• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 2,566 Views, 15 Comments

A Dragon's Detour - Nrdygrl

Twilight never expected Spike to leave, but he receives an invitation that could change everything

  • ...

Romance and Deception

Author's Note: Yes. I know there's no romance tag on this story, but there's really only a little in this one chapter. Just like how there was only one humorous chapter back there. ;)

Chapter Fourteen

“Romance and Deception"

“W-what?!” Spike couldn’t believe what Crystal just said to him. He blinked a little in surprise at her statement. “What…are you talking about?” He asked clearing his throat, trying to appear oblivious to what she was saying to him.
“Spike…” said Crystal raising her eyebrows in a look of concern. “I couldn’t help but hear about this conspiracy. My parents told me about the Comatose long ago. It’s a powerful treasure. I know what you and Sparky and Misty are up to, but I don’t think they’re being completely honest with you.”
“Well…they do keep things from me,” said Spike nodding a little. “But I do trust them!”
“Exactly,” said Crystal looking down. “What if they’re playing with you? What if they’re the real Treasure Seekers? Did you ever think about that? If they can have you on their side, there’s no stopping them.”
“Well…” Spike felt his heart start to beat faster at that possibility. “Misty…is a bit too obsessed with finding the Comatose, but…I don’t see how that’s even possible. They’re….my friends. I mean…how…?”
“I know it’s a crazy thought, Spike,” said Crystal. “But I’m just trying to help you. I mean…you seem very nice and….well…please just hear me out.”
“Hm…” said Spike, a little suspiciously. He was torn because he liked Crystal, but he also thought his friends were being honest. Could it be, though? It was worth finding out. “Okay…” he said. “What’s your theory?” Crystal looked around.
“Let’s talk…somewhere else.”


“Are you sure it’s okay?” said the red dragon, curving his eyebrows in sadly.
“Sparky…I told you…I’m fine now,” said Misty for about the tenth time. Sparky had given her quite a scare in the gym, but after he explained things more to her, she felt a lot better. “It doesn’t change our relationship any. You’re still my best friend, and you know it.”
“Thanks, Misty,” Sparky replied. “And…yeah. I just wanted you to know…that…uh…no matter what happens or what my fire turns me into, it doesn’t change how I feel about life…how I feel about my friends…how I feel about you….” Misty felt her lips curl into a little smile. Sparky’s eyes lit up. “Hey! You’re smiling! It’s a real smile, isn’t it?” Misty cleared her throat and stopped smiling, realizing that she was. She’d never admit how good it felt to feel a ray of hope and happiness in life again. “I haven’t seen you smile like that in a long time, Mist.”
“Oh…whatever,” said Misty shrugging. “It’s not like I was happy or anything…”
“You can choose to be…” said Sparky. He came a little closer to her. “Remember? Like it used to be…”
“Times have changed…” said Misty swallowing hard and looking down. “No bliss, Sparky…never again. True bliss…happiness has died in me. It turned me into this.” She pointed to her black makeup. “You know this. I shouldn’t have to remind you.” Sparky sighed a little and lifted her face up so she’d look at him.
“Look at me…” said Sparky quietly. “Look at what I’ve become…and yet I still find what little joys there are in life, Mist. It’s a choice. And no matter what happens…you’ll always have me…your shoulder to cry on…if and when you need it. You know…you mean the world to me.”
“You’re sweet, Spark,” said Misty, feeling a little wave of tears starting to come to her eyes. She blinked them back and swallowed the lump forming in her throat. “I’m glad we’ve worked things out…and I know I have someone to count on.” Sparky smiled. His eyes were soft. They danced with light shimmering on them in golden beams….like embers dancing in the wind. Then again, the glistening lobby made everything look shiny and majestic as light bounced off of marble and glass in the room and reflected beauty in ordinary things. Out of the corner of her eye, Misty could see two figures moving through the otherwise empty lobby. Purple. Spike! She whirled around to look, but then saw something she couldn’t believe. Spike was exiting the building with…Crystal! Her mouth fell open.
“Did you SEE THAT?!” she shouted angrily.
“Hm?” said Sparky. Misty turned to looked at him. He was looking at her funny. “See what?”
“Umm…” said Misty, caught off guard by the way he was looking at her, which in her mind was a little creepy. “Why are you looking at me that way?” Sparky scratched his neck.
“Hehe…I…um…the….the…light…makes you look kind of...pretty.”
“Uh…” said Misty raising an eyebrow. “Thanks?…but…anyways: I just saw Spike walking outside of the building…and he was with her! Crystal! I thought I told him to stay away from her!”
“He’s pretty convinced Crystal’s fine,” said Sparky shrugging. “Why are you so worried?”
“Oh come on,” growled Misty. “I can see through her. She’s just using Spike! She is! I’ll bet you she’s one of them! She’s flirting with Spike to reel him in and then when she had him where she wants him, she’ll make the kill…literally! She just a seductive, sleazy, conniving little……….!”
“OKAY! I get it…” said Sparky putting his hand up quickly. “No need to describe her anymore. Misty huffed and bit her lip.
“Whatever,” she replied. “The point is…we need to follow them! I’ll bet you money she’s got Spike wrapped around her finger. If so, he’ll believe anything she tells him. Come on! We’ve got to see what they’re doing!” she grabbed Sparky’s arm and pulled him toward the door after the other two dragons. They walked out of the building and silently followed Crystal and Spike through the parking lot. The white and purple dragon walked down the street a ways until they came to the same restaurant Sparky and Misty met Spike and Twilight at.
“They went into that restaurant,” said Sparky shrugging. “Maybe they’re on a date or something. I know Spike has a big crush on her and it sounded like she likes him too!”
“We need to spy on them!” said Misty, feeling angry. “He should know better than to associate with her like that! I’m telling you…she’s bad news!”
“Aw….come on!” said Sparky sighing. “I don’t want to spy on them! You’re the one with a camera and paranoia…why don’t you just go and leave me out of this?”
“Uh! Because this is serious! I’ll need you for backup just in case!” said Misty huffing.
“In case of what exactly?” said Sparky raising an eyebrow. “They start smooching?! Seriously, Mist…I don’t need to be there just ‘cause you’ve got a little crush on the guy!”
“I….do NOT have a little crush on him!” said Misty angrily. Sparky smirked and raised an eyebrow at her. “Whatever,” she said rolling her eyes. “Please just come with me!” Sparky sighed.
“Okay…” said Sparky sighing. “The things I do for you…” The water and fire dragon walked into the restaurant. They looked around the room, but couldn’t see Spike and Crystal anywhere.
“I bet they’re in that private room in the back,” said Misty pointing. “Come on!” She pulled Sparky quickly over to the other end of the restaurant, hoping no waitress ponies would try and seat them. At last, they approached the private room and peered around the corner to look inside. It was a relatively large room with a stone floor and fake plants all around the perimeter. It had candles all around one small table in the middle. It was the perfect romantic setting. Spike and Crystal were sitting together at the table talking a little. “Oh…just look at them!” said Misty glaring at them. “She’s making doll-eyes at him. There’s no stopping her now. We have to wait and watch them from a different area.”
“What do you propose?” said Sparky sighing and smirking at little. “Miss Jealous?” Misty rolled her eyes.
“Come on! Let’s think,” said Misty. “Where can we hide where no one can see us?”
“You know…” Sparky mumbled under his breath. “Maybe you wouldn’t be so jealous if you stopped to notice….what’s right in front of you…”
“What…?” said Misty raising an eyebrow at him.
“Nothhhiinnnggg…” said Sparky sheepishly. Misty sighed and glanced over at Crystal and Spike again. They were looking out the balcony, that they were sitting right next to and saying something about what was outside. Now was their chance! In a flash, Misty grabbed Sparky’s arm and roughly pulled him around the corner and the two dove into one of the plants in the room. It was big enough to conceal them. Misty peered through the rubbery leaves, watching the two dragons. “Really?!” whispered Sparky, annoyed. She could feel his presence right next to her.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t choose a plant with more space!” whispered Misty sarcastically. Sparky’s eyes grew a little bigger and glossier. He smiled a little to keep from chuckling.
“I’m not complaining…this is kind of cozy!” Misty elbowed him and glared at him.
“SHHHhhh!” she said with closed teeth. “They’ll hear us! …..?!....quit blushing! I didn’t think this was supposed to be romantic at all!”
“Whhaa..? I’m not blushing…” said Sparky sheepishly. His cheeks were red (well…more than usual) and they were glowing a little. Some tiny flames were coming off of them. Misty raised an eyebrow at him and rolled her eyes. “Just…stop that…the plant’s going to catch on fire!”
“I told you…I can’t control it!” whined Sparky.
“Hey…did you hear something?” said a voice from the room. Spike’s.
“Oh…crap…” Misty whispered as one of the leaves on the plant started burning.


While Sparky and Misty were following the two unsuspecting dragons, Spike was beginning to be very curious as to what Crystal was talking about. He figured, since she wanted to go out with him and talk to him about, she must’ve cared about him. She looked very lovely tonight in a sparkling silver top and black slacks. Then again…she always looked lovely in whatever she wore. Spike wasn’t sure why she was especially beautiful and alluring tonight. Perhaps it was her makeup or perfume. Whatever it was…it was…intoxicating. Her beauty was intoxicating. But…a rose without thorns? Spike knew he had to be careful at the same time. Misty thought for sure she was the true enemy. Then again…was Misty the enemy? Sparky? It was very confusing. He wasn’t sure what to think at this point. All he could do was follow Crystal and listen to whatever her theory was about the conspiracy…and get a nice dinner date out of it too!
“Table for two please…and could we have a more private spot?” Crystal asked the mare who would seat them. The pony nodded and led the two across the restaurant to a fancy terrace of sorts with a table in the middle. It was a pretty romantic spot. Spike sat down at the table and gazed at Crystal. She smiled a little at him.
“So…” said Spike sighing a little. “What is your theory? I’m willing to listen.”
“Let me get a little information first, Spike,” said Crystal cocking her head and pushing her hair gently away from her face. “Where exactly was the first place you met Sparky and Misty?”
“Oh…I met them here,” said Spike. “They were sitting together at the restaurant and they came over and started talking to me. I think they had been spying on me…at least Misty was. She is kind of stalker-ish.”
“I see,” said Crystal nodding. She pointed to the streets outside of the little balcony they were on. “As you can see, there are a lot of alleyways in the town. They’re perfect places for anyone to hide.” Spike looked and nodded. All of a sudden, he heard some scuffling. He turned his head to look, but saw no one else on the terrace. He sighed.
“I’d just hate to think that the two dragons I befriended and grew to like a lot may really be my enemies.”
“I totally get it,” said Crystal reaching across the table and caressing his hand. Spike smiled a little and blushed. “But…I just want to make sure you’re safe!” Spike sighed and nodded. All of a sudden, he heard voices coming from somewhere. “Hey! Did you hear something?” Crystal turned around to look behind her.


Misty quickly secreted water out of her hand and grabbed the leaf that was starting to burn. It sizzled and smoked a little. She and Sparky held their breath. Crystal shrugged and turned back around in her seat.
“Nope,” she said sweetly. Misty and Sparky sighed with relief.
“Can you believe her?” Misty whispered. “She’s trying to convince Spike we’re the enemy! I’m about ready to jump out and punch that girl! Wha?! OH my gosh…she’s caressing his hand!” She growled under her breath and started turning purple. “She is so dead!”
“Hold it, Mist!” said Sparky grabbing her arm to keep her from jumping out. “Listen to what they’re saying! She’s just looking out for Spike. I don’t think she means any harm. Listen!”
“I just have a terrible feeling about those two. What did they tell you?” Crystal asked.
“Well, they want to find the Comatose and have me eat it so it will be destroyed for good,” said Spike sighing. “…which I’m very nervous about.”
“Aw…I see,” said Crystal nodding. “But I doubt that’s what they really want to do, Spike. I have a feeling they’re just using you to get the Comatose. Then, when it comes down to it, they’ll run off with it and use its power!”
“I would hope not!” said Spike sighing. “But…what if you are right? What if that’s really what they want? Maybe…maybe they are just using me. Maybe they’re not my true friends. And…and I thought they were…” he looked sadly down at the table.
“Oh…no!” said Sparky. “He’s actually believing her theory! This isn’t good!”
“We need to get out there and show him she’s messing with his head! I’ll personally show Crystal what happens when she gets ideas,” said Misty cracking her knuckles. “Look what’s going on now!” Crystal stood up from the table and walked over to Spike. Spike stood up too.
“What are you going to do, do you think?” she asked him.
“I know…” said Spike sighing. “I’m going to go back to the school. I think I need to get that Comatose myself and end this before it gets even more dangerous.”
“That’s a good idea,” said Crystal smiling. “You should. Where do you think it’s hidden?”
“Well…I’m pretty sure it’s under the basement,” said Spike. “I’ll just need to find a way to get down there.”
“Do…you want me to come with you?” said Crystal. She gently caressed his face. Spike blushed severely.
“Uh…that’s very sweet of you, Crystal…but…I think I’d better do this on my own. I mean…the princess wants me to and…I know what I have to do. It’s my destiny. I’m sure of it,” he said with certainty.
“Of course,” said Crystal nodding and slowly putting her arms around his neck. “But…we don’t want anyone to get hurt, now…do we?”
“Oh…no….NO!” Misty said gasping about what happened next.


Spike raised an eyebrow at Crystal and cocked his head. He opened his mouth to say something, but all of a sudden, he felt Crystal hands suddenly wrap around his neck and she squeezed hard. He tried to gasp in surprise, but then he found he couldn’t breathe. His eyes grew wide as he looked at Crystal again. She was giving him a sinister smirk. Her eyes, once beautiful were now red and evil looking. She was trying to kill him! Misty was right all along! She was never to be trusted. Why did he listen to her? Now he was being choked to death. In this one moment of panic…or fear…Spike reached out to try and fight her off. He tried to push fire up through his throat, but she squeezed it tighter. He could feel his body growing cold. Everything was starting to go dark. He was slipping. He could feel his body giving in. The darkness was starting to swallow him. His eyes fell shut. NO! No….
“HIIIIIYAAAA!!!!” Spike’s eyes shot open for a split second. The next thing he knew, Misty was tackling Crystal to the ground. Crystal was still trying to hang on to his neck, but at last she let go. Spike gasped for air. He dropped to the ground and coughed. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, savoring the oxygen as it entered his lungs again. He looked up and could see Misty wrapping her arms around Crystal’s neck. Sparky ran over to the table and grabbed a knife off of it. He held it to Crystal’s throat.
“Let her go, Misty,” he said. “I’ve got this one.” Misty sighed and let go of the white dragon. Crystal coughed and struggled to her feet. However, Misty grabbed her wrists and twisted them a little behind her back. Sparky held the knife right below her neck. “Now…who are you, really?” said the fire dragon.
“I’m……I’m a Treasure Seeker…” said Crystal hanging her head and sighing. She turned her head toward Misty. “You saw through me this whole time...”
“HA! I knew it!” said Misty jumping a little in triumph. She almost let go of Crystal’s wrists in the excitement of her victory.
“I…I don’t believe it…” said Spike looking up at Crystal breathing heavily still. “You…you tricked me. All this was just a lie! You were using me! You just wanted to know where the Comatose was! You tricked me into telling you! You…you tried to kill me! Why?! Why….?” He instantly felt hurt. Crystal looked away.
“ANSWER him!” said Misty roughly pulling her hair. Just then…the hair fell loosely right off Crystal’s head. Misty’s eyes grew wide. She raised an eyebrow at the blue wig. “You…really were wearing a wig this whole time?!...why?!”
“Ehe…I thought it would aid in my seduction,” said Crystal smirking a little.
“OH…my gosh….you are such a floozy! All this time you were finding ways to seduce and lure Spike in with your false beauty just so you could kill him?!”
“Uh…pretty much,” said Crystal nodding. Her true spikes were red like her eyes. She wasn’t very beautiful anymore. She looked back at Spike. “Did you really think I liked you?! Phf! Like a chic would like a shrimp like you.” Spike hung his head.
“Shut up!” said Misty. “Now…we know that you Treasure Seekers have cleaver ways to lure your prey in. I can’t believe you’d do this, though. Don’t you realize you’ve just about shattered his heart?! You make me sick!”
“I know…” said Crystal sighing. “Trust me…I didn’t want to do this…but…my parents made me…”
“Oh…right…blame it on Mom and Dad…” said Sparky raising his eyebrows at her and lowering the knife a bit.
“It’s true!” said Crystal sighing. “I’m not lying about that. My parents are Treasure Seekers, so I’m cursed with the job too. Ow! Hey…can you please let me go?! You’re hurting me!”
“OH…and you didn’t hurt my friend?!” said Misty aggressively. “You know where the Comatose is, Treasure Seeker….and if what you said is true, I have a feeling your parents won’t be pleased if you don’t get go get it, now will they? There’s no way I’m letting go!” Just then, Crystal roughly kicked Misty in the leg. Misty shouted and grabbed her leg, letting go of Crystal. Crystal sprinted over to the edge of the balcony and swung herself over the edge landing on the pavement below. She ran down the street away from the restaurant. Misty growled and kicked the table, hurting her leg even more. She cursed under her breath.
“Well…there she goes,” said Sparky sighing. “We’ve got to get the Comatose before she does, Misty!”
“You know what…I’m not even worried,” said Misty chuckling with a crazed look in her eyes. “You know why? Because we’ve got the gem dragon and she didn’t get rid of him! I don’t care if she’s just doing Mommy and Daddy’s dirty work. She’s going to pay for this! Oh…don’t you worry, Sparky. When we get to that basement…when we meet her again…I’m not holding back…I’m going to turn her black and blue! That little….!”
“OKAY…you do that…” interrupted Sparky wide-eyed. He looked at Spike, who was still kneeling on the floor, shocked by the series of events. “Spike…she’s not going to hurt you again. I think Misty will make sure of that. We’d better head back, okay?” Spike hung his head and felt tears starting to well up in his eyes. A lump formed in his throat.
“I don’t want to go back…” he said quietly. “This week…this detour has been the worst part of my life! How would you like it if….you come here, expecting a normal school. Then…next thing you know…you’re thrown into a conspiracy, have to leave your best friend, find out that your princess deceived you, you almost get killed a couple times, you can’t trust anyone…and to top it all off, you find out the girl you liked is psychopath who just wanted you dead! I mean…why did it have to be me?! I didn’t deserve this! I don’t need this!”
“But…” said Sparky calmly. “Your destiny…”
“I don’t want or need destiny!” said Spike standing up. “This isn’t my fight! I can’t take this anymore! I want my life back! I want Twilight back! I just need to go home…where I belong!”
“Not after you help us destroy the Comatose!” said Misty. “You promised! You promised Princess Celestia!”
“Yeah?” said Spike angrily. “Well…she was wrong! I can’t do this anymore! I’m not strong like you guys! I don’t even know why I need to be involved!”
“Spike…” said Misty. “I know…this shouldn’t be our fight. It isn’t fair…but our dragon ancestors fought. We have a legacy to carry on!”
“I don’t care about a stupid legacy!” shouted Spike, feeling his face turn hot at his anger. Misty was turning purple in anger.
“Oh…boy, you shouldn’t have said that…” she said with clenched teeth.
“Misty!” Sparky said putting his hand up. “He doesn’t know…everything…”
“He’s going to let our parents’ legacy die, Sparky! Our parents didn’t have to die! Their legacy shouldn’t!” said Misty, her voice shaking in emotion.
“I’m sorry your parents died,” said Spike calmly. “But this isn’t my fight.”
“Oh, yeah?” said Misty. “Why do you suppose there aren’t many gem dragons left, Spike? We know you’re an orphan like us…so why? Did it ever occur to you that you could be the only gem dragon left?! Because…you…you are.” Spike felt his heart rate increase. His eyes widened.
“W-what?” he whispered. “I’m…I’m….no! No…that’s…that can’t be true…”
“So…your race…has died…all in vain. Is that it, Spike? Are you happy that I told you that, hm? Now do you see why I didn’t tell you everything?!” said Misty, tears starting to fill her eyes. “And you thought I were the enemy?!” Spike felt his hands tense up and his tears burn with anger.
“You are my enemy….because you really were using me. You tricked me into helping you, just so you wouldn’t have to tell me I was the last gem dragon! You lied to me! You kept this from me! I would’ve preferred you would’ve just told me! But…no…you’re not my friend! I HATE you!” Misty’s eyes grew wide. She didn’t say anything…neither did Sparky. She blinked in surprise and tears trickled down her face, leaving black makeup lines in their path. Spike backed away from them and ran out of the restaurant. Everything flew past him…streets, carriages, ponies, and dragons, until he came to the school. His rushed downstairs to the dorms and sat on his bunk sobbing with every breath he took.


Misty stood, looking shocked and dazed. Sparky looked at her sadly. She was crying silently…as she always did. He approached her. He wanted to hold her in his arms and comfort her. Would she let him? In this moment, would she even let the one guy who’d always been there for her…who cared about her so much he’d die for her in a instant…who loved her more than anything in the world but never told her. Would she accept sympathy? He wasn’t sure, but he gently held her hand and caressed it with his fingers.
Ha…just friendship…suuureee…he thought.
Misty sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder, seeming to appreciate the comfort. Then, she quickly walked towards the entrance to the terrace taking a deep breath. She looked at Sparky.
“Let’s go…” she said smiling a little at him, as a thank you. Sparky nodded and opened his mouth to speak.
“Misty…I….” Nope. He wasn’t going to say it. “Uh…yeah…let’s go.”
Aw man…yup…just friendship….