• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 2,566 Views, 15 Comments

A Dragon's Detour - Nrdygrl

Twilight never expected Spike to leave, but he receives an invitation that could change everything

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Darkness and Light

Chapter Twelve

“Darkness and Light”

Golden sunshine glowed softly around the edges of the green leaves and red apples, giving them a remarkable majesty. The orange and yellow filly Applejack gazed at the fruit hanging above her, with a sense of pride in her heart. The apple crop was probably the best this year than it had ever been on Sweet Apple Acres. She sighed and turned around to buck them off the tree. She kicked the tree hard with her back legs and the apples fell into the bags she had strapped to her back. She began to walk away from the tree, but then, she heard the sound of hoof beats approaching. Applejack looked to see her friend Rarity walking daintily through the orchard.
“Hello, Applejack,” said Rarity cheerfully.
“Howdy there, Rarity,” said Applejack, stopping in front of the white unicorn.
“I thought I’d find you here,” said Rarity. “Can I ask a favor of you?”
“Why sure you can! You’re talkin’ to the most loyal of friends ‘ere,” said Applejack nodding. “What can I do ya for?”
“Could I perhaps buy some of those apples? I need some warm color references for my new fall collection.”
“Why sure there, Rarity,” said Applejack setting the bags on the ground. “You can go ahead an’ take these ‘ere. Just keep ‘em…no charge.”
“Oh, darling, thank you. These colors are divine. They’ll look simply fabulous on my new designs,” said Rarity as she pushed the strap on her back and lifted the bags off the ground.
“Not a problem,” said the orange earth pony, cocking one leg across the other. “Uhh…I was heading to town after this last buck. I was going ta sell some apples, but instead I think I’m goin’ to see how Twilight’s doing. Ya want ta come too?”
“Oh, yes, actually I would,” replied Rarity with a worried look. “It seemed to be unlike her to not show up anywhere in town for the last couple days. I’m a bit concerned about the poor dear, too. I know she’s taking Spike’s leaving her very hard.”
“I know what ya mean,” said Applejack nodding. “Considerin’ he might actually be there forever an’ not be her assistant anymore. The poor gal’s probably pretty heartbroken and miserable without him there.”
“I for one think it to be mighty inconsiderate of us if we did not check on her,” said Rarity as she and Applejack walked away from the farm and into town. Ponyville was busy with all the ponies going places and buying goods from the different shops. Applejack knew today would be a good day to sell apples right by Sugar Cube Corner. She slowly rolled her green eyes over to Twilight’s tree-house as they approached it, thinking it to be quite a shame her purple unicorn friend wasn’t outside enjoying the beautiful day like she usually was. As soon as she reached the door, Applejack tapped on it with her hoof.
“Hey, Twilight! Owlel….wisch…owel….uh…however you say that little critter’s name! Ya ever going ta come out’a there sometime?!” she yelled, trying to peer through the window.
“What are you doing?!” said Rarity incredulously. “Be polite!”
“Just tryin’ to ask a simple question!” said Applejack glaring at her. “Would you rather I had j’ist barged right’on in!” Rarity sighed and approached the door, setting the apple bags down when she stopped. She reached out her hoof and tapped the door ever so gently, that Applejack rolled her eyes.
“Twilight…dear?” she asked cautiously. “It’s Rarity and Applejack, who you probably just heard yelling. We are very worried about you, darling. We want to talk to you about Spike….” Before she could get anymore words out, the door flew open and Twilight stood before them in the doorway with an angered expression on her face. The whites of her eyes were now a bright red, with all the crying she apparently had been doing. Tears were still flowing freely from them and were also drenching her checks and hair that got near her face. The look on her face said just how miserable, exhausted, and depressed she truly was. Most of the time, she never wanted other ponies to see her cry, but it didn’t look like she cared too much at this moment in time.
“What….about Spike?!” said Twilight, her nostrils flaring. “What…do you know about Spike?! Nopony…not even Celestia herself knew Spike like I did. He was more than just a friend to me….he’s like a part of me that’s gone now. It’s like losing a limb or….no….loosing part of my heart! And you have no idea how much this hurts me. Nopony ever will! So…don’t you dare talk to ME about Spike! I already know the mistake I made! I’ve just about sent him to his death!”
“Now, you wait just a darn minute, Twilight,” said Applejack, raising her eyebrows at her. “We understand what you’re going through is hard. We don’t know what it’s like…but we’re your friends and we’re goin’ ta be there for you durin’ it all…so there really ain’t no need for you to be lashing out at us like you’re doin’. And there ain’t no good reason for you to be sayin’ stuff like that.” Twilight hung her head and started sobbing.
“I’m….sorry…AJ….” she managed to say between sobs. “…and Rarity….I…I don’t know what’s happened to me. I’m…..not myself…..Spike….I….he….he’s in danger. I know he is!”
“Darling, what in Equestria makes you think Spike’s in danger and that you’ve sent him to his death?” asked Rarity. Twilight turned her backside to them to grab something with her mouth that was on the floor behind her. It was a piece of paper. She held it up for them both to see it. They read a chilling message.


Applejack and Rarity stared at the message with their mouths hanging wide open. Applejack herself felt her heart skip a beat. The message was too evil for words.
“Who….?!” Rarity breathed, not being able to finish the question at first. “….who would write something like this?!”
“Someone who’s in on the conspiracy…but in on the dark side of it,” replied Twilight, hanging her head as she dropped the paper at her hooves.
“Alright, now, just what in the hay is this ‘ole conspir’cy ‘bout?” Applejack questioned with confusion.
“When Spike and I were in Fillydelphia, two young dragons were there. They were very weird too…especially the blue and black one. She was saying weird things to Spike that was centered around this…conspiracy, I guess, that she was trying to get him to believe it. But we didn’t believe her at first. We thought she was just crazy! And now…this?! There’s someone who wants to kill Spike! He must be getting involved, but why won’t he just come home?! I don’t understand it! And it’s all my fault because I left even though I had a bad feeling! I should’ve stayed longer…should’ve…!” She started crying again.
“Darling…” said Rarity calmly. “This may be a very strange school and dark things may be taking place…but none of it is your fault. Don’t blame yourself for what’s happening to him!”
“But what am I going to do?!” asked Twilight hysterically. “They may kill him and I can’t let them do that! How will we even know what we’re dealing with? Who even gave me this letter?!” Applejack was trying to think of a way to answer Twilight’s questions, when she spotted a dark figure lingering toward the Everfree forest.
“Woah, now! Who the hay is that?!” she pointed an orange hoof in the direction of the dark figure. The two unicorns looked at the creature. It was a dark gray dragon with a light gray chest who looked maybe Spike’s height. He had yellow eyes and wings that turned yellow at the tips. He was staring at the three ponies and smirking evilly. The three ponies gave each other a look that silently communicated what they needed to do. Immediately, they all started galloping at full speed toward the dragon. He didn’t move, but just stood there and smirked.
“Who are you?!” Twilight screamed at him in anger as she neared him. (She was running faster than Rarity and Applejack.) As soon as she reached him, there was a great flash of light. Applejack saw Twilight almost get knocked off her hooves because of the strength of the electric glow. After this flash died down, the dragon disappeared. The three ponies halted immediately and stared in shock. Twilight turned her head to look around for him. “He’s a lightening dragon,” she said with certainty. “He can teleport with lightning bolts. That must be how got here from Fillydelphia!”
“Hehehehe!” said a voice from behind Applejack. The orange filly whirled around, but the dragon diapered again before she could even say something. He kept appearing and disappearing in less than a second!
“Stop!” yelled Twilight, stomping her hoof on the ground. “Who are you and what do you want?!”
“I…am the messenger, Twilight Sparkle….hehee!” said a deep, creepy voice. He sounded more like a pesky, conniving weasel than anything else. He kept zipping around very fast, as well as teleporting. He was obviously extremely fast….like lightning.
“How do you know my name?!” Twilight asked confused.
“Word travels faster than you’d think…” the dragon replied, continuing to zip and teleport around them. “My name is Flash. I assume you haven’t heard of me. But…I know you and your gem dragon. Yes…you know why my brother, friends and I are after him, I presume?”
“No I don’t!” said Twilight angrily. “I’d appreciate it if you’d explain!” Flash stopped zipping and teleporting and stood perfectly still in front of her. He grinned, pushing his mouth of sharp, white teeth right in her face.
“Oh? You are the Twilight Sparkle who is the royal student to the Princess, and you don’t know our history? Sad…she never told you.”
“Never told me…what?” asked Twilight, her eyes growing wide. Flash grinned even wider. Applejack wished she had brought a rope with her. At this point, all she wanted to do with this Flash was tie him up and wipe the stupid weasel-like grin off his face.
“The Comatose belongs to us…” he said quietly. “The Treasure Seekers will have their day. Your gem dragon…well…let’s just say he’ll become very jaded, trying to run from us and avoid his fate. He’ll never stop us….and you little ponies won’t either…” Twilight’s face was red with fury.
“I don’t know what you’re referring to….but if you do anything to my Spike….” she began with clenched teeth. Just then, Flash started laughing at her again.
“You don’t know the half of what we are planning, unicorn. I must leave now. I think I have worn out my welcome,” he said crossing his arms.
“You wore out your welcome the very darn moment you showed that there smart-aleck-ey grin o’ yours!” said Applejack boldly.
“You should leave us alone and just…shoo!” said Rarity, waving her hoof at Flash. Flash smirked again and in a burst of light he was gone and didn’t re-appear again.


“Wait just a dang moment, Twi!” said Applejack in confusion. “Where in the hay are you taking us?!”
“Yes…darling. Must we travel through….the Everfree forest now? I….I…just got a perfect pony-pedi and now all these twigs and leaves and rocks and this dirt will ruin it! Oh…dirt!” said Rarity, shivering at the thought.
“Flash said some strange things,” replied Twilight, with a more confident and determined attitude. “I need to get to the bottom of this conspiracy…and I know just the individual to talk to about this.”
“Can’t you…just write Princess Celestia a letter asking her about this conspiracy that she supposedly hid from you?” Rarity asked as she watched her footing carefully.
“That would take a long time in the mail system,” Twilight replied. “I need to know the truth now!” At last, the three ponies arrived at a small cottage. It was Zecora’s cottage. “Zecora must know something,” Twilight mumbled to herself. All three entered the cottage to see the female zebra hanging upside down from the ceiling. She looked as if she had been meditating, prior to their entry.
“Ah…Twilight and two friends I see,” she said, looking at them. “Applejack…and Rarity.”
“Zecora?” said Twilight immediately. “A dragon spoke to me and mentioned something called…the….Comatose. Have you heard….” Just then, Zecora’s eyes grew wide and she crashed onto the ground in sheer surprise at the word. The three ponies huddled around her to make sure she was all right. She got up and stared at Twilight in shock.
“This word is from ages past. Long-time legends come an’ go fast. A treasure this is that can defeat yo’ foes. This is your mysterious Comatose.”
“A treasure?” said Twilight. “I’ve never heard of it! It has powers?”
“Powa’s indeed does it hold. It’s worth is more than that of gold. Awake’on it one with a darkened heart…and this land Equestria could fall apart. Rarely is it used to do good things….mostly evil the Comatose brings. Why a dark one would want it is plain to see. Now, you must hear a history lesson from me. It is not about ponies, should you inquire. It is of those of scales and breaths of fire.” After this, Zecora told the three ponies about the Treasure Seekers and how the Comatose was hidden for so many years.
“This is all very interesting, Zecora,” said Twilight sighing. “But I don’t see what that has to do with our problem.” Then, Twilight began telling Zecora, right from the beginning all about Spike and the dragon school. It was a long story that lasted a long time. Zecora didn’t seem to be at all surprised, bored, or uninterested. She listened to every word the purple unicorn said and nodded in understanding. After Twilight finished the story she said, “So…what does this Comatose have to do with all this?” The female zebra cocked her head.
“This little dragon you know and love, is the only gem dragon that I know of. His abilities are being used to do good…but he may not do as he should. Destroy the Comatose…he must do, but the darkness in his heart might come through.”
“What are you saying?!” said Twilight stunned. “Spike isn’t evil! He wouldn’t do anything wrong! If he has to destroy the Comatose with the help of his friends, than that’s exactly what he’ll do! He knows better!”
“In every pony or dragon in their hearts and minds…a form of darkness always hides.” Just then the zebra pointed her hoof at a candle in the corner of the room. “Though light is present…shadows will run free. And when darkness is there…with a light you must see. Same is in the heart…..they coexist. When one lives there…the other is missed. And with great powa’, the light could fade, and the darkness once small, could grow and fill its place. Your Spike is not one to turn dark on a whim, but when the Comatose he encounters, it could happen to him.”
“Spike wouldn’t, though,” Twilight said hanging her head and sighing. Then, she thought about what Zecora said. “….I see. I…understand now. But what should we do about this?! He may either turn to darkness or be killed! How do we stop either?!”
“That letter was mighty dark,” said Applejack with concern. “They were sayin’ they’d kill us if we intervened.”
“Are we really willing to take that chance?!” said Rarity gulping.
“I am…” said Twilight. “I would die for Spike, if it came down to it. I would! I don’t care what happens to me! I’ll go and stop this madness! I’ll have him come home and we can leave that horrible place! I don’t care if they come after us! I’ll die for him! I will! I love him!” Her voice shook as a lump formed in her throat. She felt her knees trembling.
“We know, Sugar Cube,” said Applejack calmly. “And you know darn well we’ll come with you. You ask Pinkie and Fluttershy and Dash an’ they’ll be here quicker than you can say ‘adventure’!”
“We’d gladly come with you and stop those ruffians from hurting darling Spike!” said Rarity boldly. “Even if I have to go without makeup!” Twilight smiled a little at the two.
“I appreciate it, guys,” she said calmly. “But this is something I need to do myself.” Applejack and Rarity looked at her in surprise. “Trust me…” said Twilight. “I don’t want my friends getting hurt. Like I said…I don’t care what happens to me. I’m going to find Spike and stop those evil dragons on my own. It’s my responsibly. I know I can do it.” Applejack and Rarity hung their heads, thinking this over. Twilight knew they weren’t happy with her, but she just had to go alone.
“You are truly an admirable friend, Twilight,” said Rarity quietly. “Are you sure about this?”
“Yeah…” said Applejack. “We’d be there for you in a heartbeat if you need us! Are you sure you want ta do this alone?”
“I’m positive,” said Twilight smiling a little at them. “I have nothing without Spike. I’ve realized how much I’ve taken him for granted. Not anymore. I’m willing to risk my neck….so he’ll be okay. And Rarity, you were right about taking risks. You told me that Spike took the detour that was put in front of him that would shape his destiny. Well…I think maybe I better do the same now. If it means to save his life and shape mine, then I’m following this detour as well.” Rarity’s eyes grew a little glossy.
“I see, Twilight,” she said smiling sadly. “I guess…I gave more advice than I thought.” She hugged Twilight, as did Applejack. Zecora stood by and smiled.
“Courage this unicorn has found….to her dragon she is bound,” she said to herself. “They were torn apart, and will be together again. This is a road for them both that may never end.”