• Published 8th Oct 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 8 -- Dark Melvain - shysage

The 'Phantom Alicorn' helped Princess Twilight and Equestria face a number of 'bad guys' to varying degrees. But a bully from the past would exact a far greater price...

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Ch.13, Princess Nightmare / Looming Cloud

Well, my Stallion and I were in the Past for three days maybe, this last time, and the memory from that time didn't last that long; maybe two hours for that. And everypony got to see Equestria pony Shyna quite a bit. I think we all loved her a lot already...

The two segments from rescuing the Equestria Ponies from their 'three story tombstones', with the short Twin memory afterwards, that ran maybe two hours as well.

By the time I needed to run out and find my Stallion, and we all cried together in the grass for a while, it was well after midnight. And it was pretty cool outside that night, so we all moved back into the Library.

I needed my Stallion near me, and he came inside with us. I think everypony would have been upset if he didn't stay. I needed him near me, that night. It really wasn't a problem.

But even though it was 'the middle of the night', I don't think anypony could sleep. Even after we came inside, we were all still weeping softly. My Stallion was laying on his belly right next to me, but I knew I couldn't stop crying...

I think Princess Twilight realized how we all felt. She had us all move into a large circle on the floor, there in her Library. We were all laying on our bellies, facing in, of course, Twin with Twin. Shyna was between the Fluttershy Twins, and my Stallion was between us Summers.

Princess Twilight began to speak.

"Girls, I think we all needed to see the part about the Equestria Girls rescuing us. And I would have broke the link if Summer didn't... We almost lost Fluttershy, and I don't ever..."

Princess stopped and cried a minute. She wasn't the only one. Then she continued.

"Ponies, we didn't see anything until our precious Equestria Girls had already endured a series of nightmares in order to bring each of us back. And tonight, we got to see more of the events that led up to each of our rescues. Reading about them is one thing, but watching even some of what you precious Equestria Girls had to go through for us...

"Since the day I realized that I needed five amazing pony friends in order to face Nightmare Moon, selfless devotion has been at the heart of who we are, and what binds us together. And the last memory Summer shared just underscored in my mind that this same devotion is at the heart of our relationships as Twins.

Princess Twilight had trouble continuing, but she added simply "I don't ever want us to lose that..."

We all just cried together for a few minutes. It was unanimous.

Princess said next "I don't have any amazing words to say right now. So much of what I am is because of each of you. But I do want to see if anypony has any questions or comments about what we saw. After that, we should probably try to get some sleep to avoid losing precious 'Twin Time' tomorrow, well today..."

The Filias asked why it was dusk in Equestria during our rescue. Princess explained the magical cloud cover, and that it 'zombi-fied' anypony who flew through it. She also explained how we finally got rid of it.

Trying to contain her disdain, Equestria pony Rainbow Dash asked if we knew what happened to Discord. Princess and her girls knew about his role with Tireq, but Princess said she had no idea beyond that.

It was quiet for a few minutes.

Both Pinkie Pies spoke up and said "Princess, can we have an 'Amazing Twin' party here tomorrow night?

Everypony laughed, and Princess Twilight got up, and hugged both Pinkies, then said "That is an excellent idea, let's do that!"

We were all soon asleep.

We all mostly woke up at the 'normal time', well maybe mid-morning.

Once we were all awake, Equestria pony Rainbow Dash asked for our attention a minute. Then she spoke.

"Girls, my Twin and I need to do some one-on-one time with Shyna this morn--"

Rainbow got this far, and started crying. I was pretty sure I knew why, and ran quickly over to hug my amazing friend. I wasn't the only one. But I spoke first.

"Rainbow, you are the master of wings! We will trust you to do what's best for her."

A bunch of us quickly agreed.

"It's just that..." Rainbow said, still crying softly... "We need to spend some time teaching Shyna, but we don't want to hurt anyponies' feelings..."

Princess Twilight got up and walked quickly over, and we ALL took that opportunity to bow to our amazing Princess.

She got us back up quickly, then said "Girls, Shyna and the Rainbows are doing flying class together this morning, and are to be left alone."

Well, the Fluttershys went too, but they just watched.

Princess wasn't done.

"Unicorns, we will have magic lessons in the Library. And if somepony wants to ask Dawn, she and Camille can join us, too.

"The rest of us need to just enjoy the day together with our Twin, and we will meet back here for dinner."

And that was that.

Both magic and flying lessons lasted most of the day. The Pinkie Pies cheered up Ponyville, and the Applejacks worked together and got a good start on the Fall harvest.

The day was a lot of Twin fun...

My Twin and my Stallion and I headed to the Canterlot Recorder's house. We were going to start into the record of our most recent trip to the Past. We had not been asked yet, but expected it was just a matter of time.

We ended up walking there as people, hugging. We got a lot of strange looks from the ponies we passed. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea...

Last night, before he knew he had to come 'rescue me' again, my Stallion had put together a rough outline for maybe seven chapters that concluded the afternoon that we came back. He 'took care of me' later that night, and so my Stallion stopped there. Still, my Stallion, my Twin and I; we all realized together, that there was probably nothing 'new or dangerous' among the four of us, not any more.

My Twin and I were soon sitting at the Compy (still people) with Twin at the keyboard. She types blazing fast, and spells a lot better than I.

My Stallion was soon on his back on the couch 'managing', he said.

Us Summers just laughed, we all did this together. It was amazing fun.

We actually got the first five chapters done, out of the material that my Stallion had pulled together some structure for. A bunch of this was in the Past, and my Twin asked a lot of questions. We really did make amazing progress.

Again, it was pretty sobering to remember Dark Melvain, and the misery and frustration one angry bully caused for many good people... I was glad we ran him off, but still...

After we were done with these five chapters, my Twin and I went back and started 'proofing' our work.

My Stallion was strangely quiet, and I asked him why. I think I am just getting better at knowing when something is 'up' in his mind.

He said that he wanted to talk to Shyna and do a chapter that would come before the rest of the chapters we had done. It was clear that Shyna had accidentally talked to her Twin, in the Past, through the Portal. Shyna's side of this amazing series of events needed to be in here. He felt it should be first.

It was mid-afternoon, and we sent him to the Castle to talk to Princess Twilight about this.

In maybe ten minutes, he came back with Princess Twilight, Shyna, both Fluttershys, and everypony else.

I guess we were doing this now.

My Stallion turned into a people and helped me move the table that held the compy and the 'scope' against a far wall, so everypony (all 20 of us!) could sit comfortably.

My Twin and I were back at the compy, and my Stallion was back on the couch; this just left more room for everypony else, he said. I think he just likes that couch.

Shyna told us all about her first talk with her Twin. Shyna was soon weeping softly. We were all soon weeping softly with her, this series of events was just amazing... Shyna had clearly been so 'beat up' by selfish people around her previously; we all felt this... She was afraid to tell anyone, because she didn't want to lose it... And my sister's Twin really didn't remember their conversation; she was pretty sick at the time.

The chapter came together amazingly... And we all cried most of the time. It was also clear that most of Shyna and my sister's tears were for Equestria pony Shyna. I think it is safe to say that this whole group had eagerly adopted this 'orphan in the Past'...

That moving chapter, that we all did together, became the first chapter of this new volume.

My Stallion got up, stepping carefully around ponies, and saved our work, and shut the compy down.

Then we all walked outside, and were quickly group-hugging with Shyna in the middle...

It seemed to me, that for her, this love and devotion was long overdue...

Dinner was at the Castle, and the 'Amazing Twin' party that evening was, well amazing! Both Pinkie Pies know about 'everything party', and our smiles brought tears of joy to their eyes... A 'sound system' would have been a plus, oh well...

Shyna's Twin wasn't here, but together, we had all seen her quite a bit; Shyna just stayed with the Fluttershys and everything worked out fine. I didn't think my Stallion would agree, but the concensus from ponies that I heard discuss this seemed to be that having Shyna's Twin here was just a matter of time.

We are not sure how, but Cel and Lu (Princess Celestia and Princess Luna), along with their Twins (Principal Celestia and Principal Luna) also joined us both for dinner and the party. They spent the night too, and we only saw in the morning that there was a substantial Guard presence around the Castle as a result.

My Stallion and I spent a little time with Cel and Lu, but tonight was mostly about enjoying our Twins. I spent most of the evening with mine!

I knew my Stallion understood, but his Twin (Equestria pony Shysage) couldn't come. After he and I spent a little while by ourselves with Cel and Lu, he hugged me tightly, then excused himself, and went home.

He really meant what he said about wanting me to be able to spend as much time with my Twin as I could. I knew this was a sacrifice for him... I love him so...

We all spent most of the evening, as Twins, wandering around talking to our other precious Twin friends. That part was absolutely amazing, and I wiped away tears the whole time. I love all of these amazing ponies...

Way after midnight, we all settled down, Twin with Twin, on the floor of the Library.

There was some quiet talking among some of the Twins, but we were all soon asleep.

We were all awakened hours later by somepony shouting loudly "NO!", and then sobbing violently.

It was Princess Celestia...

Of course, Lu and I were quickly at her side, and we just hugged Cel until she calmed down. This took a while. Earlier than she probably should have, she tried to explain.

"Mom, I just can't remember...

"Since you came back from the Past this last time, I've been having nightmares about Dark Melvain...

"But when I wake up, I just can't remember ANY of the dream..."

Cel just cried a bunch more, as we held her...

By now, everypony was gathered around Cel, crying with her.

As a passing thought I wondered if my Stallion had his 'scope' on, and if he heard any of this... Well, as we all were around Cel, crying with her, I saw him in the Library, maybe halfway between us and the front hall, sitting there, looking down. I knew he was deep in thought.

But as soon as Cel saw dad...

Well, we made a path for her, and they were quickly hugging, crying...

"Dad, I just can't remember... It's like there is something important, but every time I wake up..." she said this much then just cried on dad's shoulders.

Lu and I quickly joined them, and the rest of our loving friends again just surrounded us with their love and concern...

My Stallion said only one thing... He told his girl softly "Cel, we love you..."

Cel calmed down quickly, and just sighed. Then she looked around at dad, Lu and I, then she said "I love our family..." and we all just hugged some more, and wept softly together.

Still, I said quietly "Cel, the ponies around us are our family too, and they love you a lot..."

Cel, well Princess Celestia lifted her head and looked around at the large group of adoring Twins... Then she spoke.

"I deeply love each of you... So many in Equestria think ruling this growing kingdom seems simple, and that our 'job' is easy..." Cel said this, fought back tears, then added "I want you all to know that my sister and I need each and every one of you precious ponies... For some reason, I don't think the coming days will be easy. But together..."

Cel couldn't say anything more, and we all cried with her.

After a little while, we all ended up on our bellies on the floor, pretty much right where we were, gathered around Cel and Lu. We all fell asleep like that.

Morning came pretty early. We all hugged the Principal sisters, and they went back through the Portal to the Equestria Girls world. Well, first they asked my Stallion to come help with a computer issue, if we could. We assured the Principal sisters we would be delighted to help.

Then we all bowed to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and they had us up quickly, and both of them hugged each one of us.

We all walked them out to a waiting Air Coach. My Stallion and I hugged them tightly for a few minutes, then our girls left for a busy 'Princess day' in Canterlot.

After they left, my Stallion and I cried together softly, then we returned to the rest of the Twins, who were still nearby on the grass.

We all bowed to our Princess Twilight, and she got us up pretty quickly too.

Somepony started saying what we usually say, then Princess said her part at the end.

Since Cel and Lu left, I suspected my Stallion was thinking about something, and at this point, he walked up to Princess Twilight, bowed, then asked if he could speak to everypony.

Princess asked for everyponies' attention, then my Stallion spoke briefly and quietly.

"Cel's nightm-- Princess Celestia's nightmare really troubles me.

"It is one thing if any of us have one, but for the ruler of the realm to have one...

"I really think our Princess was warning us that she might need us all soon. Whether this happens or not, we just need to be ready.

"And nopony really knows when our next trip to the Past will need to happen. But if it happens soon, we will probably need to make sure that we don't leave Equestria vulnerable in the process.

"I really don't know anything more besides that... We will just need to play this all by ear, I think."

My Stallion stopped talking here, but didn't move.

Very soon, both Fluttershys were weeping softly. At this point, my Stallion moved, and was quickly hugging both of them.

"Hey, it's ok girls. This decision doesn't need to be made today" he said quietly. "Let's just wait and see."

Shyna, My Twin and I joined this group, and everypony soon calmed down.

It was quiet for another minute, then Princess Twilight explained how today would go.

At Rainbow Dash's request, Shyna would get more flying instruction, and Shyna, both Fluttershys and both Rainbows headed off together.

Equestria pony Applejack said "Yeeee--haaaa! Another day of farm chores. Are you ready girl?" Both Applejacks galloped off to Sweet Apple Acres together.

Equestria Girls Pinkie Pie looked at her Twin and said "Pinkie, you, me, the Cakes -- NOW! and off they went together, laughing.

I smiled at my Twin, we would do more Canterlot Recorder stuff today. That really was a lot of fun.

My Stallion mentioned to Princess that we would let Dawn and Camille know, then we headed to the Canterlot Recorder's house.

Leaving both Raritys with the four red-heads, Princess Twilight and her Twin stopped us part way home. I could tell Princess had been thinking about what my Stallion said, and her tone was pretty serious. She spoke quietly to my Stallion.

"Shysage, I need to know more about your concerns. I want to make sure I understand."

My Stallion sighed, then spoke quietly. It is simply not like him to 'beat around the bush', and he didnt.

"Princess, the nightmare scenario is for Dark Melvain to appear here in the Present while we are in the Past to find Shyna's Twin.

"Both Fluttershys will obviously want to come with us into the Past, and I think Equestria Girls Fluttershy will also feel legally obligated to come."

I think my Stallion knew he didn't need to tell Princess any more, and he stopped right there.

Both Twilights were looking at each other, thinking. Well, maybe more than that.

Equestria Girls Twilight asked quietly "Shysage what do you suggest?"

Tears came to my amazing Stallion's eyes, but he answered "Summer and I should take Shyna to find her Twin. Equestria needs both Fluttershys in the present. I'm just not sure how..."

I don't think he could finish...

It was quiet for a minute, as I hugged my Stallion. He deeply loved both Fluttershys, and he knew this would be harsh for them.

Well, my Stallion needed me, and he soon calmed down.

After a minute maybe, Princess Twilight said softly "Well, like you said, let's play this by ear."

Princess paused briefly, then said quietly "Go let Dawn know magic fun will begin soon."

We all hugged both Dawn and a very grown-up Camille, and they rushed to the Castle.

Well, it was very fun, my Twin and I got four more chapters done for the account of our latest trip to the Past. It wasn't too hard now, the events we were dealing with were fairly recent.

And we did work through an evening when my Stallion 'took care of me'. My Twin just said quietly she was taking notes. Nothing more was said, and I doubt it was a problem. In many ways, both sets of us Twins were facing the same challenges. We were really helping each other, I think.

My Stallion didn't say much, and he really didn't need to. He was hurting for both of our sisters. He knew neither Fluttershy would like letting Shyna go anywhere, let alone into the Past. There just was no other option.

I think we all just adopted the same approach. Hopefully this would be far enough into the future that the problem would solve itself.

Still, we stopped a little after noon, and my Stallion said my Twin and I should go have some quality 'Twin Time'. He didn't need to tell us twice!

We headed to the small hill in the East meadow. We Soul-Linked a while, and talked and hugged the rest of the time. It was amazing.

Near dinner time, we walked back towards the Castle. We stopped by the Canterlot Recorder's house to get my Stallion.

He hadn't moved from the couch, but got quickly up and turned back into a pony when we arrived. It was clear to us both he had 'pasted on' a smile, but had been fighting tears all afternoon... maybe more than that...

I didn't press it, and the three of us were soon walking together to the Castle. I realized he and I could talk more about this tomorrow, after we get back from the Equestria Girls world.

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