as well, but not nearly as much as the basement. It was knee-length. Sparky met them with the sheets that he had found washed up into the room.
“Here, Misty!” he said. “Wrap it up in this! You won’t be directly exposed to its power! It won’t tempt you any longer!”
“Thank you!” said Misty sighing as she wrapped it in the sheet and gave it to Spike. Sparky turned to the three Treasure Seekers.
“Back OFF!” he said, starting to give off flames. “I know how to use this now…and I’m not afraid to!” The three Treasure Seekers backed away from them, realizing their defeat. All of the commotion and the flood had caused all the other dragon kids staying in the dorms to crowd into the lobby. They stared at this event confused and bewildered.
“Let’s get out of here and find a safe place where you can eat it, Spike,” said Misty turning. Just then, Spike heard a voice behind him.
“Not…so…fast…” The three whirled around and saw Head Mistress Haldana glaring down at them.
“Hehe! Perfect timing…Boss….” Said Flash grinning.
“Shut up, you fool!” snapped Haldana. Flash cowered down and stopped grinning for once. “Obviously…when you want something done, you have to take care of it yourself. Now…gem dragon…you and your friends have nowhere to run! I’ve got you surrounded! Let us stop the battle now. Hand over the Comatose…and I shall spare you and your friends.”
“How are you going to do that?!” said Spike angrily. “I have a powerful treasure! If I learned right…I can end you with one word!”
“Spike…no!” said Sparky. “If you use it…you might become obsessed with its power…like them! The darkness in your heart may grow! It may become too difficult for you to overcome! You see? You can’t fight back…without suffering consequences!” Haldana smirked.
“Well then…what is your choice, gem dragon? Are you going to strike me down, or are you going to hand it over? No matter what you do…there will always be consequences!” she said chuckling. Spike’s heart thudded in his chest. He didn’t know what to do! He stared at the wrapped up gem-like object he was holding. It was bright green and round, except for some rough edges. Not only that…it was possibly the most powerful thing in the world that could bring destruction. He closed his eyes, as the world was spinning around him. He was trapped in doubt and fear. He felt like darkness was just closing in around him in this moment. It was all in a cloud of the unknown. It was suffocating him with every second that went by. Then…out of the blackness came a voice.
Spike felt his heart drop in his chest. He felt his stomach twist and his ears pop with that sound. His heart started to thud like it had never beat before…all because of the one voice. It was the only sound in the room to him now. It was a light in the darkness that led him to open his eyes and look. That voice echoed in his ears. They rejoiced from the very sound. How his ears ached to hear it once again. And now…it was loud and clear. Never could he mistake that warm comforting voice with anyone else’s. It belonged to the one individual that had always been his reason to live. He felt tears come into his eyes as he looked and saw her staring at him from the door to the school.