• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 2,580 Views, 15 Comments

A Dragon's Detour - Nrdygrl

Twilight never expected Spike to leave, but he receives an invitation that could change everything

  • ...

Don't Look Back

Chapter Nine

“Don’t Look Back”

Thunder roared as the black clouds rolled overhead. The Pegasi had made way for a big storm that afternoon and evening. The wind and rain beat against the hotel window. The sun had disappeared from the sky, as it was now dusk. Spike sat on his bed and stared at the floor. He couldn’t stop thinking about what that gothic dragoness Misty said to him. Was it true? Was Crystal up to something bad? What was really going on that she was so afraid of? Who were these ‘shady characters’ she mentioned? So many questions were forming into a bit of a mystery. He had the feeling in his stomach that this wasn’t just going to be a normal school as it originally seemed. He had the feeling that this could turn into an adventure…far from what he had expected.
“Trust me. This is going to be a lot darker than you thought it would be.”Those words that she said to him kept running through his mind. Twilight seemed a bit concerned, though she didn’t say anything about it the rest of the day. Spike needed to talk to her now, though. However, she had ventured into the storm to get something to eat. She was brave to do so! The storm was very fierce. Just then there was a knock at the door. Spike jumped off the bed, grabbed the key and unlocked the door for her.
“Hey, Twi,” he said, as she came back into the room with basket full of carrots in her mouth.
“Didguuu misss maaa?” said Twilight as best she could. She set the basket on the floor and shook the water out of her mane and tail. Her hair was drooping over her face, almost covering her eyes. She was soaked. Spike chuckled a little at her misfortune.
“Sure,” said Spike as he walked over to his suitcase. He opened it and reached in and grabbed a gem without looking and then shut it. “I really wanted to talk to you about what happened at the restaurant and stuff! I’m kind of worried now.”
“I was thinking about that as well,” said Twilight worriedly. “I wonder what she meant by everything she told you.”
“I have no clue,” said Spike shrugging. “Do you think maybe she’s just crazy? I mean, Sparky didn’t seem to join with her. He seems pretty normal, but she’s weird and extremely creepy and gothic.” Twilight sighed.
“I wouldn’t really pay any attention to her, then,” she said cocking her head to get water out of her ear. “If Crystal is up to something, like she claims, that’s the last thing you need to worry about right now. You just need to think about your schedule for tomorrow and just have a normal first day.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” said Spike smiling. “Misty just scared me a little…” he chuckled. “She’s very stalker-ish.”
“Absolutely!” said Twilight raising her eyebrows. “Don’t worry, Spike. I certainly didn’t see anything wrong with that school or the dragons in it, except perhaps Head Mistress Haldana. It’ll be fine!”
“I know,” said Spike taking a deep breath. “I feel better about this now.”
“Good,” said Twilight as she started munching on her carrots.


“Twilight! Help me!” Twilight’s eyes popped open. She jumped to her feet and stared into the blackness. “Help!” Spike! She couldn’t see where he was.
“Spike!” she shouted into the blackness. “Spike! Where are you?!”
“I’m coming!” the purple unicorn charged with all her might into the darkness, following the direction of the voice. There was nothing! There was just blackness! What?! She thought in disbelief. What is happening?! This is impossible! How…?
“Help me!”
“Spike!” Twilight charged again, her horn pointed at whatever this invisible threat was.
“You left me…”
“What….?” Twilight stopped short and felt her stomach twist. “I….”
“You said it was all right. How could you leave me?!”
“Spike…” Her eyes started filling with tears. Her heart thudded in her chest. She saw Spike in chains. The little dragon’s eyes were filled with pain and sorrow. “What happened to you?!”
“How could…you let this happen? I needed you…”
“SPIKE!” Twilight couldn’t take this any longer. She ran to him, but then was thrown back by something. She flew backward into the blackness and she hit a wall. She sank onto the ground and struggled to get up. Pain. Blood. Spike! She managed to pull herself up on trembling legs. Looking up again, she could see Spike clearer now. He had a big gash in his chest and was bleeding too. He stared at her with tears in his eyes.
“You’re too late…” he whispered. Twilight limped up to him again, but something ran through her body like an electric shock. She was thrown back again. She skidded, this time on all fours backwards, her head tucked down as she took the impact with more strength, whatever it was. Twilight, tears pouring out of her eyes and blood soaking her hair, lifted her head and looked at Spike again. He lifted his hand weakly and reached through the gash in his chest. He pulled an object out and threw it at her. Twilight jumped back in shock as she looked down at it.
“No!” she started breathing hysterically and sobbing. Spike’s heart, still beating was lying on the ground before her. Her stomach was throbbing with the urge to vomit. She screamed and ran, until the black world started shaking and fell apart from beneath her.


“NO! NO! NO!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.
“TWILIGHT! Wake up! Twi!” Twilight opened her eyes and gasped for air, as if she had been underwater. Spike’s wide green eyes stared back at her.
“Spike!” she started looking him over to see if he was all right. She was frantically looking herself over as well to see if there was any blood. There was none. She closed her eyes and started crying. She still breathed very heavily and deeply. “Oh, Spike,” she whispered with relief. “Thank Celestia you’re all right.”
“You must have had a pretty bad nightmare!” said Spike, who also seemed relieved as well. “You were screaming and crying! I was doing everything I could to wake you up!”
“It was horrible,” said Twilight. She sighed and curled back up in her bed. She was dripping with sweat. How could something bad happen to Spike? Nothing would, right? She thought perhaps, the reason for the dream was because she felt guilty. She was going to have to leave tomorrow and go back to Ponyville. There was always doubt still in her subconscious….doubt that he would be okay….that something bad really was going to happen, that she wouldn’t be there to stop! She knew deep down, this detour wasn’t everything she and Spike expected. She didn’t want to accept this. He had to be safe. There were too many battles for her to deal with. Too many. She had to accept the inevitable. Had to.


The hotel room alarm clock when off at exactly 7:15. Spike yawned and sat up. Twilight was already up, drinking a cup of tea. She looked tired. Spike remembered how she had a horrible nightmare. He felt bad for her. It appeared she hadn’t been sleeping too well for a while now. He was also uncertain of how this new day would play out, but he had a new confidence that everything would be fine.
“Good morning,” he said to Twilight as he opened his suitcase and pulled out the school outfit Rarity made for him. It was underneath all the gems he packed.
“I hope that outfit isn’t wrinkled,” said Twilight.
“It’s fine!” said Spike cheerfully. “It’s perfect!” He got dressed, but left out the glasses. He still thought they made him look nerdy. If he was going to talk to Crystal again, he didn’t want to look like a nerd. He pulled a ruby out of his suitcase for a quick breakfast.
Soon, it was time to walk to the school. Twilight and Spike checked out of their room and walked together down the street. Spike slowly began to fully realize he was going to have to say goodbye to Twilight. He didn’t want that moment to come. As they stopped at the building, he looked up at her with a lump forming in his throat. She looked back at him and smiled sadly.
“Do…you want to come inside again with me?” he said looking at the ground. Twilight smiled bigger.
“Yes,” she replied. They both walked inside the school and saw lots of kid dragons and hardly any parents. It was about fifteen minutes until Home Room. Spike internally screamed when he saw Misty standing near the entrance. She was staring at him again.
“Help me….” he whispered to Twilight as Misty approached him.
“Hey, Spike!” she said crossing her arms. She still had the same stupid camera hanging around her neck. What was she doing with a camera anyway?!
“What do you want with me?” said Spike, his voice cracking. Misty smirked a little.
“I just want your trust and support…you’re the one who has an issue….and a girlish voice.” Spike blushed.
“Well I’m not giving you either, Misty!” he said crossing his arms. “Now can you please go away and stalk someone else?! You’re insane!”
“You think I’m crazy…but I know more than you think, gem dragon,” she said sighing. Spike’s eyes grew wide.
“You have been spying on me!” he said, very afraid now.
“That’s my job,” she said holding up her camera. “I have some very nice pictures of you too….” Spike jumped behind Twilight’s leg.
“Leave me alone!” he said angrily. Just then, Sparky walked over to them.
“Misty, would you stop freaking the poor guy out?!” he said angrily. He looked over at Spike. “Sorry about her again.”
“Just keep her away from me!” said Spike stepping away from Twilight. Misty rolled her eyes.
“Good luck,” she said to Sparky and walked away from them.
“She’s good at heart,” said Sparky. “She really means well. She’s just changed…” he sighed. “She never used to be like this.”
“I would’ve liked to have met her when she wasn’t creepy!” said Spike, watching her walk away.
“Just give her time and you’ll find she can be normal and nice when she wants to be,” said the red dragon. He looked down. “You want to come with me to the dorm rooms? Nobody’s claimed the bottom bunk on my bed. You want to be bunkmates?”
“Sure!” said Spike smiling and walking with him. “That’ll be cool.” Just then, he remembered Twilight.
“Oh! Twi…I…” When he turned around, she wasn’t there.


Twilight saw a flash of light before her eyes and immediately heard the sound of a train coming into the station. She sighed and stared at the big black train. She was glad it was the one going to Hoofington. She was just in time. A lump formed in her throat and she lowered her head. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t say goodbye. She didn’t want Spike to see her cry, to see how she really felt. She just had to leave. She had to force herself to leave. With heavy steps, she walked up to the ticket window. The glass showed a thin reflection of her face. She stared at herself with tear-filled eyes.


Spike ran down the streets of Fillydelphia, following the signs and charging straight through traffic. He had to get to the train station! He didn’t care if he was late for school or not! Why would Twilight leave without saying goodbye?! His heart thudded in his chest, he heaved with every leaping bound he took.
“Oh….please don’t leave…” he whispered under his breath. For all he knew, the train could’ve been long gone, because she teleported there. He looked ahead to see the train station in sight! He sprinted with all his might toward it. Spike pushed his way through ponies and dragons as he approached the train going to Hoofington. Thank Celestia! It hadn’t departed just yet, but it was about to! He struggled his way through the crowd.


Twilight leaned against the window of the train. She closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of the crowd outside. She thought she heard a voice amongst the others. His voice?! No…it couldn’t be.


Spike stopped in front of the train by the window. Twilight opened her eyes and looked at him with surprise. Spike stared back, his eyes filled with confusion. They both said nothing, just stared at each other with the same expression. In this moment, everything drowned out. For just one moment, the train station disappeared. It was just Spike and Twilight. Still, neither of them spoke. Both savored the moment, as painful as it was. The words they both feared never slipped past their lips. Spike knew he couldn’t say goodbye. He felt that Twilight couldn’t either. Just then, Twilight’s lips slowly curled into a sad smile. Her eyes were big and glossy. She gave him a nod. Spike knew it was the only way she could say it. He slowly smiled and nodded back to her.
Bye, Twi… he thought sadly. The train started to roll away from the station. He walked alongside the train as it moved and waved to her. Twilight smiled at him and waved her hoof back. Then, the train disappeared through the tunnel.


She saw Spike wave to her and she waved back as best she could. Finally, he disappeared when the tunnel enveloped the train. She turned her head and looked forward, tears overflowing from her eyes.
Don’t look back, she thought to herself. Don’t look back…


Spike stood alone staring into the black tunnel that his Twilight disappeared into.
I won’t look back… he thought as he walked away. He didn’t expect the waterfall of tears that he struggled to control. The train station seemed too quiet now. The world around him just seemed to fall silent.